revision 7e76ff1c409bc22e89ed09ef90161164dae40838
2 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
23import android.os.RemoteException;
24import android.os.ServiceManager;
26public final class Bmgr {
27    IBackupManager mBmgr;
28    IRestoreSession mRestore;
30    static final String BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR =
31            "Error: Could not access the Backup Manager.  Is the system running?";
32    static final String TRANSPORT_NOT_RUNNING_ERR =
33        "Error: Could not access the backup transport.  Is the system running?";
35    private String[] mArgs;
36    private int mNextArg;
37    private String mCurArgData;
39    public static void main(String[] args) {
40        try {
41            new Bmgr().run(args);
42        } catch (Exception e) {
43            System.err.println("Exception caught:");
44            e.printStackTrace();
45        }
46    }
48    public void run(String[] args) {
49        boolean validCommand = false;
50        if (args.length < 1) {
51            showUsage();
52            return;
53        }
55        mBmgr = IBackupManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("backup"));
56        if (mBmgr == null) {
57            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
58            return;
59        }
61        mArgs = args;
62        String op = args[0];
63        mNextArg = 1;
65        if ("enabled".equals(op)) {
66            doEnabled();
67            return;
68        }
70        if ("enable".equals(op)) {
71            doEnable();
72            return;
73        }
75        if ("run".equals(op)) {
76            doRun();
77            return;
78        }
80        if ("backup".equals(op)) {
81            doBackup();
82            return;
83        }
85        if ("list".equals(op)) {
86            doList();
87            return;
88        }
90        if ("restore".equals(op)) {
91            doRestore();
92            return;
93        }
95        if ("transport".equals(op)) {
96            doTransport();
97            return;
98        }
100        if ("wipe".equals(op)) {
101            doWipe();
102            return;
103        }
105        System.err.println("Unknown command");
106        showUsage();
107    }
109    private String enableToString(boolean enabled) {
110        return enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled";
111    }
113    private void doEnabled() {
114        try {
115            boolean isEnabled = mBmgr.isBackupEnabled();
116            System.out.println("Backup Manager currently "
117                    + enableToString(isEnabled));
118        } catch (RemoteException e) {
119            System.err.println(e.toString());
120            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
121        }
122    }
124    private void doEnable() {
125        String arg = nextArg();
126        if (arg == null) {
127            showUsage();
128            return;
129        }
131        try {
132            boolean enable = Boolean.parseBoolean(arg);
133            mBmgr.setBackupEnabled(enable);
134            System.out.println("Backup Manager now " + enableToString(enable));
135        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
136            showUsage();
137            return;
138        } catch (RemoteException e) {
139            System.err.println(e.toString());
140            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
141        }
142    }
144    private void doRun() {
145        try {
146            mBmgr.backupNow();
147        } catch (RemoteException e) {
148            System.err.println(e.toString());
149            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
150        }
151    }
153    private void doBackup() {
154        boolean isFull = false;
155        String pkg = nextArg();
156        if ("-f".equals(pkg)) {
157            isFull = true;
158            pkg = nextArg();
159        }
161        if (pkg == null || pkg.startsWith("-")) {
162            showUsage();
163            return;
164        }
166        try {
167            // !!! TODO: handle full backup
168            mBmgr.dataChanged(pkg);
169        } catch (RemoteException e) {
170            System.err.println(e.toString());
171            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
172        }
173    }
175    private void doTransport() {
176        try {
177            String which = nextArg();
178            if (which == null) {
179                showUsage();
180                return;
181            }
183            String old = mBmgr.selectBackupTransport(which);
184            if (old == null) {
185                System.out.println("Unknown transport '" + which
186                        + "' specified; no changes made.");
187            } else {
188                System.out.println("Selected transport " + which + " (formerly " + old + ")");
189            }
190        } catch (RemoteException e) {
191            System.err.println(e.toString());
192            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
193        }
194    }
196    private void doWipe() {
197        String pkg = nextArg();
198        if (pkg == null) {
199            showUsage();
200            return;
201        }
203        try {
204            mBmgr.clearBackupData(pkg);
205            System.out.println("Wiped backup data for " + pkg);
206        } catch (RemoteException e) {
207            System.err.println(e.toString());
208            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
209        }
210    }
212    private void doList() {
213        String arg = nextArg();     // sets, transports, packages set#
214        if ("transports".equals(arg)) {
215            doListTransports();
216            return;
217        }
219        // The rest of the 'list' options work with a restore session on the current transport
220        try {
221            String curTransport = mBmgr.getCurrentTransport();
222            mRestore = mBmgr.beginRestoreSession(curTransport);
223            if (mRestore == null) {
224                System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
225                return;
226            }
228            if ("sets".equals(arg)) {
229                doListRestoreSets();
230            } else if ("transports".equals(arg)) {
231                doListTransports();
232            }
234            mRestore.endRestoreSession();
235        } catch (RemoteException e) {
236            System.err.println(e.toString());
237            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
238        }
239    }
241    private void doListTransports() {
242        try {
243            String current = mBmgr.getCurrentTransport();
244            String[] transports = mBmgr.listAllTransports();
245            if (transports == null || transports.length == 0) {
246                System.out.println("No transports available.");
247                return;
248            }
250            for (String t : transports) {
251                String pad = (t.equals(current)) ? "  * " : "    ";
252                System.out.println(pad + t);
253            }
254        } catch (RemoteException e) {
255            System.err.println(e.toString());
256            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
257        }
258    }
260    private void doListRestoreSets() {
261        try {
262            RestoreObserver observer = new RestoreObserver();
263            int err = mRestore.getAvailableRestoreSets(observer);
264            if (err != 0) {
265                System.out.println("Unable to request restore sets");
266            } else {
267                observer.waitForCompletion();
268                printRestoreSets(observer.sets);
269            }
270        } catch (RemoteException e) {
271            System.err.println(e.toString());
272            System.err.println(TRANSPORT_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
273        }
274    }
276    private void printRestoreSets(RestoreSet[] sets) {
277        for (RestoreSet s : sets) {
278            System.out.println("  " + Long.toHexString(s.token) + " : " +;
279        }
280    }
282    class RestoreObserver extends IRestoreObserver.Stub {
283        boolean done;
284        RestoreSet[] sets = null;
286        public void restoreSetsAvailable(RestoreSet[] result) {
287            synchronized (this) {
288                sets = result;
289                done = true;
290                this.notify();
291            }
292        }
294        public void restoreStarting(int numPackages) {
295            System.out.println("restoreStarting: " + numPackages + " packages");
296        }
298        public void onUpdate(int nowBeingRestored, String currentPackage) {
299            System.out.println("onUpdate: " + nowBeingRestored + " = " + currentPackage);
300        }
302        public void restoreFinished(int error) {
303            System.out.println("restoreFinished: " + error);
304            synchronized (this) {
305                done = true;
306                this.notify();
307            }
308        }
310        public void waitForCompletion() {
311            // The restoreFinished() callback will throw the 'done' flag; we
312            // just sit and wait on that notification.
313            synchronized (this) {
314                while (!this.done) {
315                    try {
316                        this.wait();
317                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
318                    }
319                }
320            }
321        }
322    }
324    private void doRestore() {
325        String arg = nextArg();
326        if (arg == null) {
327            showUsage();
328            return;
329        }
331        if (arg.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
332            // it's a package name
333            doRestorePackage(arg);
334        } else {
335            try {
336                long token = Long.parseLong(arg, 16);
337                doRestoreAll(token);
338            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
339                showUsage();
340                return;
341            }
342        }
344        System.out.println("done");
345    }
347    private void doRestorePackage(String pkg) {
348        try {
349            String curTransport = mBmgr.getCurrentTransport();
350            mRestore = mBmgr.beginRestoreSession(curTransport);
351            if (mRestore == null) {
352                System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
353                return;
354            }
356            RestoreObserver observer = new RestoreObserver();
357            int err = mRestore.restorePackage(pkg, observer);
358            if (err == 0) {
359                // Off and running -- wait for the restore to complete
360                observer.waitForCompletion();
361            } else {
362                System.err.println("Unable to restore package " + pkg);
363            }
365            // And finally shut down the session
366            mRestore.endRestoreSession();
367        } catch (RemoteException e) {
368            System.err.println(e.toString());
369            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
370        }
371    }
373    private void doRestoreAll(long token) {
374        RestoreObserver observer = new RestoreObserver();
376        try {
377            boolean didRestore = false;
378            String curTransport = mBmgr.getCurrentTransport();
379            mRestore = mBmgr.beginRestoreSession(curTransport);
380            if (mRestore == null) {
381                System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
382                return;
383            }
384            RestoreSet[] sets = null;
385            int err = mRestore.getAvailableRestoreSets(observer);
386            if (err == 0) {
387                observer.waitForCompletion();
388                sets = observer.sets;
389                for (RestoreSet s : sets) {
390                    if (s.token == token) {
391                        System.out.println("Scheduling restore: " +;
392                        didRestore = (mRestore.restoreAll(token, observer) == 0);
393                        break;
394                    }
395                }
396            }
397            if (!didRestore) {
398                if (sets == null || sets.length == 0) {
399                    System.out.println("No available restore sets; no restore performed");
400                } else {
401                    System.out.println("No matching restore set token.  Available sets:");
402                    printRestoreSets(sets);
403                }
404            }
406            // if we kicked off a restore successfully, we have to wait for it
407            // to complete before we can shut down the restore session safely
408            if (didRestore) {
409                observer.waitForCompletion();
410            }
412            // once the restore has finished, close down the session and we're done
413            mRestore.endRestoreSession();
414        } catch (RemoteException e) {
415            System.err.println(e.toString());
416            System.err.println(BMGR_NOT_RUNNING_ERR);
417        }
418    }
420    private String nextArg() {
421        if (mNextArg >= mArgs.length) {
422            return null;
423        }
424        String arg = mArgs[mNextArg];
425        mNextArg++;
426        return arg;
427    }
429    private static void showUsage() {
430        System.err.println("usage: bmgr [backup|restore|list|transport|run]");
431        System.err.println("       bmgr backup PACKAGE");
432        System.err.println("       bmgr enable BOOL");
433        System.err.println("       bmgr enabled");
434        System.err.println("       bmgr list transports");
435        System.err.println("       bmgr list sets");
436        System.err.println("       bmgr transport WHICH");
437        System.err.println("       bmgr restore TOKEN");
438        System.err.println("       bmgr restore PACKAGE");
439        System.err.println("       bmgr run");
440        System.err.println("       bmgr wipe PACKAGE");
441        System.err.println("");
442        System.err.println("The 'backup' command schedules a backup pass for the named package.");
443        System.err.println("Note that the backup pass will effectively be a no-op if the package");
444        System.err.println("does not actually have changed data to store.");
445        System.err.println("");
446        System.err.println("The 'enable' command enables or disables the entire backup mechanism.");
447        System.err.println("If the argument is 'true' it will be enabled, otherwise it will be");
448        System.err.println("disabled.  When disabled, neither backup or restore operations will");
449        System.err.println("be performed.");
450        System.err.println("");
451        System.err.println("The 'enabled' command reports the current enabled/disabled state of");
452        System.err.println("the backup mechanism.");
453        System.err.println("");
454        System.err.println("The 'list transports' command reports the names of the backup transports");
455        System.err.println("currently available on the device.  These names can be passed as arguments");
456        System.err.println("to the 'transport' command.  The currently selected transport is indicated");
457        System.err.println("with a '*' character.");
458        System.err.println("");
459        System.err.println("The 'list sets' command reports the token and name of each restore set");
460        System.err.println("available to the device via the current transport.");
461        System.err.println("");
462        System.err.println("The 'transport' command designates the named transport as the currently");
463        System.err.println("active one.  This setting is persistent across reboots.");
464        System.err.println("");
465        System.err.println("The 'restore' command when given a restore token initiates a full-system");
466        System.err.println("restore operation from the currently active transport.  It will deliver");
467        System.err.println("the restore set designated by the TOKEN argument to each application");
468        System.err.println("that had contributed data to that restore set.");
469        System.err.println("");
470        System.err.println("The 'restore' command when given a package name intiates a restore of");
471        System.err.println("just that one package according to the restore set selection algorithm");
472        System.err.println("used by the RestoreSession.restorePackage() method.");
473        System.err.println("");
474        System.err.println("The 'run' command causes any scheduled backup operation to be initiated");
475        System.err.println("immediately, without the usual waiting period for batching together");
476        System.err.println("data changes.");
477        System.err.println("");
478        System.err.println("The 'wipe' command causes all backed-up data for the given package to be");
479        System.err.println("erased from the current transport's storage.  The next backup operation");
480        System.err.println("that the given application performs will rewrite its entire data set.");
481    }