/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012 jMonkeyEngine * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jme3.water; import com.jme3.asset.AssetManager; import com.jme3.export.InputCapsule; import com.jme3.export.JmeExporter; import com.jme3.export.JmeImporter; import com.jme3.export.OutputCapsule; import com.jme3.light.DirectionalLight; import com.jme3.light.Light; import com.jme3.material.Material; import com.jme3.math.*; import com.jme3.post.Filter; import com.jme3.post.Filter.Pass; import com.jme3.renderer.Camera; import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager; import com.jme3.renderer.ViewPort; import com.jme3.scene.Node; import com.jme3.scene.Spatial; import com.jme3.texture.Image.Format; import com.jme3.texture.Texture.WrapMode; import com.jme3.texture.Texture2D; import com.jme3.util.TempVars; import java.io.IOException; /** * The WaterFilter is a 2D post process that simulate water. * It renders water above and under water. * See this blog post for more info http://jmonkeyengine.org/2011/01/15/new-advanced-water-effect-for-jmonkeyengine-3/ * * * @author Rémy Bouquet aka Nehon */ public class WaterFilter extends Filter { private Pass reflectionPass; protected Spatial reflectionScene; protected ViewPort reflectionView; private Texture2D normalTexture; private Texture2D foamTexture; private Texture2D causticsTexture; private Texture2D heightTexture; private Plane plane; private Camera reflectionCam; protected Ray ray = new Ray(); private Vector3f targetLocation = new Vector3f(); private ReflectionProcessor reflectionProcessor; private Matrix4f biasMatrix = new Matrix4f(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); private Matrix4f textureProjMatrix = new Matrix4f(); private boolean underWater; private RenderManager renderManager; private ViewPort viewPort; private float time = 0; //properties private float speed = 1; private Vector3f lightDirection = new Vector3f(0, -1, 0); private ColorRGBA lightColor = ColorRGBA.White; private float waterHeight = 0.0f; private ColorRGBA waterColor = new ColorRGBA(0.0078f, 0.3176f, 0.5f, 1.0f); private ColorRGBA deepWaterColor = new ColorRGBA(0.0039f, 0.00196f, 0.145f, 1.0f); private Vector3f colorExtinction = new Vector3f(5.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f); private float waterTransparency = 0.1f; private float maxAmplitude = 1.5f; private float shoreHardness = 0.1f; private boolean useFoam = true; private float foamIntensity = 0.5f; private float foamHardness = 1.0f; private Vector3f foamExistence = new Vector3f(0.45f, 4.35f, 1.5f); private float waveScale = 0.005f; private float sunScale = 3.0f; private float shininess = 0.7f; private Vector2f windDirection = new Vector2f(0.0f, -1.0f); private int reflectionMapSize = 512; private boolean useRipples = true; private float normalScale = 3.0f; private boolean useHQShoreline = true; private boolean useSpecular = true; private boolean useRefraction = true; private float refractionStrength = 0.0f; private float refractionConstant = 0.5f; private float reflectionDisplace = 30; private float underWaterFogDistance = 120; private boolean useCaustics = true; private float causticsIntensity = 0.5f; /** * Create a Water Filter */ public WaterFilter() { super("WaterFilter"); } public WaterFilter(Node reflectionScene, Vector3f lightDirection) { super("WaterFilter"); this.reflectionScene = reflectionScene; this.lightDirection = lightDirection; } @Override protected boolean isRequiresDepthTexture() { return true; } @Override protected void preFrame(float tpf) { time = time + (tpf * speed); material.setFloat("Time", time); Camera sceneCam = viewPort.getCamera(); biasMatrix.mult(sceneCam.getViewProjectionMatrix(), textureProjMatrix); material.setMatrix4("TextureProjMatrix", textureProjMatrix); material.setVector3("CameraPosition", sceneCam.getLocation()); material.setMatrix4("ViewProjectionMatrixInverse", sceneCam.getViewProjectionMatrix().invert()); material.setFloat("WaterHeight", waterHeight); //update reflection cam ray.setOrigin(sceneCam.getLocation()); ray.setDirection(sceneCam.getDirection()); plane = new Plane(Vector3f.UNIT_Y, new Vector3f(0, waterHeight, 0).dot(Vector3f.UNIT_Y)); reflectionProcessor.setReflectionClipPlane(plane); boolean inv = false; if (!ray.intersectsWherePlane(plane, targetLocation)) { ray.setDirection(ray.getDirection().negateLocal()); ray.intersectsWherePlane(plane, targetLocation); inv = true; } Vector3f loc = plane.reflect(sceneCam.getLocation(), new Vector3f()); reflectionCam.setLocation(loc); reflectionCam.setFrustum(sceneCam.getFrustumNear(), sceneCam.getFrustumFar(), sceneCam.getFrustumLeft(), sceneCam.getFrustumRight(), sceneCam.getFrustumTop(), sceneCam.getFrustumBottom()); TempVars vars = TempVars.get(); vars.vect1.set(sceneCam.getLocation()).addLocal(sceneCam.getUp()); float planeDistance = plane.pseudoDistance(vars.vect1); vars.vect2.set(plane.getNormal()).multLocal(planeDistance * 2.0f); vars.vect3.set(vars.vect1.subtractLocal(vars.vect2)).subtractLocal(loc).normalizeLocal().negateLocal(); reflectionCam.lookAt(targetLocation, vars.vect3); vars.release(); if (inv) { reflectionCam.setAxes(reflectionCam.getLeft().negateLocal(), reflectionCam.getUp(), reflectionCam.getDirection().negateLocal()); } //if we're under water no need to compute reflection if (sceneCam.getLocation().y >= waterHeight) { boolean rtb = true; if (!renderManager.isHandleTranslucentBucket()) { renderManager.setHandleTranslucentBucket(true); rtb = false; } renderManager.renderViewPort(reflectionView, tpf); if (!rtb) { renderManager.setHandleTranslucentBucket(false); } renderManager.setCamera(sceneCam, false); renderManager.getRenderer().setFrameBuffer(viewPort.getOutputFrameBuffer()); underWater = false; } else { underWater = true; } } @Override protected Material getMaterial() { return material; } private DirectionalLight findLight(Node node) { for (Light light : node.getWorldLightList()) { if (light instanceof DirectionalLight) { return (DirectionalLight) light; } } for (Spatial child : node.getChildren()) { if (child instanceof Node) { return findLight((Node) child); } } return null; } @Override protected void initFilter(AssetManager manager, RenderManager renderManager, ViewPort vp, int w, int h) { if (reflectionScene == null) { reflectionScene = vp.getScenes().get(0); DirectionalLight l = findLight((Node) reflectionScene); if (l != null) { lightDirection = l.getDirection(); } } this.renderManager = renderManager; this.viewPort = vp; reflectionPass = new Pass(); reflectionPass.init(renderManager.getRenderer(), reflectionMapSize, reflectionMapSize, Format.RGBA8, Format.Depth); reflectionCam = new Camera(reflectionMapSize, reflectionMapSize); reflectionView = new ViewPort("reflectionView", reflectionCam); reflectionView.setClearFlags(true, true, true); reflectionView.attachScene(reflectionScene); reflectionView.setOutputFrameBuffer(reflectionPass.getRenderFrameBuffer()); plane = new Plane(Vector3f.UNIT_Y, new Vector3f(0, waterHeight, 0).dot(Vector3f.UNIT_Y)); reflectionProcessor = new ReflectionProcessor(reflectionCam, reflectionPass.getRenderFrameBuffer(), plane); reflectionView.addProcessor(reflectionProcessor); normalTexture = (Texture2D) manager.loadTexture("Common/MatDefs/Water/Textures/water_normalmap.dds"); if (foamTexture == null) { foamTexture = (Texture2D) manager.loadTexture("Common/MatDefs/Water/Textures/foam.jpg"); } if (causticsTexture == null) { causticsTexture = (Texture2D) manager.loadTexture("Common/MatDefs/Water/Textures/caustics.jpg"); } heightTexture = (Texture2D) manager.loadTexture("Common/MatDefs/Water/Textures/heightmap.jpg"); normalTexture.setWrap(WrapMode.Repeat); foamTexture.setWrap(WrapMode.Repeat); causticsTexture.setWrap(WrapMode.Repeat); heightTexture.setWrap(WrapMode.Repeat); material = new Material(manager, "Common/MatDefs/Water/Water.j3md"); material.setTexture("HeightMap", heightTexture); material.setTexture("CausticsMap", causticsTexture); material.setTexture("FoamMap", foamTexture); material.setTexture("NormalMap", normalTexture); material.setTexture("ReflectionMap", reflectionPass.getRenderedTexture()); material.setFloat("WaterTransparency", waterTransparency); material.setFloat("NormalScale", normalScale); material.setFloat("R0", refractionConstant); material.setFloat("MaxAmplitude", maxAmplitude); material.setVector3("LightDir", lightDirection); material.setColor("LightColor", lightColor); material.setFloat("ShoreHardness", shoreHardness); material.setFloat("RefractionStrength", refractionStrength); material.setFloat("WaveScale", waveScale); material.setVector3("FoamExistence", foamExistence); material.setFloat("SunScale", sunScale); material.setVector3("ColorExtinction", colorExtinction); material.setFloat("Shininess", shininess); material.setColor("WaterColor", waterColor); material.setColor("DeepWaterColor", deepWaterColor); material.setVector2("WindDirection", windDirection); material.setFloat("FoamHardness", foamHardness); material.setBoolean("UseRipples", useRipples); material.setBoolean("UseHQShoreline", useHQShoreline); material.setBoolean("UseSpecular", useSpecular); material.setBoolean("UseFoam", useFoam); material.setBoolean("UseCaustics", useCaustics); material.setBoolean("UseRefraction", useRefraction); material.setFloat("ReflectionDisplace", reflectionDisplace); material.setFloat("FoamIntensity", foamIntensity); material.setFloat("UnderWaterFogDistance", underWaterFogDistance); material.setFloat("CausticsIntensity", causticsIntensity); } @Override public void write(JmeExporter ex) throws IOException { super.write(ex); OutputCapsule oc = ex.getCapsule(this); oc.write(speed, "speed", 1f); oc.write(lightDirection, "lightDirection", new Vector3f(0, -1, 0)); oc.write(lightColor, "lightColor", ColorRGBA.White); oc.write(waterHeight, "waterHeight", 0.0f); oc.write(waterColor, "waterColor", new ColorRGBA(0.0078f, 0.3176f, 0.5f, 1.0f)); oc.write(deepWaterColor, "deepWaterColor", new ColorRGBA(0.0039f, 0.00196f, 0.145f, 1.0f)); oc.write(colorExtinction, "colorExtinction", new Vector3f(5.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f)); oc.write(waterTransparency, "waterTransparency", 0.1f); oc.write(maxAmplitude, "maxAmplitude", 1.5f); oc.write(shoreHardness, "shoreHardness", 0.1f); oc.write(useFoam, "useFoam", true); oc.write(foamIntensity, "foamIntensity", 0.5f); oc.write(foamHardness, "foamHardness", 1.0f); oc.write(foamExistence, "foamExistence", new Vector3f(0.45f, 4.35f, 1.5f)); oc.write(waveScale, "waveScale", 0.005f); oc.write(sunScale, "sunScale", 3.0f); oc.write(shininess, "shininess", 0.7f); oc.write(windDirection, "windDirection", new Vector2f(0.0f, -1.0f)); oc.write(reflectionMapSize, "reflectionMapSize", 512); oc.write(useRipples, "useRipples", true); oc.write(normalScale, "normalScale", 3.0f); oc.write(useHQShoreline, "useHQShoreline", true); oc.write(useSpecular, "useSpecular", true); oc.write(useRefraction, "useRefraction", true); oc.write(refractionStrength, "refractionStrength", 0.0f); oc.write(refractionConstant, "refractionConstant", 0.5f); oc.write(reflectionDisplace, "reflectionDisplace", 30f); oc.write(underWaterFogDistance, "underWaterFogDistance", 120f); oc.write(causticsIntensity, "causticsIntensity", 0.5f); oc.write(useCaustics, "useCaustics", true); } @Override public void read(JmeImporter im) throws IOException { super.read(im); InputCapsule ic = im.getCapsule(this); speed = ic.readFloat("speed", 1f); lightDirection = (Vector3f) ic.readSavable("lightDirection", new Vector3f(0, -1, 0)); lightColor = (ColorRGBA) ic.readSavable("lightColor", ColorRGBA.White); waterHeight = ic.readFloat("waterHeight", 0.0f); waterColor = (ColorRGBA) ic.readSavable("waterColor", new ColorRGBA(0.0078f, 0.3176f, 0.5f, 1.0f)); deepWaterColor = (ColorRGBA) ic.readSavable("deepWaterColor", new ColorRGBA(0.0039f, 0.00196f, 0.145f, 1.0f)); colorExtinction = (Vector3f) ic.readSavable("colorExtinction", new Vector3f(5.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f)); waterTransparency = ic.readFloat("waterTransparency", 0.1f); maxAmplitude = ic.readFloat("maxAmplitude", 1.5f); shoreHardness = ic.readFloat("shoreHardness", 0.1f); useFoam = ic.readBoolean("useFoam", true); foamIntensity = ic.readFloat("foamIntensity", 0.5f); foamHardness = ic.readFloat("foamHardness", 1.0f); foamExistence = (Vector3f) ic.readSavable("foamExistence", new Vector3f(0.45f, 4.35f, 1.5f)); waveScale = ic.readFloat("waveScale", 0.005f); sunScale = ic.readFloat("sunScale", 3.0f); shininess = ic.readFloat("shininess", 0.7f); windDirection = (Vector2f) ic.readSavable("windDirection", new Vector2f(0.0f, -1.0f)); reflectionMapSize = ic.readInt("reflectionMapSize", 512); useRipples = ic.readBoolean("useRipples", true); normalScale = ic.readFloat("normalScale", 3.0f); useHQShoreline = ic.readBoolean("useHQShoreline", true); useSpecular = ic.readBoolean("useSpecular", true); useRefraction = ic.readBoolean("useRefraction", true); refractionStrength = ic.readFloat("refractionStrength", 0.0f); refractionConstant = ic.readFloat("refractionConstant", 0.5f); reflectionDisplace = ic.readFloat("reflectionDisplace", 30f); underWaterFogDistance = ic.readFloat("underWaterFogDistance", 120f); causticsIntensity = ic.readFloat("causticsIntensity", 0.5f); useCaustics = ic.readBoolean("useCaustics", true); } /** * gets the height of the water plane * @return */ public float getWaterHeight() { return waterHeight; } /** * Sets the height of the water plane * default is 0.0 * @param waterHeight */ public void setWaterHeight(float waterHeight) { this.waterHeight = waterHeight; } /** * sets the scene to render in the reflection map * @param reflectionScene */ public void setReflectionScene(Spatial reflectionScene) { this.reflectionScene = reflectionScene; } /** * returns the waterTransparency value * @return */ public float getWaterTransparency() { return waterTransparency; } /** * Sets how fast will colours fade out. You can also think about this * values as how clear water is. Therefore use smaller values (eg. 0.05) * to have crystal clear water and bigger to achieve "muddy" water. * default is 0.1f * @param waterTransparency */ public void setWaterTransparency(float waterTransparency) { this.waterTransparency = waterTransparency; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("WaterTransparency", waterTransparency); } } /** * Returns the normal scales applied to the normal map * @return */ public float getNormalScale() { return normalScale; } /** * Sets the normal scaling factors to apply to the normal map. * the higher the value the more small ripples will be visible on the waves. * default is 1.0 * @param normalScale */ public void setNormalScale(float normalScale) { this.normalScale = normalScale; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("NormalScale", normalScale); } } /** * returns the refractoin constant * @return */ public float getRefractionConstant() { return refractionConstant; } /** * This is a constant related to the index of refraction (IOR) used to compute the fresnel term. * F = R0 + (1-R0)( 1 - N.V)^5 * where F is the fresnel term, R0 the constant, N the normal vector and V tne view vector. * It usually depend on the material you are lookinh through (here water). * Default value is 0.3f * In practice, the lowest the value and the less the reflection can be seen on water * @param refractionConstant */ public void setRefractionConstant(float refractionConstant) { this.refractionConstant = refractionConstant; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("R0", refractionConstant); } } /** * return the maximum wave amplitude * @return */ public float getMaxAmplitude() { return maxAmplitude; } /** * Sets the maximum waves amplitude * default is 1.0 * @param maxAmplitude */ public void setMaxAmplitude(float maxAmplitude) { this.maxAmplitude = maxAmplitude; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("MaxAmplitude", maxAmplitude); } } /** * gets the light direction * @return */ public Vector3f getLightDirection() { return lightDirection; } /** * Sets the light direction * @param lightDirection */ public void setLightDirection(Vector3f lightDirection) { this.lightDirection = lightDirection; if (material != null) { material.setVector3("LightDir", lightDirection); } } /** * returns the light color * @return */ public ColorRGBA getLightColor() { return lightColor; } /** * Sets the light color to use * default is white * @param lightColor */ public void setLightColor(ColorRGBA lightColor) { this.lightColor = lightColor; if (material != null) { material.setColor("LightColor", lightColor); } } /** * Return the shoreHardeness * @return */ public float getShoreHardness() { return shoreHardness; } /** * The smaller this value is, the softer the transition between * shore and water. If you want hard edges use very big value. * Default is 0.1f. * @param shoreHardness */ public void setShoreHardness(float shoreHardness) { this.shoreHardness = shoreHardness; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("ShoreHardness", shoreHardness); } } /** * returns the foam hardness * @return */ public float getFoamHardness() { return foamHardness; } /** * Sets the foam hardness : How much the foam will blend with the shore to avoid hard edged water plane. * Default is 1.0 * @param foamHardness */ public void setFoamHardness(float foamHardness) { this.foamHardness = foamHardness; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("FoamHardness", foamHardness); } } /** * returns the refractionStrenght * @return */ public float getRefractionStrength() { return refractionStrength; } /** * This value modifies current fresnel term. If you want to weaken * reflections use bigger value. If you want to empasize them use * value smaller then 0. Default is 0.0f. * @param refractionStrength */ public void setRefractionStrength(float refractionStrength) { this.refractionStrength = refractionStrength; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("RefractionStrength", refractionStrength); } } /** * returns the scale factor of the waves height map * @return */ public float getWaveScale() { return waveScale; } /** * Sets the scale factor of the waves height map * the smaller the value the bigger the waves * default is 0.005f * @param waveScale */ public void setWaveScale(float waveScale) { this.waveScale = waveScale; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("WaveScale", waveScale); } } /** * returns the foam existance vector * @return */ public Vector3f getFoamExistence() { return foamExistence; } /** * Describes at what depth foam starts to fade out and * at what it is completely invisible. The third value is at * what height foam for waves appear (+ waterHeight). * default is (0.45, 4.35, 1.0); * @param foamExistence */ public void setFoamExistence(Vector3f foamExistence) { this.foamExistence = foamExistence; if (material != null) { material.setVector3("FoamExistence", foamExistence); } } /** * gets the scale of the sun * @return */ public float getSunScale() { return sunScale; } /** * Sets the scale of the sun for specular effect * @param sunScale */ public void setSunScale(float sunScale) { this.sunScale = sunScale; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("SunScale", sunScale); } } /** * Returns the color exctinction vector of the water * @return */ public Vector3f getColorExtinction() { return colorExtinction; } /** * Return at what depth the refraction color extinct * the first value is for red * the second is for green * the third is for blue * Play with thos parameters to "trouble" the water * default is (5.0, 20.0, 30.0f); * @param colorExtinction */ public void setColorExtinction(Vector3f colorExtinction) { this.colorExtinction = colorExtinction; if (material != null) { material.setVector3("ColorExtinction", colorExtinction); } } /** * Sets the foam texture * @param foamTexture */ public void setFoamTexture(Texture2D foamTexture) { this.foamTexture = foamTexture; foamTexture.setWrap(WrapMode.Repeat); if (material != null) { material.setTexture("FoamMap", foamTexture); } } /** * Sets the height texture * @param heightTexture */ public void setHeightTexture(Texture2D heightTexture) { this.heightTexture = heightTexture; heightTexture.setWrap(WrapMode.Repeat); } /** * Sets the normal Texture * @param normalTexture */ public void setNormalTexture(Texture2D normalTexture) { this.normalTexture = normalTexture; normalTexture.setWrap(WrapMode.Repeat); } /** * return the shininess factor of the water * @return */ public float getShininess() { return shininess; } /** * Sets the shinines factor of the water * default is 0.7f * @param shininess */ public void setShininess(float shininess) { this.shininess = shininess; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("Shininess", shininess); } } /** * retruns the speed of the waves * @return */ public float getSpeed() { return speed; } /** * Set the speed of the waves (0.0 is still) default is 1.0 * @param speed */ public void setSpeed(float speed) { this.speed = speed; } /** * returns the color of the water * * @return */ public ColorRGBA getWaterColor() { return waterColor; } /** * Sets the color of the water * see setDeepWaterColor for deep water color * default is (0.0078f, 0.5176f, 0.5f,1.0f) (greenish blue) * @param waterColor */ public void setWaterColor(ColorRGBA waterColor) { this.waterColor = waterColor; if (material != null) { material.setColor("WaterColor", waterColor); } } /** * returns the deep water color * @return */ public ColorRGBA getDeepWaterColor() { return deepWaterColor; } /** * sets the deep water color * see setWaterColor for general color * default is (0.0039f, 0.00196f, 0.145f,1.0f) (very dark blue) * @param deepWaterColor */ public void setDeepWaterColor(ColorRGBA deepWaterColor) { this.deepWaterColor = deepWaterColor; if (material != null) { material.setColor("DeepWaterColor", deepWaterColor); } } /** * returns the wind direction * @return */ public Vector2f getWindDirection() { return windDirection; } /** * sets the wind direction * the direction where the waves move * default is (0.0f, -1.0f) * @param windDirection */ public void setWindDirection(Vector2f windDirection) { this.windDirection = windDirection; if (material != null) { material.setVector2("WindDirection", windDirection); } } /** * returns the size of the reflection map * @return */ public int getReflectionMapSize() { return reflectionMapSize; } /** * Sets the size of the reflection map * default is 512, the higher, the better quality, but the slower the effect. * @param reflectionMapSize */ public void setReflectionMapSize(int reflectionMapSize) { this.reflectionMapSize = reflectionMapSize; } /** * returns true if the water uses foam * @return */ public boolean isUseFoam() { return useFoam; } /** * set to true to use foam with water * default true * @param useFoam */ public void setUseFoam(boolean useFoam) { this.useFoam = useFoam; if (material != null) { material.setBoolean("UseFoam", useFoam); } } /** * sets the texture to use to render caustics on the ground underwater * @param causticsTexture */ public void setCausticsTexture(Texture2D causticsTexture) { this.causticsTexture = causticsTexture; if (material != null) { material.setTexture("causticsMap", causticsTexture); } } /** * returns true if caustics are rendered * @return */ public boolean isUseCaustics() { return useCaustics; } /** * set to true if you want caustics to be rendered on the ground underwater, false otherwise * @param useCaustics */ public void setUseCaustics(boolean useCaustics) { this.useCaustics = useCaustics; if (material != null) { material.setBoolean("UseCaustics", useCaustics); } } /** * return true * @return */ public boolean isUseHQShoreline() { return useHQShoreline; } public void setUseHQShoreline(boolean useHQShoreline) { this.useHQShoreline = useHQShoreline; if (material != null) { material.setBoolean("UseHQShoreline", useHQShoreline); } } /** * returns true if the water use the refraction * @return */ public boolean isUseRefraction() { return useRefraction; } /** * set to true to use refraction (default is true) * @param useRefraction */ public void setUseRefraction(boolean useRefraction) { this.useRefraction = useRefraction; if (material != null) { material.setBoolean("UseRefraction", useRefraction); } } /** * returns true if the ater use ripples * @return */ public boolean isUseRipples() { return useRipples; } /** * * Set to true tu use ripples * @param useRipples */ public void setUseRipples(boolean useRipples) { this.useRipples = useRipples; if (material != null) { material.setBoolean("UseRipples", useRipples); } } /** * returns true if the water use specular * @return */ public boolean isUseSpecular() { return useSpecular; } /** * Set to true to use specular lightings on the water * @param useSpecular */ public void setUseSpecular(boolean useSpecular) { this.useSpecular = useSpecular; if (material != null) { material.setBoolean("UseSpecular", useSpecular); } } /** * returns the foam intensity * @return */ public float getFoamIntensity() { return foamIntensity; } /** * sets the foam intensity default is 0.5f * @param foamIntensity */ public void setFoamIntensity(float foamIntensity) { this.foamIntensity = foamIntensity; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("FoamIntensity", foamIntensity); } } /** * returns the reflection displace * see {@link setReflectionDisplace(float reflectionDisplace)} * @return */ public float getReflectionDisplace() { return reflectionDisplace; } /** * Sets the reflection displace. define how troubled will look the reflection in the water. default is 30 * @param reflectionDisplace */ public void setReflectionDisplace(float reflectionDisplace) { this.reflectionDisplace = reflectionDisplace; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("m_ReflectionDisplace", reflectionDisplace); } } /** * returns true if the camera is under the water level * @return */ public boolean isUnderWater() { return underWater; } /** * returns the distance of the fog when under water * @return */ public float getUnderWaterFogDistance() { return underWaterFogDistance; } /** * sets the distance of the fog when under water. * default is 120 (120 world units) use a high value to raise the view range under water * @param underWaterFogDistance */ public void setUnderWaterFogDistance(float underWaterFogDistance) { this.underWaterFogDistance = underWaterFogDistance; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("UnderWaterFogDistance", underWaterFogDistance); } } /** * get the intensity of caustics under water * @return */ public float getCausticsIntensity() { return causticsIntensity; } /** * sets the intensity of caustics under water. goes from 0 to 1, default is 0.5f * @param causticsIntensity */ public void setCausticsIntensity(float causticsIntensity) { this.causticsIntensity = causticsIntensity; if (material != null) { material.setFloat("CausticsIntensity", causticsIntensity); } } }