OP_FILLED_NEW_ARRAY.S revision f3e177289ac078f18401cfd8eebafe584dd0d01f
1%default { "isrange":"0" }
2%verify "executed"
3%verify "unimplemented array type"
4    /*
5     * Create a new array with elements filled from registers.
6     *
7     * for: filled-new-array, filled-new-array/range
8     */
9    /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
10    /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, type@BBBB */
11    movl    rGLUE,%eax
12    movl    offGlue_methodClassDex(%eax),%eax # eax<- pDvmDex
13    movzwl  2(rPC),%ecx                       # ecx<- BBBB
14    movl    offDvmDex_pResClasses(%eax),%eax  # eax<- pDvmDex->pResClasses
15    movl    (%eax,%ecx,4),%eax                # eax<- resolved class
17    testl   %eax,%eax                         # already resolved?
18    jne     .L${opcode}_continue              # yes, continue
19    # less frequent path, so we'll redo some work
20    movl    rGLUE,%eax
21    movl    $$0,OUT_ARG2(%esp)                # arg2<- false
22    movl    %ecx,OUT_ARG1(%esp)               # arg1<- BBBB
23    movl    offGlue_method(%eax),%eax         # eax<- glue->method
24    jmp     .L${opcode}_more
28    movl    offMethod_clazz(%eax),%eax        # eax<- method->clazz
29    movl    %eax,OUT_ARG0(%esp)               # arg0<- clazz
30    call    dvmResolveClass                   # eax<- call(clazz,ref,flag)
31    testl   %eax,%eax                         # null?
32    je      common_exceptionThrown            # yes, handle it
34       # note: fall through to .L${opcode}_continue
36    /*
37     * On entry:
38     *    eax holds array class [r0]
39     *    rINST holds AA or BB [r10]
40     *    ecx is scratch
41     */
43    movl    offClassObject_descriptor(%eax),%ecx  # ecx<- arrayClass->descriptor
44    movl    $$ALLOC_DONT_TRACK,OUT_ARG2(%esp)     # arg2<- flags
45    movzbl  1(%ecx),%ecx                          # ecx<- descriptor[1]
46    movl    %eax,OUT_ARG0(%esp)                   # arg0<- arrayClass
47    movl    rGLUE,%eax
48    cmpb    $$'I',%cl                             # supported?
49    je      1f
50    cmpb    $$'L',%cl
51    je      1f
52    cmpb    $$'[',%cl
53    jne      .L${opcode}_notimpl                  # no, not handled yet
55    movl    %ecx,offGlue_retval+4(%eax)           # save type
56    .if      (!$isrange)
57    SPILL_TMP1(rINST)                              # save copy, need "B" later
58    sarl    $$4,rINST
59    .endif
60    movl    rINST,OUT_ARG1(%esp)                  # arg1<- A or AA (length)
61    call    dvmAllocArrayByClass     # eax<- call(arrayClass, length, flags)
62    movl    rGLUE,%ecx
63    testl   %eax,%eax                             # alloc successful?
64    je      common_exceptionThrown                # no, handle exception
65    movl    %eax,offGlue_retval(%ecx)             # retval.l<- new array
66    movzwl  4(rPC),%ecx                           # ecx<- FEDC or CCCC
67    leal    offArrayObject_contents(%eax),%eax    # eax<- newArray->contents
69/* at this point:
70 *     eax is pointer to tgt
71 *     rINST is length
72 *     ecx is FEDC or CCCC
73 *     TMP_SPILL is BA
74 *  We now need to copy values from registers into the array
75 */
77    .if $isrange
78    # set up src pointer
79    SPILL_TMP2(%esi)
80    SPILL_TMP3(%edi)
81    movl    %eax,%edi         # set up dst ptr
82    leal    (rFP,%ecx,4),%esi # set up src ptr
83    movl    rINST,%ecx        # load count register
84    rep
85    movsd
86    UNSPILL_TMP2(%esi)
87    UNSPILL_TMP3(%edi)
88    movl    rGLUE,%ecx
89    movl    offGlue_retval+4(%ecx),%eax      # eax<- type
90    FETCH_INST_OPCODE 3 %edx
91    .else
92    testl  rINST,rINST
93    je     4f
94    andl   $$0x0f,%edx        # edx<- 0000000A
95    sall   $$16,%edx          # edx<- 000A0000
96    orl    %ecx,%edx          # edx<- 000AFEDC
98    movl   $$0xf,%ecx
99    andl   %edx,%ecx          # ecx<- next reg to load
100    GET_VREG_R %ecx %ecx
101    shrl   $$4,%edx
102    leal   4(%eax),%eax
103    movl   %ecx,-4(%eax)
104    sub    $$1,rINST
105    jne    3b
107    movl   rGLUE,%ecx
108    movl    offGlue_retval+4(%ecx),%eax      # eax<- type
109    FETCH_INST_OPCODE 3 %edx
110    .endif
112    cmpb    $$'I',%al                        # Int array?
113    je      5f                               # skip card mark if so
114    movl    offGlue_retval(%ecx),%eax        # eax<- object head
115    movl    offGlue_cardTable(%ecx),%ecx     # card table base
116    shrl    $$GC_CARD_SHIFT,%eax             # convert to card num
117    movb    %cl,(%ecx,%eax)                  # mark card
119    ADVANCE_PC 3
120    GOTO_NEXT_R %edx
123    /*
124     * Throw an exception indicating that we have not implemented this
125     * mode of filled-new-array.
126     */
128    movl    $$.LstrInternalErrorA,%eax
129    movl    %eax,OUT_ARG0(%esp)
130    movl    $$.LstrFilledNewArrayNotImplA,%eax
131    movl    %eax,OUT_ARG1(%esp)
132    call    dvmThrowException
133    jmp     common_exceptionThrown