/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.email; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; public class ThrottleTest extends AndroidTestCase { private static final int MIN_TIMEOUT = 100; private static final int MAX_TIMEOUT = 500; private final CountingRunnable mRunnable = new CountingRunnable(); private final MockClock mClock = new MockClock(); private final MockTimer mTimer = new MockTimer(mClock); private final Throttle mTarget = new Throttle("test", mRunnable, new CallItNowHandler(), MIN_TIMEOUT, MAX_TIMEOUT, mClock, mTimer); /** * Advance the clock. */ private void advanceClock(int milliseconds) { mClock.advance(milliseconds); mTimer.runExpiredTasks(); } /** * Gets two events. They're far apart enough that the timeout won't be extended. */ public void testSingleCalls() { // T + 0 mTarget.onEvent(); advanceClock(0); assertEquals(0, mRunnable.mCounter); // T + 99 advanceClock(99); assertEquals(0, mRunnable.mCounter); // Still not called // T + 100 advanceClock(1); assertEquals(1, mRunnable.mCounter); // Called // T + 10100 advanceClock(10000); assertEquals(1, mRunnable.mCounter); // Do the same thing again. Should work in the same way. // T + 0 mTarget.onEvent(); advanceClock(0); assertEquals(1, mRunnable.mCounter); // T + 99 advanceClock(99); assertEquals(1, mRunnable.mCounter); // Still not called // T + 100 advanceClock(1); assertEquals(2, mRunnable.mCounter); // Called // T + 10100 advanceClock(10000); assertEquals(2, mRunnable.mCounter); } /** * Gets 5 events in a row in a short period. * * We only roughly check the consequence, as the detailed spec isn't really important. * Here, we check if the timeout is extended, and the callback get called less than * 5 times. */ public void testMultiCalls() { mTarget.onEvent(); advanceClock(1); mTarget.onEvent(); advanceClock(1); mTarget.onEvent(); advanceClock(1); mTarget.onEvent(); advanceClock(1); mTarget.onEvent(); // Timeout should be extended assertTrue(mTarget.getTimeoutForTest() > 100); // Shouldn't result in 5 callback calls. advanceClock(2000); assertTrue(mRunnable.mCounter < 5); } public void testUpdateTimeout() { // Check initial value assertEquals(100, mTarget.getTimeoutForTest()); // First call -- won't change the timeout mTarget.updateTimeout(); assertEquals(100, mTarget.getTimeoutForTest()); // Call again in 10 ms -- will extend timeout. mClock.advance(10); mTarget.updateTimeout(); assertEquals(200, mTarget.getTimeoutForTest()); // Call again in TIMEOUT_EXTEND_INTERAVL ms -- will extend timeout. mClock.advance(Throttle.TIMEOUT_EXTEND_INTERVAL); mTarget.updateTimeout(); assertEquals(400, mTarget.getTimeoutForTest()); // Again -- timeout reaches max. mClock.advance(Throttle.TIMEOUT_EXTEND_INTERVAL); mTarget.updateTimeout(); assertEquals(500, mTarget.getTimeoutForTest()); // Call in TIMEOUT_EXTEND_INTERAVL + 1 ms -- timeout will get reset. mClock.advance(Throttle.TIMEOUT_EXTEND_INTERVAL + 1); mTarget.updateTimeout(); assertEquals(100, mTarget.getTimeoutForTest()); } private static class CountingRunnable implements Runnable { public int mCounter; @Override public void run() { mCounter++; } } /** * Dummy {@link Handler} that executes {@link Runnable}s passed to {@link Handler#post} * immediately on the current thread. */ private static class CallItNowHandler extends Handler { @Override public boolean sendMessageAtTime(Message msg, long uptimeMillis) { msg.getCallback().run(); return true; } } /** * Substitute for {@link Timer} that works based on the provided {@link Clock}. */ private static class MockTimer extends Timer { private final Clock mClock; private static class Entry { public long mScheduledTime; public TimerTask mTask; } private final BlockingQueue mTasks = new LinkedBlockingQueue(); public MockTimer(Clock clock) { mClock = clock; } @Override public void schedule(TimerTask task, long delay) { if (delay == 0) { task.run(); } else { Entry e = new Entry(); e.mScheduledTime = mClock.getTime() + delay; e.mTask = task; mTasks.offer(e); } } /** * {@link MockTimer} can't know when the clock advances. This method must be called * whenever the (mock) current time changes. */ public void runExpiredTasks() { while (!mTasks.isEmpty()) { Entry e = mTasks.peek(); if (e.mScheduledTime > mClock.getTime()) { break; } e.mTask.run(); mTasks.poll(); } } } }