/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.media; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Surface; import android.view.SurfaceHolder; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.media.AudioManager; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; /** * Used to play audio and video files and streams. * See the Android Media APIs * page for help using using MediaPlayer. */ public class MediaPlayer { static { System.loadLibrary("media_jni"); } private final static String TAG = "MediaPlayer"; private int mNativeContext; // accessed by native methods private int mListenerContext; // accessed by native methods private Surface mSurface; // accessed by native methods private SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder; private EventHandler mEventHandler; private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock = null; private boolean mScreenOnWhilePlaying; private boolean mStayAwake; /** * Default constructor. Consider using one of the create() methods for * synchronously instantiating a MediaPlayer from a Uri or resource. *

When done with the MediaPlayer, you should call {@link #release()}, * to free the resources. If not released, too many MediaPlayer instances may * result in an exception.

*/ public MediaPlayer() { Looper looper; if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) != null) { mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper); } else if ((looper = Looper.getMainLooper()) != null) { mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper); } else { mEventHandler = null; } /* Native setup requires a weak reference to our object. * It's easier to create it here than in C++. */ native_setup(new WeakReference(this)); } /** * Sets the SurfaceHolder to use for displaying the video portion of the media. * This call is optional. Not calling it when playing back a video will * result in only the audio track being played. * * @param sh the SurfaceHolder to use for video display */ public void setDisplay(SurfaceHolder sh) { mSurfaceHolder = sh; mSurface = sh.getSurface(); updateSurfaceScreenOn(); } /** * Convenience method to create a MediaPlayer for a given Uri. * On success, {@link #prepare()} will already have been called and must not be called again. *

When done with the MediaPlayer, you should call {@link #release()}, * to free the resources. If not released, too many MediaPlayer instances will * result in an exception.

* * @param context the Context to use * @param uri the Uri from which to get the datasource * @return a MediaPlayer object, or null if creation failed */ public static MediaPlayer create(Context context, Uri uri) { return create (context, uri, null); } /** * Convenience method to create a MediaPlayer for a given Uri. * On success, {@link #prepare()} will already have been called and must not be called again. *

When done with the MediaPlayer, you should call {@link #release()}, * to free the resources. If not released, too many MediaPlayer instances will * result in an exception.

* * @param context the Context to use * @param uri the Uri from which to get the datasource * @param holder the SurfaceHolder to use for displaying the video * @return a MediaPlayer object, or null if creation failed */ public static MediaPlayer create(Context context, Uri uri, SurfaceHolder holder) { try { MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(context, uri); if (holder != null) { mp.setDisplay(holder); } mp.prepare(); return mp; } catch (IOException ex) { Log.d(TAG, "create failed:", ex); // fall through } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Log.d(TAG, "create failed:", ex); // fall through } catch (SecurityException ex) { Log.d(TAG, "create failed:", ex); // fall through } return null; } /** * Convenience method to create a MediaPlayer for a given resource id. * On success, {@link #prepare()} will already have been called and must not be called again. *

When done with the MediaPlayer, you should call {@link #release()}, * to free the resources. If not released, too many MediaPlayer instances will * result in an exception.

* * @param context the Context to use * @param resid the raw resource id (R.raw.<something>) for * the resource to use as the datasource * @return a MediaPlayer object, or null if creation failed */ public static MediaPlayer create(Context context, int resid) { try { AssetFileDescriptor afd = context.getResources().openRawResourceFd(resid); if (afd == null) return null; MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(afd.getFileDescriptor(), afd.getStartOffset(), afd.getLength()); afd.close(); mp.prepare(); return mp; } catch (IOException ex) { Log.d(TAG, "create failed:", ex); // fall through } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Log.d(TAG, "create failed:", ex); // fall through } catch (SecurityException ex) { Log.d(TAG, "create failed:", ex); // fall through } return null; } /** * Sets the data source as a content Uri. Call this after reset(), or before * any other method (including setDataSource()) that might throw * IllegalStateException in this class. * * @param context the Context to use when resolving the Uri * @param uri the Content URI of the data you want to play * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public void setDataSource(Context context, Uri uri) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalStateException { String scheme = uri.getScheme(); if(scheme == null || scheme.equals("file")) { setDataSource(uri.getPath()); return; } ParcelFileDescriptor fd = null; try { ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); fd = resolver.openFileDescriptor(uri, "r"); if (fd == null) { return; } setDataSource(fd.getFileDescriptor()); return; } catch (SecurityException ex) { } catch (IOException ex) { } finally { if (fd != null) { fd.close(); } } setDataSource(uri.toString()); return; } /** * Sets the data source (file-path or http/rtsp URL) to use. Call this after * reset(), or before any other method (including setDataSource()) that might * throw IllegalStateException in this class. * * @param path the path of the file, or the http/rtsp URL of the stream you want to play * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public native void setDataSource(String path) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException; /** * Sets the data source (FileDescriptor) to use. It is the caller's responsibility * to close the file descriptor. It is safe to do so as soon as this call returns. * Call this after reset(), or before any other method (including setDataSource()) * that might throw IllegalStateException in this class. * * @param fd the FileDescriptor for the file you want to play * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public void setDataSource(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { // intentionally less than LONG_MAX setDataSource(fd, 0, 0x7ffffffffffffffL); } /** * Sets the data source (FileDescriptor) to use. It is the caller's responsibility * to close the file descriptor. It is safe to do so as soon as this call returns. * Call this after reset(), or before any other method (including setDataSource()) * that might throw IllegalStateException in this class. * * @param fd the FileDescriptor for the file you want to play * @param offset the offset into the file where the data to be played starts, in bytes * @param length the length in bytes of the data to be played * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public native void setDataSource(FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException; /** * Prepares the player for playback, synchronously. Call this after * setDataSource() or stop(), and before any other method that might * throw IllegalStateException in this class. * * After setting the datasource and the display surface, you need to either * call prepare() or prepareAsync(). For files, it is OK to call prepare(), * which blocks until MediaPlayer is ready for playback. * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public native void prepare() throws IOException, IllegalStateException; /** * Prepares the player for playback, asynchronously. Call this after * setDataSource() or stop(), and before any other method that might * throw IllegalStateException in this class. * * After setting the datasource and the display surface, you need to either * call prepare() or prepareAsync(). For streams, you should call prepareAsync(), * which returns immediately, rather than blocking until enough data has been * buffered. * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public native void prepareAsync() throws IllegalStateException; /** * Starts or resumes playback. If playback had previously been paused, * playback will continue from where it was paused. If playback had * been stopped, or never started before, playback will start at the * beginning. Call this after receiving onCompletion or onPrepared * event notification from OnCompletionListener or OnPreparedListener * interface, or called after prepare() or pause(). * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public void start() throws IllegalStateException { stayAwake(true); _start(); } private native void _start() throws IllegalStateException; /** * Stops playback after playback has been stopped or paused. * Call this after start() or pause(), or after receiving the onPrepared * event notification from OnPreparedListener interface. * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public void stop() throws IllegalStateException { stayAwake(false); _stop(); } private native void _stop() throws IllegalStateException; /** * Pauses playback. Call start() to resume. Call this after start() * and before any other method that might throw IllegalStateException in this class. * * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public void pause() throws IllegalStateException { stayAwake(false); _pause(); } private native void _pause() throws IllegalStateException; /** * Set the low-level power management behavior for this MediaPlayer. This * can be used when the MediaPlayer is not playing through a SurfaceHolder * set with {@link #setDisplay(SurfaceHolder)} and thus can use the * high-level {@link #setScreenOnWhilePlaying(boolean)} feature. * *

This function has the MediaPlayer access the low-level power manager * service to control the device's power usage while playing is occurring. * The parameter is a combination of {@link android.os.PowerManager} wake flags. * Use of this method requires {@link android.Manifest.permission#WAKE_LOCK} * permission. * By default, no attempt is made to keep the device awake during playback. * * @param context the Context to use * @param mode the power/wake mode to set * @see android.os.PowerManager */ public void setWakeMode(Context context, int mode) { boolean washeld = false; if (mWakeLock != null) { if (mWakeLock.isHeld()) { washeld = true; mWakeLock.release(); } mWakeLock = null; } PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(mode|PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE, MediaPlayer.class.getName()); mWakeLock.setReferenceCounted(false); if (washeld) { mWakeLock.acquire(); } } /** * Control whether we should use the attached SurfaceHolder to keep the * screen on while video playback is occurring. This is the preferred * method over {@link #setWakeMode} where possible, since it doesn't * require that the application have permission for low-level wake lock * access. * * @param screenOn Supply true to keep the screen on, false to allow it * to turn off. */ public void setScreenOnWhilePlaying(boolean screenOn) { if (mScreenOnWhilePlaying != screenOn) { mScreenOnWhilePlaying = screenOn; updateSurfaceScreenOn(); } } private void stayAwake(boolean awake) { if (mWakeLock != null) { if (awake && !mWakeLock.isHeld()) { mWakeLock.acquire(); } else if (!awake && mWakeLock.isHeld()) { mWakeLock.release(); } } mStayAwake = awake; updateSurfaceScreenOn(); } private void updateSurfaceScreenOn() { if (mSurfaceHolder != null) { mSurfaceHolder.setKeepScreenOn(mScreenOnWhilePlaying && mStayAwake); } } /** * Returns the width of the video. Call this after setDataSource() method. * * @return the width of the video, or 0 if there is no video, * no display surface was set, or prepare()/prepareAsync() * have not completed yet */ public native int getVideoWidth(); /** * Returns the height of the video. Call this after setDataSource() method. * * @return the height of the video, or 0 if there is no video, * no display surface was set, or prepare()/prepareAsync() * have not completed yet */ public native int getVideoHeight(); /** * Checks whether the MediaPlayer is playing. Call this after * setDataSource() method. * * @return true if currently playing, false otherwise */ public native boolean isPlaying(); /** * Seeks to specified time position. Call this after start(), pause(), or * prepare(), or after receiving onPrepared or onCompletion event notification * from OnPreparedListener or OnCompletionListener interface. * * @param msec the offset in milliseconds from the start to seek to * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above */ public native void seekTo(int msec) throws IllegalStateException; /** * Gets the current playback position. Call this after setDataSource() method. * * @return the current position in milliseconds */ public native int getCurrentPosition(); /** * Gets the duration of the file. Call this after setDataSource() method. * * @return the duration in milliseconds */ public native int getDuration(); /** * Releases resources associated with this MediaPlayer object. * It is considered good practice to call this method when you're * done using the MediaPlayer. */ public void release() { if (mWakeLock != null) mWakeLock.release(); updateSurfaceScreenOn(); mOnPreparedListener = null; mOnBufferingUpdateListener = null; mOnCompletionListener = null; mOnSeekCompleteListener = null; mOnErrorListener = null; _release(); } private native void _release(); /** * Resets the MediaPlayer to its uninitialized state. After calling * this method, you will have to initialize it again by setting the * data source and calling prepare(). */ public void reset() { _reset(); // make sure none of the listeners get called anymore mEventHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null); } private native void _reset(); /** * Sets the audio stream type for this MediaPlayer. See {@link AudioManager} * for a list of stream types. * * @param streamtype the audio stream type * @see android.media.AudioManager */ public native void setAudioStreamType(int streamtype); /** * Sets the player to be looping or non-looping. Call this * after setDataSource method. * * @param looping whether to loop or not */ public native void setLooping(boolean looping); /** * Sets the volume on this player. Call after setDataSource method. * This API is recommended for balancing the output of audio streams * within an application. Unless you are writing an application to * control user settings, this API should be used in preference to * AudioManager::setStreamVolume API which sets the volume of ALL streams of * a particular type. Note that the passed volume values are raw scalars. * UI controls should be scaled logarithmically. * * @param leftVolume left volume scalar * @param rightVolume right volume scalar */ public native void setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume); /** * Returns a Bitmap containing the video frame at the specified time. Call * this after setDataSource() or stop(). * * @param msec the time at which to capture the video frame, in milliseconds * @return a Bitmap containing the video frame at the specified time * @throws IllegalStateException if it is called * in an order other than the one specified above * @hide */ public native Bitmap getFrameAt(int msec) throws IllegalStateException; private native final void native_setup(Object mediaplayer_this); private native final void native_finalize(); protected void finalize() { native_finalize(); } /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediaplayer.h! */ private static final int MEDIA_NOP = 0; // interface test message private static final int MEDIA_PREPARED = 1; private static final int MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE = 2; private static final int MEDIA_BUFFERING_UPDATE = 3; private static final int MEDIA_SEEK_COMPLETE = 4; private static final int MEDIA_ERROR = 100; // error codes from framework that indicate content issues // contained in arg1 of error message // Seek not supported - live stream private static final int ERROR_SEEK_NOT_SUPPORTED = 42; // A/V interleave exceeds the progressive streaming buffer private static final int ERROR_CONTENT_IS_POORLY_INTERLEAVED = 43; // video decoder is falling behind - content is too complex private static final int ERROR_VIDEO_TRACK_IS_FALLING_BEHIND = 44; private class EventHandler extends Handler { private MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer; public EventHandler(MediaPlayer mp, Looper looper) { super(looper); mMediaPlayer = mp; } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (mMediaPlayer.mNativeContext == 0) { Log.w(TAG, "mediaplayer went away with unhandled events"); return; } switch(msg.what) { case MEDIA_PREPARED: if (mOnPreparedListener != null) mOnPreparedListener.onPrepared(mMediaPlayer); return; case MEDIA_PLAYBACK_COMPLETE: if (mOnCompletionListener != null) mOnCompletionListener.onCompletion(mMediaPlayer); stayAwake(false); return; case MEDIA_BUFFERING_UPDATE: if (mOnBufferingUpdateListener != null) mOnBufferingUpdateListener.onBufferingUpdate(mMediaPlayer, msg.arg1); return; case MEDIA_SEEK_COMPLETE: if (mOnSeekCompleteListener != null) mOnSeekCompleteListener.onSeekComplete(mMediaPlayer); return; case MEDIA_ERROR: Log.e(TAG, "Error (" + msg.arg1 + "," + msg.arg2 + ")"); boolean error_was_handled = false; if (mOnErrorListener != null) { error_was_handled = mOnErrorListener.onError(mMediaPlayer, msg.arg1, msg.arg2); } if (mOnCompletionListener != null && ! error_was_handled) { mOnCompletionListener.onCompletion(mMediaPlayer); } stayAwake(false); return; case MEDIA_NOP: // interface test message - ignore break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Unknown message type " + msg.what); return; } } } /** * Called from native code when an interesting event happens. This method * just uses the EventHandler system to post the event back to the main app thread. * We use a weak reference to the original MediaPlayer object so that the native * code is safe from the object disappearing from underneath it. (This is * the cookie passed to native_setup().) */ private static void postEventFromNative(Object mediaplayer_ref, int what, int arg1, int arg2, Object obj) { MediaPlayer mp = (MediaPlayer)((WeakReference)mediaplayer_ref).get(); if (mp == null) { return; } if (mp.mEventHandler != null) { Message m = mp.mEventHandler.obtainMessage(what, arg1, arg2, obj); mp.mEventHandler.sendMessage(m); } } /** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the media * file is ready for playback. */ public interface OnPreparedListener { /** * Called when the media file is ready for playback. * * @param mp the MediaPlayer that is ready for playback */ void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp); } /** * Register a callback to be invoked when the media file is ready * for playback. * * @param l the callback that will be run */ public void setOnPreparedListener(OnPreparedListener l) { mOnPreparedListener = l; } private OnPreparedListener mOnPreparedListener; /** * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when playback of * a media file has completed. */ public interface OnCompletionListener { /** * Called when the end of a media file is reached during playback. * * @param mp the MediaPlayer that reached the end of the file */ void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp); } /** * Register a callback to be invoked when the end of a media file * has been reached during playback. * * @param l the callback that will be run */ public void setOnCompletionListener(OnCompletionListener l) { mOnCompletionListener = l; } private OnCompletionListener mOnCompletionListener; /** * Interface definition of a callback to be invoked indicating buffering * status of a media resource being streamed over the network. */ public interface OnBufferingUpdateListener { /** * Called to update status in buffering a media stream. * * @param mp the MediaPlayer the update pertains to * @param percent the percentage (0-100) of the buffer * that has been filled thus far */ void onBufferingUpdate(MediaPlayer mp, int percent); } /** * Register a callback to be invoked when the status of a network * stream's buffer has changed. * * @param l the callback that will be run */ public void setOnBufferingUpdateListener(OnBufferingUpdateListener l) { mOnBufferingUpdateListener = l; } private OnBufferingUpdateListener mOnBufferingUpdateListener; /** * Interface definition of a callback to be invoked indicating * the completion of a seek operation. */ public interface OnSeekCompleteListener { /** * Called to indicate the completion of a seek operation. * * @param mp the MediaPlayer that issued the seek operation */ public void onSeekComplete(MediaPlayer mp); } /** * Register a callback to be invoked when a seek operation has been * completed. * * @param l the callback that will be run */ public void setOnSeekCompleteListener(OnSeekCompleteListener l) { mOnSeekCompleteListener = l; } private OnSeekCompleteListener mOnSeekCompleteListener; /* Do not change these values without updating their counterparts * in include/media/mediaplayer.h! */ /** Unspecified media player error. @see #OnErrorListener */ public static final int MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 1; /** Media server died. In this case, the application must release the * MediaPlayer object and instantiate a new one. @see #OnErrorListener */ public static final int MEDIA_ERROR_SERVER_DIED = 100; /** * Interface definition of a callback to be invoked when there * has been an error during an asynchronous operation (other errors * will throw exceptions at method call time). */ public interface OnErrorListener { /** * Called to indicate an error. * * @param mp the MediaPlayer the error pertains to * @param what the type of error that has occurred: *

* @param extra an extra code, specific to the error type * @return True if the method handled the error, false if it didn't. * Returning false, or not having an OnErrorListener at all, will * cause the OnCompletionListener to be called. */ boolean onError(MediaPlayer mp, int what, int extra); } /** * Register a callback to be invoked when an error has happened * during an asynchronous operation. * * @param l the callback that will be run */ public void setOnErrorListener(OnErrorListener l) { mOnErrorListener = l; } private OnErrorListener mOnErrorListener; }