Lines Matching refs:format

307                            M4OSA_Char   *format, ...)
326 "M4OSA_Char* %x)",pStrOut,strOutMaxLen,format);
332 va_start(marker,format);
335 pTemp = format;
387 err= vsnprintf((char *)pStrOut, (size_t)strOutMaxLen + 1, (const char *)format, marker);
401 newFormatLength = strlen((const char *)format) + 1;
412 /* copy format to newFormat, replacing %[flags][width][.precision]ll[conversion]
414 while(*format)
416 nbChar = strcspn((const char *)format, "%");
419 strncpy((char *)pTemp, (const char *)format, nbChar); /* copy characters before the % character */
420 format +=nbChar;
423 if(!*format) break;
424 *pTemp++ = *format++; /* copy the % character */
425 nbChar = strspn((const char *)format, (const char *)flagChar);
428 strncpy((char *)pTemp, (const char *)format, nbChar); /* copy the flag characters */
429 format +=nbChar;
432 if(!*format) break;
433 nbChar = strspn((const char *)format, (const char *)widthOrPrecisionChar);
436 strncpy((char *)pTemp, (const char *)format, nbChar); /* copy the width characters */
437 format +=nbChar;
440 if(!*format) break;
441 if(*format=='.')
443 *pTemp++ = *format++; /* copy the dot character */
444 if(!format) break;
445 nbChar = strspn((const char *)format, (const char *)widthOrPrecisionChar);
448 strncpy((char *)pTemp, (const char *)format, nbChar); /* copy the width characters */
449 format +=nbChar;
452 if(!format) break;
454 if(strlen((const char *)format)>=2)
456 if(!strncmp((const char *)format, "ll", 2))
459 format +=2; /* span the "ll" prefix */
461 else if(!strncmp((const char *)format, "tm", 2))
464 format +=2; /* span the "tm" prefix */
466 else if(!strncmp((const char *)format, "aa", 2))
469 format +=2; /* span the "aa" prefix */
472 nbChar = strspn((const char *)format, (const char *)otherPrefixChar);
475 strncpy((char *)pTemp, (const char *)format, nbChar); /* copy the other Prefix */
476 format +=nbChar;
479 if(!*format) break;
480 nbChar = strspn((const char *)format, (const char *)conversionChar);
483 strncpy((char *)pTemp, (const char *)format, nbChar);
484 format += nbChar;
487 if(!*format) break;
490 /* Zero terminate the format string. */