/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dalvik.system.profiler; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * BinaryHprofWriter produces hprof compatible binary output for use * with third party tools. Such files can be converted to text with * with {@link HprofBinaryToAscii} or read back in with {@link BinaryHprofReader}. */ public final class BinaryHprofWriter { private int nextStringId = 1; // id 0 => null private int nextClassId = 1; private int nextStackFrameId = 1; private final Map stringToId = new HashMap(); private final Map classNameToId = new HashMap(); private final Map stackFrameToId = new HashMap(); private final HprofData data; private final DataOutputStream out; /** * Writes the provided data to the specified stream. */ public static void write(HprofData data, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { new BinaryHprofWriter(data, outputStream).write(); } private BinaryHprofWriter(HprofData data, OutputStream outputStream) { this.data = data; this.out = new DataOutputStream(outputStream); } private void write() throws IOException { try { writeHeader(data.getStartMillis()); writeControlSettings(data.getFlags(), data.getDepth()); for (HprofData.ThreadEvent event : data.getThreadHistory()) { writeThreadEvent(event); } Set samples = data.getSamples(); int total = 0; for (HprofData.Sample sample : samples) { total += sample.count; writeStackTrace(sample.stackTrace); } writeCpuSamples(total, samples); } finally { out.flush(); } } private void writeHeader(long dumpTimeInMilliseconds) throws IOException { out.writeBytes(BinaryHprof.MAGIC + "1.0.2"); out.writeByte(0); // null terminated string out.writeInt(BinaryHprof.ID_SIZE); out.writeLong(dumpTimeInMilliseconds); } private void writeControlSettings(int flags, int depth) throws IOException { if (depth > Short.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("depth too large for binary hprof: " + depth + " > " + Short.MAX_VALUE); } writeRecordHeader(BinaryHprof.Tag.CONTROL_SETTINGS, 0, BinaryHprof.Tag.CONTROL_SETTINGS.maximumSize); out.writeInt(flags); out.writeShort((short) depth); } private void writeThreadEvent(HprofData.ThreadEvent e) throws IOException { switch (e.type) { case START: writeStartThread(e); return; case END: writeStopThread(e); return; } throw new IllegalStateException(e.type.toString()); } private void writeStartThread(HprofData.ThreadEvent e) throws IOException { int threadNameId = writeString(e.threadName); int groupNameId = writeString(e.groupName); int parentGroupNameId = writeString(e.parentGroupName); writeRecordHeader(BinaryHprof.Tag.START_THREAD, 0, BinaryHprof.Tag.START_THREAD.maximumSize); out.writeInt(e.threadId); writeId(e.objectId); out.writeInt(0); // stack trace where thread was started unavailable writeId(threadNameId); writeId(groupNameId); writeId(parentGroupNameId); } private void writeStopThread(HprofData.ThreadEvent e) throws IOException { writeRecordHeader(BinaryHprof.Tag.END_THREAD, 0, BinaryHprof.Tag.END_THREAD.maximumSize); out.writeInt(e.threadId); } private void writeRecordHeader(BinaryHprof.Tag hprofTag, int timeDeltaInMicroseconds, int recordLength) throws IOException { String error = hprofTag.checkSize(recordLength); if (error != null) { throw new AssertionError(error); } out.writeByte(hprofTag.tag); out.writeInt(timeDeltaInMicroseconds); out.writeInt(recordLength); } private void writeId(int id) throws IOException { out.writeInt(id); } /** * Ensures that a string has been writen to the out and * returns its ID. The ID of a null string is zero, and * doesn't actually result in any output. In a string has * already been written previously, the earlier ID will be * returned and no output will be written. */ private int writeString(String string) throws IOException { if (string == null) { return 0; } Integer identifier = stringToId.get(string); if (identifier != null) { return identifier; } int id = nextStringId++; stringToId.put(string, id); byte[] bytes = string.getBytes("UTF-8"); writeRecordHeader(BinaryHprof.Tag.STRING_IN_UTF8, 0, BinaryHprof.ID_SIZE + bytes.length); out.writeInt(id); out.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); return id; } private void writeCpuSamples(int totalSamples, Set samples) throws IOException { int samplesCount = samples.size(); if (samplesCount == 0) { return; } writeRecordHeader(BinaryHprof.Tag.CPU_SAMPLES, 0, 4 + 4 + (samplesCount * (4 + 4))); out.writeInt(totalSamples); out.writeInt(samplesCount); for (HprofData.Sample sample : samples) { out.writeInt(sample.count); out.writeInt(sample.stackTrace.stackTraceId); } } private void writeStackTrace(HprofData.StackTrace stackTrace) throws IOException { int frames = stackTrace.stackFrames.length; int[] stackFrameIds = new int[frames]; for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++) { stackFrameIds[i] = writeStackFrame(stackTrace.stackFrames[i]); } writeRecordHeader(BinaryHprof.Tag.STACK_TRACE, 0, 4 + 4 + 4 + (frames * BinaryHprof.ID_SIZE)); out.writeInt(stackTrace.stackTraceId); out.writeInt(stackTrace.threadId); out.writeInt(frames); for (int stackFrameId : stackFrameIds) { writeId(stackFrameId); } } private int writeLoadClass(String className) throws IOException { Integer identifier = classNameToId.get(className); if (identifier != null) { return identifier; } int id = nextClassId++; classNameToId.put(className, id); int classNameId = writeString(className); writeRecordHeader(BinaryHprof.Tag.LOAD_CLASS, 0, BinaryHprof.Tag.LOAD_CLASS.maximumSize); out.writeInt(id); writeId(0); // class object ID out.writeInt(0); // stack trace where class was loaded is unavailable writeId(classNameId); return id; } private int writeStackFrame(StackTraceElement stackFrame) throws IOException { Integer identifier = stackFrameToId.get(stackFrame); if (identifier != null) { return identifier; } int id = nextStackFrameId++; stackFrameToId.put(stackFrame, id); int classId = writeLoadClass(stackFrame.getClassName()); int methodNameId = writeString(stackFrame.getMethodName()); int sourceId = writeString(stackFrame.getFileName()); writeRecordHeader(BinaryHprof.Tag.STACK_FRAME, 0, BinaryHprof.Tag.STACK_FRAME.maximumSize); writeId(id); writeId(methodNameId); writeId(0); // method signature is unavailable from StackTraceElement writeId(sourceId); out.writeInt(classId); out.writeInt(stackFrame.getLineNumber()); return id; } }