package test.javassist.convert; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javassist.ClassPool; import javassist.CodeConverter; import javassist.CtClass; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class ArrayAccessReplaceTest extends TestCase { private static SimpleInterface simple; public void setUp() throws Exception { ClassPool pool = new ClassPool(true); CtClass echoClass = pool.get(ArrayAccessReplaceTest.class.getName() + "$Echo"); CtClass simpleClass = pool.get(ArrayAccessReplaceTest.class.getName() + "$Simple"); CodeConverter converter = new CodeConverter(); converter.replaceArrayAccess(echoClass, new CodeConverter.DefaultArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames()); simpleClass.instrument(converter); //simpleClass.writeFile("/tmp"); simple = (SimpleInterface) simpleClass.toClass(new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], getClass().getClassLoader()), Class.class.getProtectionDomain()).newInstance(); } public void testComplex() throws Exception { ClassPool pool = new ClassPool(true); CtClass clazz = pool.get(ArrayAccessReplaceTest.class.getName() + "$Complex"); CodeConverter converter = new CodeConverter(); converter.replaceArrayAccess(clazz, new CodeConverter.DefaultArrayAccessReplacementMethodNames()); clazz.instrument(converter); ComplexInterface instance = (ComplexInterface) clazz.toClass(new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], getClass().getClassLoader()), Class.class.getProtectionDomain()).newInstance(); assertEquals(new Integer(5), instance.complexRead(4)); } public void testBoolean() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { boolean value = i % 5 == 0; simple.setBoolean(i, value); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { boolean value = i % 5 == 0; assertEquals(value, simple.getBoolean(i)); } } public void testByte() throws Exception { for (byte i = 0; i < 100; i++) { simple.setByte(i, i); } for (byte i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals(i, simple.getByte(i)); } } public void testShort() throws Exception { for (short i = 0; i < 100; i++) { simple.setShort(i, i); } for (short i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals(i, simple.getShort(i)); } } public void testChar() throws Exception { for (char i = 0; i < 100; i++) { simple.setChar(i, i); } for (char i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals(i, simple.getChar(i)); } } public void testInt() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { simple.setInt(i, i); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals(i, simple.getInt(i)); } } public void testLong() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { simple.setLong(i, i); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals(i, simple.getLong(i)); } } public void testFloat() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { simple.setFloat(i, i); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals((float)i, simple.getFloat(i), 0); } } public void testDouble() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { simple.setDouble(i, i); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals((double)i, simple.getDouble(i), 0); } } public void testObject() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { simple.setObject(i, new Integer(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals(new Integer(i), simple.getObject(i)); } } public void testFoo() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { simple.setFoo(i, new Foo(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals(new Foo(i), simple.getFoo(i)); } } public void testMulti() throws Exception { for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++) { simple.setMultiFoo(0, 1, i, new Foo(i)); } for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++) { assertEquals(new Foo(i), simple.getMultiFoo(0, 1, i)); } } public static class Echo { public static Map byteMap = new HashMap(); public static Map charMap = new HashMap(); public static Map doubleMap = new HashMap(); public static Map floatMap = new HashMap(); public static Map intMap = new HashMap(); public static Map longMap = new HashMap(); public static Map objectMap = new HashMap(); public static Map shortMap = new HashMap(); public static Object arrayReadObject(Object array, int index) { return objectMap.get(new Integer(index)); } public static void arrayWriteObject(Object array, int index, Object element) { objectMap.put(new Integer(index), element); } public static byte arrayReadByteOrBoolean(Object array, int index) { return ((Byte)byteMap.get(new Integer(index))).byteValue(); } public static void arrayWriteByteOrBoolean(Object array, int index, byte element) { byteMap.put(new Integer(index), new Byte(element)); } public static char arrayReadChar(Object array, int index) { return ((Character)charMap.get(new Integer(index))).charValue(); } public static void arrayWriteChar(Object array, int index, char element) { charMap.put(new Integer(index), new Character(element)); } public static double arrayReadDouble(Object array, int index) { return ((Double)doubleMap.get(new Integer(index))).doubleValue(); } public static void arrayWriteDouble(Object array, int index, double element) { doubleMap.put(new Integer(index), new Double(element)); } public static float arrayReadFloat(Object array, int index) { return ((Float)floatMap.get(new Integer(index))).floatValue(); } public static void arrayWriteFloat(Object array, int index, float element) { floatMap.put(new Integer(index), new Float(element)); } public static int arrayReadInt(Object array, int index) { return ((Integer)intMap.get(new Integer(index))).intValue(); } public static void arrayWriteInt(Object array, int index, int element) { intMap.put(new Integer(index), new Integer(element)); } public static long arrayReadLong(Object array, int index) { return ((Long)longMap.get(new Integer(index))).longValue(); } public static void arrayWriteLong(Object array, int index, long element) { longMap.put(new Integer(index), new Long(element)); } public static short arrayReadShort(Object array, int index) { return ((Short)shortMap.get(new Integer(index))).shortValue(); } public static void arrayWriteShort(Object array, int index, short element) { shortMap.put(new Integer(index), new Short(element)); } } public static class Foo { public int bar; public Foo(int bar) { = bar; } public int hashCode() { return bar; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (! (o instanceof Foo)) return false; return ((Foo)o).bar == bar; } } public static interface SimpleInterface { public void setBoolean(int pos, boolean value); public boolean getBoolean(int pos); public void setByte(int pos, byte value); public byte getByte(int pos); public void setShort(int pos, short value); public short getShort(int pos); public void setChar(int pos, char value); public char getChar(int pos); public void setInt(int pos, int value); public int getInt(int pos); public void setLong(int pos, long value); public long getLong(int pos); public void setFloat(int pos, float value); public float getFloat(int pos); public void setDouble(int pos, double value); public double getDouble(int pos); public void setObject(int pos, Object value); public Object getObject(int pos); public void setFoo(int pos, Foo value); public Foo getFoo(int pos); public void setMultiFoo(int one, int two, int three, Foo foo); public Foo getMultiFoo(int one, int two, int three); } public static class Simple implements SimpleInterface { private boolean[] booleans; private byte[] bytes; private short[] shorts; private char[] chars; private int[] ints; private long[] longs; private float[] floats; private double[] doubles; private Object[] objects; private Foo[] foos; private Foo[][][] multi; public Simple() { multi[0] = new Foo[0][0]; multi[0][1] = new Foo[0]; } public boolean getBoolean(int pos) { return booleans[pos]; } public byte getByte(int pos) { return bytes[pos]; } public char getChar(int pos) { return chars[pos]; } public double getDouble(int pos) { return doubles[pos]; } public float getFloat(int pos) { return floats[pos]; } public Foo getFoo(int pos) { return foos[pos]; } public int getInt(int pos) { return ints[pos]; } public long getLong(int pos) { return longs[pos]; } public Object getObject(int pos) { return objects[pos]; } public short getShort(int pos) { return shorts[pos]; } public Foo getMultiFoo(int one, int two, int three) { return multi[one][two][three]; } public void setBoolean(int pos, boolean value) { booleans[pos] = value; } public void setByte(int pos, byte value) { bytes[pos] = value; } public void setChar(int pos, char value) { chars[pos] = value; } public void setDouble(int pos, double value) { doubles[pos] = value; } public void setFloat(int pos, float value) { floats[pos] = value; } public void setFoo(int pos, Foo value) { foos[pos] = value; } public void setInt(int pos, int value) { ints[pos] = value; } public void setLong(int pos, long value) { longs[pos] = value; } public void setObject(int pos, Object value) { objects[pos] = value; } public void setShort(int pos, short value) { shorts[pos] = value; } public void setMultiFoo(int one, int two, int three, Foo foo) { multi[one][two][three] = foo; } } public static interface ComplexInterface { public Number complexRead(int x); } public static class Complex implements ComplexInterface { private Integer[] nums; private Long[] longNums; private static Integer justRead; public static Object arrayReadObject(Object array, int offset) { return new Integer(justRead.intValue() + offset); } public static void arrayWriteObject(Object array, int offset, Object element) { justRead = (Integer) element; } public Object getInteger(int i) { return (Object) new Integer(i); } public Number complexRead(int x) { Number[] ns = null; Number n1, n2, n3, n4; try { ((Object[])ns)[1] = getInteger(x); // We have to throw an error since we can't intercept // a guaranteed null array read yet (likely never will be able to) throw new Error("hi"); } catch (Error error) { ns = nums; } catch (Exception exception) { ns = longNums; } finally { n1 = ns[1]; n2 = ns[2]; n3 = ns[3]; n4 = ns[4]; n2.intValue(); n3.intValue(); n4.intValue(); } return n1; } } }