/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package libcore.io; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.TestCase; import static libcore.io.DiskLruCache.JOURNAL_FILE; import static libcore.io.DiskLruCache.MAGIC; import static libcore.io.DiskLruCache.VERSION_1; import tests.io.MockOs; public final class DiskLruCacheTest extends TestCase { private final int appVersion = 100; private String javaTmpDir; private File cacheDir; private File journalFile; private DiskLruCache cache; private final MockOs mockOs = new MockOs(); @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); javaTmpDir = System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"); cacheDir = new File(javaTmpDir, "DiskLruCacheTest"); cacheDir.mkdir(); journalFile = new File(cacheDir, JOURNAL_FILE); for (File file : cacheDir.listFiles()) { file.delete(); } cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); mockOs.install(); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { mockOs.uninstall(); cache.close(); super.tearDown(); } public void testEmptyCache() throws Exception { cache.close(); assertJournalEquals(); } public void testWriteAndReadEntry() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor creator = cache.edit("k1"); creator.set(0, "ABC"); creator.set(1, "DE"); assertNull(creator.getString(0)); assertNull(creator.newInputStream(0)); assertNull(creator.getString(1)); assertNull(creator.newInputStream(1)); creator.commit(); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("k1"); assertEquals("ABC", snapshot.getString(0)); assertEquals("DE", snapshot.getString(1)); } public void testReadAndWriteEntryAcrossCacheOpenAndClose() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor creator = cache.edit("k1"); creator.set(0, "A"); creator.set(1, "B"); creator.commit(); cache.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("k1"); assertEquals("A", snapshot.getString(0)); assertEquals("B", snapshot.getString(1)); snapshot.close(); } public void testJournalWithEditAndPublish() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor creator = cache.edit("k1"); assertJournalEquals("DIRTY k1"); // DIRTY must always be flushed creator.set(0, "AB"); creator.set(1, "C"); creator.commit(); cache.close(); assertJournalEquals("DIRTY k1", "CLEAN k1 2 1"); } public void testRevertedNewFileIsRemoveInJournal() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor creator = cache.edit("k1"); assertJournalEquals("DIRTY k1"); // DIRTY must always be flushed creator.set(0, "AB"); creator.set(1, "C"); creator.abort(); cache.close(); assertJournalEquals("DIRTY k1", "REMOVE k1"); } public void testUnterminatedEditIsRevertedOnClose() throws Exception { cache.edit("k1"); cache.close(); assertJournalEquals("DIRTY k1", "REMOVE k1"); } public void testJournalDoesNotIncludeReadOfYetUnpublishedValue() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor creator = cache.edit("k1"); assertNull(cache.get("k1")); creator.set(0, "A"); creator.set(1, "BC"); creator.commit(); cache.close(); assertJournalEquals("DIRTY k1", "CLEAN k1 1 2"); } public void testJournalWithEditAndPublishAndRead() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor k1Creator = cache.edit("k1"); k1Creator.set(0, "AB"); k1Creator.set(1, "C"); k1Creator.commit(); DiskLruCache.Editor k2Creator = cache.edit("k2"); k2Creator.set(0, "DEF"); k2Creator.set(1, "G"); k2Creator.commit(); DiskLruCache.Snapshot k1Snapshot = cache.get("k1"); k1Snapshot.close(); cache.close(); assertJournalEquals("DIRTY k1", "CLEAN k1 2 1", "DIRTY k2", "CLEAN k2 3 1", "READ k1"); } public void testCannotOperateOnEditAfterPublish() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor editor = cache.edit("k1"); editor.set(0, "A"); editor.set(1, "B"); editor.commit(); assertInoperable(editor); } public void testCannotOperateOnEditAfterRevert() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor editor = cache.edit("k1"); editor.set(0, "A"); editor.set(1, "B"); editor.abort(); assertInoperable(editor); } public void testExplicitRemoveAppliedToDiskImmediately() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor editor = cache.edit("k1"); editor.set(0, "ABC"); editor.set(1, "B"); editor.commit(); File k1 = getCleanFile("k1", 0); assertEquals("ABC", readFile(k1)); cache.remove("k1"); assertFalse(k1.exists()); } /** * Each read sees a snapshot of the file at the time read was called. * This means that two reads of the same key can see different data. */ public void testReadAndWriteOverlapsMaintainConsistency() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor v1Creator = cache.edit("k1"); v1Creator.set(0, "AAaa"); v1Creator.set(1, "BBbb"); v1Creator.commit(); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot1 = cache.get("k1"); InputStream inV1 = snapshot1.getInputStream(0); assertEquals('A', inV1.read()); assertEquals('A', inV1.read()); DiskLruCache.Editor v1Updater = cache.edit("k1"); v1Updater.set(0, "CCcc"); v1Updater.set(1, "DDdd"); v1Updater.commit(); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot2 = cache.get("k1"); assertEquals("CCcc", snapshot2.getString(0)); assertEquals("DDdd", snapshot2.getString(1)); snapshot2.close(); assertEquals('a', inV1.read()); assertEquals('a', inV1.read()); assertEquals("BBbb", snapshot1.getString(1)); snapshot1.close(); } public void testOpenWithDirtyKeyDeletesAllFilesForThatKey() throws Exception { cache.close(); File cleanFile0 = getCleanFile("k1", 0); File cleanFile1 = getCleanFile("k1", 1); File dirtyFile0 = getDirtyFile("k1", 0); File dirtyFile1 = getDirtyFile("k1", 1); writeFile(cleanFile0, "A"); writeFile(cleanFile1, "B"); writeFile(dirtyFile0, "C"); writeFile(dirtyFile1, "D"); createJournal("CLEAN k1 1 1", "DIRTY k1"); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertFalse(cleanFile0.exists()); assertFalse(cleanFile1.exists()); assertFalse(dirtyFile0.exists()); assertFalse(dirtyFile1.exists()); assertNull(cache.get("k1")); } public void testOpenWithInvalidVersionClearsDirectory() throws Exception { cache.close(); generateSomeGarbageFiles(); createJournalWithHeader(MAGIC, "0", "100", "2", ""); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertGarbageFilesAllDeleted(); } public void testOpenWithInvalidAppVersionClearsDirectory() throws Exception { cache.close(); generateSomeGarbageFiles(); createJournalWithHeader(MAGIC, "1", "101", "2", ""); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertGarbageFilesAllDeleted(); } public void testOpenWithInvalidValueCountClearsDirectory() throws Exception { cache.close(); generateSomeGarbageFiles(); createJournalWithHeader(MAGIC, "1", "100", "1", ""); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertGarbageFilesAllDeleted(); } public void testOpenWithInvalidBlankLineClearsDirectory() throws Exception { cache.close(); generateSomeGarbageFiles(); createJournalWithHeader(MAGIC, "1", "100", "2", "x"); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertGarbageFilesAllDeleted(); } public void testOpenWithInvalidJournalLineClearsDirectory() throws Exception { cache.close(); generateSomeGarbageFiles(); createJournal("CLEAN k1 1 1", "BOGUS"); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertGarbageFilesAllDeleted(); assertNull(cache.get("k1")); } public void testOpenWithInvalidFileSizeClearsDirectory() throws Exception { cache.close(); generateSomeGarbageFiles(); createJournal("CLEAN k1 0000x001 1"); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertGarbageFilesAllDeleted(); assertNull(cache.get("k1")); } public void testOpenWithTruncatedLineDiscardsThatLine() throws Exception { cache.close(); writeFile(getCleanFile("k1", 0), "A"); writeFile(getCleanFile("k1", 1), "B"); Writer writer = new FileWriter(journalFile); writer.write(MAGIC + "\n" + VERSION_1 + "\n100\n2\n\nCLEAN k1 1 1"); // no trailing newline writer.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertNull(cache.get("k1")); } public void testOpenWithTooManyFileSizesClearsDirectory() throws Exception { cache.close(); generateSomeGarbageFiles(); createJournal("CLEAN k1 1 1 1"); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertGarbageFilesAllDeleted(); assertNull(cache.get("k1")); } public void testKeyWithSpaceNotPermitted() throws Exception { try { cache.edit("my key"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } public void testKeyWithNewlineNotPermitted() throws Exception { try { cache.edit("my\nkey"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } public void testKeyWithCarriageReturnNotPermitted() throws Exception { try { cache.edit("my\rkey"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } public void testNullKeyThrows() throws Exception { try { cache.edit(null); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { } } public void testCreateNewEntryWithTooFewValuesFails() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor creator = cache.edit("k1"); creator.set(1, "A"); try { creator.commit(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } assertFalse(getCleanFile("k1", 0).exists()); assertFalse(getCleanFile("k1", 1).exists()); assertFalse(getDirtyFile("k1", 0).exists()); assertFalse(getDirtyFile("k1", 1).exists()); assertNull(cache.get("k1")); DiskLruCache.Editor creator2 = cache.edit("k1"); creator2.set(0, "B"); creator2.set(1, "C"); creator2.commit(); } public void testCreateNewEntryWithMissingFileAborts() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor creator = cache.edit("k1"); creator.set(0, "A"); creator.set(1, "A"); assertTrue(getDirtyFile("k1", 0).exists()); assertTrue(getDirtyFile("k1", 1).exists()); assertTrue(getDirtyFile("k1", 0).delete()); assertFalse(getDirtyFile("k1", 0).exists()); creator.commit(); // silently abort if file does not exist due to I/O issue assertFalse(getCleanFile("k1", 0).exists()); assertFalse(getCleanFile("k1", 1).exists()); assertFalse(getDirtyFile("k1", 0).exists()); assertFalse(getDirtyFile("k1", 1).exists()); assertNull(cache.get("k1")); DiskLruCache.Editor creator2 = cache.edit("k1"); creator2.set(0, "B"); creator2.set(1, "C"); creator2.commit(); } public void testRevertWithTooFewValues() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor creator = cache.edit("k1"); creator.set(1, "A"); creator.abort(); assertFalse(getCleanFile("k1", 0).exists()); assertFalse(getCleanFile("k1", 1).exists()); assertFalse(getDirtyFile("k1", 0).exists()); assertFalse(getDirtyFile("k1", 1).exists()); assertNull(cache.get("k1")); } public void testUpdateExistingEntryWithTooFewValuesReusesPreviousValues() throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor creator = cache.edit("k1"); creator.set(0, "A"); creator.set(1, "B"); creator.commit(); DiskLruCache.Editor updater = cache.edit("k1"); updater.set(0, "C"); updater.commit(); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("k1"); assertEquals("C", snapshot.getString(0)); assertEquals("B", snapshot.getString(1)); snapshot.close(); } public void testEvictOnInsert() throws Exception { cache.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, 10); set("A", "a", "aaa"); // size 4 set("B", "bb", "bbbb"); // size 6 assertEquals(10, cache.size()); // cause the size to grow to 12 should evict 'A' set("C", "c", "c"); cache.flush(); assertEquals(8, cache.size()); assertAbsent("A"); assertValue("B", "bb", "bbbb"); assertValue("C", "c", "c"); // causing the size to grow to 10 should evict nothing set("D", "d", "d"); cache.flush(); assertEquals(10, cache.size()); assertAbsent("A"); assertValue("B", "bb", "bbbb"); assertValue("C", "c", "c"); assertValue("D", "d", "d"); // causing the size to grow to 18 should evict 'B' and 'C' set("E", "eeee", "eeee"); cache.flush(); assertEquals(10, cache.size()); assertAbsent("A"); assertAbsent("B"); assertAbsent("C"); assertValue("D", "d", "d"); assertValue("E", "eeee", "eeee"); } public void testEvictOnUpdate() throws Exception { cache.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, 10); set("A", "a", "aa"); // size 3 set("B", "b", "bb"); // size 3 set("C", "c", "cc"); // size 3 assertEquals(9, cache.size()); // causing the size to grow to 11 should evict 'A' set("B", "b", "bbbb"); cache.flush(); assertEquals(8, cache.size()); assertAbsent("A"); assertValue("B", "b", "bbbb"); assertValue("C", "c", "cc"); } public void testEvictionHonorsLruFromCurrentSession() throws Exception { cache.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, 10); set("A", "a", "a"); set("B", "b", "b"); set("C", "c", "c"); set("D", "d", "d"); set("E", "e", "e"); cache.get("B").close(); // 'B' is now least recently used // causing the size to grow to 12 should evict 'A' set("F", "f", "f"); // causing the size to grow to 12 should evict 'C' set("G", "g", "g"); cache.flush(); assertEquals(10, cache.size()); assertAbsent("A"); assertValue("B", "b", "b"); assertAbsent("C"); assertValue("D", "d", "d"); assertValue("E", "e", "e"); assertValue("F", "f", "f"); } public void testEvictionHonorsLruFromPreviousSession() throws Exception { set("A", "a", "a"); set("B", "b", "b"); set("C", "c", "c"); set("D", "d", "d"); set("E", "e", "e"); set("F", "f", "f"); cache.get("B").close(); // 'B' is now least recently used assertEquals(12, cache.size()); cache.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, 10); set("G", "g", "g"); cache.flush(); assertEquals(10, cache.size()); assertAbsent("A"); assertValue("B", "b", "b"); assertAbsent("C"); assertValue("D", "d", "d"); assertValue("E", "e", "e"); assertValue("F", "f", "f"); assertValue("G", "g", "g"); } public void testCacheSingleEntryOfSizeGreaterThanMaxSize() throws Exception { cache.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, 10); set("A", "aaaaa", "aaaaaa"); // size=11 cache.flush(); assertAbsent("A"); } public void testCacheSingleValueOfSizeGreaterThanMaxSize() throws Exception { cache.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, 10); set("A", "aaaaaaaaaaa", "a"); // size=12 cache.flush(); assertAbsent("A"); } public void testConstructorDoesNotAllowZeroCacheSize() throws Exception { try { DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, 0); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } public void testConstructorDoesNotAllowZeroValuesPerEntry() throws Exception { try { DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 0, 10); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } } public void testRemoveAbsentElement() throws Exception { cache.remove("A"); } public void testReadingTheSameStreamMultipleTimes() throws Exception { set("A", "a", "b"); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("A"); assertSame(snapshot.getInputStream(0), snapshot.getInputStream(0)); snapshot.close(); } public void testRebuildJournalOnRepeatedReads() throws Exception { set("A", "a", "a"); set("B", "b", "b"); long lastJournalLength = 0; while (true) { long journalLength = journalFile.length(); assertValue("A", "a", "a"); assertValue("B", "b", "b"); if (journalLength < lastJournalLength) { System.out.printf("Journal compacted from %s bytes to %s bytes\n", lastJournalLength, journalLength); break; // test passed! } lastJournalLength = journalLength; } } public void testRebuildJournalOnRepeatedEdits() throws Exception { long lastJournalLength = 0; while (true) { long journalLength = journalFile.length(); set("A", "a", "a"); set("B", "b", "b"); if (journalLength < lastJournalLength) { System.out.printf("Journal compacted from %s bytes to %s bytes\n", lastJournalLength, journalLength); break; } lastJournalLength = journalLength; } // sanity check that a rebuilt journal behaves normally assertValue("A", "a", "a"); assertValue("B", "b", "b"); } public void testOpenCreatesDirectoryIfNecessary() throws Exception { cache.close(); File dir = new File(javaTmpDir, "testOpenCreatesDirectoryIfNecessary"); cache = DiskLruCache.open(dir, appVersion, 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); set("A", "a", "a"); assertTrue(new File(dir, "A.0").exists()); assertTrue(new File(dir, "A.1").exists()); assertTrue(new File(dir, "journal").exists()); } public void testFileDeletedExternally() throws Exception { set("A", "a", "a"); getCleanFile("A", 1).delete(); assertNull(cache.get("A")); } public void testFileBecomesInaccessibleDuringReadResultsInIoException() throws Exception { set("A", "aaaaa", "a"); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("A"); InputStream in = snapshot.getInputStream(0); assertEquals('a', in.read()); mockOs.enqueueFault("read"); try { in.read(); fail(); } catch (IOException expected) { } snapshot.close(); } public void testFileBecomesInaccessibleDuringWriteIsSilentlyDiscarded() throws Exception { set("A", "a", "a"); DiskLruCache.Editor editor = cache.edit("A"); OutputStream out0 = editor.newOutputStream(0); out0.write('b'); out0.close(); OutputStream out1 = editor.newOutputStream(1); out1.write('c'); mockOs.enqueueFault("write"); out1.write('c'); // this doesn't throw... out1.close(); editor.commit(); // ... but this will abort assertAbsent("A"); } public void testEditSameVersion() throws Exception { set("A", "a", "a"); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("A"); DiskLruCache.Editor editor = snapshot.edit(); editor.set(1, "a2"); editor.commit(); assertValue("A", "a", "a2"); } public void testEditSnapshotAfterChangeAborted() throws Exception { set("A", "a", "a"); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("A"); DiskLruCache.Editor toAbort = snapshot.edit(); toAbort.set(0, "b"); toAbort.abort(); DiskLruCache.Editor editor = snapshot.edit(); editor.set(1, "a2"); editor.commit(); assertValue("A", "a", "a2"); } public void testEditSnapshotAfterChangeCommitted() throws Exception { set("A", "a", "a"); DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("A"); DiskLruCache.Editor toAbort = snapshot.edit(); toAbort.set(0, "b"); toAbort.commit(); assertNull(snapshot.edit()); } public void testEditSinceEvicted() throws Exception { cache.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, 10); set("A", "aa", "aaa"); // size 5 DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("A"); set("B", "bb", "bbb"); // size 5 set("C", "cc", "ccc"); // size 5; will evict 'A' cache.flush(); assertNull(snapshot.edit()); } public void testEditSinceEvictedAndRecreated() throws Exception { cache.close(); cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, appVersion, 2, 10); set("A", "aa", "aaa"); // size 5 DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get("A"); set("B", "bb", "bbb"); // size 5 set("C", "cc", "ccc"); // size 5; will evict 'A' set("A", "a", "aaaa"); // size 5; will evict 'B' cache.flush(); assertNull(snapshot.edit()); } private void assertJournalEquals(String... expectedBodyLines) throws Exception { List expectedLines = new ArrayList(); expectedLines.add(MAGIC); expectedLines.add(VERSION_1); expectedLines.add("100"); expectedLines.add("2"); expectedLines.add(""); expectedLines.addAll(Arrays.asList(expectedBodyLines)); assertEquals(expectedLines, readJournalLines()); } private void createJournal(String... bodyLines) throws Exception { createJournalWithHeader(MAGIC, VERSION_1, "100", "2", "", bodyLines); } private void createJournalWithHeader(String magic, String version, String appVersion, String valueCount, String blank, String... bodyLines) throws Exception { Writer writer = new FileWriter(journalFile); writer.write(magic + "\n"); writer.write(version + "\n"); writer.write(appVersion + "\n"); writer.write(valueCount + "\n"); writer.write(blank + "\n"); for (String line : bodyLines) { writer.write(line); writer.write('\n'); } writer.close(); } private List readJournalLines() throws Exception { List result = new ArrayList(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(journalFile)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { result.add(line); } reader.close(); return result; } private File getCleanFile(String key, int index) { return new File(cacheDir, key + "." + index); } private File getDirtyFile(String key, int index) { return new File(cacheDir, key + "." + index + ".tmp"); } private String readFile(File file) throws Exception { Reader reader = new FileReader(file); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); char[] buffer = new char[1024]; int count; while ((count = reader.read(buffer)) != -1) { writer.write(buffer, 0, count); } reader.close(); return writer.toString(); } public void writeFile(File file, String content) throws Exception { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); writer.write(content); writer.close(); } private void assertInoperable(DiskLruCache.Editor editor) throws Exception { try { editor.getString(0); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } try { editor.set(0, "A"); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } try { editor.newInputStream(0); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } try { editor.newOutputStream(0); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } try { editor.commit(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } try { editor.abort(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException expected) { } } private void generateSomeGarbageFiles() throws Exception { File dir1 = new File(cacheDir, "dir1"); File dir2 = new File(dir1, "dir2"); writeFile(getCleanFile("g1", 0), "A"); writeFile(getCleanFile("g1", 1), "B"); writeFile(getCleanFile("g2", 0), "C"); writeFile(getCleanFile("g2", 1), "D"); writeFile(getCleanFile("g2", 1), "D"); writeFile(new File(cacheDir, "otherFile0"), "E"); dir1.mkdir(); dir2.mkdir(); writeFile(new File(dir2, "otherFile1"), "F"); } private void assertGarbageFilesAllDeleted() throws Exception { assertFalse(getCleanFile("g1", 0).exists()); assertFalse(getCleanFile("g1", 1).exists()); assertFalse(getCleanFile("g2", 0).exists()); assertFalse(getCleanFile("g2", 1).exists()); assertFalse(new File(cacheDir, "otherFile0").exists()); assertFalse(new File(cacheDir, "dir1").exists()); } private void set(String key, String value0, String value1) throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Editor editor = cache.edit(key); editor.set(0, value0); editor.set(1, value1); editor.commit(); } private void assertAbsent(String key) throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get(key); if (snapshot != null) { snapshot.close(); fail(); } assertFalse(getCleanFile(key, 0).exists()); assertFalse(getCleanFile(key, 1).exists()); assertFalse(getDirtyFile(key, 0).exists()); assertFalse(getDirtyFile(key, 1).exists()); } private void assertValue(String key, String value0, String value1) throws Exception { DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = cache.get(key); assertEquals(value0, snapshot.getString(0)); assertEquals(value1, snapshot.getString(1)); assertTrue(getCleanFile(key, 0).exists()); assertTrue(getCleanFile(key, 1).exists()); snapshot.close(); } }