/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.util; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.harmony.testframework.serialization.SerializationTest; import org.apache.harmony.testframework.serialization.SerializationTest.SerializableAssert; public class IdentityHashMapTest extends junit.framework.TestCase { /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#containsKey(java.lang.Object) * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#containsValue(java.lang.Object) * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#get(java.lang.Object) */ public void test_null_Keys_and_Values() { // tests with null keys and values IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); Object result; // null key and null value result = map.put(null, null); assertTrue("testA can not find null key", map.containsKey(null)); assertTrue("testA can not find null value", map.containsValue(null)); assertNull("testA can not get null value for null key", map.get(null)); assertNull("testA put returned wrong value", result); // null value String value = "a value"; result = map.put(null, value); assertTrue("testB can not find null key", map.containsKey(null)); assertTrue("testB can not find a value with null key", map .containsValue(value)); assertTrue("testB can not get value for null key", map.get(null) == value); assertNull("testB put returned wrong value", result); // a null key String key = "a key"; result = map.put(key, null); assertTrue("testC can not find a key with null value", map .containsKey(key)); assertTrue("testC can not find null value", map.containsValue(null)); assertNull("testC can not get null value for key", map.get(key)); assertNull("testC put returned wrong value", result); // another null key String anothervalue = "another value"; result = map.put(null, anothervalue); assertTrue("testD can not find null key", map.containsKey(null)); assertTrue("testD can not find a value with null key", map .containsValue(anothervalue)); assertTrue("testD can not get value for null key", map.get(null) == anothervalue); assertTrue("testD put returned wrong value", result == value); // remove a null key result = map.remove(null); assertTrue("testE remove returned wrong value", result == anothervalue); assertTrue("testE should not find null key", !map.containsKey(null)); assertTrue("testE should not find a value with null key", !map .containsValue(anothervalue)); assertNull("testE should not get value for null key", map.get(null)); } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) */ public void test_putLjava_lang_ObjectLjava_lang_Object() { IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); // Test null as a key. Object value = "Some value"; map.put(null, value); assertSame("Assert 0: Failure getting null key", value, map.get(null)); // Test null as a value Object key = "Some key"; map.put(key, null); assertNull("Assert 1: Failure getting null value", map.get(key)); } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#remove(java.lang.Object) * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#keySet() */ public void test_remove() { IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); map.put(null, null); map.put("key1", "value1"); map.put("key2", "value2"); map.remove("key1"); assertTrue("Did not remove key1", !map.containsKey("key1")); assertTrue("Did not remove the value for key1", !map .containsValue("value1")); assertTrue("Modified key2", map.get("key2") != null && map.get("key2") == "value2"); assertNull("Modified null entry", map.get(null)); } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMapTest#remove(java.lang.Object) */ public void test_removeLjava_lang_Object() { // Regression for HARMONY-37 IdentityHashMap hashMap = new IdentityHashMap(); hashMap.remove("absent"); assertEquals("Assert 0: Size is incorrect", 0, hashMap.size()); hashMap.put("key", "value"); hashMap.remove("key"); assertEquals("Assert 1: After removing non-null element size is incorrect", 0, hashMap.size()); hashMap.put(null, null); assertEquals("Assert 2: adding literal null failed", 1, hashMap.size()); hashMap.remove(null); assertEquals("Assert 3: After removing null element size is incorrect", 0, hashMap.size()); } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#entrySet() * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#keySet() * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#values() */ public void test_sets() { // tests with null keys and values IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); // null key and null value map.put("key", "value"); map.put(null, null); map.put("a key", null); map.put("another key", null); Set keyset = map.keySet(); Collection valueset = map.values(); Set entries = map.entrySet(); Iterator it = entries.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next(); assertTrue("EntrySetIterator can not find entry ", entries .contains(entry)); assertTrue("entry key not found in map", map.containsKey(entry .getKey())); assertTrue("entry value not found in map", map.containsValue(entry .getValue())); assertTrue("entry key not found in the keyset", keyset .contains(entry.getKey())); assertTrue("entry value not found in the valueset", valueset .contains(entry.getValue())); } } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#entrySet() * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#remove(java.lang.Object) */ public void test_entrySet_removeAll() { IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { map.put(new Integer(i), new Integer(i)); } Set set = map.entrySet(); set.removeAll(set); assertEquals("did not remove all elements in the map", 0, map.size()); assertTrue("did not remove all elements in the entryset", set.isEmpty()); Iterator it = set.iterator(); assertTrue("entrySet iterator still has elements", !it.hasNext()); } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#keySet() * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#clear() */ public void test_keySet_clear() { IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { map.put(new Integer(i), new Integer(i)); } Set set = map.keySet(); set.clear(); assertEquals("did not remove all elements in the map", 0, map.size()); assertTrue("did not remove all elements in the keyset", set.isEmpty()); Iterator it = set.iterator(); assertTrue("keySet iterator still has elements", !it.hasNext()); } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#values() */ public void test_values() { IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { map.put(new Integer(i), new Integer(i)); } Integer key = new Integer(20); Integer value = new Integer(40); map.put(key, value); Collection vals = map.values(); boolean result = vals.remove(key); assertTrue("removed entries incorrectly", map.size() == 11 && !result); assertTrue("removed key incorrectly", map.containsKey(key)); assertTrue("removed value incorrectly", map.containsValue(value)); result = vals.remove(value); assertTrue("Did not remove entry as expected", map.size() == 10 && result); assertTrue("Did not remove key as expected", !map.containsKey(key)); assertTrue("Did not remove value as expected", !map .containsValue(value)); // put an equivalent key to a value key = new Integer(1); value = new Integer(100); map.put(key, value); result = vals.remove(key); assertTrue("TestB. removed entries incorrectly", map.size() == 11 && !result); assertTrue("TestB. removed key incorrectly", map.containsKey(key)); assertTrue("TestB. removed value incorrectly", map.containsValue(value)); result = vals.remove(value); assertTrue("TestB. Did not remove entry as expected", map.size() == 10 && result); assertTrue("TestB. Did not remove key as expected", !map .containsKey(key)); assertTrue("TestB. Did not remove value as expected", !map .containsValue(value)); vals.clear(); assertEquals("Did not remove all entries as expected", 0, map.size()); } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#keySet() * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#remove(java.lang.Object) */ public void test_keySet_removeAll() { IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { map.put(new Integer(i), new Integer(i)); } Set set = map.keySet(); set.removeAll(set); assertEquals("did not remove all elements in the map", 0, map.size()); assertTrue("did not remove all elements in the keyset", set.isEmpty()); Iterator it = set.iterator(); assertTrue("keySet iterator still has elements", !it.hasNext()); } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#keySet() */ public void test_keySet_retainAll() { IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { map.put(new Integer(i), new Integer(i)); } Set set = map.keySet(); // retain all the elements boolean result = set.retainAll(set); assertTrue("retain all should return false", !result); assertEquals("did not retain all", 1000, set.size()); // send empty set to retainAll result = set.retainAll(new TreeSet()); assertTrue("retain all should return true", result); assertEquals("did not remove all elements in the map", 0, map.size()); assertTrue("did not remove all elements in the keyset", set.isEmpty()); Iterator it = set.iterator(); assertTrue("keySet iterator still has elements", !it.hasNext()); } /** * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#keySet() * @tests java.util.IdentityHashMap#remove(java.lang.Object) */ public void test_keyset_remove() { IdentityHashMap map = new IdentityHashMap(); Integer key = new Integer(21); map.put(new Integer(1), null); map.put(new Integer(11), null); map.put(key, null); map.put(new Integer(31), null); map.put(new Integer(41), null); map.put(new Integer(51), null); map.put(new Integer(61), null); map.put(new Integer(71), null); map.put(new Integer(81), null); map.put(new Integer(91), null); Set set = map.keySet(); Set newset = new HashSet(); Iterator it = set.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object element = it.next(); if (element == key) { it.remove(); } else newset.add(element); } int size = newset.size(); assertTrue("keyset and newset don't have same size", newset.size() == size); assertTrue("element is in newset ", !newset.contains(key)); assertTrue("element not removed from keyset", !set.contains(key)); assertTrue("element not removed from map", !map.containsKey(key)); assertTrue("newset and keyset do not have same elements 1", newset .equals(set)); assertTrue("newset and keyset do not have same elements 2", set .equals(newset)); } public void test_clone_scenario1() { IdentityHashMap hashMap = new IdentityHashMap(); assertEquals(0, hashMap.hashCode()); Object cloneHashMap = hashMap.clone(); ((IdentityHashMap) cloneHashMap).put("key", "value"); assertEquals(0, hashMap.hashCode()); assertTrue(0 != cloneHashMap.hashCode()); } public void test_clone_scenario2() { IdentityHashMap hashMap = new IdentityHashMap(); assertEquals(0, hashMap.hashCode()); Object cloneHashMap = hashMap.clone(); hashMap.put("key", "value"); assertEquals(1, hashMap.size()); assertEquals(0, ((IdentityHashMap) cloneHashMap).size()); assertEquals("value", hashMap.get("key")); assertNull(((IdentityHashMap) cloneHashMap).get("key")); assertTrue(0 != hashMap.hashCode()); assertEquals(0, cloneHashMap.hashCode()); } public void test_clone_scenario3() { IdentityHashMap hashMap = new IdentityHashMap(); assertEquals(0, hashMap.hashCode()); hashMap.put("key", "value"); Object cloneHashMap = hashMap.clone(); assertEquals(1, hashMap.size()); assertEquals(1, ((IdentityHashMap) cloneHashMap).size()); assertEquals("value", hashMap.get("key")); assertEquals("value", ((IdentityHashMap) cloneHashMap).get("key")); assertEquals(hashMap.hashCode(), cloneHashMap.hashCode()); } public void test_clone_scenario4() { IdentityHashMap hashMap = new IdentityHashMap(); Object cloneHashMap = hashMap.clone(); assertNull(((IdentityHashMap) cloneHashMap).get((Object) null)); hashMap.put((Object) null, cloneHashMap); assertNull(((IdentityHashMap) cloneHashMap).get((Object) null)); assertEquals(cloneHashMap, hashMap.get((Object) null)); } public void test_clone_scenario5() throws Exception { IdentityHashMap hashMap = new IdentityHashMap(); Object cloneHashMap = hashMap.clone(); assertNull(hashMap.remove((Object) null)); ((IdentityHashMap) cloneHashMap).put((Object) null, cloneHashMap); assertNull(hashMap.remove((Object) null)); assertEquals(cloneHashMap, ((IdentityHashMap) cloneHashMap) .get((Object) null)); } /* * Regression test for HARMONY-6419 */ public void test_underlyingMap() { IdentityHashMap ihm = new IdentityHashMap(); String key = "key"; String value = "value"; ihm.put(key, value); Set> set = ihm.entrySet(); assertEquals(1, set.size()); Entry entry = set.iterator().next(); String newValue = "newvalue"; entry.setValue(newValue); assertSame(newValue, ihm.get(key)); } // comparator for IdentityHashMap objects private static final SerializableAssert COMPARATOR = new SerializableAssert() { public void assertDeserialized(Serializable initial, Serializable deserialized) { IdentityHashMap init = (IdentityHashMap) initial; IdentityHashMap desr = (IdentityHashMap) deserialized; assertEquals("Size", init.size(), desr.size()); } }; /** * @tests serialization/deserialization compatibility with RI. */ public void testSerializationCompatibility() throws Exception { IdentityHashMap identityHashMap = new IdentityHashMap(); identityHashMap.put("key1", "value1"); identityHashMap.put("key2", "value2"); identityHashMap.put("key3", "value3"); SerializationTest.verifyGolden(this, identityHashMap, COMPARATOR); } }