/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.exchange.adapter; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.database.Cursor; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Mailbox; import com.android.emailcommon.service.SyncWindow; import com.android.exchange.CommandStatusException; import com.android.exchange.EasSyncService; import com.android.exchange.provider.EmailContentSetupUtils; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.HashMap; /** * You can run this entire test case with: * runtest -c com.android.exchange.adapter.FolderSyncParserTests exchange */ @MediumTest public class FolderSyncParserTests extends SyncAdapterTestCase { // We increment this to generate unique server id's private int mServerIdCount = 0; private final long mCreationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private final String[] mMailboxQueryArgs = new String[2]; public FolderSyncParserTests() { super(); } public void testIsValidMailFolder() throws IOException { EasSyncService service = getTestService(); EmailSyncAdapter adapter = new EmailSyncAdapter(service); FolderSyncParser parser = new FolderSyncParser(getTestInputStream(), adapter); HashMap mailboxMap = new HashMap(); // The parser needs the mAccount set parser.mAccount = mAccount; mAccount.save(getContext()); // Don't save the box; just create it, and give it a server id Mailbox boxMailType = EmailContentSetupUtils.setupMailbox("box1", mAccount.mId, false, mProviderContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL); boxMailType.mServerId = "__1:1"; // Automatically valid since TYPE_MAIL assertTrue(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxMailType, mailboxMap)); Mailbox boxCalendarType = EmailContentSetupUtils.setupMailbox("box", mAccount.mId, false, mProviderContext, Mailbox.TYPE_CALENDAR); Mailbox boxContactsType = EmailContentSetupUtils.setupMailbox("box", mAccount.mId, false, mProviderContext, Mailbox.TYPE_CONTACTS); Mailbox boxTasksType = EmailContentSetupUtils.setupMailbox("box", mAccount.mId, false, mProviderContext, Mailbox.TYPE_TASKS); // Automatically invalid since TYPE_CALENDAR and TYPE_CONTACTS assertFalse(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxCalendarType, mailboxMap)); assertFalse(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxContactsType, mailboxMap)); assertFalse(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxTasksType, mailboxMap)); // Unknown boxes are invalid unless they have a parent that's valid Mailbox boxUnknownType = EmailContentSetupUtils.setupMailbox("box", mAccount.mId, false, mProviderContext, Mailbox.TYPE_UNKNOWN); assertFalse(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxUnknownType, mailboxMap)); boxUnknownType.mParentServerId = boxMailType.mServerId; // We shouldn't find the parent yet assertFalse(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxUnknownType, mailboxMap)); // Put the mailbox in the map; the unknown box should now be valid mailboxMap.put(boxMailType.mServerId, boxMailType); assertTrue(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxUnknownType, mailboxMap)); // Clear the map, but save away the parent box mailboxMap.clear(); assertFalse(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxUnknownType, mailboxMap)); boxMailType.save(mProviderContext); // The box should now be valid assertTrue(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxUnknownType, mailboxMap)); // Somewhat harder case. The parent will be in the map, but also unknown. The parent's // parent will be in the database. Mailbox boxParentUnknownType = EmailContentSetupUtils.setupMailbox("box", mAccount.mId, false, mProviderContext, Mailbox.TYPE_UNKNOWN); assertFalse(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxParentUnknownType, mailboxMap)); // Give the unknown type parent a parent (boxMailType) boxParentUnknownType.mServerId = "__1:2"; boxParentUnknownType.mParentServerId = boxMailType.mServerId; // Give our unknown box an unknown parent boxUnknownType.mParentServerId = boxParentUnknownType.mServerId; // Confirm the box is still invalid assertFalse(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxUnknownType, mailboxMap)); // Put the unknown type parent into the mailbox map mailboxMap.put(boxParentUnknownType.mServerId, boxParentUnknownType); // Our unknown box should now be valid, because 1) the parent is unknown, BUT 2) the // parent's parent is a mail type assertTrue(parser.isValidMailFolder(boxUnknownType, mailboxMap)); } private Mailbox setupBoxSync(int interval, int lookback, String serverId) { // Don't save the box; just create it, and give it a server id Mailbox box = EmailContentSetupUtils.setupMailbox("box1", mAccount.mId, false, mProviderContext, Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL); box.mSyncInterval = interval; box.mSyncLookback = lookback; if (serverId != null) { box.mServerId = serverId; } else { box.mServerId = "serverId-" + mCreationTime + '-' + mServerIdCount++; } box.save(mProviderContext); return box; } private boolean syncOptionsSame(Mailbox a, Mailbox b) { if (a.mSyncInterval != b.mSyncInterval) return false; if (a.mSyncLookback != b.mSyncLookback) return false; return true; } public void testSaveAndRestoreMailboxSyncOptions() throws IOException { EasSyncService service = getTestService(); EmailSyncAdapter adapter = new EmailSyncAdapter(service); FolderSyncParser parser = new FolderSyncParser(getTestInputStream(), adapter); mAccount.save(mProviderContext); parser.mAccount = mAccount; parser.mAccountId = mAccount.mId; parser.mAccountIdAsString = Long.toString(mAccount.mId); parser.mContext = mProviderContext; parser.mContentResolver = mProviderContext.getContentResolver(); // Don't save the box; just create it, and give it a server id Mailbox box1 = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, null); Mailbox box2 = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, null); Mailbox boxa = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_1_MONTH, null); Mailbox boxb = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_2_WEEKS, null); Mailbox boxc = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_PUSH, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, null); Mailbox boxd = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_PUSH, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, null); Mailbox boxe = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_PUSH, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_1_DAY, null); // Save the options (for a, b, c, d, e); parser.saveMailboxSyncOptions(); // There should be 5 entries in the map, and they should be the correct ones assertNotNull(parser.mSyncOptionsMap.get(boxa.mServerId)); assertNotNull(parser.mSyncOptionsMap.get(boxb.mServerId)); assertNotNull(parser.mSyncOptionsMap.get(boxc.mServerId)); assertNotNull(parser.mSyncOptionsMap.get(boxd.mServerId)); assertNotNull(parser.mSyncOptionsMap.get(boxe.mServerId)); // Delete all the mailboxes in the account ContentResolver cr = mProviderContext.getContentResolver(); cr.delete(Mailbox.CONTENT_URI, Mailbox.ACCOUNT_KEY + "=?", new String[] {parser.mAccountIdAsString}); // Create new boxes, all with default values for interval & window Mailbox box1x = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, box1.mServerId); Mailbox box2x = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, box2.mServerId); Mailbox boxax = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, boxa.mServerId); Mailbox boxbx = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, boxb.mServerId); Mailbox boxcx = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, boxc.mServerId); Mailbox boxdx = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, boxd.mServerId); Mailbox boxex = setupBoxSync(Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER, SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_UNKNOWN, boxe.mServerId); // Restore the sync options parser.restoreMailboxSyncOptions(); box1x = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mProviderContext, box1x.mId); box2x = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mProviderContext, box2x.mId); boxax = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mProviderContext, boxax.mId); boxbx = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mProviderContext, boxbx.mId); boxcx = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mProviderContext, boxcx.mId); boxdx = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mProviderContext, boxdx.mId); boxex = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(mProviderContext, boxex.mId); assertTrue(syncOptionsSame(box1, box1x)); assertTrue(syncOptionsSame(box2, box2x)); assertTrue(syncOptionsSame(boxa, boxax)); assertTrue(syncOptionsSame(boxb, boxbx)); assertTrue(syncOptionsSame(boxc, boxcx)); assertTrue(syncOptionsSame(boxd, boxdx)); assertTrue(syncOptionsSame(boxe, boxex)); } private static class MockFolderSyncParser extends FolderSyncParser { private BufferedReader mReader; private int mDepth = 0; private String[] mStack = new String[32]; private HashMap mTagMap; public MockFolderSyncParser(String fileName, AbstractSyncAdapter adapter) throws IOException { super(null, adapter); AssetManager am = mContext.getAssets(); InputStream is = am.open(fileName); if (is != null) { mReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); } mInUnitTest = true; } private void initTagMap() { mTagMap = new HashMap(); int pageNum = 0; for (String[] page: Tags.pages) { int tagNum = 5; for (String tag: page) { if (mTagMap.containsKey(tag)) { System.err.println("Duplicate tag: " + tag); } int val = (pageNum << Tags.PAGE_SHIFT) + tagNum; mTagMap.put(tag, val); tagNum++; } pageNum++; } } private int lookupTag(String tagName) { if (mTagMap == null) { initTagMap(); } int res = mTagMap.get(tagName); return res; } private String getLine() throws IOException { while (true) { String line = mReader.readLine(); if (line == null) { return null; } int start = line.indexOf("| "); if (start > 2) { return line.substring(start + 2); } // Keep looking for a suitable line } } @Override public int getValueInt() throws IOException { return Integer.parseInt(getValue()); } @Override public String getValue() throws IOException { String line = getLine(); if (line == null) throw new IOException(); int start = line.indexOf(": "); if (start < 0) throw new IOException("Line has no value: " + line); try { return line.substring(start + 2).trim(); } finally { if (nextTag(0) != END) { throw new IOException("Value not followed by end tag: " + name); } } } @Override public void skipTag() throws IOException { if (nextTag(0) == -1) { nextTag(0); } } @Override public int nextTag(int endingTag) throws IOException { String line = getLine(); if (line == null) { return DONE; } if (line.startsWith("'); String tagName = line.substring(2, end).trim(); if (!tagName.equals(mStack[--mDepth])) { throw new IOException("Tag end doesn't match tag"); } mStack[mDepth] = null; return END; } else if (line.startsWith("<")) { int end = line.indexOf('>'); String tagName = line.substring(1, end).trim(); mStack[mDepth++] = tagName; tag = lookupTag(tagName); return tag; } else { return -1; } } } private Mailbox getMailboxWithName(String folderName) { mMailboxQueryArgs[1] = folderName; Cursor c = mResolver.query(Mailbox.CONTENT_URI, Mailbox.CONTENT_PROJECTION, Mailbox.ACCOUNT_KEY + "=? AND " + Mailbox.DISPLAY_NAME + "=?", mMailboxQueryArgs, null); try { assertTrue(c.getCount() == 1); c.moveToFirst(); Mailbox m = new Mailbox(); m.restore(c); return m; } finally { c.close(); } } private boolean isTopLevel(String folderName) { Mailbox m = getMailboxWithName(folderName); assertNotNull(m); return m.mParentKey == Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX; } private boolean isSubfolder(String parentName, String childName) { Mailbox parent = getMailboxWithName(parentName); Mailbox child = getMailboxWithName(childName); assertNotNull(parent); assertNotNull(child); assertTrue((parent.mFlags & Mailbox.FLAG_HAS_CHILDREN) != 0); return child.mParentKey == parent.mId; } /** * Parse a set of EAS FolderSync commands and create the Mailbox tree accordingly * * @param fileName the name of the file containing emaillog data for folder sync * @throws IOException * @throws CommandStatusException */ private void testComplexFolderListParse(String fileName) throws IOException, CommandStatusException { EasSyncService service = getTestService(); EmailSyncAdapter adapter = new EmailSyncAdapter(service); FolderSyncParser parser = new MockFolderSyncParser(fileName, adapter); mAccount.save(mProviderContext); mMailboxQueryArgs[0] = Long.toString(mAccount.mId); parser.mAccount = mAccount; parser.mAccountId = mAccount.mId; parser.mAccountIdAsString = Long.toString(mAccount.mId); parser.mContext = mProviderContext; parser.mContentResolver = mResolver; parser.parse(); assertTrue(isTopLevel("Inbox")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Inbox", "Gecko")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Inbox", "Wombat")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Inbox", "Laslo")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Inbox", "Tomorrow")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Inbox", "Vader")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Inbox", "Personal")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Laslo", "Lego")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Tomorrow", "HomeRun")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Tomorrow", "Services")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("HomeRun", "Review")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Vader", "Max")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Vader", "Parser")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Vader", "Scott")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Vader", "Surfing")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Max", "Thomas")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Personal", "Famine")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Personal", "Bar")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Personal", "Bill")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Personal", "Boss")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Personal", "Houston")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Personal", "Mistake")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Personal", "Online")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Personal", "Sports")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Famine", "Buffalo")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Famine", "CornedBeef")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Houston", "Rebar")); assertTrue(isSubfolder("Mistake", "Intro")); } // FolderSyncParserTest.txt is based on customer data (all names changed) that failed to // properly create the Mailbox list public void testComplexFolderListParse1() throws CommandStatusException, IOException { testComplexFolderListParse("FolderSyncParserTest.txt"); } // As above, with the order changed (putting children before parents; a more difficult case public void testComplexFolderListParse2() throws CommandStatusException, IOException { testComplexFolderListParse("FolderSyncParserTest2.txt"); } }