OP_GOTO.S revision a8b91c52fd8a90b784835dfe1f8898035266c4dd
1%verify "executed"
2%verify "forward and backward"
3    /*
4     * Unconditional branch, 8-bit offset.
5     *
6     * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
7     * double to get a byte offset.
8     */
9    /* goto +AA */
10    sll       a0, rINST, 16                #  a0 <- AAxx0000
11    sra       a1, a0, 24                   #  a1 <- ssssssAA (sign-extended)
12    addu      a2, a1, a1                   #  a2 <- byte offset
13    /* If backwards branch refresh rBASE */
14    bgez      a1, 1f
15    lw        rIBASE, offThread_curHandlerTable(rSELF) #  refresh handler base
17    FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB(a2)              #  update rPC, load rINST
18#if defined(WITH_JIT)
19    lw        a0, offThread_pJitProfTable(rSELF)
20    bltz      a1, common_testUpdateProfile #  (a0) check for trace hotness
22    GET_INST_OPCODE(t0)                    #  extract opcode from rINST
23    GOTO_OPCODE(t0)                        #  jump to next instruction