Welcome.java revision 347ae23b6932fe994b03909bf90854888c438517
2 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.email.activity;
19import com.android.email.Email;
20import com.android.email.ExchangeUtils;
21import com.android.email.R;
22import com.android.email.activity.setup.AccountSetupBasics;
23import com.android.email.provider.AccountBackupRestore;
24import com.android.email.service.MailService;
25import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent;
26import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Account;
27import com.android.emailcommon.utility.EmailAsyncTask;
28import com.android.emailcommon.utility.Utility;
29import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
31import android.app.Activity;
32import android.content.Context;
33import android.content.Intent;
34import android.net.Uri;
35import android.os.Bundle;
36import android.text.TextUtils;
39 * The Welcome activity initializes the application and decides what Activity
40 * the user should start with.
41 *
42 * This class knows which activity should be launched under the current configuration (screen size)
43 * and the number of accounts configured.  So if you want to open an account or a mailbox,
44 * you should always do so via its static methods, such as {@link #actionOpenAccountInbox}.
45 */
46public class Welcome extends Activity {
47    /*
48     * Commands for testing...
49     *  Open 1 pane
50        adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN \
51            -d '"content://ui.email.android.com/view/mailbox"' \
52            -e DEBUG_PANE_MODE 1
54     *  Open 2 pane
55        adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN \
56            -d '"content://ui.email.android.com/view/mailbox"' \
57            -e DEBUG_PANE_MODE 2
59     *  Open an account (ID=1) in 2 pane
60        adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN \
61            -d '"content://ui.email.android.com/view/mailbox?ACCOUNT_ID=1"' \
62            -e DEBUG_PANE_MODE 2
64     *  Open a message (account id=1, mailbox id=2, message id=3)
65        adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN \
66            -d '"content://ui.email.android.com/view/mailbox?ACCOUNT_ID=1&MAILBOX_ID=2&MESSAGE_ID=3"' \
67            -e DEBUG_PANE_MODE 2
69     *  Open the combined starred on the combined view
70        adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN \
71            -d '"content://ui.email.android.com/view/mailbox?ACCOUNT_ID=1152921504606846976&MAILBOX_ID=-4"' \
72            -e DEBUG_PANE_MODE 2
73     */
75    /**
76     * Extra for debugging.  Set 1 to force one-pane.  Set 2 to force two-pane.
77     */
78    private static final String EXTRA_DEBUG_PANE_MODE = "DEBUG_PANE_MODE";
80    private static final String VIEW_MAILBOX_INTENT_URL_PATH = "/view/mailbox";
82    private final EmailAsyncTask.Tracker mTaskTracker = new EmailAsyncTask.Tracker();
84    /**
85     * Launch this activity.  Note:  It's assumed that this activity is only called as a means to
86     * 'reset' the UI state; Because of this, it is always launched with FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP,
87     * which will drop any other activities on the stack (e.g. AccountFolderList or MessageList).
88     */
89    public static void actionStart(Activity fromActivity) {
90        Intent i = IntentUtilities.createRestartAppIntent(fromActivity, Welcome.class);
91        fromActivity.startActivity(i);
92    }
94    /**
95     * Create an Intent to open email activity. If <code>accountId</code> is not -1, the
96     * specified account will be automatically be opened when the activity starts.
97     */
98    public static Intent createOpenAccountInboxIntent(Context context, long accountId) {
99        final Uri.Builder b = IntentUtilities.createActivityIntentUrlBuilder(
100                VIEW_MAILBOX_INTENT_URL_PATH);
101        IntentUtilities.setAccountId(b, accountId);
102        return IntentUtilities.createRestartAppIntent(b.build());
103    }
105    /**
106     * Create an Intent to open a message.
107     */
108    public static Intent createOpenMessageIntent(Context context, long accountId,
109            long mailboxId, long messageId) {
110        final Uri.Builder b = IntentUtilities.createActivityIntentUrlBuilder(
111                VIEW_MAILBOX_INTENT_URL_PATH);
112        IntentUtilities.setAccountId(b, accountId);
113        IntentUtilities.setMailboxId(b, mailboxId);
114        IntentUtilities.setMessageId(b, messageId);
115        return IntentUtilities.createRestartAppIntent(b.build());
116    }
118    /**
119     * Open account's inbox.
120     */
121    public static void actionOpenAccountInbox(Activity fromActivity, long accountId) {
122        fromActivity.startActivity(createOpenAccountInboxIntent(fromActivity, accountId));
123    }
125    /**
126     * Create an {@link Intent} for account shortcuts.  The returned intent stores the account's
127     * UUID rather than the account ID, which will be changed after account restore.
128     */
129    public static Intent createAccountShortcutIntent(Context context, String uuid, long mailboxId) {
130        final Uri.Builder b = IntentUtilities.createActivityIntentUrlBuilder(
131                VIEW_MAILBOX_INTENT_URL_PATH);
132        IntentUtilities.setAccountUuid(b, uuid);
133        IntentUtilities.setMailboxId(b, mailboxId);
134        return IntentUtilities.createRestartAppIntent(b.build());
135    }
137    /**
138     * If the {@link #EXTRA_DEBUG_PANE_MODE} extra is "1" or "2", return 1 or 2 respectively.
139     * Otherwise return 0.
140     *
141     * @see UiUtilities#setDebugPaneMode(int)
142     * @see UiUtilities#useTwoPane(Context)
143     */
144    private static int getDebugPaneMode(Intent i) {
145        Bundle extras = i.getExtras();
146        if (extras != null) {
147            String s = extras.getString(EXTRA_DEBUG_PANE_MODE);
148            if ("1".equals(s)) {
149                return 1;
150            } else if ("2".equals(s)) {
151                return 2;
152            }
153        }
154        return 0;
155    }
157    @Override
158    public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
159        super.onCreate(icicle);
160        ActivityHelper.debugSetWindowFlags(this);
162        // Reset the "accounts changed" notification, now that we're here
163        Email.setNotifyUiAccountsChanged(false);
165        // Restore accounts, if it has not happened already
166        // NOTE:  This is blocking, which it should not be (in the UI thread)
167        // We're going to live with this for the short term and replace with something
168        // smarter.  Long-term fix:  Move this, and most of the code below, to an AsyncTask
169        // and do the DB work in a thread.  Then post handler to finish() as appropriate.
170        AccountBackupRestore.restoreIfNeeded(this);
172        // Because the app could be reloaded (for debugging, etc.), we need to make sure that
173        // ExchangeService gets a chance to start.  There is no harm to starting it if it has
174        // already been started
175        // When the service starts, it reconciles EAS accounts.
176        // TODO More completely separate ExchangeService from Email app
177        ExchangeUtils.startExchangeService(this);
179        new MainActivityLauncher(this, getIntent()).executeParallel();
180    }
182    @Override
183    public void onDestroy() {
184        mTaskTracker.cancellAllInterrupt();
185        super.onDestroy();
186    }
188    /**
189     * Open an account with the Activity appropriate to the current configuration.
190     * If there's no accounts set up, open the "add account" screen.
191     *
192     * if {@code account} is -1, open the default account.
193     */
194    @VisibleForTesting
195    static class MainActivityLauncher extends EmailAsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
196        private final Welcome mFromActivity;
197        private final long mAccountId;
198        private final long mMailboxId;
199        private final long mMessageId;
200        private final String mAccountUuid;
202        public MainActivityLauncher(Welcome fromActivity, Intent intent) {
203            super(fromActivity.mTaskTracker);
204            mFromActivity = fromActivity;
206            mAccountId = IntentUtilities.getAccountIdFromIntent(intent);
207            mMailboxId = IntentUtilities.getMailboxIdFromIntent(intent);
208            mMessageId = IntentUtilities.getMessageIdFromIntent(intent);
209            mAccountUuid = IntentUtilities.getAccountUuidFromIntent(intent);
210            UiUtilities.setDebugPaneMode(getDebugPaneMode(intent));
211        }
213        private boolean isMailboxSelected() {
214            return mMailboxId != -1;
215        }
217        private boolean isMessageSelected() {
218            return mMessageId != -1;
219        }
221        @VisibleForTesting
222        static long resolveAccountId(Context context, long inputAccountId, String uuid) {
223            final long accountId;
225            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(uuid)) {
226                accountId = Account.getAccountIdFromUuid(context, uuid);
227                // accountId will be NO_ACCOUNT if the UUID is invalid.
229            } else if (inputAccountId != Account.NO_ACCOUNT) {
230                // TODO if we add meta-mailboxes/accounts to the database, remove this special case
231                if (inputAccountId == Account.ACCOUNT_ID_COMBINED_VIEW
232                        || Account.isValidId(context, inputAccountId)) {
233                    accountId = inputAccountId;
234                } else {
235                    accountId = Account.NO_ACCOUNT;
236                }
237            } else {
238                // Use the default (without showing the toast)
239                accountId = EmailContent.Account.getDefaultAccountId(context);
240            }
241            if (accountId != Account.NO_ACCOUNT) {
242                // Okay, the given account is valid.
243                return accountId;
244            } else {
245                // No, it's invalid.  Show the warning toast and use the default.
246                Utility.showToast(context, R.string.toast_account_not_found);
247                return EmailContent.Account.getDefaultAccountId(context);
248            }
249        }
251        @Override
252        protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
253            // Reconcile POP/IMAP accounts.  EAS accounts are taken care of by ExchangeService.
254            MailService.reconcilePopImapAccountsSync(mFromActivity);
256            final int numAccount =
257                    EmailContent.count(mFromActivity, EmailContent.Account.CONTENT_URI);
258            if (numAccount == 0) {
259                AccountSetupBasics.actionNewAccount(mFromActivity);
260            } else {
261                final long accountId = resolveAccountId(mFromActivity, mAccountId, mAccountUuid);
263                final Intent i;
264                if (isMessageSelected()) {
265                    i = EmailActivity.createOpenMessageIntent(mFromActivity, accountId,
266                            mMailboxId, mMessageId);
267                } else if (isMailboxSelected()) {
268                    i = EmailActivity.createOpenMailboxIntent(mFromActivity, accountId,
269                                mMailboxId);
270                } else {
271                    i = EmailActivity.createOpenAccountIntent(mFromActivity, accountId);
272                }
273                mFromActivity.startActivity(i);
274            }
275            return null;
276        }
278        @Override
279        protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
280            mFromActivity.finish();
281        }
282    }