MachineInstr.h revision ef6a6a69ff1e1b709d0acb315b9f6c926c67a778
1//===-- llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h - MachineInstr class ---------*- C++ -*--=//
3// This file contains the declaration of the MachineInstr class, which is the
4// basic representation for all target dependent machine instructions used by
5// the back end.
12#include "llvm/Target/MRegisterInfo.h"
13#include "Support/Annotation.h"
14#include "Support/iterator"
15#include <set>
17class Value;
18class Function;
19class MachineBasicBlock;
20class TargetMachine;
21class GlobalValue;
23typedef int MachineOpCode;
26/// Special flags on instructions that modify the opcode.
27/// These flags are unused for now, but having them enforces that some
28/// changes will be needed if they are used.
30enum MachineOpCodeFlags {
31  AnnulFlag,         /// 1 if annul bit is set on a branch
32  PredTakenFlag,     /// 1 if branch should be predicted taken
33  PredNotTakenFlag   /// 1 if branch should be predicted not taken
37/// MOTy - MachineOperandType - This namespace contains an enum that describes
38/// how the machine operand is used by the instruction: is it read, defined, or
39/// both?  Note that the MachineInstr/Operator class currently uses bool
40/// arguments to represent this information instead of an enum.  Eventually this
41/// should change over to use this _easier to read_ representation instead.
43namespace MOTy {
44  enum UseType {
45    Use,             /// This machine operand is only read by the instruction
46    Def,             /// This machine operand is only written by the instruction
47    UseAndDef        /// This machine operand is read AND written
48  };
52// class MachineOperand
54// Purpose:
55//   Representation of each machine instruction operand.
56//   This class is designed so that you can allocate a vector of operands
57//   first and initialize each one later.
59//   E.g, for this VM instruction:
60//		ptr = alloca type, numElements
61//   we generate 2 machine instructions on the SPARC:
63//		mul Constant, Numelements -> Reg
64//		add %sp, Reg -> Ptr
66//   Each instruction has 3 operands, listed above.  Of those:
67//   -	Reg, NumElements, and Ptr are of operand type MO_Register.
68//   -	Constant is of operand type MO_SignExtendedImmed on the SPARC.
70//   For the register operands, the virtual register type is as follows:
72//   -  Reg will be of virtual register type MO_MInstrVirtualReg.  The field
73//	MachineInstr* minstr will point to the instruction that computes reg.
75//   -	%sp will be of virtual register type MO_MachineReg.
76//	The field regNum identifies the machine register.
78//   -	NumElements will be of virtual register type MO_VirtualReg.
79//	The field Value* value identifies the value.
81//   -	Ptr will also be of virtual register type MO_VirtualReg.
82//	Again, the field Value* value identifies the value.
86struct MachineOperand {
87  enum MachineOperandType {
88    MO_VirtualRegister,		// virtual register for *value
89    MO_MachineRegister,		// pre-assigned machine register `regNum'
90    MO_CCRegister,
91    MO_SignExtendedImmed,
92    MO_UnextendedImmed,
93    MO_PCRelativeDisp,
94    MO_MachineBasicBlock,       // MachineBasicBlock reference
95    MO_FrameIndex,              // Abstract Stack Frame Index
96    MO_ConstantPoolIndex,       // Address of indexed Constant in Constant Pool
97    MO_ExternalSymbol,          // Name of external global symbol
98    MO_GlobalAddress,           // Address of a global value
99  };
102  // Bit fields of the flags variable used for different operand properties
103  enum {
104    DEFONLYFLAG = 0x01,       // this is a def but not a use of the operand
105    DEFUSEFLAG  = 0x02,       // this is both a def and a use
106    HIFLAG32    = 0x04,       // operand is %hi32(value_or_immedVal)
107    LOFLAG32    = 0x08,       // operand is %lo32(value_or_immedVal)
108    HIFLAG64    = 0x10,       // operand is %hi64(value_or_immedVal)
109    LOFLAG64    = 0x20,       // operand is %lo64(value_or_immedVal)
110    PCRELATIVE  = 0x40,       // Operand is relative to PC, not a global address
112    USEDEFMASK = 0x03,
113  };
116  union {
117    Value*	value;		// BasicBlockVal for a label operand.
118				// ConstantVal for a non-address immediate.
119				// Virtual register for an SSA operand,
120				//   including hidden operands required for
121				//   the generated machine code.
122                                // LLVM global for MO_GlobalAddress.
124    int64_t immedVal;		// Constant value for an explicit constant
126    MachineBasicBlock *MBB;     // For MO_MachineBasicBlock type
127    std::string *SymbolName;    // For MO_ExternalSymbol type
128  };
130  char flags;                   // see bit field definitions above
131  MachineOperandType opType:8;  // Pack into 8 bits efficiently after flags.
132  int regNum;	                // register number for an explicit register
133                                // will be set for a value after reg allocation
135  MachineOperand()
136    : immedVal(0),
137      flags(0),
138      opType(MO_VirtualRegister),
139      regNum(-1) {}
141  MachineOperand(int64_t ImmVal, MachineOperandType OpTy)
142    : immedVal(ImmVal),
143      flags(0),
144      opType(OpTy),
145      regNum(-1) {}
147  MachineOperand(int Reg, MachineOperandType OpTy, MOTy::UseType UseTy)
148    : immedVal(0),
149      opType(OpTy),
150      regNum(Reg) {
151    switch (UseTy) {
152    case MOTy::Use:       flags = 0; break;
153    case MOTy::Def:       flags = DEFONLYFLAG; break;
154    case MOTy::UseAndDef: flags = DEFUSEFLAG; break;
155    default: assert(0 && "Invalid value for UseTy!");
156    }
157  }
159  MachineOperand(Value *V, MachineOperandType OpTy, MOTy::UseType UseTy,
160		 bool isPCRelative = false)
161    : value(V), opType(OpTy), regNum(-1) {
162    switch (UseTy) {
163    case MOTy::Use:       flags = 0; break;
164    case MOTy::Def:       flags = DEFONLYFLAG; break;
165    case MOTy::UseAndDef: flags = DEFUSEFLAG; break;
166    default: assert(0 && "Invalid value for UseTy!");
167    }
168    if (isPCRelative) flags |= PCRELATIVE;
169  }
171  MachineOperand(MachineBasicBlock *mbb)
172    : MBB(mbb), flags(0), opType(MO_MachineBasicBlock), regNum(-1) {}
174  MachineOperand(const std::string &SymName, bool isPCRelative)
175    : SymbolName(new std::string(SymName)), flags(isPCRelative ? PCRELATIVE :0),
176      opType(MO_ExternalSymbol), regNum(-1) {}
179  MachineOperand(const MachineOperand &M) : immedVal(M.immedVal),
180					    flags(M.flags),
181					    opType(M.opType),
182					    regNum(M.regNum) {
183    if (isExternalSymbol())
184      SymbolName = new std::string(M.getSymbolName());
185  }
187  ~MachineOperand() {
188    if (isExternalSymbol())
189      delete SymbolName;
190  }
192  const MachineOperand &operator=(const MachineOperand &MO) {
193    if (isExternalSymbol())             // if old operand had a symbol name,
194      delete SymbolName;                // release old memory
195    immedVal = MO.immedVal;
196    flags    = MO.flags;
197    opType   = MO.opType;
198    regNum   = MO.regNum;
199    if (isExternalSymbol())
200      SymbolName = new std::string(MO.getSymbolName());
201    return *this;
202  }
204  // Accessor methods.  Caller is responsible for checking the
205  // operand type before invoking the corresponding accessor.
206  //
207  MachineOperandType getType() const { return opType; }
209  /// isPCRelative - This returns the value of the PCRELATIVE flag, which
210  /// indicates whether this operand should be emitted as a PC relative value
211  /// instead of a global address.  This is used for operands of the forms:
212  /// MachineBasicBlock, GlobalAddress, ExternalSymbol
213  ///
214  bool isPCRelative() const { return (flags & PCRELATIVE) != 0; }
217  // This is to finally stop caring whether we have a virtual or machine
218  // register -- an easier interface is to simply call both virtual and machine
219  // registers essentially the same, yet be able to distinguish when
220  // necessary. Thus the instruction selector can just add registers without
221  // abandon, and the register allocator won't be confused.
222  bool isVirtualRegister() const {
223    return (opType == MO_VirtualRegister || opType == MO_MachineRegister)
224      && regNum >= MRegisterInfo::FirstVirtualRegister;
225  }
226  bool isPhysicalRegister() const {
227    return (opType == MO_VirtualRegister || opType == MO_MachineRegister)
228      && (unsigned)regNum < MRegisterInfo::FirstVirtualRegister;
229  }
230  bool isRegister() const { return isVirtualRegister() || isPhysicalRegister();}
231  bool isMachineRegister() const { return !isVirtualRegister(); }
232  bool isMachineBasicBlock() const { return opType == MO_MachineBasicBlock; }
233  bool isPCRelativeDisp() const { return opType == MO_PCRelativeDisp; }
234  bool isImmediate() const {
235    return opType == MO_SignExtendedImmed || opType == MO_UnextendedImmed;
236  }
237  bool isFrameIndex() const { return opType == MO_FrameIndex; }
238  bool isConstantPoolIndex() const { return opType == MO_ConstantPoolIndex; }
239  bool isGlobalAddress() const { return opType == MO_GlobalAddress; }
240  bool isExternalSymbol() const { return opType == MO_ExternalSymbol; }
242  Value* getVRegValue() const {
243    assert(opType == MO_VirtualRegister || opType == MO_CCRegister ||
244	   isPCRelativeDisp());
245    return value;
246  }
247  Value* getVRegValueOrNull() const {
248    return (opType == MO_VirtualRegister || opType == MO_CCRegister ||
249            isPCRelativeDisp()) ? value : NULL;
250  }
251  int getMachineRegNum() const {
252    assert(opType == MO_MachineRegister);
253    return regNum;
254  }
255  int64_t getImmedValue() const { assert(isImmediate()); return immedVal; }
256  MachineBasicBlock *getMachineBasicBlock() const {
257    assert(isMachineBasicBlock() && "Can't get MBB in non-MBB operand!");
258    return MBB;
259  }
260  int getFrameIndex() const { assert(isFrameIndex()); return immedVal; }
261  unsigned getConstantPoolIndex() const {
262    assert(isConstantPoolIndex());
263    return immedVal;
264  }
266  GlobalValue *getGlobal() const {
267    assert(isGlobalAddress());
268    return (GlobalValue*)value;
269  }
271  const std::string &getSymbolName() const {
272    assert(isExternalSymbol());
273    return *SymbolName;
274  }
276  bool          opIsUse         () const { return (flags & USEDEFMASK) == 0; }
277  bool		opIsDefOnly     () const { return flags & DEFONLYFLAG; }
278  bool		opIsDefAndUse	() const { return flags & DEFUSEFLAG; }
279  bool          opHiBits32      () const { return flags & HIFLAG32; }
280  bool          opLoBits32      () const { return flags & LOFLAG32; }
281  bool          opHiBits64      () const { return flags & HIFLAG64; }
282  bool          opLoBits64      () const { return flags & LOFLAG64; }
284  // used to check if a machine register has been allocated to this operand
285  bool hasAllocatedReg() const {
286    return (regNum >= 0 &&
287            (opType == MO_VirtualRegister || opType == MO_CCRegister ||
288             opType == MO_MachineRegister));
289  }
291  // used to get the reg number if when one is allocated
292  int getAllocatedRegNum() const {
293    assert(hasAllocatedReg());
294    return regNum;
295  }
297  // ********** TODO: get rid of this duplicate code! ***********
298  unsigned getReg() const {
299    return getAllocatedRegNum();
300  }
302  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MachineOperand& mop);
306  // Construction methods needed for fine-grain control.
307  // These must be accessed via coresponding methods in MachineInstr.
308  void markHi32()      { flags |= HIFLAG32; }
309  void markLo32()      { flags |= LOFLAG32; }
310  void markHi64()      { flags |= HIFLAG64; }
311  void markLo64()      { flags |= LOFLAG64; }
313  // Replaces the Value with its corresponding physical register after
314  // register allocation is complete
315  void setRegForValue(int reg) {
316    assert(opType == MO_VirtualRegister || opType == MO_CCRegister ||
317	   opType == MO_MachineRegister);
318    regNum = reg;
319  }
321  friend class MachineInstr;
326// class MachineInstr
328// Purpose:
329//   Representation of each machine instruction.
331//   MachineOpCode must be an enum, defined separately for each target.
332//   E.g., It is defined in SparcInstructionSelection.h for the SPARC.
334//  There are 2 kinds of operands:
336//  (1) Explicit operands of the machine instruction in vector operands[]
338//  (2) "Implicit operands" are values implicitly used or defined by the
339//      machine instruction, such as arguments to a CALL, return value of
340//      a CALL (if any), and return value of a RETURN.
343class MachineInstr {
344  int              opCode;              // the opcode
345  unsigned         opCodeFlags;         // flags modifying instrn behavior
346  std::vector<MachineOperand> operands; // the operands
347  unsigned numImplicitRefs;             // number of implicit operands
349  // OperandComplete - Return true if it's illegal to add a new operand
350  bool OperandsComplete() const;
352  MachineInstr(const MachineInstr &);  // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
353  void operator=(const MachineInstr&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
355  MachineInstr(int Opcode, unsigned numOperands);
357  /// MachineInstr ctor - This constructor only does a _reserve_ of the
358  /// operands, not a resize for them.  It is expected that if you use this that
359  /// you call add* methods below to fill up the operands, instead of the Set
360  /// methods.  Eventually, the "resizing" ctors will be phased out.
361  ///
362  MachineInstr(int Opcode, unsigned numOperands, bool XX, bool YY);
364  /// MachineInstr ctor - Work exactly the same as the ctor above, except that
365  /// the MachineInstr is created and added to the end of the specified basic
366  /// block.
367  ///
368  MachineInstr(MachineBasicBlock *MBB, int Opcode, unsigned numOps);
371  // The opcode.
372  //
373  const int getOpcode() const { return opCode; }
374  const int getOpCode() const { return opCode; }
376  // Opcode flags.
377  //
378  unsigned       getOpCodeFlags() const { return opCodeFlags; }
380  //
381  // Access to explicit operands of the instruction
382  //
383  unsigned getNumOperands() const { return operands.size() - numImplicitRefs; }
385  const MachineOperand& getOperand(unsigned i) const {
386    assert(i < getNumOperands() && "getOperand() out of range!");
387    return operands[i];
388  }
389  MachineOperand& getOperand(unsigned i) {
390    assert(i < getNumOperands() && "getOperand() out of range!");
391    return operands[i];
392  }
394  //
395  // Access to explicit or implicit operands of the instruction
396  // This returns the i'th entry in the operand vector.
397  // That represents the i'th explicit operand or the (i-N)'th implicit operand,
398  // depending on whether i < N or i >= N.
399  //
400  const MachineOperand& getExplOrImplOperand(unsigned i) const {
401    assert(i < operands.size() && "getExplOrImplOperand() out of range!");
402    return (i < getNumOperands()? getOperand(i)
403                                : getImplicitOp(i - getNumOperands()));
404  }
406  //
407  // Access to implicit operands of the instruction
408  //
409  unsigned getNumImplicitRefs() const{ return numImplicitRefs; }
411  MachineOperand& getImplicitOp(unsigned i) {
412    assert(i < numImplicitRefs && "implicit ref# out of range!");
413    return operands[i + operands.size() - numImplicitRefs];
414  }
415  const MachineOperand& getImplicitOp(unsigned i) const {
416    assert(i < numImplicitRefs && "implicit ref# out of range!");
417    return operands[i + operands.size() - numImplicitRefs];
418  }
420  Value* getImplicitRef(unsigned i) {
421    return getImplicitOp(i).getVRegValue();
422  }
423  const Value* getImplicitRef(unsigned i) const {
424    return getImplicitOp(i).getVRegValue();
425  }
427  void addImplicitRef(Value* V, bool isDef = false, bool isDefAndUse = false) {
428    ++numImplicitRefs;
429    addRegOperand(V, isDef, isDefAndUse);
430  }
431  void setImplicitRef(unsigned i, Value* V) {
432    assert(i < getNumImplicitRefs() && "setImplicitRef() out of range!");
433    SetMachineOperandVal(i + getNumOperands(),
434                         MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister, V);
435  }
437  //
438  // Debugging support
439  //
440  void print(std::ostream &OS, const TargetMachine &TM) const;
441  void dump() const;
442  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MachineInstr& minstr);
444  //
445  // Define iterators to access the Value operands of the Machine Instruction.
446  // Note that these iterators only enumerate the explicit operands.
447  // begin() and end() are defined to produce these iterators...
448  //
449  template<class _MI, class _V> class ValOpIterator;
450  typedef ValOpIterator<const MachineInstr*,const Value*> const_val_op_iterator;
451  typedef ValOpIterator<      MachineInstr*,      Value*> val_op_iterator;
454  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
455  // Accessors to add operands when building up machine instructions
456  //
458  /// addRegOperand - Add a MO_VirtualRegister operand to the end of the
459  /// operands list...
460  ///
461  void addRegOperand(Value *V, bool isDef, bool isDefAndUse=false) {
462    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
463           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
464    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(V, MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister,
465             !isDef ? MOTy::Use : (isDefAndUse ? MOTy::UseAndDef : MOTy::Def)));
466  }
468  void addRegOperand(Value *V, MOTy::UseType UTy = MOTy::Use,
469		     bool isPCRelative = false) {
470    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
471           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
472    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(V, MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister,
473                                      UTy, isPCRelative));
474  }
476  void addCCRegOperand(Value *V, MOTy::UseType UTy = MOTy::Use) {
477    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
478           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
479    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(V, MachineOperand::MO_CCRegister, UTy,
480                                      false));
481  }
484  /// addRegOperand - Add a symbolic virtual register reference...
485  ///
486  void addRegOperand(int reg, bool isDef) {
487    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
488           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
489    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(reg, MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister,
490                                      isDef ? MOTy::Def : MOTy::Use));
491  }
493  /// addRegOperand - Add a symbolic virtual register reference...
494  ///
495  void addRegOperand(int reg, MOTy::UseType UTy = MOTy::Use) {
496    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
497           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
498    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(reg, MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister,
499                                      UTy));
500  }
502  /// addPCDispOperand - Add a PC relative displacement operand to the MI
503  ///
504  void addPCDispOperand(Value *V) {
505    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
506           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
507    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(V, MachineOperand::MO_PCRelativeDisp,
508                                      MOTy::Use));
509  }
511  /// addMachineRegOperand - Add a virtual register operand to this MachineInstr
512  ///
513  void addMachineRegOperand(int reg, bool isDef) {
514    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
515           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
516    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(reg, MachineOperand::MO_MachineRegister,
517                                      isDef ? MOTy::Def : MOTy::Use));
518  }
520  /// addMachineRegOperand - Add a virtual register operand to this MachineInstr
521  ///
522  void addMachineRegOperand(int reg, MOTy::UseType UTy = MOTy::Use) {
523    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
524           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
525    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(reg, MachineOperand::MO_MachineRegister,
526                                      UTy));
527  }
529  /// addZeroExtImmOperand - Add a zero extended constant argument to the
530  /// machine instruction.
531  ///
532  void addZeroExtImmOperand(int64_t intValue) {
533    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
534           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
535    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(intValue,
536                                      MachineOperand::MO_UnextendedImmed));
537  }
539  /// addSignExtImmOperand - Add a zero extended constant argument to the
540  /// machine instruction.
541  ///
542  void addSignExtImmOperand(int64_t intValue) {
543    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
544           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
545    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(intValue,
546                                      MachineOperand::MO_SignExtendedImmed));
547  }
549  void addMachineBasicBlockOperand(MachineBasicBlock *MBB) {
550    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
551           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
552    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(MBB));
553  }
555  /// addFrameIndexOperand - Add an abstract frame index to the instruction
556  ///
557  void addFrameIndexOperand(unsigned Idx) {
558    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
559           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
560    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(Idx, MachineOperand::MO_FrameIndex));
561  }
563  /// addConstantPoolndexOperand - Add a constant pool object index to the
564  /// instruction.
565  ///
566  void addConstantPoolIndexOperand(unsigned I) {
567    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
568           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
569    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(I, MachineOperand::MO_ConstantPoolIndex));
570  }
572  void addGlobalAddressOperand(GlobalValue *GV, bool isPCRelative) {
573    assert(!OperandsComplete() &&
574           "Trying to add an operand to a machine instr that is already done!");
575    operands.push_back(MachineOperand((Value*)GV,
576				      MachineOperand::MO_GlobalAddress,
577                                      MOTy::Use, isPCRelative));
578  }
580  /// addExternalSymbolOperand - Add an external symbol operand to this instr
581  ///
582  void addExternalSymbolOperand(const std::string &SymName, bool isPCRelative) {
583    operands.push_back(MachineOperand(SymName, isPCRelative));
584  }
586  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
587  // Accessors used to modify instructions in place.
588  //
589  // FIXME: Move this stuff to MachineOperand itself!
591  /// replace - Support to rewrite a machine instruction in place: for now,
592  /// simply replace() and then set new operands with Set.*Operand methods
593  /// below.
594  ///
595  void replace(int Opcode, unsigned numOperands);
597  /// setOpcode - Replace the opcode of the current instruction with a new one.
598  ///
599  void setOpcode(unsigned Op) { opCode = Op; }
601  /// RemoveOperand - Erase an operand  from an instruction, leaving it with one
602  /// fewer operand than it started with.
603  ///
604  void RemoveOperand(unsigned i) {
605    operands.erase(operands.begin()+i);
606  }
608  // Access to set the operands when building the machine instruction
609  //
610  void SetMachineOperandVal     (unsigned i,
611                                 MachineOperand::MachineOperandType operandType,
612                                 Value* V);
614  void SetMachineOperandConst   (unsigned i,
615                                 MachineOperand::MachineOperandType operandType,
616                                 int64_t intValue);
618  void SetMachineOperandReg(unsigned i, int regNum);
621  unsigned substituteValue(const Value* oldVal, Value* newVal,
622                           bool defsOnly, bool notDefsAndUses,
623                           bool& someArgsWereIgnored);
625  void setOperandHi32(unsigned i) { operands[i].markHi32(); }
626  void setOperandLo32(unsigned i) { operands[i].markLo32(); }
627  void setOperandHi64(unsigned i) { operands[i].markHi64(); }
628  void setOperandLo64(unsigned i) { operands[i].markLo64(); }
631  // SetRegForOperand -
632  // SetRegForImplicitRef -
633  // Mark an explicit or implicit operand with its allocated physical register.
634  //
635  void SetRegForOperand(unsigned i, int regNum);
636  void SetRegForImplicitRef(unsigned i, int regNum);
638  //
639  // Iterator to enumerate machine operands.
640  //
641  template<class MITy, class VTy>
642  class ValOpIterator : public forward_iterator<VTy, ptrdiff_t> {
643    unsigned i;
644    MITy MI;
646    void skipToNextVal() {
647      while (i < MI->getNumOperands() &&
648             !( (MI->getOperand(i).getType() == MachineOperand::MO_VirtualRegister ||
649                 MI->getOperand(i).getType() == MachineOperand::MO_CCRegister)
650                && MI->getOperand(i).getVRegValue() != 0))
651        ++i;
652    }
654    inline ValOpIterator(MITy mi, unsigned I) : i(I), MI(mi) {
655      skipToNextVal();
656    }
658  public:
659    typedef ValOpIterator<MITy, VTy> _Self;
661    inline VTy operator*() const {
662      return MI->getOperand(i).getVRegValue();
663    }
665    const MachineOperand &getMachineOperand() const { return MI->getOperand(i);}
666          MachineOperand &getMachineOperand()       { return MI->getOperand(i);}
668    inline VTy operator->() const { return operator*(); }
670    inline bool isUseOnly()   const { return MI->getOperand(i).opIsUse(); }
671    inline bool isDefOnly()   const { return MI->getOperand(i).opIsDefOnly(); }
672    inline bool isDefAndUse() const { return MI->getOperand(i).opIsDefAndUse();}
674    inline _Self& operator++() { i++; skipToNextVal(); return *this; }
675    inline _Self  operator++(int) { _Self tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
677    inline bool operator==(const _Self &y) const {
678      return i == y.i;
679    }
680    inline bool operator!=(const _Self &y) const {
681      return !operator==(y);
682    }
684    static _Self begin(MITy MI) {
685      return _Self(MI, 0);
686    }
687    static _Self end(MITy MI) {
688      return _Self(MI, MI->getNumOperands());
689    }
690  };
692  // define begin() and end()
693  val_op_iterator begin() { return val_op_iterator::begin(this); }
694  val_op_iterator end()   { return val_op_iterator::end(this); }
696  const_val_op_iterator begin() const {
697    return const_val_op_iterator::begin(this);
698  }
699  const_val_op_iterator end() const {
700    return const_val_op_iterator::end(this);
701  }
706// Debugging Support
708std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &OS, const MachineInstr &MI);
709std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &OS, const MachineOperand &MO);
710void PrintMachineInstructions(const Function *F);