Lines Matching refs:key

150      * to the text and sends them either as key strokes or text changes.
206 // Some IMEs send key events directly using sendKeyEvents.
403 // Number and telephone do not have both a Tab key and an
411 // TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI prevents Tab key from showing, so
477 * character add or delete, it sends it as a key stroke. If it cannot
478 * be represented as a key stroke, it sends it as a field change.
511 // Send a message so that key strokes and text replacement
528 * Send a single character to the WebView as a key down and up event.
549 * Send a key event for a specific key code, not a standard
551 * @param keyCode The key code to send.
662 // if AUTO_REDRAW_HACK is true, then the CALL key will toggle redrawing
766 // more key events.
1161 // Used to match key downs and key ups
1682 // down two keys at a time (shift + another key)
4969 // This is used to determine long press with the center key. Does not
4980 // pass the key to DOM
4983 // return true as DOM handles the key
5034 // Bubble up the key event if
5035 // 1. it is a system key; or
5111 // pass the key to DOM
5113 // return true as DOM handles the key
5141 // Bubble up the key event if
5142 // 1. it is a system key; or
5167 // pass the key to DOM
5169 // return true as DOM handles the key
5492 * in WebViewCore.cpp, when the WebCore thread receives key events/clicks.
5702 // We did not receive the key down for this key, so do not
5703 // handle the key up.
5706 // We did receive the key down. Handle the key up, and
6537 // arrow key events, not trackball events, from one child to the next
8444 * Pass the key directly to the page. This assumes that
8610 public int tileProfilingGetInt(int frame, int tile, String key) {
8611 return nativeTileProfilingGetInt(frame, tile, key);
8614 public float tileProfilingGetFloat(int frame, int tile, String key) {
8615 return nativeTileProfilingGetFloat(frame, tile, key);
8718 private native int nativeTileProfilingGetInt(int frame, int tile, String key);
8719 private native float nativeTileProfilingGetFloat(int frame, int tile, String key);
8737 native boolean nativeSetProperty(String key, String value);
8738 native String nativeGetProperty(String key);