/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. */ package org.mockito; import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer; import org.mockito.stubbing.OngoingStubbing; import org.mockito.stubbing.Stubber; /** * Behavior Driven Development style of writing tests uses //given //when //then comments as fundamental parts of your test methods. * This is exactly how we write our tests and we warmly encourage you to do so! *

* Start learning about BDD here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior_Driven_Development *

* The problem is that current stubbing api with canonical role of when word does not integrate nicely with //given //when //then comments. * It's because stubbing belongs to given component of the test and not to the when component of the test. * Hence {@link BDDMockito} class introduces an alias so that you stub method calls with {@link BDDMockito#given(Object)} method. * Now it really nicely integrates with the given component of a BDD style test! *

* Here is how the test might look like: *

 * import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.*;
 * Seller seller = mock(Seller.class);
 * Shop shop = new Shop(seller);
 * public void shouldBuyBread() throws Exception {
 *   //given  
 *   given(seller.askForBread()).willReturn(new Bread());
 *   //when
 *   Goods goods = shop.buyBread();
 *   //then
 *   assertThat(goods, containBread());
 * }  
* * Stubbing voids with throwables: *

 *   //given
 *   willThrow(new RuntimeException("boo")).given(mock).foo();
 *   //when
 *   Result result = systemUnderTest.perform();
 *   //then
 *   assertEquals(failure, result);

* One of the purposes of BDDMockito is also to show how to tailor the mocking syntax to a different programming style. * * @since 1.8.0 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class BDDMockito extends Mockito { /** * See original {@link OngoingStubbing} * @since 1.8.0 */ public static interface BDDMyOngoingStubbing { /** * See original {@link OngoingStubbing#thenAnswer(Answer)} * @since 1.8.0 */ BDDMyOngoingStubbing willAnswer(Answer answer); /** * See original {@link OngoingStubbing#then(Answer)} * @since 1.9.0 */ BDDMyOngoingStubbing will(Answer answer); /** * See original {@link OngoingStubbing#thenReturn(Object)} * @since 1.8.0 */ BDDMyOngoingStubbing willReturn(T value); /** * See original {@link OngoingStubbing#thenReturn(Object, Object[])} * @since 1.8.0 */ BDDMyOngoingStubbing willReturn(T value, T... values); /** * See original {@link OngoingStubbing#thenThrow(Throwable...)} * @since 1.8.0 */ BDDMyOngoingStubbing willThrow(Throwable... throwables); /** * See original {@link OngoingStubbing#thenThrow(Class[])} * @since 1.9.0 */ BDDMyOngoingStubbing willThrow(Class... throwableClasses); /** * See original {@link OngoingStubbing#thenCallRealMethod()} * @since 1.9.0 */ BDDMyOngoingStubbing willCallRealMethod(); /** * See original {@link OngoingStubbing#getMock()} * @since 1.9.0 */ M getMock(); } public static class BDDOngoingStubbingImpl implements BDDMyOngoingStubbing { private final OngoingStubbing mockitoOngoingStubbing; public BDDOngoingStubbingImpl(OngoingStubbing ongoingStubbing) { this.mockitoOngoingStubbing = ongoingStubbing; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDMyOngoingStubbing#willAnswer(Answer) */ public BDDMyOngoingStubbing willAnswer(Answer answer) { return new BDDOngoingStubbingImpl(mockitoOngoingStubbing.thenAnswer(answer)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDMyOngoingStubbing#will(Answer) */ public BDDMyOngoingStubbing will(Answer answer) { return new BDDOngoingStubbingImpl(mockitoOngoingStubbing.then(answer)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDMyOngoingStubbing#willReturn(java.lang.Object) */ public BDDMyOngoingStubbing willReturn(T value) { return new BDDOngoingStubbingImpl(mockitoOngoingStubbing.thenReturn(value)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDMyOngoingStubbing#willReturn(java.lang.Object, T[]) */ public BDDMyOngoingStubbing willReturn(T value, T... values) { return new BDDOngoingStubbingImpl(mockitoOngoingStubbing.thenReturn(value, values)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDMyOngoingStubbing#willThrow(java.lang.Throwable[]) */ public BDDMyOngoingStubbing willThrow(Throwable... throwables) { return new BDDOngoingStubbingImpl(mockitoOngoingStubbing.thenThrow(throwables)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDMyOngoingStubbing#willThrow(java.lang.Class[]) */ public BDDMyOngoingStubbing willThrow(Class... throwableClasses) { return new BDDOngoingStubbingImpl(mockitoOngoingStubbing.thenThrow(throwableClasses)); } public BDDMyOngoingStubbing willCallRealMethod() { return new BDDOngoingStubbingImpl(mockitoOngoingStubbing.thenCallRealMethod()); } public M getMock() { return (M) mockitoOngoingStubbing.getMock(); } } /** * see original {@link Mockito#when(Object)} * @since 1.8.0 */ public static BDDMyOngoingStubbing given(T methodCall) { return new BDDOngoingStubbingImpl(Mockito.when(methodCall)); } /** * See original {@link Stubber} * @since 1.8.0 */ public static interface BDDStubber { /** * See original {@link Stubber#doAnswer(Answer)} * @since 1.8.0 */ BDDStubber willAnswer(Answer answer); /** * See original {@link Stubber#doNothing()} * @since 1.8.0 */ BDDStubber willNothing(); /** * See original {@link Stubber#doReturn(Object)} * @since 1.8.0 */ BDDStubber willReturn(Object toBeReturned); /** * See original {@link Stubber#doThrow(Throwable)} * @since 1.8.0 */ BDDStubber willThrow(Throwable toBeThrown); /** * See original {@link Stubber#doThrow(Class)} * @since 1.9.0 */ BDDStubber willThrow(Class toBeThrown); /** * See original {@link Stubber#doCallRealMethod()} * @since 1.9.0 */ BDDStubber willCallRealMethod(); /** * See original {@link Stubber#when(Object)} * @since 1.8.0 */ T given(T mock); } public static class BDDStubberImpl implements BDDStubber { private final Stubber mockitoStubber; public BDDStubberImpl(Stubber mockitoStubber) { this.mockitoStubber = mockitoStubber; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDStubber#given(java.lang.Object) */ public T given(T mock) { return mockitoStubber.when(mock); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDStubber#willAnswer(Answer) */ public BDDStubber willAnswer(Answer answer) { return new BDDStubberImpl(mockitoStubber.doAnswer(answer)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDStubber#willNothing() */ public BDDStubber willNothing() { return new BDDStubberImpl(mockitoStubber.doNothing()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDStubber#willReturn(java.lang.Object) */ public BDDStubber willReturn(Object toBeReturned) { return new BDDStubberImpl(mockitoStubber.doReturn(toBeReturned)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDStubber#willThrow(java.lang.Throwable) */ public BDDStubber willThrow(Throwable toBeThrown) { return new BDDStubberImpl(mockitoStubber.doThrow(toBeThrown)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDStubber#willThrow(Class) */ public BDDStubber willThrow(Class toBeThrown) { return new BDDStubberImpl(mockitoStubber.doThrow(toBeThrown)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see BDDMockito.BDDStubber#willCallRealMethod() */ public BDDStubber willCallRealMethod() { return new BDDStubberImpl(mockitoStubber.doCallRealMethod()); } } /** * see original {@link Mockito#doThrow(Throwable)} * @since 1.8.0 */ public static BDDStubber willThrow(Throwable toBeThrown) { return new BDDStubberImpl(Mockito.doThrow(toBeThrown)); } /** * see original {@link Mockito#doThrow(Throwable)} * @since 1.9.0 */ public static BDDStubber willThrow(Class toBeThrown) { return new BDDStubberImpl(Mockito.doThrow(toBeThrown)); } /** * see original {@link Mockito#doAnswer(Answer)} * @since 1.8.0 */ public static BDDStubber willAnswer(Answer answer) { return new BDDStubberImpl(Mockito.doAnswer(answer)); } /** * see original {@link Mockito#doNothing()} * @since 1.8.0 */ public static BDDStubber willDoNothing() { return new BDDStubberImpl(Mockito.doNothing()); } /** * see original {@link Mockito#doReturn(Object)} * @since 1.8.0 */ public static BDDStubber willReturn(Object toBeReturned) { return new BDDStubberImpl(Mockito.doReturn(toBeReturned)); } /** * see original {@link Mockito#doCallRealMethod()} * @since 1.8.0 */ public static BDDStubber willCallRealMethod() { return new BDDStubberImpl(Mockito.doCallRealMethod()); } }