strings.xml revision dee42a6e53cb1d0c7194b0cb92028cca353d7c5c
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
4     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6     You may obtain a copy of the License at
10     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14     limitations under the License.
16<resources xmlns:android=""
17    xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
18    <string name="all_images">"Toutes les images"</string>
19    <string name="all_videos">"Toutes les vidéos"</string>
20    <string name="camera_label">"Caméra"</string>
21    <string name="gallery_picker_label">"Galerie"</string>
22    <string name="gallery_camera_bucket_name">"Photos de l\'appareil photo"</string>
23    <string name="gallery_camera_videos_bucket_name">"Vidéos de l\'appareil photo"</string>
24    <string name="switch_to_video_lable">"Passer en mode vidéo"</string>
25    <string name="switch_to_camera_lable">"Passer en mode appareil photo"</string>
26    <string name="crop_label">"Rogner l\'image"</string>
27    <string name="view_label">"Afficher l\'image"</string>
28    <string name="preferences_label">"Paramètres de la caméra"</string>
29    <string name="wait">"Veuillez patienter..."</string>
30    <string name="no_storage">"Veuillez insérer une carte SD avant d\'utiliser la caméra."</string>
31    <string name="not_enough_space">"Votre carte SD est pleine."</string>
32    <!-- no translation found for preparing_sd (2914969119574812666) -->
33    <skip />
34    <string name="wallpaper">"Configuration de l\'arrière-plan en cours. Veuillez patienter..."</string>
35    <string name="savingImage">"Enregistrement de l\'image"</string>
36    <string name="runningFaceDetection">"Veuillez patienter..."</string>
37    <string name="flip_orientation">"Changer l\'orientation"</string>
38    <string name="settings">"Paramètres"</string>
39    <string name="view">"Afficher"</string>
40    <string name="details">"Détails"</string>
41    <string name="rotate">"Faire pivoter"</string>
42    <string name="rotate_left">"Faire pivoter à gauche"</string>
43    <string name="rotate_right">"Faire pivoter à droite"</string>
44    <string name="slide_show">"Diaporama"</string>
45    <string name="capture_picture">"Prendre une photo"</string>
46    <string name="capture_video">"Faire une vidéo"</string>
47    <string name="crop_save_text">"Enregistrer"</string>
48    <string name="crop_discard_text">"Annuler"</string>
49    <string name="confirm_delete_title">"Supprimer"</string>
50    <string name="confirm_delete_message">"L\'image sera supprimée."</string>
51    <string name="confirm_delete_video_message">"La vidéo va être supprimée."</string>
52    <string name="camera_toss">"Supprimer"</string>
53    <!-- no translation found for camera_gallery (815753042966032398) -->
54    <skip />
55    <string name="camera_share">"Partager"</string>
56    <string name="camera_set">"Définir en tant que"</string>
57    <string name="camera_play">"Lire"</string>
58    <!-- no translation found for camera_attach (4048659554893435232) -->
59    <skip />
60    <!-- no translation found for camera_cancel (8203341746672085747) -->
61    <skip />
62    <string name="camera_crop">"Rogner"</string>
63    <string name="camera_tossing">"Suppression..."</string>
64    <string name="no_way_to_share_image">"Impossible de partager cette image."</string>
65    <string name="no_way_to_share_video">"Cette vidéo ne peut pas être partagée."</string>
66    <string name="camera_gallery_photos_text">"Galerie"</string>
67    <string name="camera_pick_wallpaper">"Images"</string>
68    <string name="camera_setas_wallpaper">"Arrière-plan"</string>
69    <string name="pref_gallery_category">"Paramètres généraux"</string>
70    <string name="pref_slideshow_category">"Paramètres du diaporama"</string>
71    <string name="pref_camera_general_settings_category">"Paramètres généraux"</string>
72    <!-- no translation found for pref_gallery_size_title (1363406603879434418) -->
73    <skip />
74    <!-- no translation found for pref_gallery_size_summary (8179967445295243638) -->
75    <skip />
76    <string name="pref_gallery_size_dialogtitle">"Taille de l\'image"</string>
77  <string-array name="pref_gallery_size_choices">
78    <item>"Grande"</item>
79    <item>"Petite"</item>
80  </string-array>
81    <!-- no translation found for pref_gallery_sort_title (7447949250045443386) -->
82    <skip />
83    <!-- no translation found for pref_gallery_sort_summary (6644398051645595214) -->
84    <skip />
85    <string name="pref_gallery_sort_dialogtitle">"Trier les images"</string>
86  <string-array name="pref_gallery_sort_choices">
87    <item>"Les plus récentes d\'abord"</item>
88    <item>"La plus récente en dernier"</item>
89  </string-array>
90    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_interval_title">"Intervalle du diaporama"</string>
91    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_interval_summary">"Sélectionner la durée d\'affichage de chaque diapositive dans le diaporama"</string>
92    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_interval_dialogtitle">"Intervalle du diaporama"</string>
93  <string-array name="pref_gallery_slideshow_interval_choices">
94    <item>"2 secondes"</item>
95    <item>"3 secondes"</item>
96    <item>"4 secondes"</item>
97  </string-array>
98    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_transition_title">"Transition du diaporama"</string>
99    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_transition_summary">"Sélectionner l\'effet utilisé lors de la transition d\'une diapositive à une autre"</string>
100    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_transition_dialogtitle">"Transition du diaporama"</string>
101  <string-array name="pref_gallery_slideshow_transition_choices">
102    <item>"Ouverture et fermeture en fondu"</item>
103    <item>"Glisser vers la gauche - la droite"</item>
104    <item>"Glisser vers le haut - le bas"</item>
105    <item>"Sélection aléatoire"</item>
106  </string-array>
107    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_repeat_title">"Rejouer le diaporama"</string>
108    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_repeat_summary">"Rejouer le diaporama plusieurs fois"</string>
109    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_shuffle_title">"Lecture aléatoire des diapositives"</string>
110    <string name="pref_gallery_slideshow_shuffle_summary">"Afficher les images"</string>
111    <string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_title">"Enregistrer un emplacement dans les images"</string>
112    <string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_summary">"Enregistrer un emplacement dans les données d\'image"</string>
113    <string name="pref_camera_videoquality_category">"Qualité vidéo"</string>
114    <!-- no translation found for pref_camera_videoquality_title (3836197291744160920) -->
115    <skip />
116    <string name="pref_camera_videoquality_entry_0">"Basse (pour les MMS)"</string>
117    <string name="pref_camera_videoquality_entry_1">"Haute (pour la carte SD)"</string>
118    <string name="pref_camera_videoquality_dialogtitle">"Qualité vidéo"</string>
119    <string name="camerasettings">"Paramètres"</string>
120    <!-- no translation found for image_gallery_NoImageView_text (409595259802877447) -->
121    <skip />
122    <string name="pref_gallery_confirm_delete_title">"Confirmer les suppressions"</string>
123    <!-- no translation found for pref_gallery_confirm_delete_summary (5253456492765525245) -->
124    <skip />
125    <string name="details_panel_title">"Détails"</string>
126    <string name="details_file_size">"Taille du fichier :"</string>
127    <string name="details_image_resolution">"Résolution :"</string>
128    <!-- no translation found for details_duration (1028116471387901402) -->
129    <skip />
130    <string name="details_date_taken">"Date de création :"</string>
131    <!-- no translation found for details_frame_rate (122397836963498191) -->
132    <skip />
133    <!-- no translation found for details_bit_rate (5632311789455402186) -->
134    <skip />
135    <!-- no translation found for details_codec (5580300450432398126) -->
136    <skip />
137    <!-- no translation found for details_format (3700860266600796363) -->
138    <skip />
139    <!-- no translation found for details_dimension_x (4479200210424701240) -->
140    <skip />
141    <!-- no translation found for details_ms (940634969189855292) -->
142    <skip />
143    <!-- no translation found for details_hms (3215779248094151255) -->
144    <skip />
145    <!-- no translation found for details_fps (2707670327505979317) -->
146    <skip />
147    <!-- no translation found for details_kbps (59196416864960850) -->
148    <skip />
149    <!-- no translation found for details_mbps (3978720645766601106) -->
150    <skip />
151    <!-- no translation found for details_ok (6848594369924424312) -->
152    <skip />
153    <string name="context_menu_header">"Options de l\'image"</string>
154    <string name="video_context_menu_header">"Options vidéo"</string>
155    <string name="multiface_crop_help">"Cliquez sur un visage pour commencer."</string>
156    <string name="photos_gallery_title">"Galerie"</string>
157    <string name="pick_photos_gallery_title">"Sélectionner l\'image"</string>
158    <string name="videos_gallery_title">"Galerie"</string>
159    <string name="pick_videos_gallery_title">"Sélectionnez une vidéo"</string>
160    <string name="loading_progress_format_string">"<xliff:g id="COUNTER">%d</xliff:g> vignettes restantes"</string>
161    <string name="sendImage">"Partager l\'image via"</string>
162    <string name="setImage">"Définir l\'image en tant que"</string>
163    <string name="sendVideo">"Partager la vidéo via"</string>
164    <string name="movieviewlabel">"Films"</string>
165    <string name="loading_video">"Chargement de la vidéo..."</string>
166    <string name="spaceIsLow_title">"L\'espace restant est faible"</string>
167    <string name="spaceIsLow_content">"Votre carte SD est pleine. Modifiez le paramètre de qualité ou supprimez des éléments de la galerie."</string>
168    <!-- no translation found for resume_playing_title (8996677350649355013) -->
169    <skip />
170    <!-- no translation found for resume_playing_message (5184414518126703481) -->
171    <skip />
172    <!-- no translation found for resume_playing_resume (3847915469173852416) -->
173    <skip />
174    <!-- no translation found for resume_playing_restart (5471008499835769292) -->
175    <skip />
176    <!-- no translation found for gadget_title (259405922673466798) -->
177    <skip />