/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 jMonkeyEngine * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of 'jMonkeyEngine' nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jme3.export.xml; import com.jme3.export.InputCapsule; import com.jme3.export.Savable; import com.jme3.export.SavableClassUtil; import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils; import com.jme3.util.IntMap; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.ShortBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.w3c.dom.*; /** * Part of the jME XML IO system as introduced in the google code jmexml project. * * @author Kai Rabien (hevee) - original author of the code.google.com jmexml project * @author Doug Daniels (dougnukem) - adjustments for jME 2.0 and Java 1.5 * @author blaine */ public class DOMInputCapsule implements InputCapsule { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DOMInputCapsule.class .getName()); private Document doc; private Element currentElem; private XMLImporter importer; private boolean isAtRoot = true; private Map referencedSavables = new HashMap(); private int[] classHierarchyVersions; private Savable savable; public DOMInputCapsule(Document doc, XMLImporter importer) { this.doc = doc; this.importer = importer; currentElem = doc.getDocumentElement(); String version = currentElem.getAttribute("format_version"); importer.formatVersion = version.equals("") ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(version); } public int getSavableVersion(Class desiredClass) { if (classHierarchyVersions != null){ return SavableClassUtil.getSavedSavableVersion(savable, desiredClass, classHierarchyVersions, importer.getFormatVersion()); }else{ return 0; } } private static String decodeString(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } s = s.replaceAll("\\"", "\"").replaceAll("\\<", "<").replaceAll("\\&", "&"); return s; } private Element findFirstChildElement(Element parent) { Node ret = parent.getFirstChild(); while (ret != null && (!(ret instanceof Element))) { ret = ret.getNextSibling(); } return (Element) ret; } private Element findChildElement(Element parent, String name) { if (parent == null) { return null; } Node ret = parent.getFirstChild(); while (ret != null && (!(ret instanceof Element) || !ret.getNodeName().equals(name))) { ret = ret.getNextSibling(); } return (Element) ret; } private Element findNextSiblingElement(Element current) { Node ret = current.getNextSibling(); while (ret != null) { if (ret instanceof Element) { return (Element) ret; } ret = ret.getNextSibling(); } return null; } public byte readByte(String name, byte defVal) throws IOException { String tmpString = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (tmpString == null || tmpString.length() < 1) return defVal; try { return Byte.parseByte(tmpString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public byte[] readByteArray(String name, byte[] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of bytes for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } byte[] tmp = new byte[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { tmp[i] = Byte.parseByte(strings[i]); } return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public byte[][] readByteArray2D(String name, byte[][] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); NodeList nodes = currentElem.getChildNodes(); List byteArrays = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().contains("array")) { // Very unsafe assumption byteArrays.add(readByteArray(n.getNodeName(), null)); } } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (byteArrays.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + byteArrays.size()); } currentElem = (Element) currentElem.getParentNode(); return byteArrays.toArray(new byte[0][]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public int readInt(String name, int defVal) throws IOException { String tmpString = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (tmpString == null || tmpString.length() < 1) return defVal; try { return Integer.parseInt(tmpString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public int[] readIntArray(String name, int[] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of ints for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } int[] tmp = new int[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { tmp[i] = Integer.parseInt(strings[i]); } return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public int[][] readIntArray2D(String name, int[][] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); NodeList nodes = currentElem.getChildNodes(); List intArrays = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().contains("array")) { // Very unsafe assumption intArrays.add(readIntArray(n.getNodeName(), null)); } } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (intArrays.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + intArrays.size()); } currentElem = (Element) currentElem.getParentNode(); return intArrays.toArray(new int[0][]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public float readFloat(String name, float defVal) throws IOException { String tmpString = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (tmpString == null || tmpString.length() < 1) return defVal; try { return Float.parseFloat(tmpString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public float[] readFloatArray(String name, float[] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of floats for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } float[] tmp = new float[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { tmp[i] = Float.parseFloat(strings[i]); } return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public float[][] readFloatArray2D(String name, float[][] defVal) throws IOException { /* Why does this one method ignore the 'size attr.? */ try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } int size_outer = Integer.parseInt(tmpEl.getAttribute("size_outer")); int size_inner = Integer.parseInt(tmpEl.getAttribute("size_outer")); float[][] tmp = new float[size_outer][size_inner]; String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); for (int i = 0; i < size_outer; i++) { tmp[i] = new float[size_inner]; for (int k = 0; k < size_inner; k++) { tmp[i][k] = Float.parseFloat(strings[i]); } } return tmp; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public double readDouble(String name, double defVal) throws IOException { String tmpString = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (tmpString == null || tmpString.length() < 1) return defVal; try { return Double.parseDouble(tmpString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public double[] readDoubleArray(String name, double[] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of doubles for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } double[] tmp = new double[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { tmp[i] = Double.parseDouble(strings[i]); } return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public double[][] readDoubleArray2D(String name, double[][] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); NodeList nodes = currentElem.getChildNodes(); List doubleArrays = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().contains("array")) { // Very unsafe assumption doubleArrays.add(readDoubleArray(n.getNodeName(), null)); } } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (doubleArrays.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + doubleArrays.size()); } currentElem = (Element) currentElem.getParentNode(); return doubleArrays.toArray(new double[0][]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public long readLong(String name, long defVal) throws IOException { String tmpString = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (tmpString == null || tmpString.length() < 1) return defVal; try { return Long.parseLong(tmpString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public long[] readLongArray(String name, long[] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of longs for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } long[] tmp = new long[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { tmp[i] = Long.parseLong(strings[i]); } return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public long[][] readLongArray2D(String name, long[][] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); NodeList nodes = currentElem.getChildNodes(); List longArrays = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().contains("array")) { // Very unsafe assumption longArrays.add(readLongArray(n.getNodeName(), null)); } } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (longArrays.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + longArrays.size()); } currentElem = (Element) currentElem.getParentNode(); return longArrays.toArray(new long[0][]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public short readShort(String name, short defVal) throws IOException { String tmpString = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (tmpString == null || tmpString.length() < 1) return defVal; try { return Short.parseShort(tmpString); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public short[] readShortArray(String name, short[] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of shorts for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } short[] tmp = new short[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { tmp[i] = Short.parseShort(strings[i]); } return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public short[][] readShortArray2D(String name, short[][] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); NodeList nodes = currentElem.getChildNodes(); List shortArrays = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().contains("array")) { // Very unsafe assumption shortArrays.add(readShortArray(n.getNodeName(), null)); } } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (shortArrays.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + shortArrays.size()); } currentElem = (Element) currentElem.getParentNode(); return shortArrays.toArray(new short[0][]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public boolean readBoolean(String name, boolean defVal) throws IOException { String tmpString = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (tmpString == null || tmpString.length() < 1) return defVal; try { return Boolean.parseBoolean(tmpString); } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public boolean[] readBooleanArray(String name, boolean[] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of bools for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } boolean[] tmp = new boolean[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { tmp[i] = Boolean.parseBoolean(strings[i]); } return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public boolean[][] readBooleanArray2D(String name, boolean[][] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); NodeList nodes = currentElem.getChildNodes(); List booleanArrays = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().contains("array")) { // Very unsafe assumption booleanArrays.add(readBooleanArray(n.getNodeName(), null)); } } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (booleanArrays.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + booleanArrays.size()); } currentElem = (Element) currentElem.getParentNode(); return booleanArrays.toArray(new boolean[0][]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public String readString(String name, String defVal) throws IOException { String tmpString = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (tmpString == null || tmpString.length() < 1) return defVal; try { return decodeString(tmpString); } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public String[] readStringArray(String name, String[] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); NodeList nodes = tmpEl.getChildNodes(); List strings = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().contains("String")) { // Very unsafe assumption strings.add(((Element) n).getAttributeNode("value").getValue()); } } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.size()); } return strings.toArray(new String[0]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public String[][] readStringArray2D(String name, String[][] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); NodeList nodes = currentElem.getChildNodes(); List stringArrays = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().contains("array")) { // Very unsafe assumption stringArrays.add(readStringArray(n.getNodeName(), null)); } } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (stringArrays.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + stringArrays.size()); } currentElem = (Element) currentElem.getParentNode(); return stringArrays.toArray(new String[0][]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public BitSet readBitSet(String name, BitSet defVal) throws IOException { String tmpString = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (tmpString == null || tmpString.length() < 1) return defVal; try { BitSet set = new BitSet(); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpString); for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { int isSet = Integer.parseInt(strings[i]); if (isSet == 1) { set.set(i); } } return set; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public Savable readSavable(String name, Savable defVal) throws IOException { Savable ret = defVal; if (name != null && name.equals("")) logger.warning("Reading Savable String with name \"\"?"); try { Element tmpEl = null; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } } else if (isAtRoot) { tmpEl = doc.getDocumentElement(); isAtRoot = false; } else { tmpEl = findFirstChildElement(currentElem); } currentElem = tmpEl; ret = readSavableFromCurrentElem(defVal); if (currentElem.getParentNode() instanceof Element) { currentElem = (Element) currentElem.getParentNode(); } else { currentElem = null; } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (Exception e) { IOException io = new IOException(e.toString()); io.initCause(e); throw io; } return ret; } private Savable readSavableFromCurrentElem(Savable defVal) throws InstantiationException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, IllegalAccessException { Savable ret = defVal; Savable tmp = null; if (currentElem == null || currentElem.getNodeName().equals("null")) { return null; } String reference = currentElem.getAttribute("ref"); if (reference.length() > 0) { ret = referencedSavables.get(reference); } else { String className = currentElem.getNodeName(); if (defVal != null) { className = defVal.getClass().getName(); } else if (currentElem.hasAttribute("class")) { className = currentElem.getAttribute("class"); } tmp = SavableClassUtil.fromName(className, null); String versionsStr = currentElem.getAttribute("savable_versions"); if (versionsStr != null && !versionsStr.equals("")){ String[] versionStr = versionsStr.split(","); classHierarchyVersions = new int[versionStr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < classHierarchyVersions.length; i++){ classHierarchyVersions[i] = Integer.parseInt(versionStr[i].trim()); } }else{ classHierarchyVersions = null; } String refID = currentElem.getAttribute("reference_ID"); if (refID.length() < 1) refID = currentElem.getAttribute("id"); if (refID.length() > 0) referencedSavables.put(refID, tmp); if (tmp != null) { // Allows reading versions from this savable savable = tmp; tmp.read(importer); ret = tmp; } } return ret; } public Savable[] readSavableArray(String name, Savable[] defVal) throws IOException { Savable[] ret = defVal; try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); List savables = new ArrayList(); for (currentElem = findFirstChildElement(tmpEl); currentElem != null; currentElem = findNextSiblingElement(currentElem)) { savables.add(readSavableFromCurrentElem(null)); } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (savables.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of Savables for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + savables.size()); } ret = savables.toArray(new Savable[0]); currentElem = (Element) tmpEl.getParentNode(); return ret; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (Exception e) { IOException io = new IOException(e.toString()); io.initCause(e); throw io; } } public Savable[][] readSavableArray2D(String name, Savable[][] defVal) throws IOException { Savable[][] ret = defVal; try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } int size_outer = Integer.parseInt(tmpEl.getAttribute("size_outer")); int size_inner = Integer.parseInt(tmpEl.getAttribute("size_outer")); Savable[][] tmp = new Savable[size_outer][size_inner]; currentElem = findFirstChildElement(tmpEl); for (int i = 0; i < size_outer; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size_inner; j++) { tmp[i][j] = (readSavableFromCurrentElem(null)); if (i == size_outer - 1 && j == size_inner - 1) { break; } currentElem = findNextSiblingElement(currentElem); } } ret = tmp; currentElem = (Element) tmpEl.getParentNode(); return ret; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (Exception e) { IOException io = new IOException(e.toString()); io.initCause(e); throw io; } } public ArrayList readSavableArrayList(String name, ArrayList defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); ArrayList savables = new ArrayList(); for (currentElem = findFirstChildElement(tmpEl); currentElem != null; currentElem = findNextSiblingElement(currentElem)) { savables.add(readSavableFromCurrentElem(null)); } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (savables.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "Wrong number of Savable arrays for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + savables.size()); } currentElem = (Element) tmpEl.getParentNode(); return savables; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (Exception e) { IOException io = new IOException(e.toString()); io.initCause(e); throw io; } } public ArrayList[] readSavableArrayListArray( String name, ArrayList[] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } currentElem = tmpEl; String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); int requiredSize = (sizeString.length() > 0) ? Integer.parseInt(sizeString) : -1; ArrayList sal; List> savableArrayLists = new ArrayList>(); int i = -1; while (true) { sal = readSavableArrayList("SavableArrayList_" + ++i, null); if (sal == null && savableArrayLists.size() >= requiredSize) break; savableArrayLists.add(sal); } if (requiredSize > -1 && savableArrayLists.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + savableArrayLists.size()); currentElem = (Element) tmpEl.getParentNode(); return savableArrayLists.toArray(new ArrayList[0]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public ArrayList[][] readSavableArrayListArray2D(String name, ArrayList[][] defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } currentElem = tmpEl; String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); ArrayList[] arr; List[]> sall = new ArrayList[]>(); int i = -1; while ((arr = readSavableArrayListArray( "SavableArrayListArray_" + ++i, null)) != null) sall.add(arr); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (sall.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + sall.size()); } currentElem = (Element) tmpEl.getParentNode(); return sall.toArray(new ArrayList[0][]); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (Exception e) { IOException io = new IOException(e.toString()); io.initCause(e); throw io; } } public ArrayList readFloatBufferArrayList( String name, ArrayList defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(); for (currentElem = findFirstChildElement(tmpEl); currentElem != null; currentElem = findNextSiblingElement(currentElem)) { tmp.add(readFloatBuffer(null, null)); } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (tmp.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException( "String array contains wrong element count. " + "Specified size " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + tmp.size()); } currentElem = (Element) tmpEl.getParentNode(); return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public Map readSavableMap(String name, Map defVal) throws IOException { Map ret; Element tempEl; if (name != null) { tempEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tempEl = currentElem; } ret = new HashMap(); NodeList nodes = tempEl.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().equals("MapEntry")) { Element elem = (Element) n; currentElem = elem; Savable key = readSavable(XMLExporter.ELEMENT_KEY, null); Savable val = readSavable(XMLExporter.ELEMENT_VALUE, null); ret.put(key, val); } } currentElem = (Element) tempEl.getParentNode(); return ret; } public Map readStringSavableMap(String name, Map defVal) throws IOException { Map ret = null; Element tempEl; if (name != null) { tempEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tempEl = currentElem; } if (tempEl != null) { ret = new HashMap(); NodeList nodes = tempEl.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().equals("MapEntry")) { Element elem = (Element) n; currentElem = elem; String key = currentElem.getAttribute("key"); Savable val = readSavable("Savable", null); ret.put(key, val); } } } else { return defVal; } currentElem = (Element) tempEl.getParentNode(); return ret; } public IntMap readIntSavableMap(String name, IntMap defVal) throws IOException { IntMap ret = null; Element tempEl; if (name != null) { tempEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tempEl = currentElem; } if (tempEl != null) { ret = new IntMap(); NodeList nodes = tempEl.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = nodes.item(i); if (n instanceof Element && n.getNodeName().equals("MapEntry")) { Element elem = (Element) n; currentElem = elem; int key = Integer.parseInt(currentElem.getAttribute("key")); Savable val = readSavable("Savable", null); ret.put(key, val); } } } else { return defVal; } currentElem = (Element) tempEl.getParentNode(); return ret; } /** * reads from currentElem if name is null */ public FloatBuffer readFloatBuffer(String name, FloatBuffer defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl; if (name != null) { tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); } else { tmpEl = currentElem; } if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of float buffers for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } FloatBuffer tmp = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(strings.length); for (String s : strings) tmp.put(Float.parseFloat(s)); tmp.flip(); return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public IntBuffer readIntBuffer(String name, IntBuffer defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of int buffers for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } IntBuffer tmp = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(strings.length); for (String s : strings) tmp.put(Integer.parseInt(s)); tmp.flip(); return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public ByteBuffer readByteBuffer(String name, ByteBuffer defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of byte buffers for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } ByteBuffer tmp = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(strings.length); for (String s : strings) tmp.put(Byte.valueOf(s)); tmp.flip(); return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public ShortBuffer readShortBuffer(String name, ShortBuffer defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); String[] strings = parseTokens(tmpEl.getAttribute("data")); if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (strings.length != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of short buffers for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + strings.length); } ShortBuffer tmp = BufferUtils.createShortBuffer(strings.length); for (String s : strings) tmp.put(Short.valueOf(s)); tmp.flip(); return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public ArrayList readByteBufferArrayList(String name, ArrayList defVal) throws IOException { try { Element tmpEl = findChildElement(currentElem, name); if (tmpEl == null) { return defVal; } String sizeString = tmpEl.getAttribute("size"); ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList(); for (currentElem = findFirstChildElement(tmpEl); currentElem != null; currentElem = findNextSiblingElement(currentElem)) { tmp.add(readByteBuffer(null, null)); } if (sizeString.length() > 0) { int requiredSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeString); if (tmp.size() != requiredSize) throw new IOException("Wrong number of short buffers for '" + name + "'. size says " + requiredSize + ", data contains " + tmp.size()); } currentElem = (Element) tmpEl.getParentNode(); return tmp; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { IOException io = new IOException(nfe.toString()); io.initCause(nfe); throw io; } catch (DOMException de) { IOException io = new IOException(de.toString()); io.initCause(de); throw io; } } public > T readEnum(String name, Class enumType, T defVal) throws IOException { T ret = defVal; try { String eVal = currentElem.getAttribute(name); if (eVal != null && eVal.length() > 0) { ret = Enum.valueOf(enumType, eVal); } } catch (Exception e) { IOException io = new IOException(e.toString()); io.initCause(e); throw io; } return ret; } private static final String[] zeroStrings = new String[0]; protected String[] parseTokens(String inString) { String[] outStrings = inString.split("\\s+"); return (outStrings.length == 1 && outStrings[0].length() == 0) ? zeroStrings : outStrings; } }