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14* The Original Code is JavaScript Engine testing utilities.
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37* Date:    16 July 2002
38* SUMMARY: Testing that Array.sort() doesn't crash on very large arrays
39* See http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157652
41* How large can a JavaScript array be?
42* ECMA-262 Ed.3 Final, Section : new Array(len)
44* This states that |len| must be a a uint32 (unsigned 32-bit integer).
45* Note the UBound for uint32's is 2^32 -1 = 0xFFFFFFFF = 4,294,967,295.
47* Check:
48*              js> var arr = new Array(0xFFFFFFFF)
49*              js> arr.length
50*              4294967295
52*              js> var arr = new Array(0x100000000)
53*              RangeError: invalid array length
56* We'll try the largest possible array first, then a couple others.
57* We're just testing that we don't crash on Array.sort().
59* Try to be good about memory by nulling each array variable after it is
60* used. This will tell the garbage collector the memory is no longer needed.
62* As of 2002-08-13, the JS shell runs out of memory no matter what we do,
63* when trying to sort such large arrays.
65* We only want to test that we don't CRASH on the sort. So it will be OK
66* if we get the JS "out of memory" error. Note this terminates the test
67* with exit code 3. Therefore we put
69*                       |expectExitCode(3);|
71* The only problem will arise if the JS shell ever DOES have enough memory
72* to do the sort. Then this test will terminate with the normal exit code 0
73* and fail.
75* Right now, I can't see any other way to do this, because "out of memory"
76* is not a catchable error: it cannot be trapped with try...catch.
79* FURTHER HEADACHE: Rhino can't seem to handle the largest array: it hangs.
80* So we skip this case in Rhino. Here is correspondence with Igor Bukanov.
81* He explains that Rhino isn't actually hanging; it's doing the huge sort:
83* Philip Schwartau wrote:
85* > Hi,
86* >
87* > I'm getting a graceful OOM message on trying to sort certain large
88* > arrays. But if the array is too big, Rhino simply hangs. Note that ECMA
89* > allows array lengths to be anything less than Math.pow(2,32), so the
90* > arrays I'm sorting are legal.
91* >
92* > Note below, I'm getting an instantaneous OOM error on arr.sort() for LEN
93* > = Math.pow(2, 30). So shouldn't I also get one for every LEN between
94* > that and Math.pow(2, 32)? For some reason, I start to hang with 100% CPU
95* > as LEN hits, say, Math.pow(2, 31) and higher. SpiderMonkey gives OOM
96* > messages for all of these. Should I file a bug on this?
98* Igor Bukanov wrote:
100* This is due to different sorting algorithm Rhino uses when sorting
101* arrays with length > Integer.MAX_VALUE. If length can fit Java int,
102* Rhino first copies internal spare array to a temporary buffer, and then
103* sorts it, otherwise it sorts array directly. In case of very spare
104* arrays, that Array(big_number) generates, it is rather inefficient and
105* generates OutOfMemory if length fits int. It may be worth in your case
106* to optimize sorting to take into account array spareness, but then it
107* would be a good idea to file a bug about ineficient sorting of spare
108* arrays both in case of Rhino and SpiderMonkey as SM always uses a
109* temporary buffer.
113var bug = 157652;
114var summary = "Testing that Array.sort() doesn't crash on very large arrays";
119// JSC doesn't run out of memory, so we don't expect an abnormal exit code
121var IN_RHINO = inRhino();
123if (!IN_RHINO)
125  var a1=Array(0xFFFFFFFF);
126  a1.sort();
127  a1 = null;
130var a2 = Array(0x40000000);
134var a3=Array(0x10000000/4);