package android.webkit; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.webkit.HTML5VideoViewProxy; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; /** * @hide This is only used by the browser */ public class HTML5VideoView implements MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener{ protected static final String LOGTAG = "HTML5VideoView"; protected static final String COOKIE = "Cookie"; protected static final String HIDE_URL_LOGS = "x-hide-urls-from-log"; // For handling the seekTo before prepared, we need to know whether or not // the video is prepared. Therefore, we differentiate the state between // prepared and not prepared. // When the video is not prepared, we will have to save the seekTo time, // and use it when prepared to play. // NOTE: these values are in sync with VideoLayerAndroid.h in webkit side. // Please keep them in sync when changed. static final int STATE_INITIALIZED = 0; static final int STATE_NOTPREPARED = 1; static final int STATE_PREPARED = 2; static final int STATE_PLAYING = 3; protected int mCurrentState; protected HTML5VideoViewProxy mProxy; // Save the seek time when not prepared. This can happen when switching // video besides initial load. protected int mSaveSeekTime; // This is used to find the VideoLayer on the native side. protected int mVideoLayerId; // Every video will have one MediaPlayer. Given the fact we only have one // SurfaceTexture, there is only one MediaPlayer in action. Every time we // switch videos, a new instance of MediaPlayer will be created in reset(). // Switching between inline and full screen will also create a new instance. protected MediaPlayer mPlayer; // This will be set up every time we create the Video View object. // Set to true only when switching into full screen while playing protected boolean mAutostart; // We need to save such info. protected String mUri; protected Map mHeaders; // The timer for timeupate events. // See protected static Timer mTimer; // The spec says the timer should fire every 250 ms or less. private static final int TIMEUPDATE_PERIOD = 250; // ms protected boolean mPauseDuringPreparing; // common Video control FUNCTIONS: public void start() { if (mCurrentState == STATE_PREPARED) { // When replaying the same video, there is no onPrepared call. // Therefore, the timer should be set up here. if (mTimer == null) { mTimer = new Timer(); mTimer.schedule(new TimeupdateTask(mProxy), TIMEUPDATE_PERIOD, TIMEUPDATE_PERIOD); } mPlayer.start(); } } public void pause() { if (mCurrentState == STATE_PREPARED && mPlayer.isPlaying()) { mPlayer.pause(); } else if (mCurrentState == STATE_NOTPREPARED) { mPauseDuringPreparing = true; } // Delete the Timer to stop it since there is no stop call. if (mTimer != null) { mTimer.purge(); mTimer.cancel(); mTimer = null; } } public int getDuration() { if (mCurrentState == STATE_PREPARED) { return mPlayer.getDuration(); } else { return -1; } } public int getCurrentPosition() { if (mCurrentState == STATE_PREPARED) { return mPlayer.getCurrentPosition(); } return 0; } public void seekTo(int pos) { if (mCurrentState == STATE_PREPARED) mPlayer.seekTo(pos); else mSaveSeekTime = pos; } public boolean isPlaying() { return mPlayer.isPlaying(); } public void release() { mPlayer.release(); } public void stopPlayback() { if (mCurrentState == STATE_PREPARED) { mPlayer.stop(); } } public boolean getAutostart() { return mAutostart; } public boolean getPauseDuringPreparing() { return mPauseDuringPreparing; } // Every time we start a new Video, we create a VideoView and a MediaPlayer public void init(int videoLayerId, int position, boolean autoStart) { mPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mCurrentState = STATE_INITIALIZED; mProxy = null; mVideoLayerId = videoLayerId; mSaveSeekTime = position; mAutostart = autoStart; mTimer = null; mPauseDuringPreparing = false; } protected HTML5VideoView() { } protected static Map generateHeaders(String url, HTML5VideoViewProxy proxy) { boolean isPrivate = proxy.getWebView().isPrivateBrowsingEnabled(); String cookieValue = CookieManager.getInstance().getCookie(url, isPrivate); Map headers = new HashMap(); if (cookieValue != null) { headers.put(COOKIE, cookieValue); } if (isPrivate) { headers.put(HIDE_URL_LOGS, "true"); } return headers; } public void setVideoURI(String uri, HTML5VideoViewProxy proxy) { // When switching players, surface texture will be reused. mUri = uri; mHeaders = generateHeaders(uri, proxy); } // Listeners setup FUNCTIONS: public void setOnCompletionListener(HTML5VideoViewProxy proxy) { mPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(proxy); } public void setOnErrorListener(HTML5VideoViewProxy proxy) { mPlayer.setOnErrorListener(proxy); } public void setOnPreparedListener(HTML5VideoViewProxy proxy) { mProxy = proxy; mPlayer.setOnPreparedListener(this); } // Normally called immediately after setVideoURI. But for full screen, // this should be after surface holder created public void prepareDataAndDisplayMode(HTML5VideoViewProxy proxy) { // SurfaceTexture will be created lazily here for inline mode decideDisplayMode(); setOnCompletionListener(proxy); setOnPreparedListener(proxy); setOnErrorListener(proxy); // When there is exception, we could just bail out silently. // No Video will be played though. Write the stack for debug try { mPlayer.setDataSource(mUri, mHeaders); mPlayer.prepareAsync(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mCurrentState = STATE_NOTPREPARED; } // Common code public int getVideoLayerId() { return mVideoLayerId; } public int getCurrentState() { if (mPlayer.isPlaying()) { return STATE_PLAYING; } else { return mCurrentState; } } private static final class TimeupdateTask extends TimerTask { private HTML5VideoViewProxy mProxy; public TimeupdateTask(HTML5VideoViewProxy proxy) { mProxy = proxy; } @Override public void run() { mProxy.onTimeupdate(); } } @Override public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer mp) { mCurrentState = STATE_PREPARED; seekTo(mSaveSeekTime); if (mProxy != null) { mProxy.onPrepared(mp); } if (mPauseDuringPreparing) { pauseAndDispatch(mProxy); mPauseDuringPreparing = false; } } // Pause the play and update the play/pause button public void pauseAndDispatch(HTML5VideoViewProxy proxy) { pause(); if (proxy != null) { proxy.dispatchOnPaused(); } } // Below are functions that are different implementation on inline and full- // screen mode. Some are specific to one type, but currently are called // directly from the proxy. public void enterFullScreenVideoState(int layerId, HTML5VideoViewProxy proxy, WebView webView) { } public boolean isFullScreenMode() { return false; } public void decideDisplayMode() { } public boolean getReadyToUseSurfTex() { return false; } public SurfaceTexture getSurfaceTexture() { return null; } public void deleteSurfaceTexture() { } public int getTextureName() { return 0; } }