Class android.telephony.gsm.SmsManager

Now deprecated.

Changed Methods
ArrayList<String> divideMessage(String) Change from non-final to final.
Now deprecated.
SmsManager getDefault() Change from non-final to final.
Now deprecated.
void sendDataMessage(String, String, short, byte[], PendingIntent, PendingIntent) Change from non-final to final.
Now deprecated.
void sendMultipartTextMessage(String, String, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<PendingIntent>, ArrayList<PendingIntent>) Change from non-final to final.
Now deprecated.
void sendTextMessage(String, String, String, PendingIntent, PendingIntent) Change from non-final to final.
Now deprecated.

Changed Fields
int RESULT_ERROR_NO_SERVICE Now deprecated.
int RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU Now deprecated.
int RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF Now deprecated.
int STATUS_ON_SIM_FREE Now deprecated.
int STATUS_ON_SIM_READ Now deprecated.
int STATUS_ON_SIM_SENT Now deprecated.
int STATUS_ON_SIM_UNREAD Now deprecated.
int STATUS_ON_SIM_UNSENT Now deprecated.