OP_THROW_VERIFICATION_ERROR_JUMBO.S revision a8b91c52fd8a90b784835dfe1f8898035266c4dd
1%verify executed
2    /*
3     * Handle a jumbo throw-verification-error instruction.  This throws an
4     * exception for an error discovered during verification.  The
5     * exception is indicated by BBBB, with some detail provided by AAAAAAAA.
6     */
7     /* exop BBBB, Class@AAAAAAAA */
8    FETCH(a1, 1)                           # a1<- aaaa (lo)
9    FETCH(a2, 2)                           # a2<- AAAA (hi)
10    LOAD_rSELF_method(a0)                  #  a0 <- self->method
11    sll    a2,a2,16
12    or     a2, a1, a2                      # a2<- AAAAaaaa
13    EXPORT_PC()                            #  export the PC
14    FETCH(a1, 3)                           # a1<- BBBB
15    JAL(dvmThrowVerificationError)         #  always throws
16    b         common_exceptionThrown       #  handle exception