/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.util; import java.util.BitSet; import org.apache.harmony.testframework.serialization.SerializationTest; public class BitSetTest extends junit.framework.TestCase { BitSet eightbs; /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#BitSet() */ public void test_Constructor() { // Test for method java.util.BitSet() BitSet bs = new BitSet(); // Default size for a BitSet should be 64 elements; assertEquals("Created BitSet of incorrect size", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("New BitSet had invalid string representation", "{}", bs .toString()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#BitSet(int) */ public void test_ConstructorI() { // Test for method java.util.BitSet(int) BitSet bs = new BitSet(128); // Default size for a BitSet should be 64 elements; assertEquals("Created BitSet of incorrect size", 128, bs.size()); assertEquals("New BitSet had invalid string representation: " + bs.toString(), "{}", bs.toString()); // All BitSets are created with elements of multiples of 64 bs = new BitSet(89); assertEquals("Failed to round BitSet element size", 128, bs.size()); try { bs = new BitSet(-9); fail("Failed to throw exception when creating a new BitSet with negative elements value"); } catch (NegativeArraySizeException e) { // Correct behaviour } // Regression test for HARMONY-4147 try { new BitSet(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { // Ignore if no room for this size. } } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#clone() */ public void test_clone() { // Test for method java.lang.Object java.util.BitSet.clone() BitSet bs; bs = (BitSet) eightbs.clone(); assertEquals("clone failed to return equal BitSet", bs, eightbs); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public void test_equalsLjava_lang_Object() { // Test for method boolean java.util.BitSet.equals(java.lang.Object) BitSet bs; bs = (BitSet) eightbs.clone(); assertEquals("Same BitSet returned false", eightbs, eightbs); assertEquals("Identical BitSet returned false", bs, eightbs); bs.clear(6); assertFalse("Different BitSets returned true", eightbs.equals(bs)); // Grow the BitSet bs = (BitSet) eightbs.clone(); bs.set(128); assertFalse("Different sized BitSet with higher bit set returned true", eightbs.equals(bs)); bs.clear(128); assertTrue( "Different sized BitSet with higher bits not set returned false", eightbs.equals(bs)); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#hashCode() */ public void test_hashCode() { // Test for method int java.util.BitSet.hashCode() BitSet bs = (BitSet) eightbs.clone(); bs.clear(2); bs.clear(6); assertEquals("BitSet returns wrong hash value", 1129, bs.hashCode()); bs.set(10); bs.clear(3); assertEquals("BitSet returns wrong hash value", 97, bs.hashCode()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#clear() */ public void test_clear() { eightbs.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { assertTrue("Clear didn't clear bit " + i, !eightbs.get(i)); } assertEquals("Test1: Wrong length", 0, eightbs.length()); BitSet bs = new BitSet(3400); bs.set(0, bs.size() - 1); // ensure all bits are 1's bs.set(bs.size() - 1); bs.clear(); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong length", 0, bs.length()); assertTrue("Test2: isEmpty() returned incorrect value", bs.isEmpty()); assertEquals("Test2: cardinality() returned incorrect value", 0, bs .cardinality()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#clear(int) */ public void test_clearI() { // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.clear(int) eightbs.clear(7); assertFalse("Failed to clear bit", eightbs.get(7)); // Check to see all other bits are still set for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertTrue("Clear cleared incorrect bits", eightbs.get(i)); } eightbs.clear(165); assertFalse("Failed to clear bit", eightbs.get(165)); // Try out of range try { eightbs.clear(-1); fail("Failed to throw expected out of bounds exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Correct behaviour } BitSet bs = new BitSet(0); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.clear(0); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.clear(60); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.clear(120); assertEquals("Test4: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test4: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); bs.set(25); assertEquals("Test5: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test5: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); bs.clear(80); assertEquals("Test6: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test6: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); bs.clear(25); assertEquals("Test7: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test7: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); bs = new BitSet(); try { bs.clear(-1); fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected } } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#clear(int, int) */ public void test_clearII() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { // Regression for HARMONY-98 BitSet bitset = new BitSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { bitset.set(i); } bitset.clear(10, 10); // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.clear(int, int) // pos1 and pos2 are in the same bitset element BitSet bs = new BitSet(16); int initialSize = bs.size(); bs.set(0, initialSize); bs.clear(5); bs.clear(15); bs.clear(7, 11); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (i == 5) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } else { assertTrue("Shouldn't have cleared bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } } for (int i = 7; i < 11; i++) { assertFalse("Failed to clear bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 11; i < initialSize; i++) { if (i == 15) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } else { assertTrue("Shouldn't have cleared bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } } for (int i = initialSize; i < bs.size(); i++) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } // pos1 and pos2 is in the same bitset element, boundary testing bs = new BitSet(16); initialSize = bs.size(); bs.set(0, initialSize); bs.clear(7, 64); assertEquals("Failed to grow BitSet", 64, bs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have cleared bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 7; i < 64; i++) { assertFalse("Failed to clear bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 64; i < bs.size(); i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, !bs.get(i)); } // more boundary testing bs = new BitSet(32); initialSize = bs.size(); bs.set(0, initialSize); bs.clear(0, 64); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { assertFalse("Failed to clear bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 64; i < bs.size(); i++) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } bs = new BitSet(32); initialSize = bs.size(); bs.set(0, initialSize); bs.clear(0, 65); for (int i = 0; i < 65; i++) { assertFalse("Failed to clear bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 65; i < bs.size(); i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, !bs.get(i)); } // pos1 and pos2 are in two sequential bitset elements bs = new BitSet(128); initialSize = bs.size(); bs.set(0, initialSize); bs.clear(7); bs.clear(110); bs.clear(9, 74); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (i == 7) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } else { assertTrue("Shouldn't have cleared bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } } for (int i = 9; i < 74; i++) { assertFalse("Failed to clear bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 74; i < initialSize; i++) { if (i == 110) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } else { assertTrue("Shouldn't have cleared bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } } for (int i = initialSize; i < bs.size(); i++) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } // pos1 and pos2 are in two non-sequential bitset elements bs = new BitSet(256); bs.set(0, 256); bs.clear(7); bs.clear(255); bs.clear(9, 219); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (i == 7) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } else { assertTrue("Shouldn't have cleared bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } } for (int i = 9; i < 219; i++) { assertFalse("failed to clear bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 219; i < 255; i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have cleared bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 255; i < bs.size(); i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, !bs.get(i)); } // test illegal args bs = new BitSet(10); try { bs.clear(-1, 3); fail("Test1: Attempt to flip with negative index failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // excepted } try { bs.clear(2, -1); fail("Test2: Attempt to flip with negative index failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // excepted } bs.set(2, 4); bs.clear(2, 2); assertTrue("Bit got cleared incorrectly ", bs.get(2)); try { bs.clear(4, 2); fail("Test4: Attempt to flip with illegal args failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // excepted } bs = new BitSet(0); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.clear(0, 2); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.clear(60, 64); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.clear(64, 120); assertEquals("Test4: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test4: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.set(25); assertEquals("Test5: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test5: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); bs.clear(60, 64); assertEquals("Test6: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test6: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); bs.clear(64, 120); assertEquals("Test7: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test7: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); bs.clear(80); assertEquals("Test8: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test8: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); bs.clear(25); assertEquals("Test9: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test9: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#get(int) */ public void test_getI() { // Test for method boolean java.util.BitSet.get(int) BitSet bs = new BitSet(); bs.set(8); assertFalse("Get returned true for index out of range", eightbs.get(99)); assertTrue("Get returned false for set value", eightbs.get(3)); assertFalse("Get returned true for a non set value", bs.get(0)); try { bs.get(-1); fail("Attempt to get at negative index failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Correct behaviour } bs = new BitSet(1); assertTrue("Access greater than size", !bs.get(64)); bs = new BitSet(); bs.set(63); assertTrue("Test highest bit", bs.get(63)); bs = new BitSet(0); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.get(2); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.get(70); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs = new BitSet(); try { bs.get(Integer.MIN_VALUE); fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected } } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#get(int, int) */ public void test_getII() { BitSet bitset = new BitSet(30); bitset.get(3, 3); // Test for method boolean java.util.BitSet.get(int, int) BitSet bs, resultbs, correctbs; bs = new BitSet(512); bs.set(3, 9); bs.set(10, 20); bs.set(60, 75); bs.set(121); bs.set(130, 140); // pos1 and pos2 are in the same bitset element, at index0 resultbs = bs.get(3, 6); correctbs = new BitSet(3); correctbs.set(0, 3); assertEquals("Test1: Returned incorrect BitSet", correctbs, resultbs); // pos1 and pos2 are in the same bitset element, at index 1 resultbs = bs.get(100, 125); correctbs = new BitSet(25); correctbs.set(21); assertEquals("Test2: Returned incorrect BitSet", correctbs, resultbs); // pos1 in bitset element at index 0, and pos2 in bitset element at // index 1 resultbs = bs.get(15, 125); correctbs = new BitSet(25); correctbs.set(0, 5); correctbs.set(45, 60); correctbs.set(121 - 15); assertEquals("Test3: Returned incorrect BitSet", correctbs, resultbs); // pos1 in bitset element at index 1, and pos2 in bitset element at // index 2 resultbs = bs.get(70, 145); correctbs = new BitSet(75); correctbs.set(0, 5); correctbs.set(51); correctbs.set(60, 70); assertEquals("Test4: Returned incorrect BitSet", correctbs, resultbs); // pos1 in bitset element at index 0, and pos2 in bitset element at // index 2 resultbs = bs.get(5, 145); correctbs = new BitSet(140); correctbs.set(0, 4); correctbs.set(5, 15); correctbs.set(55, 70); correctbs.set(116); correctbs.set(125, 135); assertEquals("Test5: Returned incorrect BitSet", correctbs, resultbs); // pos1 in bitset element at index 0, and pos2 in bitset element at // index 3 resultbs = bs.get(5, 250); correctbs = new BitSet(200); correctbs.set(0, 4); correctbs.set(5, 15); correctbs.set(55, 70); correctbs.set(116); correctbs.set(125, 135); assertEquals("Test6: Returned incorrect BitSet", correctbs, resultbs); assertEquals("equality principle 1 ", bs.get(0, bs.size()), bs); // more tests BitSet bs2 = new BitSet(129); bs2.set(0, 20); bs2.set(62, 65); bs2.set(121, 123); resultbs = bs2.get(1, 124); correctbs = new BitSet(129); correctbs.set(0, 19); correctbs.set(61, 64); correctbs.set(120, 122); assertEquals("Test7: Returned incorrect BitSet", correctbs, resultbs); // equality principle with some boundary conditions bs2 = new BitSet(128); bs2.set(2, 20); bs2.set(62); bs2.set(121, 123); bs2.set(127); resultbs = bs2.get(0, bs2.size()); assertTrue("equality principle", bs2.equals(resultbs)); bs2 = new BitSet(128); bs2.set(2, 20); bs2.set(62); bs2.set(121, 123); bs2.set(127); bs2.flip(0, 128); resultbs = bs2.get(0, bs.size()); assertEquals("equality principle 3 ", resultbs, bs2); bs = new BitSet(0); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.get(0, 2); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.get(60, 64); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.get(64, 120); assertEquals("Test4: Wrong length,", 0, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test4: Wrong size,", 0, bs.size()); bs.set(25); assertEquals("Test5: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test5: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); bs.get(60, 64); assertEquals("Test6: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); assertEquals("Test6: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); bs.get(64, 120); assertEquals("Test7: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test7: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); bs.get(80); assertEquals("Test8: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test8: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); bs.get(25); assertEquals("Test9: Wrong size,", 64, bs.size()); assertEquals("Test9: Wrong length,", 26, bs.length()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#flip(int) */ public void test_flipI() { // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.flip(int) BitSet bs = new BitSet(); bs.clear(8); bs.clear(9); bs.set(10); bs.flip(9); assertFalse("Failed to flip bit", bs.get(8)); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit", bs.get(9)); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit", bs.get(10)); bs.set(8); bs.set(9); bs.clear(10); bs.flip(9); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit", bs.get(8)); assertFalse("Failed to flip bit", bs.get(9)); assertFalse("Failed to flip bit", bs.get(10)); try { bs.flip(-1); fail("Attempt to flip at negative index failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Correct behaviour } // Try setting a bit on a 64 boundary bs.flip(128); assertEquals("Failed to grow BitSet", 192, bs.size()); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit", bs.get(128)); bs = new BitSet(64); for (int i = bs.size(); --i >= 0;) { bs.flip(i); assertTrue("Test1: Incorrectly flipped bit" + i, bs.get(i)); assertEquals("Incorrect length", i+1, bs.length()); for (int j = bs.size(); --j > i;) { assertTrue("Test2: Incorrectly flipped bit" + j, !bs.get(j)); } for (int j = i; --j >= 0;) { assertTrue("Test3: Incorrectly flipped bit" + j, !bs.get(j)); } bs.flip(i); } BitSet bs0 = new BitSet(0); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong size", 0, bs0.size()); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong length", 0, bs0.length()); bs0.flip(0); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong size", 64, bs0.size()); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong length", 1, bs0.length()); bs0.flip(63); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong size", 64, bs0.size()); assertEquals("Test3: Wrong length", 64, bs0.length()); eightbs.flip(7); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 7", !eightbs.get(7)); // Check to see all other bits are still set for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) assertTrue("Flip flipped incorrect bits", eightbs.get(i)); eightbs.flip(127); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 127", eightbs.get(127)); eightbs.flip(127); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 127", !eightbs.get(127)); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#clear(int, int) */ public void test_flipII() { BitSet bitset = new BitSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { bitset.set(i); } bitset.flip(10, 10); // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.flip(int, int) // pos1 and pos2 are in the same bitset element BitSet bs = new BitSet(16); bs.set(7); bs.set(10); bs.flip(7, 11); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, !bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 7", bs.get(7)); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 8", bs.get(8)); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 9", bs.get(9)); assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 10", bs.get(10)); for (int i = 11; i < bs.size(); i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, !bs.get(i)); } // pos1 and pos2 is in the same bitset element, boundry testing bs = new BitSet(16); bs.set(7); bs.set(10); bs.flip(7, 64); assertEquals("Failed to grow BitSet", 64, bs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, !bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 7", bs.get(7)); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 8", bs.get(8)); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 9", bs.get(9)); assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 10", bs.get(10)); for (int i = 11; i < 64; i++) { assertTrue("failed to flip bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit 64", bs.get(64)); // more boundary testing bs = new BitSet(32); bs.flip(0, 64); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { assertTrue("Failed to flip bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit 64", bs.get(64)); bs = new BitSet(32); bs.flip(0, 65); for (int i = 0; i < 65; i++) { assertTrue("Failed to flip bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit 65", bs.get(65)); // pos1 and pos2 are in two sequential bitset elements bs = new BitSet(128); bs.set(7); bs.set(10); bs.set(72); bs.set(110); bs.flip(9, 74); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit 7", bs.get(7)); assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit 8", bs.get(8)); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 9", bs.get(9)); assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 10", bs.get(10)); for (int i = 11; i < 72; i++) { assertTrue("failed to flip bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 72", bs.get(72)); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 73", bs.get(73)); for (int i = 74; i < 110; i++) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit 110", bs.get(110)); for (int i = 111; i < bs.size(); i++) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } // pos1 and pos2 are in two non-sequential bitset elements bs = new BitSet(256); bs.set(7); bs.set(10); bs.set(72); bs.set(110); bs.set(181); bs.set(220); bs.flip(9, 219); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit 7", bs.get(7)); assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit 8", bs.get(8)); assertTrue("Failed to flip bit 9", bs.get(9)); assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 10", bs.get(10)); for (int i = 11; i < 72; i++) { assertTrue("failed to flip bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 72", bs.get(72)); for (int i = 73; i < 110; i++) { assertTrue("failed to flip bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 110", bs.get(110)); for (int i = 111; i < 181; i++) { assertTrue("failed to flip bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Failed to flip bit 181", bs.get(181)); for (int i = 182; i < 219; i++) { assertTrue("failed to flip bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Shouldn't have flipped bit 219", bs.get(219)); assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit 220", bs.get(220)); for (int i = 221; i < bs.size(); i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, !bs.get(i)); } // test illegal args bs = new BitSet(10); try { bs.flip(-1, 3); fail("Test1: Attempt to flip with negative index failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // correct behavior } try { bs.flip(2, -1); fail("Test2: Attempt to flip with negative index failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // correct behavior } try { bs.flip(4, 2); fail("Test4: Attempt to flip with illegal args failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // correct behavior } } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#set(int) */ public void test_setI() { // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.set(int) BitSet bs = new BitSet(); bs.set(8); assertTrue("Failed to set bit", bs.get(8)); try { bs.set(-1); fail("Attempt to set at negative index failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Correct behaviour } // Try setting a bit on a 64 boundary bs.set(128); assertEquals("Failed to grow BitSet", 192, bs.size()); assertTrue("Failed to set bit", bs.get(128)); bs = new BitSet(64); for (int i = bs.size(); --i >= 0;) { bs.set(i); assertTrue("Incorrectly set", bs.get(i)); assertEquals("Incorrect length", i+1, bs.length()); for (int j = bs.size(); --j > i;) assertFalse("Incorrectly set bit " + j, bs.get(j)); for (int j = i; --j >= 0;) assertFalse("Incorrectly set bit " + j, bs.get(j)); bs.clear(i); } bs = new BitSet(0); assertEquals("Test1: Wrong length", 0, bs.length()); bs.set(0); assertEquals("Test2: Wrong length", 1, bs.length()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#set(int, boolean) */ public void test_setIZ() { // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.set(int, boolean) eightbs.set(5, false); assertFalse("Should have set bit 5 to true", eightbs.get(5)); eightbs.set(5, true); assertTrue("Should have set bit 5 to false", eightbs.get(5)); try { BitSet bs = new BitSet(); bs.set(-2147483648, false); fail("Should throw IndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected } } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#set(int, int) */ public void test_setII() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { BitSet bitset = new BitSet(30); bitset.set(29, 29); // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.set(int, int) // pos1 and pos2 are in the same bitset element BitSet bs = new BitSet(16); bs.set(5); bs.set(15); bs.set(7, 11); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (i == 5) assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); else assertFalse("Shouldn't have set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 7; i < 11; i++) { assertTrue("Failed to set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 11; i < bs.size(); i++) { if (i == 15) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } else { assertTrue("Shouldn't have set bit " + i, !bs.get(i)); } } // pos1 and pos2 is in the same bitset element, boundary testing bs = new BitSet(16); bs.set(7, 64); assertEquals("Failed to grow BitSet", 64, bs.size()); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { assertFalse("Shouldn't have set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 7; i < 64; i++) { assertTrue("Failed to set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertFalse("Shouldn't have set bit 64", bs.get(64)); // more boundary testing bs = new BitSet(32); bs.set(0, 64); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { assertTrue("Failed to set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertTrue("Shouldn't have set bit 64", !bs.get(64)); bs = new BitSet(32); bs.set(0, 65); for (int i = 0; i < 65; i++) { assertTrue("Failed to set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } assertTrue("Shouldn't have set bit 65", !bs.get(65)); // pos1 and pos2 are in two sequential bitset elements bs = new BitSet(128); bs.set(7); bs.set(110); bs.set(9, 74); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (i == 7) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } else { assertFalse("Shouldn't have set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } } for (int i = 9; i < 74; i++) { assertTrue("Failed to set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 74; i < bs.size(); i++) { if (i == 110) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } else { assertFalse("Shouldn't have set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } } // pos1 and pos2 are in two non-sequential bitset elements bs = new BitSet(256); bs.set(7); bs.set(255); bs.set(9, 219); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (i == 7) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have set flipped " + i, bs.get(i)); } else { assertFalse("Shouldn't have set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } } for (int i = 9; i < 219; i++) { assertTrue("failed to set bit " + i, bs.get(i)); } for (int i = 219; i < 255; i++) { assertTrue("Shouldn't have set bit " + i, !bs.get(i)); } assertTrue("Shouldn't have flipped bit 255", bs.get(255)); // test illegal args bs = new BitSet(10); try { bs.set(-1, 3); fail("Test1: Attempt to flip with negative index failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Correct behavior } try { bs.set(2, -1); fail("Test2: Attempt to flip with negative index failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Correct behavior } bs.set(2, 2); assertFalse("Bit got set incorrectly ", bs.get(2)); try { bs.set(4, 2); fail("Test4: Attempt to flip with illegal args failed to generate exception"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // Correct behavior } } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#set(int, int, boolean) */ public void test_setIIZ() { // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.set(int, int, boolean) eightbs.set(3, 6, false); assertTrue("Should have set bits 3, 4, and 5 to false", !eightbs.get(3) && !eightbs.get(4) && !eightbs.get(5)); eightbs.set(3, 6, true); assertTrue("Should have set bits 3, 4, and 5 to true", eightbs.get(3) && eightbs.get(4) && eightbs.get(5)); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#set(int, int) * @tests java.util.BitSet#cardinality() * @tests java.util.BitSet#get(int) * @tests java.util.BitSet#flip(int, int) * @tests java.util.BitSet#clear(int,int) */ public void test_111478() { // BitSet shouldn't be modified by any of the operations below, // since the affected bits for these methods are defined as inclusive of // pos1, exclusive of pos2. try { eightbs.flip(0, 0); assertTrue("Bit got flipped incorrectly ", eightbs.get(0)); BitSet bsnew = eightbs.get(2, 2); assertEquals("BitSet retrieved incorrectly ", 0, bsnew .cardinality()); eightbs.set(10, 10); assertTrue("Bit got set incorrectly ", !eightbs.get(10)); eightbs.clear(3, 3); assertTrue("Bit cleared incorrectly ", eightbs.get(3)); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { fail("Unexpected IndexOutOfBoundsException when pos1 ==pos2"); } } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#intersects(java.util.BitSet) */ public void test_intersectsLjava_util_BitSet() { // Test for method boolean java.util.BitSet.intersects(java.util.BitSet) BitSet bs = new BitSet(500); bs.set(5); bs.set(63); bs.set(64); bs.set(71, 110); bs.set(127, 130); bs.set(192); bs.set(450); BitSet bs2 = new BitSet(8); assertFalse("Test1: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs .intersects(bs2)); assertFalse("Test1: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs2 .intersects(bs)); bs2.set(4); assertFalse("Test2: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs .intersects(bs2)); assertFalse("Test2: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs2 .intersects(bs)); bs2.clear(); bs2.set(5); assertTrue("Test3: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs .intersects(bs2)); assertTrue("Test3: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs2 .intersects(bs)); bs2.clear(); bs2.set(63); assertTrue("Test4: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs .intersects(bs2)); assertTrue("Test4: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs2 .intersects(bs)); bs2.clear(); bs2.set(80); assertTrue("Test5: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs .intersects(bs2)); assertTrue("Test5: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs2 .intersects(bs)); bs2.clear(); bs2.set(127); assertTrue("Test6: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs .intersects(bs2)); assertTrue("Test6: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs2 .intersects(bs)); bs2.clear(); bs2.set(192); assertTrue("Test7: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs .intersects(bs2)); assertTrue("Test7: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs2 .intersects(bs)); bs2.clear(); bs2.set(450); assertTrue("Test8: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs .intersects(bs2)); assertTrue("Test8: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs2 .intersects(bs)); bs2.clear(); bs2.set(500); assertFalse("Test9: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs .intersects(bs2)); assertFalse("Test9: intersects() returned incorrect value", bs2 .intersects(bs)); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#and(java.util.BitSet) */ public void test_andLjava_util_BitSet() { // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.and(java.util.BitSet) BitSet bs = new BitSet(128); // Initialize the bottom half of the BitSet for (int i = 64; i < 128; i++) { bs.set(i); } eightbs.and(bs); assertFalse("AND failed to clear bits", eightbs.equals(bs)); eightbs.set(3); bs.set(3); eightbs.and(bs); assertTrue("AND failed to maintain set bits", bs.get(3)); bs.and(eightbs); for (int i = 64; i < 128; i++) { assertFalse("Failed to clear extra bits in the receiver BitSet", bs .get(i)); } bs = new BitSet(64); try { bs.and(null); fail("Should throw NPE"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#andNot(java.util.BitSet) */ public void test_andNotLjava_util_BitSet() { BitSet bs = (BitSet) eightbs.clone(); bs.clear(5); BitSet bs2 = new BitSet(); bs2.set(2); bs2.set(3); bs.andNot(bs2); assertEquals("Incorrect bitset after andNot", "{0, 1, 4, 6, 7}", bs.toString()); bs = new BitSet(0); bs.andNot(bs2); assertEquals("Incorrect size", 0, bs.size()); bs = new BitSet(64); try { bs.andNot(null); fail("Should throw NPE"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // expected } // Regression test for HARMONY-4213 bs = new BitSet(256); bs2 = new BitSet(256); bs.set(97); bs2.set(37); bs.andNot(bs2); assertTrue("Incorrect value at 97 pos", bs.get(97)); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#or(java.util.BitSet) */ public void test_orLjava_util_BitSet() { // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.or(java.util.BitSet) BitSet bs = new BitSet(128); bs.or(eightbs); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { assertTrue("OR failed to set bits", bs.get(i)); } bs = new BitSet(0); bs.or(eightbs); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { assertTrue("OR(0) failed to set bits", bs.get(i)); } eightbs.clear(5); bs = new BitSet(128); bs.or(eightbs); assertTrue("OR set a bit which should be off", !bs.get(5)); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#xor(java.util.BitSet) */ public void test_xorLjava_util_BitSet() { // Test for method void java.util.BitSet.xor(java.util.BitSet) BitSet bs = (BitSet) eightbs.clone(); bs.xor(eightbs); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { assertFalse("XOR failed to clear bits", bs.get(i)); } bs.xor(eightbs); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { assertTrue("XOR failed to set bits", bs.get(i)); } bs = new BitSet(0); bs.xor(eightbs); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { assertTrue("XOR(0) failed to set bits", bs.get(i)); } bs = new BitSet(); bs.set(63); assertEquals("Test highest bit", "{63}", bs.toString()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#size() */ public void test_size() { // Test for method int java.util.BitSet.size() assertEquals("Returned incorrect size", 64, eightbs.size()); eightbs.set(129); assertTrue("Returned incorrect size", eightbs.size() >= 129); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#toString() */ public void test_toString() { // Test for method java.lang.String java.util.BitSet.toString() assertEquals("Returned incorrect string representation", "{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}", eightbs.toString()); eightbs.clear(2); assertEquals("Returned incorrect string representation", "{0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}", eightbs.toString()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#length() */ public void test_length() { BitSet bs = new BitSet(); assertEquals("BitSet returned wrong length", 0, bs.length()); bs.set(5); assertEquals("BitSet returned wrong length", 6, bs.length()); bs.set(10); assertEquals("BitSet returned wrong length", 11, bs.length()); bs.set(432); assertEquals("BitSet returned wrong length", 433, bs.length()); bs.set(300); assertEquals("BitSet returned wrong length", 433, bs.length()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#nextSetBit(int) */ public void test_nextSetBitI() { // Test for method int java.util.BitSet.nextSetBit() BitSet bs = new BitSet(500); bs.set(5); bs.set(32); bs.set(63); bs.set(64); bs.set(71, 110); bs.set(127, 130); bs.set(193); bs.set(450); try { bs.nextSetBit(-1); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException for negative index"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // correct behavior } assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 5, bs .nextSetBit(0)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 5, bs .nextSetBit(5)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 32, bs .nextSetBit(6)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 32, bs .nextSetBit(32)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 63, bs .nextSetBit(33)); // boundary tests assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 63, bs .nextSetBit(63)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 64, bs .nextSetBit(64)); // at bitset element 1 assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 71, bs .nextSetBit(65)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 71, bs .nextSetBit(71)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 72, bs .nextSetBit(72)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 127, bs .nextSetBit(110)); // boundary tests assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 127, bs .nextSetBit(127)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 128, bs .nextSetBit(128)); // at bitset element 2 assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 193, bs .nextSetBit(130)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 193, bs .nextSetBit(191)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 193, bs .nextSetBit(192)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 193, bs .nextSetBit(193)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 450, bs .nextSetBit(194)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 450, bs .nextSetBit(255)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 450, bs .nextSetBit(256)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", 450, bs .nextSetBit(450)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", -1, bs .nextSetBit(451)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", -1, bs .nextSetBit(511)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", -1, bs .nextSetBit(512)); assertEquals("nextSetBit() returned the wrong value", -1, bs .nextSetBit(800)); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#nextClearBit(int) */ public void test_nextClearBitI() { // Test for method int java.util.BitSet.nextSetBit() BitSet bs = new BitSet(500); // ensure all the bits from 0 to bs.size() - 1 are set to true bs.set(0, bs.size() - 1); bs.set(bs.size() - 1); bs.clear(5); bs.clear(32); bs.clear(63); bs.clear(64); bs.clear(71, 110); bs.clear(127, 130); bs.clear(193); bs.clear(450); try { bs.nextClearBit(-1); fail("Expected IndexOutOfBoundsException for negative index"); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // correct behavior } assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 5, bs .nextClearBit(0)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 5, bs .nextClearBit(5)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 32, bs .nextClearBit(6)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 32, bs .nextClearBit(32)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 63, bs .nextClearBit(33)); // boundary tests assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 63, bs .nextClearBit(63)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 64, bs .nextClearBit(64)); // at bitset element 1 assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 71, bs .nextClearBit(65)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 71, bs .nextClearBit(71)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 72, bs .nextClearBit(72)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 127, bs .nextClearBit(110)); // boundary tests assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 127, bs .nextClearBit(127)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 128, bs .nextClearBit(128)); // at bitset element 2 assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 193, bs .nextClearBit(130)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 193, bs .nextClearBit(191)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 193, bs .nextClearBit(192)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 193, bs .nextClearBit(193)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 450, bs .nextClearBit(194)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 450, bs .nextClearBit(255)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 450, bs .nextClearBit(256)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 450, bs .nextClearBit(450)); // bitset has 1 still the end of bs.size() -1, but calling nextClearBit // with any index value after the last true bit should return bs.size() assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 512, bs .nextClearBit(451)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 512, bs .nextClearBit(511)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 512, bs .nextClearBit(512)); // if the index is larger than bs.size(), nextClearBit should return // index assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 513, bs .nextClearBit(513)); assertEquals("nextClearBit() returned the wrong value", 800, bs .nextClearBit(800)); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#isEmpty() */ public void test_isEmpty() { BitSet bs = new BitSet(500); assertTrue("Test: isEmpty() returned wrong value", bs.isEmpty()); // at bitset element 0 bs.set(3); assertFalse("Test0: isEmpty() returned wrong value", bs.isEmpty()); // at bitset element 1 bs.clear(); bs.set(12); assertFalse("Test1: isEmpty() returned wrong value", bs.isEmpty()); // at bitset element 2 bs.clear(); bs.set(128); assertFalse("Test2: isEmpty() returned wrong value", bs.isEmpty()); // boundary testing bs.clear(); bs.set(459); assertFalse("Test3: isEmpty() returned wrong value", bs.isEmpty()); bs.clear(); bs.set(511); assertFalse("Test4: isEmpty() returned wrong value", bs.isEmpty()); } /** * @tests java.util.BitSet#cardinality() */ public void test_cardinality() { // test for method int java.util.BitSet.cardinality() BitSet bs = new BitSet(500); bs.set(5); bs.set(32); bs.set(63); bs.set(64); bs.set(71, 110); bs.set(127, 130); bs.set(193); bs.set(450); assertEquals("cardinality() returned wrong value", 48, bs.cardinality()); bs.flip(0, 500); assertEquals("cardinality() returned wrong value", 452, bs .cardinality()); bs.clear(); assertEquals("cardinality() returned wrong value", 0, bs.cardinality()); bs.set(0, 500); assertEquals("cardinality() returned wrong value", 500, bs .cardinality()); bs.clear(); bs.set(0, 64); assertEquals("cardinality() returned wrong value", 64, bs.cardinality()); } public void test_serialization() throws Exception { BitSet bs = new BitSet(500); bs.set(5); bs.set(32); bs.set(63); bs.set(64); bs.set(71, 110); bs.set(127, 130); bs.set(193); bs.set(450); SerializationTest.verifySelf(bs); } public void test_serializationCompatiblity() throws Exception { BitSet bs = new BitSet(500); bs.set(5); bs.set(32); bs.set(63); bs.set(64); bs.set(71, 110); bs.set(127, 130); bs.set(193); bs.set(450); SerializationTest.verifyGolden(this, bs); } /** * helper method to display the contents of a bitset * */ private static void printBitset(BitSet bs) { System.out.println(); for (int i = bs.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (bs.get(i)) { System.out.print(1); } else { System.out.print(0); } } } /** * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. This method * is called before a test is executed. */ protected void setUp() { eightbs = new BitSet(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { eightbs.set(i); } } /** * Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection. This * method is called after a test is executed. */ protected void tearDown() { } }