Lines Matching defs:to

10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20 ## are used by others to construct the final targets.
23 # These are variables we use to collect overall lists
26 # Full paths to all of the documentation
40 # Full paths to targets that should be added to the "make droid"
46 # to a corresponding ALL_MODULE_TAGS.<tagname> variable
50 # Similar to ALL_MODULE_TAGS, but contains the short names
52 # won't have the list of tags; ust ALL_MODULE_TAGS to get
63 # Full paths to all prebuilt files that will be copied
64 # (used to make the dependency on acp)
67 # Full path to all files that are made by some tool
70 # Full path to all asm, C, C++, lex and yacc generated C files.
90 # They are escaped and quoted so can be passed safely to a bash command.
94 ## Debugging; prints a variable list to stdout
108 ## Evaluates to true if the string contains the word true,
110 ## $(1): a var to test
147 # $(1): directory to search under
164 ## relative to the current directory.
167 # $(1): List of directories to look for under this directory
174 ## Meant to be used like:
186 ## Find all of the java files from here. Meant to be used like:
196 ## Meant to be used like:
208 ## Find all of the c files from here. Meant to be used like:
218 ## which must be relative to $(LOCAL_PATH). The returned list
219 ## is relative to $(LOCAL_PATH).
239 ## Meant to be used like:
252 ## Meant to be used like:
265 ## Meant to be used like:
278 ## Meant to be used like:
290 ## Find all of the html files from here. Meant to be used like:
328 $(warning Empty argument supplied to find-subdir-assets) \
333 ## Find various file types in a list of directories relative to $(LOCAL_PATH)
364 ## Function we can evaluate to introduce a dynamic dependency
405 ## nice to be able to grep for that string to find out if
412 # $(4): if non-empty, force the intermediates to be COMMON
417 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Class not defined in call to intermediates-dir-for)) \
420 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): Name not defined in call to intermediates-dir-for)) \
432 # to determine the intermediates directory.
434 # $(1): if non-empty, force the intermediates to be COMMON
438 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS not defined before call to local-intermediates-dir)) \
440 $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_MODULE not defined before call to local-intermediates-dir)) \
446 ## Convert "path/to/" to "-lXXX".
447 ## Any "path/to/libXXX.a" elements pass through unchanged.
455 # TODO: change users to call the common version.
503 ## Evaluates to the timestamp file for a doc module, which
514 ## Convert "core ext framework" to "out/.../javalib.jar ..."
599 ## $(1): list to collapse
601 ## Defaults to "=" if not set.
647 # $(1): list of tags to accept
648 # $(2): list of tags to reject
658 ## Append a leaf to a base path. Properly deals with
679 # TODO: This is fragile; find a reliable way to get this information.
695 $(eval ### Now we have a list of any words that could possibly refer to \
746 ## Commands for using sed to replace given variable values
762 define transform-d-to-p-args
769 define transform-d-to-p
770 $(call transform-d-to-p-args,$(@:%.o=%.d),$(@:%.o=%.P))
777 define transform-l-to-cpp
788 ## E.g, "$(call transform-y-to-cpp,.cpp)"
791 define transform-y-to-cpp
804 ## Commands to compile RenderScript
807 define transform-renderscripts-to-java-and-bc
832 define transform-aidl-to-java
844 define transform-logtags-to-java
852 ## Commands for running protoc to compile .proto into .java
855 define transform-proto-to-java
871 ## Commands for running protoc to compile .proto into and .pb.h
873 define transform-proto-to-cc
884 ## Commands for running gcc to compile a C++ file
887 define transform-cpp-to-o
909 $(transform-d-to-p)
914 ## Commands for running gcc to compile a C file
918 define transform-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps
939 define transform-c-to-o-no-deps
941 $(call transform-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps, )
944 define transform-s-to-o-no-deps
946 $(call transform-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps, $(PRIVATE_ASFLAGS))
949 define transform-c-to-o
950 $(transform-c-to-o-no-deps)
951 $(transform-d-to-p)
954 define transform-s-to-o
955 $(transform-s-to-o-no-deps)
956 $(transform-d-to-p)
960 ## Commands for running gcc to compile an Objective-C file
965 define transform-m-to-o-no-deps
967 $(call transform-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps)
970 define transform-m-to-o
971 $(transform-m-to-o-no-deps)
972 $(transform-d-to-p)
976 ## Commands for running gcc to compile a host C++ file
979 define transform-host-cpp-to-o
999 $(transform-d-to-p)
1004 ## Commands for running gcc to compile a host C file
1008 define transform-host-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps
1028 define transform-host-c-to-o-no-deps
1030 $(call transform-host-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps, )
1033 define transform-host-s-to-o-no-deps
1035 $(call transform-host-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps, $(PRIVATE_ASFLAGS))
1038 define transform-host-c-to-o
1039 $(transform-host-c-to-o-no-deps)
1040 $(transform-d-to-p)
1043 define transform-host-s-to-o
1044 $(transform-host-s-to-o-no-deps)
1045 $(transform-d-to-p)
1049 ## Commands for running gcc to compile a host Objective-C file
1052 define transform-host-m-to-o-no-deps
1054 $(call transform-host-c-or-s-to-o-no-deps)
1057 define transform-host-m-to-o
1058 $(transform-host-m-to-o-no-deps)
1059 $(transform-d-to-p)
1107 # try to add to an existing archive.
1108 define transform-o-to-static-lib
1141 # try to add to an existing archive.
1142 define transform-host-o-to-static-lib
1152 ## Commands for running gcc to link a shared library or package
1155 # ld just seems to be so finicky with command order that we allow
1156 # it to be overriden en-masse see combo/linux-arm.make for an example.
1158 define transform-host-o-to-shared-lib-inner
1181 define transform-host-o-to-shared-lib
1184 $(transform-host-o-to-shared-lib-inner)
1187 define transform-host-o-to-package
1190 $(transform-host-o-to-shared-lib-inner)
1195 ## Commands for running gcc to link a shared library or package
1207 # ld just seems to be so finicky with command order that we allow
1208 # it to be overriden en-masse see combo/linux-arm.make for an example.
1210 define transform-o-to-shared-lib-inner
1231 define transform-o-to-shared-lib
1234 $(transform-o-to-shared-lib-inner)
1237 define transform-o-to-package
1240 $(transform-o-to-shared-lib-inner)
1248 define transform-to-stripped
1256 ## Commands for running gcc to link an executable
1260 define transform-o-to-executable-inner
1280 define transform-o-to-executable
1283 $(transform-o-to-executable-inner)
1288 ## Commands for running gcc to link a statically linked
1291 ## transform-o-to-static-executable defined
1295 define transform-o-to-static-executable-inner
1299 define transform-o-to-static-executable
1302 $(transform-o-to-static-executable-inner)
1307 ## Commands for running gcc to link a host executable
1311 define transform-host-o-to-executable-inner
1333 define transform-host-o-to-executable
1336 $(transform-host-o-to-executable-inner)
1341 ## Commands for running javac to make .class files
1349 # assets. This should be changed to do one of two things: (1) Don't generate
1353 # was to use approach (2), but this requires a little more work in the tool.
1357 # are PRODUCT-neutral. Don't pass PRIVATE_PRODUCT_AAPT_CONFIG to this invocation.
1395 # dump-words-to-file, <word list>, <output file>
1396 define dump-words-to-file
1426 # For a list of jar files, unzip them to a specified directory,
1429 # $(1): files to unzip
1443 # Common definition to invoke javac on the host and target.
1446 # - below we write the list of java files to java-source-list to avoid argument
1459 $(call dump-words-to-file,$(PRIVATE_JAVA_SOURCES),$(PRIVATE_CLASS_INTERMEDIATES_DIR)/java-source-list)
1488 define transform-java-to-classes.jar
1493 # Override the above definitions if we want to do incremetal javac
1536 define transform-java-to-classes.jar
1542 define transform-classes.jar-to-emma
1550 # Avoid the memory arguments on Windows, dx fails to load for some reason with them.
1551 define transform-classes.jar-to-dex
1562 --dump-to=$(@:.dex=.lst) \
1568 # Create a mostly-empty .jar file that we'll add to later.
1570 # so we need to give it something.
1579 #TODO: we kinda want to build different asset packages for
1584 #TODO: update the manifest to point to the package file
1585 #Note that the version numbers are given to aapt as simple default
1588 define add-assets-to-package
1606 define add-jni-shared-libs-to-package
1614 #TODO: update the manifest to point to the dex file
1615 define add-dex-to-package
1625 define add-java-resources-to-package
1626 $(call dump-words-to-file, $(PRIVATE_EXTRA_JAR_ARGS), $(dir $@)jar-arg-list)
1654 # to make them easier to mmap.
1675 # TODO(joeo): If we can ever upgrade to post 3.81 make and get the
1676 # new prebuilt rules to work, we should change this to copy the
1677 # resources to the out directory and then copy the resources.
1680 # in transform-java-to-classes for the sake of vm-tests.
1681 define transform-host-java-to-package
1684 $(if $(PRIVATE_EXTRA_JAR_ARGS), $(call add-java-resources-to-package))
1720 # Define a rule to copy a header. Used via $(eval) by copy_headers.make.
1726 $$(copy-file-to-new-target-with-cp)
1729 # Define a rule to copy a file. For use via $(eval).
1735 $$(copy-file-to-target)
1739 # $(1): The files to copy. Each entry is a ':' separated src:dst pair
1740 # Evaluates to the list of the dst files (ie suitable for a dependency list)
1756 $(hide) xmllint $$< >/dev/null # Don't print the xml file to stdout.
1757 $$(copy-file-to-target)
1760 # The -t option to acp and the -p option to cp is
1763 # to disagree with an internal timestamp, and this
1764 # macro is used to install .a files (among other things).
1766 # Copy a single file from one place to another,
1771 # Therefore copy-file-to-target is the same as copy-file-to-new-target.
1772 define copy-file-to-target
1777 # The same as copy-file-to-target, but use the local
1779 define copy-file-to-target-with-cp
1784 # The same as copy-file-to-target, but use the zipalign tool to do so.
1785 define copy-file-to-target-with-zipalign
1790 # The same as copy-file-to-target, but strip out "# comment"-style
1792 define copy-file-to-target-strip-comments
1797 # The same as copy-file-to-target, but don't preserve
1799 define copy-file-to-new-target
1804 # The same as copy-file-to-new-target, but use the local
1806 define copy-file-to-new-target-with-cp
1811 # Copy a prebuilt file to a target location.
1812 define transform-prebuilt-to-target
1814 $(copy-file-to-target)
1817 # Copy a prebuilt file to a target location, using zipalign on it.
1818 define transform-prebuilt-to-target-with-zipalign
1820 $(copy-file-to-target-with-zipalign)
1823 # Copy a prebuilt file to a target location, stripping "# comment" comments.
1824 define transform-prebuilt-to-target-strip-comments
1826 $(copy-file-to-target-strip-comments)
1831 ## library, ranlib must be run to update an internal
1857 ## Commands to call Proguard
1860 # Command to copy the file with acp, if proguard is disabled.
1866 # Command to call Proguard
1878 define transform-jar-to-proguard
1902 # $(1): The file to check
1907 # Convert a partition data size (eg, as reported in /proc/mtd) to the
1908 # size of the image used to flash that partition (which includes a
1918 # $(1): The file(s) to check (often $@)
1922 # If $(2) is empty, evaluates to "true"
1925 # is left over after the image has been flashed. Round the 1% up to the
1956 # size, which we'll convert to a max image size before checking it
1959 # $(1): The file(s) to check (often $@)
1972 # Copy a radio image file to the output location, and add it to
1981 $$(transform-prebuilt-to-target)
1985 # file to be checked against the contents of
1996 $$(transform-prebuilt-to-target)
2004 # $(1): The makefile to override (relative to the source
2029 # Evalutes to true if the package was overridden
2056 # the variable will be modified to hold the expanded results.
2071 # Rules and functions to help copy important files to DIST_DIR