Lines Matching defs:pipe

325 ** Description      This function is called to create a dynamic pipe with the
326 ** specified host. When the dynamic pipe is created (or
328 ** NFA_HCI_CREATE_PIPE_EVT with the pipe id. If a pipe exists
330 ** created earlier by the calling application then the pipe
331 ** id of the existing pipe will be returned and a new pipe
332 ** will not be created. After successful creation of pipe,
333 ** registry entry will be created for the dynamic pipe and
334 ** all information related to the pipe will be stored in non
381 /* Request HCI to create a pipe between two specified gates */
402 ** Description This function is called to open a dynamic pipe.
403 ** When the dynamic pipe is opened (or
405 ** NFA_HCI_OPEN_PIPE_EVT with the pipe id.
411 tNFA_STATUS NFA_HciOpenPipe (tNFA_HANDLE hci_handle, UINT8 pipe)
423 NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciOpenPipe (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
428 NFA_TRACE_API2 ("NFA_HciOpenPipe (): hci_handle:0x%04x, pipe:0x%02X", hci_handle, pipe);
430 /* Request HCI to open a pipe if it is in closed state */
437 p_msg->pipe = pipe; /* Pipe ID of the pipe to open */
450 ** registry field value for the gate that the pipe is on.
461 tNFA_STATUS NFA_HciGetRegistry (tNFA_HANDLE hci_handle, UINT8 pipe, UINT8 reg_inx)
473 NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciGetRegistry (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
477 NFA_TRACE_API2 ("NFA_HciGetRegistry (): hci_handle:0x%04x Pipe: 0x%02x", hci_handle, pipe);
485 p_msg->pipe = pipe;
500 ** registry field value for the gate that the pipe is on.
512 UINT8 pipe,
528 NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSetRegistry (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
538 NFA_TRACE_API2 ("NFA_HciSetRegistry (): hci_handle:0x%04x Pipe: 0x%02x", hci_handle, pipe);
546 p_msg->pipe = pipe;
562 ** Description This function is called to send a command on a pipe created
574 UINT8 pipe,
589 NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendCommand (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
599 NFA_TRACE_API3 ("NFA_HciSendCommand (): hci_handle:0x%04x, pipe:0x%02x Code: 0x%02x", hci_handle, pipe, cmd_code);
601 /* Request HCI to post event data on a particular pipe */
607 p_msg->pipe = pipe;
625 ** Description This function is called to send a response on a pipe created
635 UINT8 pipe,
650 NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendResponse (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
660 NFA_TRACE_API3 ("NFA_HciSendResponse (): hci_handle:0x%04x Pipe: 0x%02x Response: 0x%02x", hci_handle, pipe, response);
685 ** Description This function is called to send any event on a pipe created
688 ** after successfully sending the event on the specified pipe
705 ** after timeout it sends next event on the same pipe
713 UINT8 pipe,
723 NFA_TRACE_API3 ("NFA_HciSendEvent(): hci_handle:0x%04x, pipe:0x%02x Code: 0x%02x", hci_handle, pipe, evt_code);
734 NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciSendEvent (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
750 /* Request HCI to post event data on a particular pipe */
756 p_msg->pipe = pipe;
775 ** Description This function is called to close a dynamic pipe.
776 ** When the dynamic pipe is closed (or
778 ** NFA_HCI_CLOSE_PIPE_EVT with the pipe id.
784 tNFA_STATUS NFA_HciClosePipe (tNFA_HANDLE hci_handle, UINT8 pipe)
788 NFA_TRACE_API2 ("NFA_HciClosePipe (): hci_handle:0x%04x, pipe:0x%02X", hci_handle, pipe);
798 NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciClosePipe (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
802 /* Request HCI to close a pipe if it is in opened state */
809 p_msg->pipe = pipe;
821 ** Description This function is called to delete a particular dynamic pipe.
822 ** When the dynamic pipe is deleted (or if an error occurs),
824 ** the pipe id. After successful deletion of pipe, registry
825 ** entry will be deleted for the dynamic pipe and all
826 ** information related to the pipe will be deleted from non
833 tNFA_STATUS NFA_HciDeletePipe (tNFA_HANDLE hci_handle, UINT8 pipe)
845 NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciDeletePipe (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
849 NFA_TRACE_API2 ("NFA_HciDeletePipe (): hci_handle:0x%04x, pipe:0x%02X", hci_handle, pipe);
851 /* Request HCI to delete a pipe created by the application identified by hci handle */
858 p_msg->pipe = pipe;
871 ** Description This function is called to add a static pipe for sending
872 ** 7816 APDUs. When the static pipe is added (or if an error occurs),
879 tNFA_STATUS NFA_HciAddStaticPipe (tNFA_HANDLE hci_handle, UINT8 host, UINT8 gate, UINT8 pipe)
906 if (pipe <= NFA_HCI_LAST_DYNAMIC_PIPE)
908 NFA_TRACE_API1 ("NFA_HciAddStaticPipe (): Invalid Pipe:0x%02x", pipe);
912 NFA_TRACE_API2 ("NFA_HciAddStaticPipe (): hci_handle:0x%04x, pipe:0x%02X", hci_handle, pipe);
914 /* Request HCI to delete a pipe created by the application identified by hci handle */
922 p_msg->pipe = pipe;
927 /* Unable to add static pipe */