base.gyp revision 4a5e2dc747d50c653511c68ccb2cfbfb740bd5a7
1# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
6  'variables': {
7    'chromium_code': 1,
8  },
9  'includes': [
10    'base.gypi',
11  ],
12  'targets': [
13    {
14      'target_name': 'base_i18n',
15      'type': '<(library)',
16      'msvs_guid': '968F3222-9798-4D21-BE08-15ECB5EF2994',
17      'dependencies': [
18        'base',
19        '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n',
20        '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc',
21      ],
22      'conditions': [
23        ['OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd" or OS=="openbsd"', {
24          'dependencies': [
25            # i18n/ uses gtk
26            '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk',
27          ],
28        }],
29      ],
30      'export_dependent_settings': [
31        'base',
32      ],
33      'sources': [
34        'i18n/',
35        'i18n/char_iterator.h',
36        'i18n/',
37        'i18n/file_util_icu.h',
38        'i18n/',
39        'i18n/icu_encoding_detection.h',
40        'i18n/',
41        'i18n/icu_string_conversions.h',
42        'i18n/',
43        'i18n/icu_util.h',
44        'i18n/',
45        'i18n/number_formatting.h',
46        'i18n/',
47        'i18n/rtl.h',
48        'i18n/',
49        'i18n/time_formatting.h',
50        'i18n/',
51        'i18n/word_iterator.h',
52      ],
53    },
54    {
55      'target_name': 'base_unittests',
56      'type': 'executable',
57      'msvs_guid': '27A30967-4BBA-48D1-8522-CDE95F7B1CEC',
58      'sources': [
59        # Infrastructure files.
60        'test/',
62        # Tests.
63        '',
64        '',
65        '',
66        '',
67        '',
68        '',
69        '',
70        '',
71        'crypto/',
72        'crypto/',
73        'crypto/',
74        'crypto/',
75        'crypto/',
76        'crypto/',
77        '',
78        'debug/',
79        'debug/',
80        'debug/',
81        '',
82        '',
83        '',
84        '',
85        '',
86        '',
87        '',
88        '',
89        '',
90        'i18n/',
91        'i18n/',
92        'i18n/',
93        'i18n/',
94        'i18n/',
95        'json/',
96        'json/',
97        'json/',
98        '',
99        '',
100        '',
101        '',
102        '',
103        '',
104        '',
105        '',
106        '',
107        'metrics/',
108        'metrics/',
109        'metrics/',
110        '',
111        '',
112        '',
113        '',
114        '',
115        '',
116        '',
117        '',
118        '',
119        'process_util_unittest_mac.h',
120        '',
121        '',
122        '',
123        '',
124        '',
125        '',
126        '',
127        '',
128        '',
129        '',
130        '',
131        '',
132        '',
133        '',
134        '',
135        '',
136        '',
137        '',
138        '',
139        '',
140        '',
141        '',
142        '',
143        '',
144        '',
145        '',
146        '',
147        '',
148        '',
149        '',
150        '',
151        '',
152        '',
153        '',
154        '',
155        '',
156        '',
157        '',
158        '',
159        '',
160        '',
161        '',
162        '',
163        '',
164        '',
165        'win/',
166        'win/',
167        'win/',
168        'win/',
169        'win/',
170        'win/',
171        'win/',
172        'win/',
173        'win/',
174        '',
175      ],
176      'include_dirs': [
177        # word_iterator.h (used by leaks an ICU
178        # #include for unicode/uchar.h.  This should probably be cleaned up.
179        '../third_party/icu/public/common',
180      ],
181      'dependencies': [
182        'base',
183        'base_i18n',
184        'test_support_base',
185        '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock',
186        '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
187      ],
188      'conditions': [
189        ['OS == "linux" or OS == "freebsd" or OS == "openbsd" or OS == "solaris"', {
190          'sources!': [
191            '',
192            '',
193          ],
194          'sources': [
195            'nix/',
196          ],
197          'conditions': [
198            [ 'linux_use_tcmalloc==1', {
199                'dependencies': [
200                  'allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator',
201                ],
202              },
203            ],
204          ],
205          'dependencies': [
206            '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk',
207            '../build/linux/system.gyp:nss',
208            '../tools/xdisplaycheck/xdisplaycheck.gyp:xdisplaycheck',
209          ],
210        }, {  # OS != "linux" and OS != "freebsd" and OS != "openbsd" and OS != "solaris"
211          'sources!': [
212            '',
213            'crypto/',
214          ]
215        }],
216        # This is needed to trigger the dll copy step on windows.
217        # TODO(mark): This should not be necessary.
218        ['OS == "win"', {
219          'dependencies': [
220            '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icudata',
221          ],
222          'sources!': [
223            '',
224            '',
225          ],
226        }, {  # OS != "win"
227          'sources/': [
228            ['exclude', '^win/'],
229          ],
230          'sources!': [
231            '',
232            '',
233            '',
234            '',
235            '',
236          ],
237        }],
238        [ 'use_openssl==1', {
239          'sources!': [
240            'crypto/',
241          ],
242        }],
243      ],
244    },
245    {
246      'target_name': 'test_support_base',
247      'type': '<(library)',
248      'dependencies': [
249        'base',
250        'base_i18n',
251        '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock',
252        '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
253      ],
254      'conditions': [
255        ['OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd" or OS=="openbsd"', {
256          'dependencies': [
257            # test_suite initializes GTK.
258            '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk',
259          ],
260        }],
261      ],
262      'sources': [
263        '',
264        'test/',
265        'test/multiprocess_test.h',
266        'test/',
267        'test/perf_test_suite.h',
268        'test/test_file_util.h',
269        'test/',
270        'test/',
271        'test/',
272        'test/',
273        'test/',
274        'test/test_suite.h',
275        'test/',
276        'test/test_switches.h',
277        'test/',
278        'test/test_timeouts.h',
279      ],
280    },
281    {
282      'target_name': 'test_support_perf',
283      'type': '<(library)',
284      'dependencies': [
285        'base',
286        '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
287      ],
288      'sources': [
289        '',
290        'test/',
291      ],
292      'direct_dependent_settings': {
293        'defines': [
294          'PERF_TEST',
295        ],
296      },
297      'conditions': [
298        ['OS == "linux" or OS == "freebsd" or OS == "openbsd" or OS == "solaris"', {
299          'dependencies': [
300            # Needed to handle the #include chain:
301            #   base/test/perf_test_suite.h
302            #   base/test/test_suite.h
303            #   gtk/gtk.h
304            '../build/linux/system.gyp:gtk',
305          ],
306        }],
307      ],
308    },
309  ],
310  'conditions': [
311    [ 'OS == "win"', {
312      'targets': [
313        {
314          'target_name': 'debug_message',
315          'type': 'executable',
316          'sources': [
317            '',
318          ],
319          'msvs_settings': {
320            'VCLinkerTool': {
321              'SubSystem': '2',         # Set /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS
322            },
323          },
324        },
325      ],
326    }],
327  ],
330# Local Variables:
331# tab-width:2
332# indent-tabs-mode:nil
333# End:
334# vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: