revision de7a8ead2467a4a152a5a9b2416c8048f1b48bbb
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
19import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException;
20import android.content.ComponentName;
21import android.content.ContentResolver;
22import android.content.Context;
23import android.content.DialogInterface;
24import android.content.Intent;
27import android.database.Cursor;
30import android.os.Bundle;
31import android.os.Handler;
32import android.os.RemoteException;
33import android.os.ServiceManager;
34import android.text.TextUtils;
35import android.util.Log;
36import android.util.Slog;
37import android.view.KeyEvent;
39import java.util.List;
42 * This class provides access to the system search services.
43 *
44 * <p>In practice, you won't interact with this class directly, as search
45 * services are provided through methods in {@link Activity}
46 * and the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH ACTION_SEARCH}
47 * {@link android.content.Intent Intent}.
48 * If you do require direct access to the SearchManager, do not instantiate
49 * this class directly. Instead, retrieve it through
50 * {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService
51 * context.getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE)}.
52 *
53 * <div class="special reference">
54 * <h3>Developer Guides</h3>
55 * <p>For more information about using the search dialog and adding search
56 * suggestions in your application, read the
57 * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/search/index.html">Search</a> developer guide.</p>
58 * </div>
59 */
60public class SearchManager
61        implements DialogInterface.OnDismissListener, DialogInterface.OnCancelListener
64    private static final boolean DBG = false;
65    private static final String TAG = "SearchManager";
67    /**
68     * This is a shortcut definition for the default menu key to use for invoking search.
69     *
70     * See Menu.Item.setAlphabeticShortcut() for more information.
71     */
72    public final static char MENU_KEY = 's';
74    /**
75     * This is a shortcut definition for the default menu key to use for invoking search.
76     *
77     * See Menu.Item.setAlphabeticShortcut() for more information.
78     */
79    public final static int MENU_KEYCODE = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_S;
81    /**
82     * Intent extra data key: Use this key with
83     * {@link android.content.Intent#getStringExtra
84     *  content.Intent.getStringExtra()}
85     * to obtain the query string from Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.
86     */
87    public final static String QUERY = "query";
89    /**
90     * Intent extra data key: Use this key with
91     * {@link android.content.Intent#getStringExtra
92     *  content.Intent.getStringExtra()}
93     * to obtain the query string typed in by the user.
94     * This may be different from the value of {@link #QUERY}
95     * if the intent is the result of selecting a suggestion.
96     * In that case, {@link #QUERY} will contain the value of
97     * {@link #SUGGEST_COLUMN_QUERY} for the suggestion, and
98     * {@link #USER_QUERY} will contain the string typed by the
99     * user.
100     */
101    public final static String USER_QUERY = "user_query";
103    /**
104     * Intent extra data key: Use this key with Intent.ACTION_SEARCH and
105     * {@link android.content.Intent#getBundleExtra
106     *  content.Intent.getBundleExtra()}
107     * to obtain any additional app-specific data that was inserted by the
108     * activity that launched the search.
109     */
110    public final static String APP_DATA = "app_data";
112    /**
113     * Intent extra data key: Use {@link android.content.Intent#getBundleExtra
114     * content.Intent.getBundleExtra(SEARCH_MODE)} to get the search mode used
115     * to launch the intent.
116     * The only current value for this is {@link #MODE_GLOBAL_SEARCH_SUGGESTION}.
117     *
118     * @hide
119     */
120    public final static String SEARCH_MODE = "search_mode";
122    /**
123     * Intent extra data key: Use this key with Intent.ACTION_SEARCH and
124     * {@link android.content.Intent#getIntExtra content.Intent.getIntExtra()}
125     * to obtain the keycode that the user used to trigger this query.  It will be zero if the
126     * user simply pressed the "GO" button on the search UI.  This is primarily used in conjunction
127     * with the keycode attribute in the actionkey element of your searchable.xml configuration
128     * file.
129     */
130    public final static String ACTION_KEY = "action_key";
132    /**
133     * Intent extra data key: This key will be used for the extra populated by the
134     * {@link #SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_EXTRA_DATA} column.
135     */
136    public final static String EXTRA_DATA_KEY = "intent_extra_data_key";
138    /**
139     * Boolean extra data key for {@link #INTENT_ACTION_GLOBAL_SEARCH} intents. If {@code true},
140     * the initial query should be selected when the global search activity is started, so
141     * that the user can easily replace it with another query.
142     */
143    public final static String EXTRA_SELECT_QUERY = "select_query";
145    /**
146     * Boolean extra data key for {@link Intent#ACTION_WEB_SEARCH} intents.  If {@code true},
147     * this search should open a new browser window, rather than using an existing one.
148     */
149    public final static String EXTRA_NEW_SEARCH = "new_search";
151    /**
152     * Extra data key for {@link Intent#ACTION_WEB_SEARCH}. If set, the value must be a
153     * {@link PendingIntent}. The search activity handling the {@link Intent#ACTION_WEB_SEARCH}
154     * intent will fill in and launch the pending intent. The data URI will be filled in with an
155     * http or https URI, and {@link android.provider.Browser#EXTRA_HEADERS} may be filled in.
156     */
157    public static final String EXTRA_WEB_SEARCH_PENDINGINTENT = "web_search_pendingintent";
159    /**
160     * Boolean extra data key for a suggestion provider to return in {@link Cursor#getExtras} to
161     * indicate that the search is not complete yet. This can be used by the search UI
162     * to indicate that a search is in progress. The suggestion provider can return partial results
163     * this way and send a change notification on the cursor when more results are available.
164     */
165    public final static String CURSOR_EXTRA_KEY_IN_PROGRESS = "in_progress";
167    /**
168     * Intent extra data key: Use this key with Intent.ACTION_SEARCH and
169     * {@link android.content.Intent#getStringExtra content.Intent.getStringExtra()}
170     * to obtain the action message that was defined for a particular search action key and/or
171     * suggestion.  It will be null if the search was launched by typing "enter", touched the the
172     * "GO" button, or other means not involving any action key.
173     */
174    public final static String ACTION_MSG = "action_msg";
176    /**
177     * Flag to specify that the entry can be used for query refinement, i.e., the query text
178     * in the search field can be replaced with the text in this entry, when a query refinement
179     * icon is clicked. The suggestion list should show such a clickable icon beside the entry.
180     * <p>Use this flag as a bit-field for {@link #SUGGEST_COLUMN_FLAGS}.
181     */
182    public final static int FLAG_QUERY_REFINEMENT = 1 << 0;
184    /**
185     * Uri path for queried suggestions data.  This is the path that the search manager
186     * will use when querying your content provider for suggestions data based on user input
187     * (e.g. looking for partial matches).
188     * Typically you'll use this with a URI matcher.
189     */
190    public final static String SUGGEST_URI_PATH_QUERY = "search_suggest_query";
192    /**
193     * MIME type for suggestions data.  You'll use this in your suggestions content provider
194     * in the getType() function.
195     */
196    public final static String SUGGEST_MIME_TYPE =
197            "";
199    /**
200     * Uri path for shortcut validation.  This is the path that the search manager will use when
201     * querying your content provider to refresh a shortcutted suggestion result and to check if it
202     * is still valid.  When asked, a source may return an up to date result, or no result.  No
203     * result indicates the shortcut refers to a no longer valid sugggestion.
204     *
206     */
207    public final static String SUGGEST_URI_PATH_SHORTCUT = "search_suggest_shortcut";
209    /**
210     * MIME type for shortcut validation.  You'll use this in your suggestions content provider
211     * in the getType() function.
212     */
213    public final static String SHORTCUT_MIME_TYPE =
214            "";
216    /**
217     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Unused - can be null or column can be omitted.</i>
218     */
219    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_FORMAT = "suggest_format";
220    /**
221     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Required.</i>  This is the primary line of text that
222     * will be presented to the user as the suggestion.
223     */
224    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1 = "suggest_text_1";
225    /**
226     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Optional.</i>  If your cursor includes this column,
227     *  then all suggestions will be provided in a two-line format.  The second line of text is in
228     *  a much smaller appearance.
229     */
230    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2 = "suggest_text_2";
232    /**
233     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Optional.</i> This is a URL that will be shown
234     * as the second line of text instead of {@link #SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2}. This is a separate
235     * column so that the search UI knows to display the text as a URL, e.g. by using a different
236     * color. If this column is absent, or has the value {@code null},
237     * {@link #SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2} will be used instead.
238     */
239    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2_URL = "suggest_text_2_url";
241    /**
242     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Optional.</i>  If your cursor includes this column,
243     *  then all suggestions will be provided in a format that includes space for two small icons,
244     *  one at the left and one at the right of each suggestion.  The data in the column must
245     *  be a resource ID of a drawable, or a URI in one of the following formats:
246     *
247     * <ul>
248     * <li>content ({@link android.content.ContentResolver#SCHEME_CONTENT})</li>
249     * <li>android.resource ({@link android.content.ContentResolver#SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE})</li>
250     * <li>file ({@link android.content.ContentResolver#SCHEME_FILE})</li>
251     * </ul>
252     *
253     * See {@link android.content.ContentResolver#openAssetFileDescriptor(Uri, String)}
254     * for more information on these schemes.
255     */
256    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_ICON_1 = "suggest_icon_1";
257    /**
258     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Optional.</i>  If your cursor includes this column,
259     *  then all suggestions will be provided in a format that includes space for two small icons,
260     *  one at the left and one at the right of each suggestion.  The data in the column must
261     *  be a resource ID of a drawable, or a URI in one of the following formats:
262     *
263     * <ul>
264     * <li>content ({@link android.content.ContentResolver#SCHEME_CONTENT})</li>
265     * <li>android.resource ({@link android.content.ContentResolver#SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE})</li>
266     * <li>file ({@link android.content.ContentResolver#SCHEME_FILE})</li>
267     * </ul>
268     *
269     * See {@link android.content.ContentResolver#openAssetFileDescriptor(Uri, String)}
270     * for more information on these schemes.
271     */
272    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_ICON_2 = "suggest_icon_2";
273    /**
274     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Optional.</i>  If this column exists <i>and</i>
275     * this element exists at the given row, this is the action that will be used when
276     * forming the suggestion's intent.  If the element is not provided, the action will be taken
277     * from the android:searchSuggestIntentAction field in your XML metadata.  <i>At least one of
278     * these must be present for the suggestion to generate an intent.</i>  Note:  If your action is
279     * the same for all suggestions, it is more efficient to specify it using XML metadata and omit
280     * it from the cursor.
281     */
282    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_ACTION = "suggest_intent_action";
283    /**
284     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Optional.</i>  If this column exists <i>and</i>
285     * this element exists at the given row, this is the data that will be used when
286     * forming the suggestion's intent.  If the element is not provided, the data will be taken
287     * from the android:searchSuggestIntentData field in your XML metadata.  If neither source
288     * is provided, the Intent's data field will be null.  Note:  If your data is
289     * the same for all suggestions, or can be described using a constant part and a specific ID,
290     * it is more efficient to specify it using XML metadata and omit it from the cursor.
291     */
292    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA = "suggest_intent_data";
293    /**
294     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Optional.</i>  If this column exists <i>and</i>
295     * this element exists at the given row, this is the data that will be used when
296     * forming the suggestion's intent. If not provided, the Intent's extra data field will be null.
297     * This column allows suggestions to provide additional arbitrary data which will be included as
298     * an extra under the key {@link #EXTRA_DATA_KEY}.
299     */
300    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_EXTRA_DATA = "suggest_intent_extra_data";
301    /**
302     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Optional.</i>  If this column exists <i>and</i>
303     * this element exists at the given row, then "/" and this value will be appended to the data
304     * field in the Intent.  This should only be used if the data field has already been set to an
305     * appropriate base string.
306     */
307    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA_ID = "suggest_intent_data_id";
308    /**
309     * Column name for suggestions cursor.  <i>Required if action is
310     * {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH ACTION_SEARCH}, optional otherwise.</i>  If this
311     * column exists <i>and</i> this element exists at the given row, this is the data that will be
312     * used when forming the suggestion's query.
313     */
314    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_QUERY = "suggest_intent_query";
316    /**
317     * Column name for suggestions cursor. <i>Optional.</i>  This column is used to indicate whether
318     * a search suggestion should be stored as a shortcut, and whether it should be refreshed.  If
319     * missing, the result will be stored as a shortcut and never validated.  If set to
320     * {@link #SUGGEST_NEVER_MAKE_SHORTCUT}, the result will not be stored as a shortcut.
321     * Otherwise, the shortcut id will be used to check back for an up to date suggestion using
322     * {@link #SUGGEST_URI_PATH_SHORTCUT}.
323     */
324    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_SHORTCUT_ID = "suggest_shortcut_id";
326    /**
327     * Column name for suggestions cursor. <i>Optional.</i> This column is used to specify
328     * that a spinner should be shown in lieu of an icon2 while the shortcut of this suggestion
329     * is being refreshed.
330     */
331    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_SPINNER_WHILE_REFRESHING =
332            "suggest_spinner_while_refreshing";
334    /**
335     * Column name for suggestions cursor. <i>Optional.</i> This column is used to specify
336     * additional flags per item. Multiple flags can be specified.
337     * <p>
338     * Must be one of {@link #FLAG_QUERY_REFINEMENT} or 0 to indicate no flags.
339     * </p>
340     */
341    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_FLAGS = "suggest_flags";
343    /**
344     * Column name for suggestions cursor. <i>Optional.</i> This column may be
345     * used to specify the time in {@link System#currentTimeMillis
346     * System.currentTImeMillis()} (wall time in UTC) when an item was last
347     * accessed within the results-providing application. If set, this may be
348     * used to show more-recently-used items first.
349     */
350    public final static String SUGGEST_COLUMN_LAST_ACCESS_HINT = "suggest_last_access_hint";
352    /**
353     * Column value for suggestion column {@link #SUGGEST_COLUMN_SHORTCUT_ID} when a suggestion
354     * should not be stored as a shortcut in global search.
355     */
356    public final static String SUGGEST_NEVER_MAKE_SHORTCUT = "_-1";
358    /**
359     * Query parameter added to suggestion queries to limit the number of suggestions returned.
360     * This limit is only advisory and suggestion providers may chose to ignore it.
361     */
362    public final static String SUGGEST_PARAMETER_LIMIT = "limit";
364    /**
365     * Intent action for starting the global search activity.
366     * The global search provider should handle this intent.
367     *
368     * Supported extra data keys: {@link #QUERY},
369     * {@link #EXTRA_SELECT_QUERY},
370     * {@link #APP_DATA}.
371     */
372    public final static String INTENT_ACTION_GLOBAL_SEARCH
373            = "";
375    /**
376     * Intent action for starting the global search settings activity.
377     * The global search provider should handle this intent.
378     */
379    public final static String INTENT_ACTION_SEARCH_SETTINGS
380            = "";
382    /**
383     * Intent action for starting a web search provider's settings activity.
384     * Web search providers should handle this intent if they have provider-specific
385     * settings to implement.
386     */
387    public final static String INTENT_ACTION_WEB_SEARCH_SETTINGS
388            = "";
390    /**
391     * Intent action broadcasted to inform that the searchables list or default have changed.
392     * Components should handle this intent if they cache any searchable data and wish to stay
393     * up to date on changes.
394     */
395    public final static String INTENT_ACTION_SEARCHABLES_CHANGED
396            = "";
398    /**
399     * Intent action to be broadcast to inform that the global search provider
400     * has changed.
401     */
402    public final static String INTENT_GLOBAL_SEARCH_ACTIVITY_CHANGED
403            = "";
405    /**
406     * Intent action broadcasted to inform that the search settings have changed in some way.
407     * Either searchables have been enabled or disabled, or a different web search provider
408     * has been chosen.
409     */
410    public final static String INTENT_ACTION_SEARCH_SETTINGS_CHANGED
411            = "";
413    /**
414     * This means that context is voice, and therefore the SearchDialog should
415     * continue showing the microphone until the user indicates that he/she does
416     * not want to re-speak (e.g. by typing).
417     *
418     * @hide
419     */
420    public final static String CONTEXT_IS_VOICE = "";
422    /**
423     * This means that the voice icon should not be shown at all, because the
424     * current search engine does not support voice search.
425     * @hide
426     */
427    public final static String DISABLE_VOICE_SEARCH
428            = "";
430    /**
431     * Reference to the shared system search service.
432     */
433    private static ISearchManager mService;
435    private final Context mContext;
437    /**
438     * The package associated with this seach manager.
439     */
440    private String mAssociatedPackage;
442    // package private since they are used by the inner class SearchManagerCallback
443    /* package */ final Handler mHandler;
444    /* package */ OnDismissListener mDismissListener = null;
445    /* package */ OnCancelListener mCancelListener = null;
447    private SearchDialog mSearchDialog;
449    /*package*/ SearchManager(Context context, Handler handler)  {
450        mContext = context;
451        mHandler = handler;
452        mService = ISearchManager.Stub.asInterface(
453                ServiceManager.getService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE));
454    }
456    /**
457     * Launch search UI.
458     *
459     * <p>The search manager will open a search widget in an overlapping
460     * window, and the underlying activity may be obscured.  The search
461     * entry state will remain in effect until one of the following events:
462     * <ul>
463     * <li>The user completes the search.  In most cases this will launch
464     * a search intent.</li>
465     * <li>The user uses the back, home, or other keys to exit the search.</li>
466     * <li>The application calls the {@link #stopSearch}
467     * method, which will hide the search window and return focus to the
468     * activity from which it was launched.</li>
469     *
470     * <p>Most applications will <i>not</i> use this interface to invoke search.
471     * The primary method for invoking search is to call
472     * {@link Activity.onSearchRequested()} or
473     * {@link Activity.startSearch()}.
474     *
475     * @param initialQuery A search string can be pre-entered here, but this
476     * is typically null or empty.
477     * @param selectInitialQuery If true, the intial query will be preselected, which means that
478     * any further typing will replace it.  This is useful for cases where an entire pre-formed
479     * query is being inserted.  If false, the selection point will be placed at the end of the
480     * inserted query.  This is useful when the inserted query is text that the user entered,
481     * and the user would expect to be able to keep typing.  <i>This parameter is only meaningful
482     * if initialQuery is a non-empty string.</i>
483     * @param launchActivity The ComponentName of the activity that has launched this search.
484     * @param appSearchData An application can insert application-specific
485     * context here, in order to improve quality or specificity of its own
486     * searches.  This data will be returned with SEARCH intent(s).  Null if
487     * no extra data is required.
488     * @param globalSearch If false, this will only launch the search that has been specifically
489     * defined by the application (which is usually defined as a local search).  If no default
490     * search is defined in the current application or activity, global search will be launched.
491     * If true, this will always launch a platform-global (e.g. web-based) search instead.
492     *
493     * @see
494     * @see #stopSearch
495     */
496    public void startSearch(String initialQuery,
497                            boolean selectInitialQuery,
498                            ComponentName launchActivity,
499                            Bundle appSearchData,
500                            boolean globalSearch) {
501        startSearch(initialQuery, selectInitialQuery, launchActivity,
502                appSearchData, globalSearch, null);
503    }
505    /**
506     * As {@link #startSearch(String, boolean, ComponentName, Bundle, boolean)} but including
507     * source bounds for the global search intent.
508     *
509     * @hide
510     */
511    public void startSearch(String initialQuery,
512                            boolean selectInitialQuery,
513                            ComponentName launchActivity,
514                            Bundle appSearchData,
515                            boolean globalSearch,
516                            Rect sourceBounds) {
517        if (globalSearch) {
518            startGlobalSearch(initialQuery, selectInitialQuery, appSearchData, sourceBounds);
519            return;
520        }
522        ensureSearchDialog();
524, selectInitialQuery, launchActivity, appSearchData);
525    }
527    private void ensureSearchDialog() {
528        if (mSearchDialog == null) {
529            mSearchDialog = new SearchDialog(mContext, this);
530            mSearchDialog.setOnCancelListener(this);
531            mSearchDialog.setOnDismissListener(this);
532        }
533    }
535    /**
536     * Starts the global search activity.
537     */
538    /* package */ void startGlobalSearch(String initialQuery, boolean selectInitialQuery,
539            Bundle appSearchData, Rect sourceBounds) {
540        ComponentName globalSearchActivity = getGlobalSearchActivity();
541        if (globalSearchActivity == null) {
542            Log.w(TAG, "No global search activity found.");
543            return;
544        }
545        Intent intent = new Intent(INTENT_ACTION_GLOBAL_SEARCH);
546        intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
547        intent.setComponent(globalSearchActivity);
548        // Make sure that we have a Bundle to put source in
549        if (appSearchData == null) {
550            appSearchData = new Bundle();
551        } else {
552            appSearchData = new Bundle(appSearchData);
553        }
554        // Set source to package name of app that starts global search, if not set already.
555        if (!appSearchData.containsKey("source")) {
556            appSearchData.putString("source", mContext.getPackageName());
557        }
558        intent.putExtra(APP_DATA, appSearchData);
559        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(initialQuery)) {
560            intent.putExtra(QUERY, initialQuery);
561        }
562        if (selectInitialQuery) {
563            intent.putExtra(EXTRA_SELECT_QUERY, selectInitialQuery);
564        }
565        intent.setSourceBounds(sourceBounds);
566        try {
567            if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Starting global search: " + intent.toUri(0));
568            mContext.startActivity(intent);
569        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
570            Log.e(TAG, "Global search activity not found: " + globalSearchActivity);
571        }
572    }
574    /**
575     * Returns a list of installed apps that handle the global search
576     * intent.
577     *
578     * @hide
579     */
580    public List<ResolveInfo> getGlobalSearchActivities() {
581        try {
582            return mService.getGlobalSearchActivities();
583        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
584            Log.e(TAG, "getGlobalSearchActivities() failed: " + ex);
585            return null;
586        }
587    }
589    /**
590     * Gets the name of the global search activity.
591     */
592    public ComponentName getGlobalSearchActivity() {
593        try {
594            return mService.getGlobalSearchActivity();
595        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
596            Log.e(TAG, "getGlobalSearchActivity() failed: " + ex);
597            return null;
598        }
599    }
601    /**
602     * Gets the name of the web search activity.
603     *
604     * @return The name of the default activity for web searches. This activity
605     *         can be used to get web search suggestions. Returns {@code null} if
606     *         there is no default web search activity.
607     *
608     * @hide
609     */
610    public ComponentName getWebSearchActivity() {
611        try {
612            return mService.getWebSearchActivity();
613        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
614            Log.e(TAG, "getWebSearchActivity() failed: " + ex);
615            return null;
616        }
617    }
619    /**
620     * Similar to {@link #startSearch} but actually fires off the search query after invoking
621     * the search dialog.  Made available for testing purposes.
622     *
623     * @param query The query to trigger.  If empty, request will be ignored.
624     * @param launchActivity The ComponentName of the activity that has launched this search.
625     * @param appSearchData An application can insert application-specific
626     * context here, in order to improve quality or specificity of its own
627     * searches.  This data will be returned with SEARCH intent(s).  Null if
628     * no extra data is required.
629     *
630     * @see #startSearch
631     */
632    public void triggerSearch(String query,
633                              ComponentName launchActivity,
634                              Bundle appSearchData) {
635        if (!mAssociatedPackage.equals(launchActivity.getPackageName())) {
636            throw new IllegalArgumentException("invoking app search on a different package " +
637                    "not associated with this search manager");
638        }
639        if (query == null || TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(query) == 0) {
640            Log.w(TAG, "triggerSearch called with empty query, ignoring.");
641            return;
642        }
643        startSearch(query, false, launchActivity, appSearchData, false);
644        mSearchDialog.launchQuerySearch();
645    }
647    /**
648     * Terminate search UI.
649     *
650     * <p>Typically the user will terminate the search UI by launching a
651     * search or by canceling.  This function allows the underlying application
652     * or activity to cancel the search prematurely (for any reason).
653     *
654     * <p>This function can be safely called at any time (even if no search is active.)
655     *
656     * @see #startSearch
657     */
658    public void stopSearch() {
659        if (mSearchDialog != null) {
660            mSearchDialog.cancel();
661        }
662    }
664    /**
665     * Determine if the Search UI is currently displayed.
666     *
667     * This is provided primarily for application test purposes.
668     *
669     * @return Returns true if the search UI is currently displayed.
670     *
671     * @hide
672     */
673    public boolean isVisible() {
674        return mSearchDialog == null? false : mSearchDialog.isShowing();
675    }
677    /**
678     * See {@link SearchManager#setOnDismissListener} for configuring your activity to monitor
679     * search UI state.
680     */
681    public interface OnDismissListener {
682        /**
683         * This method will be called when the search UI is dismissed. To make use of it, you must
684         * implement this method in your activity, and call
685         * {@link SearchManager#setOnDismissListener} to register it.
686         */
687        public void onDismiss();
688    }
690    /**
691     * See {@link SearchManager#setOnCancelListener} for configuring your activity to monitor
692     * search UI state.
693     */
694    public interface OnCancelListener {
695        /**
696         * This method will be called when the search UI is canceled. To make use if it, you must
697         * implement this method in your activity, and call
698         * {@link SearchManager#setOnCancelListener} to register it.
699         */
700        public void onCancel();
701    }
703    /**
704     * Set or clear the callback that will be invoked whenever the search UI is dismissed.
705     *
706     * @param listener The {@link OnDismissListener} to use, or null.
707     */
708    public void setOnDismissListener(final OnDismissListener listener) {
709        mDismissListener = listener;
710    }
712    /**
713     * Set or clear the callback that will be invoked whenever the search UI is canceled.
714     *
715     * @param listener The {@link OnCancelListener} to use, or null.
716     */
717    public void setOnCancelListener(OnCancelListener listener) {
718        mCancelListener = listener;
719    }
721    /**
722     * @deprecated This method is an obsolete internal implementation detail. Do not use.
723     */
724    @Deprecated
725    public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
726        if (mCancelListener != null) {
727            mCancelListener.onCancel();
728        }
729    }
731    /**
732     * @deprecated This method is an obsolete internal implementation detail. Do not use.
733     */
734    @Deprecated
735    public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
736        if (mDismissListener != null) {
737            mDismissListener.onDismiss();
738        }
739    }
741    /**
742     * Gets information about a searchable activity.
743     *
744     * @param componentName The activity to get searchable information for.
745     * @return Searchable information, or <code>null</code> if the activity does not
746     *         exist, or is not searchable.
747     */
748    public SearchableInfo getSearchableInfo(ComponentName componentName) {
749        try {
750            return mService.getSearchableInfo(componentName);
751        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
752            Log.e(TAG, "getSearchableInfo() failed: " + ex);
753            return null;
754        }
755    }
757    /**
758     * Gets a cursor with search suggestions.
759     *
760     * @param searchable Information about how to get the suggestions.
761     * @param query The search text entered (so far).
762     * @return a cursor with suggestions, or <code>null</null> the suggestion query failed.
763     *
764     * @hide because SearchableInfo is not part of the API.
765     */
766    public Cursor getSuggestions(SearchableInfo searchable, String query) {
767        return getSuggestions(searchable, query, -1);
768    }
770    /**
771     * Gets a cursor with search suggestions.
772     *
773     * @param searchable Information about how to get the suggestions.
774     * @param query The search text entered (so far).
775     * @param limit The query limit to pass to the suggestion provider. This is advisory,
776     *        the returned cursor may contain more rows. Pass {@code -1} for no limit.
777     * @return a cursor with suggestions, or <code>null</null> the suggestion query failed.
778     *
779     * @hide because SearchableInfo is not part of the API.
780     */
781    public Cursor getSuggestions(SearchableInfo searchable, String query, int limit) {
782        if (searchable == null) {
783            return null;
784        }
786        String authority = searchable.getSuggestAuthority();
787        if (authority == null) {
788            return null;
789        }
791        Uri.Builder uriBuilder = new Uri.Builder()
792                .scheme(ContentResolver.SCHEME_CONTENT)
793                .authority(authority)
794                .query("")  // TODO: Remove, workaround for a bug in Uri.writeToParcel()
795                .fragment("");  // TODO: Remove, workaround for a bug in Uri.writeToParcel()
797        // if content path provided, insert it now
798        final String contentPath = searchable.getSuggestPath();
799        if (contentPath != null) {
800            uriBuilder.appendEncodedPath(contentPath);
801        }
803        // append standard suggestion query path
804        uriBuilder.appendPath(SearchManager.SUGGEST_URI_PATH_QUERY);
806        // get the query selection, may be null
807        String selection = searchable.getSuggestSelection();
808        // inject query, either as selection args or inline
809        String[] selArgs = null;
810        if (selection != null) {    // use selection if provided
811            selArgs = new String[] { query };
812        } else {                    // no selection, use REST pattern
813            uriBuilder.appendPath(query);
814        }
816        if (limit > 0) {
817            uriBuilder.appendQueryParameter(SUGGEST_PARAMETER_LIMIT, String.valueOf(limit));
818        }
820        Uri uri =;
822        // finally, make the query
823        return mContext.getContentResolver().query(uri, null, selection, selArgs, null);
824    }
826    /**
827     * Returns a list of the searchable activities that can be included in global search.
828     *
829     * @return a list containing searchable information for all searchable activities
830     *         that have the <code>android:includeInGlobalSearch</code> attribute set
831     *         in their searchable meta-data.
832     */
833    public List<SearchableInfo> getSearchablesInGlobalSearch() {
834        try {
835            return mService.getSearchablesInGlobalSearch();
836        } catch (RemoteException e) {
837            Log.e(TAG, "getSearchablesInGlobalSearch() failed: " + e);
838            return null;
839        }
840    }
842    /**
843     * Returns true if the global assist activity is available.
844     * @return True if the assistant is available.
845     *
846     * @hide
847     */
848    public final boolean isAssistantAvailable() {
849        Intent intent = getAssistIntent();
850        return intent != null
851                && mContext.getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(intent,
852                        PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY).size() > 0;
853    }
855    /**
856     * Gets an intent to launch the global assist activity, or null if not available.
857     * @return The assist intent.
858     *
859     * @hide
860     */
861    public final Intent getAssistIntent() {
862        ComponentName globalSearchActivity = getGlobalSearchActivity();
863        if (globalSearchActivity != null) {
864            Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_ASSIST);
865            intent.setPackage(globalSearchActivity.getPackageName());
866            return intent;
867        }
868        return null;
869    }