Lines Matching refs:GLenum

92    // GL_ALWAYS; value = GLenum  & 0x7 (GLenum is 0x200-0x207)
96 // GL_DECR_WRAP = 7; value = 0 | GLenum - GL_KEEP | GL_INVERT | GLenum - GL_INCR_WRAP
112 // GL_GEQUAL, GL_ALWAYS = 7; value = GLenum & 0x7 (GLenum is 0x200-0x207)
120 // value = 0,1 | GLenum - GL_SRC_COLOR + 2 | GLenum - GL_CONSTANT_COLOR + 11
132 //value = GLenum - GL_FUNC_ADD
164 // most functions are according to GL ES 2.0 spec and uses GLenum values
165 // there is some error checking for invalid GLenum
169 void (* CullFace)(GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum mode);
170 void (* FrontFace)(GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum mode);
178 void (* BlendEquationSeparate)(GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha);
179 void (* BlendFuncSeparate)(GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB,
180 GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha);
181 void (* EnableDisable)(GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum cap, GLboolean enable);
183 void (* DepthFunc)(GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum func);
184 void (* StencilFuncSeparate)(GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum face, GLenum func,
186 void (* StencilOpSeparate)(GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum face, GLenum sfail,
187 GLenum dpfail, GLenum dppass);
189 void (* StencilSelect)(const GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum face);
201 void (* SetBuffer)(GGLInterface_t * iface, const GLenum type, GGLSurface_t * surface);
223 gl_shader_t * (* ShaderCreate)(const GGLInterface_t * iface, GLenum type);
252 void (* ShaderGetiv)(const gl_shader_t * shader, const GLenum pname, GLint * params);
256 void (* ShaderProgramGetiv)(const gl_shader_program_t * program, const GLenum pname, GLint * params);
282 GLint location, GLsizei count, const GLvoid *values, GLenum type);
300 gl_shader_t * GGLShaderCreate(GLenum type);
325 void GGLShaderGetiv(const gl_shader_t * shader, const GLenum pname, GLint * params);
329 void GGLShaderProgramGetiv(const gl_shader_program_t * program, const GLenum pname, GLint * params);