/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.net.URLStreamHandler; import java.net.URLStreamHandlerFactory; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import junit.framework.TestCase; import tests.support.Support_Configuration; import tests.support.Support_Jetty; import tests.support.resource.Support_Resources; public class URLClassLoaderTest extends TestCase { private static final String PREFIX = "http://localhost:"; private static final String ROOT = "resources/net.resources/HTTP/html/testres231"; private static String serverURL = null; URLClassLoader ucl; static { int port = 0; try { port = Support_Jetty.startHttpServerWithDocRoot(ROOT); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception during setup jetty : " + e.getMessage()); } serverURL = PREFIX + port + "/"; } class BogusClassLoader extends ClassLoader { public URL getResource(String res) { try { return new URL("http://test/BogusClassLoader"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return null; } } } public class URLClassLoaderExt extends URLClassLoader { public URLClassLoaderExt(URL[] urls) { super(urls); } public Class findClass(String cl) throws ClassNotFoundException { return super.findClass(cl); } } /** * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#URLClassLoader(java.net.URL[]) */ public void test_Constructor$Ljava_net_URL() throws Exception { URL[] u = new URL[0]; ucl = new URLClassLoader(u); assertNotNull(ucl); assertSame("Failed to set parent", URLClassLoader .getSystemClassLoader(), ucl.getParent()); URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { null }); try { Class.forName("test", false, loader); fail("Should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Expected } } /** * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#URLClassLoader(java.net.URL[], * java.lang.ClassLoader) */ public void test_Constructor$Ljava_net_URLLjava_lang_ClassLoader() { ClassLoader cl = new BogusClassLoader(); URL[] u = new URL[0]; ucl = new URLClassLoader(u, cl); URL res = ucl.getResource("J"); assertNotNull(res); assertEquals("Failed to set parent", "/BogusClassLoader", res.getFile()); } /** * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#findResources(java.lang.String) */ public void test_findResourcesLjava_lang_String() throws IOException { String[] resValues = { "This is a test resource file.", "This is a resource from a subdir" }; URL[] urls = new URL[2]; urls[0] = new URL(serverURL); urls[1] = new URL(serverURL + "/subdir1/"); ucl = new URLClassLoader(urls); Enumeration res = ucl.findResources("RESOURCE.TXT"); assertNotNull("Failed to locate resources", res); int i = 0; while (res.hasMoreElements()) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); InputStream is = ((URL) res.nextElement()).openStream(); int c; while ((c = is.read()) != -1) { sb.append((char) c); } assertEquals("Returned incorrect resource/or in wrong order", resValues[i++], sb.toString()); } assertEquals("Incorrect number of resources returned: " + i, 2, i); // Regression for HARMONY-6510 res = ucl.findResources(null); assertNotNull(res); assertFalse(res.hasMoreElements()); } /** * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#getURLs() */ public void test_getURLs() throws MalformedURLException { URL[] urls = new URL[4]; urls[0] = new URL("http://" + Support_Configuration.HomeAddress); urls[1] = new URL("http://" + Support_Configuration.TestResources + "/"); urls[2] = new URL("ftp://" + Support_Configuration.TestResources + "/"); urls[3] = new URL("jar:file:c://" + Support_Configuration.TestResources + "!/"); ucl = new URLClassLoader(urls); URL[] ucUrls = ucl.getURLs(); for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) { assertEquals("Returned incorrect URL[]", urls[i], ucUrls[i]); } } /** * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#newInstance(java.net.URL[]) */ public void test_newInstance$Ljava_net_URL() throws MalformedURLException, ClassNotFoundException { // Verify that loaded class' have correct permissions URL[] urls = new URL[1]; urls[0] = new URL(serverURL + "/UCL/UCL.jar"); ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls); Class cl = ucl.loadClass("ucl.ResClass"); URL res = cl.getClassLoader().getResource("XX.class"); assertNotNull("Failed to load class", cl); assertNotNull( "Loaded class unable to access resource from same codeSource", res); cl = null; urls[0] = new URL("jar:" + serverURL + "/UCL/UCL.jar!/"); ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls); cl = ucl.loadClass("ucl.ResClass"); assertNotNull("Failed to load class from explicit jar URL", cl); } /** * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#newInstance(java.net.URL[], * java.lang.ClassLoader) */ public void test_newInstance$Ljava_net_URLLjava_lang_ClassLoader() { ClassLoader cl = new BogusClassLoader(); URL[] u = new URL[0]; ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(u, cl); URL res = ucl.getResource("J"); assertNotNull(res); assertEquals("Failed to set parent", "/BogusClassLoader", res.getFile()); } /** * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#URLClassLoader(java.net.URL[], * java.lang.ClassLoader, java.net.URLStreamHandlerFactory) */ public void test_Constructor$Ljava_net_URLLjava_lang_ClassLoaderLjava_net_URLStreamHandlerFactory() { class TestFactory implements URLStreamHandlerFactory { public URLStreamHandler createURLStreamHandler(String protocol) { return null; } } ClassLoader cl = new BogusClassLoader(); URL[] u = new URL[0]; ucl = new URLClassLoader(u, cl, new TestFactory()); URL res = ucl.getResource("J"); assertNotNull(res); assertEquals("Failed to set parent", "/BogusClassLoader", res.getFile()); } /** * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#findClass(java.lang.String) */ public void test_findClassLjava_lang_String() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { File resources = Support_Resources.createTempFolder(); String resPath = resources.toString(); if (resPath.charAt(0) == '/' || resPath.charAt(0) == '\\') { resPath = resPath.substring(1); } Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_11.jar"); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_12.jar"); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_13.jar"); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_14.jar"); URL[] urls = new URL[1]; urls[0] = new URL("file:/" + resPath + "/JarIndex/hyts_11.jar"); URLClassLoader ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls, null); URL resURL = ucl.findResource("Test.txt"); URL reference = new URL("jar:file:/" + resPath.replace('\\', '/') + "/JarIndex/hyts_14.jar!/Test.txt"); assertEquals("Resource not found: " + resURL + " ref: " + reference, reference, resURL); assertNotNull(Class.forName("cpack.CNothing", true, ucl)); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_21.jar"); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_22.jar"); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_23.jar"); urls[0] = new URL("file:/" + resPath + "/JarIndex/hyts_21.jar"); ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls, null); Enumeration en = ucl.findResources("bpack/"); boolean resourcesFound; try { resourcesFound = true; URL url1 = (URL) en.nextElement(); URL url2 = (URL) en.nextElement(); resourcesFound = resourcesFound && url1.equals(new URL("jar:file:/" + resPath.replace('\\', '/') + "/JarIndex/hyts_22.jar!/bpack/")); resourcesFound = resourcesFound && url2.equals(new URL("jar:file:/" + resPath.replace('\\', '/') + "/JarIndex/hyts_23.jar!/bpack/")); if (en.hasMoreElements()) { resourcesFound = false; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { resourcesFound = false; } assertTrue("Resources not found (1)", resourcesFound); assertNotNull(Class.forName("bpack.Homer", true, ucl)); try { Class.forName("bpack.Bart", true, ucl); fail("should throw ClassNotFoundException"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // Expected } try { Class.forName("Main4", true, ucl); fail("should throw ClassNotFoundException"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // Expected } Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_22-new.jar"); urls[0] = new URL("file:/" + resPath + "/JarIndex/hyts_22-new.jar"); ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls, null); assertNotNull("Cannot find resource", ucl.findResource("cpack/")); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_11.jar"); urls[0] = new URL("file:/" + resPath + "/JarIndex/hyts_31.jar"); ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls, null); try { Class.forName("cpack.Mock", true, ucl); fail("should throw ClassNotFoundException"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // Expected } // testing circular reference Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_41.jar"); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_42.jar"); urls[0] = new URL("file:/" + resPath + "/JarIndex/hyts_41.jar"); ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls, null); en = ucl.findResources("bpack/"); resourcesFound = resourcesFound && ((URL) en.nextElement()).equals(new URL("jar:file:/" + resPath.replace('\\', '/') + "/JarIndex/hyts_42.jar!/bpack/")); assertTrue("Resources not found (2)", resourcesFound); assertFalse("No more resources expected", en.hasMoreElements()); // Regression test for HARMONY-2357. try { URLClassLoaderExt cl = new URLClassLoaderExt(new URL[557]); cl.findClass("0"); fail("should throw NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { // Expected } // Regression test for HARMONY-2871. URLClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new URL( "file:/foo.jar") }); try { Class.forName("foo.Foo", false, cl); } catch (Exception ex) { // Ignored } try { Class.forName("foo.Foo", false, cl); fail("should throw ClassNotFoundException"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { // Expected } } /** * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#findResource(java.lang.String) */ public void test_findResourceLjava_lang_String() throws MalformedURLException { URL[] urls = new URL[2]; urls[0] = new URL(serverURL); urls[1] = new URL(serverURL); ucl = new URLClassLoader(urls); URL res = ucl.findResource("RESOURCE.TXT"); assertNotNull("Failed to locate resource", res); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); try { java.io.InputStream is = res.openStream(); int c; while ((c = is.read()) != -1) { sb.append((char) c); } is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } assertTrue("Returned incorrect resource", !sb.toString().equals( "This is a test resource file")); } public void testFindResource_H3461() throws Exception { File userDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); File dir = new File(userDir, "encode#me"); File f, f2; URLClassLoader loader; URL dirUrl; if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } dir.deleteOnExit(); dirUrl = dir.toURI().toURL(); loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { dirUrl }); f = File.createTempFile("temp", ".dat", dir); f.deleteOnExit(); f2 = File.createTempFile("bad#name#", ".dat", dir); f2.deleteOnExit(); assertNotNull( "Unable to load resource from path with problematic name", loader.getResource(f.getName())); assertEquals("URL was not correctly encoded", f2.toURI().toURL(), loader.getResource(f2.getName())); } public void test_findResource() throws Exception { File resources = Support_Resources.createTempFolder(); String resPath = resources.toString(); if (resPath.charAt(0) == '/' || resPath.charAt(0) == ' ') { resPath = resPath.substring(1); } Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_21.jar"); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_22.jar"); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_23.jar"); URLClassLoader urlClassloader = URLClassLoader.newInstance( new URL[] { new URL("file:/" + resPath + "/JarIndex/hyts_21.jar") }, null); Enumeration en = urlClassloader.findResources("bpack/"); assertTrue(en.hasMoreElements()); URL expected = new URL("jar:file:/" + resPath.replace('\\', '/') + "/JarIndex/hyts_22.jar!/bpack/"); assertEquals(expected, (URL) en.nextElement()); assertEquals(expected, urlClassloader.findResource("bpack/")); } /** * @tests java.net.URLClassLoader#getResource(java.lang.String) */ public void test_getResourceLjava_lang_String() throws MalformedURLException { URL url1 = new URL("file:///"); URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { url1 }, null); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // try without the leading / URL result = loader.getResource("dir1/file1"); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long time = end - start; if (time < 100) { time = 100; } start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // try with the leading forward slash result = loader.getResource("/dir1/file1"); end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long uncTime = end - start; assertTrue("too long. UNC path formed? UNC time: " + uncTime + " regular time: " + time, uncTime <= (time * 4)); } /** * Regression for Harmony-2237 */ public void test_getResource() throws Exception { URLClassLoader urlLoader = getURLClassLoader(); assertNull(urlLoader.findResource("XXX")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } private static URLClassLoader getURLClassLoader() { String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(classPath, File.pathSeparator); Vector urlVec = new Vector(); String resPackage = Support_Resources.RESOURCE_PACKAGE; try { while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String path = tok.nextToken(); String url; if (new File(path).isDirectory()) url = "file:" + path + resPackage + "subfolder/"; else url = "jar:file:" + path + "!" + resPackage + "subfolder/"; urlVec.addElement(new URL(url)); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // do nothing } URL[] urls = new URL[urlVec.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < urlVec.size(); i++) { urls[i] = urlVec.elementAt(i); } URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(urls, null); return loader; } /** * Regression test for HARMONY-2255 */ public void test_getResourceAsStream() { InputStream in = this.getClass() .getResourceAsStream("test%.properties"); assertNotNull(in); in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("test%25.properties"); assertNull(in); } /** * Regression test for HARMONY-6074 */ public void test_findClassLjava_lang_String_Jar_Class_Path() throws Exception{ File resources = Support_Resources.createTempFolder(); String resPath = resources.toString(); if (resPath.charAt(0) == '/' || resPath.charAt(0) == '\\') { resPath = resPath.substring(1); } Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_11.jar"); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, "JarIndex", "hyts_13.jar"); JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(resources.getAbsolutePath() + "/JarIndex/hyts_11.jar"); Manifest mf = jarFile.getManifest(); Attributes attrs = mf.getMainAttributes(); attrs.putValue("Class-Path", "file:/" + resPath + "/JarIndex/hyts_13.jar"); File mainJar = new File(resources.getAbsolutePath() + "/JarIndex/main.jar"); JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(mainJar), mf); jos.flush(); jos.close(); assertTrue(mainJar.exists()); URL[] urls = new URL[1]; urls[0] = new URL("file:/" + resPath + "/JarIndex/main.jar"); ucl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls, null); assertNotNull(Class.forName("Main2", true, ucl)); } }