AudioPolicyService.h revision 20010053daabfa43fcfe781bbf004473b4c08538
2 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20#include <cutils/misc.h>
21#include <cutils/config_utils.h>
22#include <utils/String8.h>
23#include <utils/Vector.h>
24#include <utils/SortedVector.h>
25#include <binder/BinderService.h>
26#include <system/audio.h>
27#include <system/audio_policy.h>
28#include <hardware/audio_policy.h>
29#include <media/IAudioPolicyService.h>
30#include <media/ToneGenerator.h>
31#include <media/AudioEffect.h>
33namespace android {
35// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
37class AudioPolicyService :
38    public BinderService<AudioPolicyService>,
39    public BnAudioPolicyService,
40//    public AudioPolicyClientInterface,
41    public IBinder::DeathRecipient
43    friend class BinderService<AudioPolicyService>;
46    // for BinderService
47    static const char *getServiceName() { return "media.audio_policy"; }
49    virtual status_t    dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
51    //
52    // BnAudioPolicyService (see AudioPolicyInterface for method descriptions)
53    //
55    virtual status_t setDeviceConnectionState(audio_devices_t device,
56                                              audio_policy_dev_state_t state,
57                                              const char *device_address);
58    virtual audio_policy_dev_state_t getDeviceConnectionState(
59                                                                audio_devices_t device,
60                                                                const char *device_address);
61    virtual status_t setPhoneState(audio_mode_t state);
62    virtual status_t setForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage, audio_policy_forced_cfg_t config);
63    virtual audio_policy_forced_cfg_t getForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage);
64    virtual audio_io_handle_t getOutput(audio_stream_type_t stream,
65                                        uint32_t samplingRate = 0,
66                                        audio_format_t format = AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT,
67                                        uint32_t channels = 0,
68                                        audio_output_flags_t flags =
69                                                AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_NONE);
70    virtual status_t startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
71                                 audio_stream_type_t stream,
72                                 int session = 0);
73    virtual status_t stopOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
74                                audio_stream_type_t stream,
75                                int session = 0);
76    virtual void releaseOutput(audio_io_handle_t output);
77    virtual audio_io_handle_t getInput(audio_source_t inputSource,
78                                    uint32_t samplingRate = 0,
79                                    audio_format_t format = AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT,
80                                    uint32_t channels = 0,
81                                    int audioSession = 0);
82    virtual status_t startInput(audio_io_handle_t input);
83    virtual status_t stopInput(audio_io_handle_t input);
84    virtual void releaseInput(audio_io_handle_t input);
85    virtual status_t initStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream,
86                                      int indexMin,
87                                      int indexMax);
88    virtual status_t setStreamVolumeIndex(audio_stream_type_t stream,
89                                          int index,
90                                          audio_devices_t device);
91    virtual status_t getStreamVolumeIndex(audio_stream_type_t stream,
92                                          int *index,
93                                          audio_devices_t device);
95    virtual uint32_t getStrategyForStream(audio_stream_type_t stream);
96    virtual audio_devices_t getDevicesForStream(audio_stream_type_t stream);
98    virtual audio_io_handle_t getOutputForEffect(effect_descriptor_t *desc);
99    virtual status_t registerEffect(effect_descriptor_t *desc,
100                                    audio_io_handle_t io,
101                                    uint32_t strategy,
102                                    int session,
103                                    int id);
104    virtual status_t unregisterEffect(int id);
105    virtual status_t setEffectEnabled(int id, bool enabled);
106    virtual bool isStreamActive(audio_stream_type_t stream, uint32_t inPastMs = 0) const;
108    virtual status_t queryDefaultPreProcessing(int audioSession,
109                                              effect_descriptor_t *descriptors,
110                                              uint32_t *count);
111    virtual     status_t    onTransact(
112                                uint32_t code,
113                                const Parcel& data,
114                                Parcel* reply,
115                                uint32_t flags);
117    // IBinder::DeathRecipient
118    virtual     void        binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
120    //
121    // Helpers for the struct audio_policy_service_ops implementation.
122    // This is used by the audio policy manager for certain operations that
123    // are implemented by the policy service.
124    //
125    virtual void setParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle,
126                               const char *keyValuePairs,
127                               int delayMs);
129    virtual status_t setStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream,
130                                     float volume,
131                                     audio_io_handle_t output,
132                                     int delayMs = 0);
133    virtual status_t startTone(audio_policy_tone_t tone, audio_stream_type_t stream);
134    virtual status_t stopTone();
135    virtual status_t setVoiceVolume(float volume, int delayMs = 0);
138                        AudioPolicyService();
139    virtual             ~AudioPolicyService();
141            status_t dumpInternals(int fd);
143    // Thread used for tone playback and to send audio config commands to audio flinger
144    // For tone playback, using a separate thread is necessary to avoid deadlock with mLock because startTone()
145    // and stopTone() are normally called with mLock locked and requesting a tone start or stop will cause
146    // calls to AudioPolicyService and an attempt to lock mLock.
147    // For audio config commands, it is necessary because audio flinger requires that the calling process (user)
148    // has permission to modify audio settings.
149    class AudioCommandThread : public Thread {
150        class AudioCommand;
151    public:
153        // commands for tone AudioCommand
154        enum {
155            START_TONE,
156            STOP_TONE,
157            SET_VOLUME,
158            SET_PARAMETERS,
159            SET_VOICE_VOLUME
160        };
162        AudioCommandThread (String8 name);
163        virtual             ~AudioCommandThread();
165                    status_t    dump(int fd);
167        // Thread virtuals
168        virtual     void        onFirstRef();
169        virtual     bool        threadLoop();
171                    void        exit();
172                    void        startToneCommand(ToneGenerator::tone_type type,
173                                                 audio_stream_type_t stream);
174                    void        stopToneCommand();
175                    status_t    volumeCommand(audio_stream_type_t stream, float volume,
176                                            audio_io_handle_t output, int delayMs = 0);
177                    status_t    parametersCommand(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle,
178                                            const char *keyValuePairs, int delayMs = 0);
179                    status_t    voiceVolumeCommand(float volume, int delayMs = 0);
180                    void        insertCommand_l(AudioCommand *command, int delayMs = 0);
182    private:
183        // descriptor for requested tone playback event
184        class AudioCommand {
186        public:
187            AudioCommand()
188            : mCommand(-1) {}
190            void dump(char* buffer, size_t size);
192            int mCommand;   // START_TONE, STOP_TONE ...
193            nsecs_t mTime;  // time stamp
194            Condition mCond; // condition for status return
195            status_t mStatus; // command status
196            bool mWaitStatus; // true if caller is waiting for status
197            void *mParam;     // command parameter (ToneData, VolumeData, ParametersData)
198        };
200        class ToneData {
201        public:
202            ToneGenerator::tone_type mType; // tone type (START_TONE only)
203            audio_stream_type_t mStream;    // stream type (START_TONE only)
204        };
206        class VolumeData {
207        public:
208            audio_stream_type_t mStream;
209            float mVolume;
210            audio_io_handle_t mIO;
211        };
213        class ParametersData {
214        public:
215            audio_io_handle_t mIO;
216            String8 mKeyValuePairs;
217        };
219        class VoiceVolumeData {
220        public:
221            float mVolume;
222        };
224        Mutex   mLock;
225        Condition mWaitWorkCV;
226        Vector <AudioCommand *> mAudioCommands; // list of pending commands
227        ToneGenerator *mpToneGenerator;     // the tone generator
228        AudioCommand mLastCommand;          // last processed command (used by dump)
229        String8 mName;                      // string used by wake lock fo delayed commands
230    };
232    class EffectDesc {
233    public:
234        EffectDesc(const char *name, const effect_uuid_t& uuid) :
235                        mName(strdup(name)),
236                        mUuid(uuid) { }
237        EffectDesc(const EffectDesc& orig) :
238                        mName(strdup(orig.mName)),
239                        mUuid(orig.mUuid) {
240                            // deep copy mParams
241                            for (size_t k = 0; k < orig.mParams.size(); k++) {
242                                effect_param_t *origParam = orig.mParams[k];
243                                // psize and vsize are rounded up to an int boundary for allocation
244                                size_t origSize = sizeof(effect_param_t) +
245                                                  ((origParam->psize + 3) & ~3) +
246                                                  ((origParam->vsize + 3) & ~3);
247                                effect_param_t *dupParam = (effect_param_t *) malloc(origSize);
248                                memcpy(dupParam, origParam, origSize);
249                                // This works because the param buffer allocation is also done by
250                                // multiples of 4 bytes originally. In theory we should memcpy only
251                                // the actual param size, that is without rounding vsize.
252                                mParams.add(dupParam);
253                            }
254                        }
255        /*virtual*/ ~EffectDesc() {
256            free(mName);
257            for (size_t k = 0; k < mParams.size(); k++) {
258                free(mParams[k]);
259            }
260        }
261        char *mName;
262        effect_uuid_t mUuid;
263        Vector <effect_param_t *> mParams;
264    };
266    class InputSourceDesc {
267    public:
268        InputSourceDesc() {}
269        /*virtual*/ ~InputSourceDesc() {
270            for (size_t j = 0; j < mEffects.size(); j++) {
271                delete mEffects[j];
272            }
273        }
274        Vector <EffectDesc *> mEffects;
275    };
278    class InputDesc {
279    public:
280        InputDesc(int session) : mSessionId(session) {}
281        /*virtual*/ ~InputDesc() {}
282        const int mSessionId;
283        Vector< sp<AudioEffect> >mEffects;
284    };
286    static const char * const kInputSourceNames[AUDIO_SOURCE_CNT -1];
288    void setPreProcessorEnabled(const InputDesc *inputDesc, bool enabled);
289    status_t loadPreProcessorConfig(const char *path);
290    status_t loadEffects(cnode *root, Vector <EffectDesc *>& effects);
291    EffectDesc *loadEffect(cnode *root);
292    status_t loadInputSources(cnode *root, const Vector <EffectDesc *>& effects);
293    audio_source_t inputSourceNameToEnum(const char *name);
294    InputSourceDesc *loadInputSource(cnode *root, const Vector <EffectDesc *>& effects);
295    void loadEffectParameters(cnode *root, Vector <effect_param_t *>& params);
296    effect_param_t *loadEffectParameter(cnode *root);
297    size_t readParamValue(cnode *node,
298                          char *param,
299                          size_t *curSize,
300                          size_t *totSize);
301    size_t growParamSize(char *param,
302                         size_t size,
303                         size_t *curSize,
304                         size_t *totSize);
306    // Internal dump utilities.
307    status_t dumpPermissionDenial(int fd);
310    mutable Mutex mLock;    // prevents concurrent access to AudioPolicy manager functions changing
311                            // device connection state  or routing
312    sp<AudioCommandThread> mAudioCommandThread;     // audio commands thread
313    sp<AudioCommandThread> mTonePlaybackThread;     // tone playback thread
314    struct audio_policy_device *mpAudioPolicyDev;
315    struct audio_policy *mpAudioPolicy;
316    KeyedVector< audio_source_t, InputSourceDesc* > mInputSources;
317    KeyedVector< audio_io_handle_t, InputDesc* > mInputs;
320}; // namespace android