/external/aac/libAACenc/src/ |
H A D | sf_estim.h | 107 const INT nChannels); 113 const int nChannels);
H A D | channel_map.h | 101 INT nChannels; member in struct:__anon95 116 INT nChannels);
H A D | adj_thr.h | 107 const INT nChannels); 125 const INT nChannels,
H A D | psy_main.h | 130 const INT nChannels 136 const INT nChannels,
H A D | aacenc.h | 192 INT nChannels; /* number of channels to process */ member in struct:AACENC_CONFIG 228 * \param nChannels number of total channels 241 INT nChannels, 280 const INT nChannels, /* number of maximal channels in instance to support */
H A D | metadata_main.h | 142 * \param nChannels Number of audio input channels. 157 const UINT nChannels,
H A D | adj_thr.cpp | 154 const INT nChannels) 159 for (ch=0; ch<nChannels; ch++) { 177 const INT nChannels) 185 for (ch=0; ch<nChannels; ch++) { 230 const INT nChannels, 241 for (ch=0; ch<nChannels; ch++) { 261 for(ch=0; ch<nChannels; ch++) { 305 if (nChannels == 2) { 353 for(ch=0; ch<nChannels; ch++) { 376 * \param psyOutChannel Pointer to PSY_OUT_CHANNEL struct holding nChannels element 151 FDKaacEnc_calcThreshExp(FIXP_DBL thrExp[(2)][MAX_GROUPED_SFB], QC_OUT_CHANNEL* qcOutChannel[(2)], PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutChannel[(2)], const INT nChannels) argument 174 FDKaacEnc_adaptMinSnr(QC_OUT_CHANNEL *qcOutChannel[(2)], PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChannel[(2)], MINSNR_ADAPT_PARAM *msaParam, const INT nChannels) argument 226 FDKaacEnc_initAvoidHoleFlag(QC_OUT_CHANNEL *qcOutChannel[(2)], PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChannel[(2)], UCHAR ahFlag[(2)][MAX_GROUPED_SFB], struct TOOLSINFO *toolsInfo, const INT nChannels, const PE_DATA *peData, AH_PARAM *ahParam) argument 384 FDKaacEnc_preparePe(PE_DATA *peData, PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutChannel[(2)], QC_OUT_CHANNEL* qcOutChannel[(2)], const INT nChannels, const INT peOffset) argument 422 FDKaacEnc_calcWeighting(PE_DATA *peData, PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutChannel[(2)], QC_OUT_CHANNEL* qcOutChannel[(2)], struct TOOLSINFO *toolsInfo, ATS_ELEMENT* adjThrStateElement, const INT nChannels, const INT usePatchTool) argument 531 FDKaacEnc_calcPe(PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutChannel[(2)], QC_OUT_CHANNEL* qcOutChannel[(2)], PE_DATA *peData, const INT nChannels) argument 558 FDKaacEnc_peCalculation(PE_DATA *peData, PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutChannel[(2)], QC_OUT_CHANNEL* qcOutChannel[(2)], struct TOOLSINFO *toolsInfo, ATS_ELEMENT* adjThrStateElement, const INT nChannels) argument 598 FDKaacEnc_FDKaacEnc_calcPeNoAH(INT *pe, INT *constPart, INT *nActiveLines, PE_DATA *peData, UCHAR ahFlag[(2)][MAX_GROUPED_SFB], PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutChannel[(2)], const INT nChannels) argument 637 FDKaacEnc_reduceThresholdsCBR(QC_OUT_CHANNEL* qcOutChannel[(2)], PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutChannel[(2)], UCHAR ahFlag[(2)][MAX_GROUPED_SFB], FIXP_DBL thrExp[(2)][MAX_GROUPED_SFB], const INT nChannels, const FIXP_DBL redVal, const SCHAR redValScaling) argument 740 FDKaacEnc_reduceThresholdsVBR(QC_OUT_CHANNEL* qcOutChannel[(2)], PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutChannel[(2)], UCHAR ahFlag[(2)][MAX_GROUPED_SFB], FIXP_DBL thrExp[(2)][MAX_GROUPED_SFB], const INT nChannels, const FIXP_DBL vbrQualFactor, FIXP_DBL* chaosMeasureOld) argument 1230 const INT nChannels = cm->elInfo[elementId].nChannelsInEl; local 1400 FDKaacEnc_resetAHFlags( UCHAR ahFlag[(2)][MAX_GROUPED_SFB], const int nChannels, PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChannel[(2)]) argument 1471 INT nChannels = cm->elInfo[elementId].nChannelsInEl; local 1503 INT nChannels = cm->elInfo[elementId].nChannelsInEl; local 1541 INT nChannels = cm->elInfo[elementId].nChannelsInEl; local 1618 INT nChannels = cm->elInfo[elementId].nChannelsInEl; local 1662 INT nChannels = cm->elInfo[elementId].nChannelsInEl; local 1688 FDKaacEnc_AdaptThresholdsVBR(QC_OUT_CHANNEL* qcOutChannel[(2)], PSY_OUT_CHANNEL* psyOutChannel[(2)], ATS_ELEMENT* AdjThrStateElement, struct TOOLSINFO *toolsInfo, PE_DATA *peData, const INT nChannels) argument 2157 FDKaacEnc_DistributeBits(ADJ_THR_STATE *adjThrState, ATS_ELEMENT *AdjThrStateElement, PSY_OUT_CHANNEL *psyOutChannel[(2)], PE_DATA *peData, INT *grantedPe, INT *grantedPeCorr, const INT nChannels, const INT commonWindow, const INT grantedDynBits, const INT bitresBits, const INT maxBitresBits, const FIXP_DBL maxBitFac, const INT bitDistributenMode) argument [all...] |
H A D | metadata_main.cpp | 157 INT nChannels; member in struct:FDK_METADATA_ENCODER 226 const INT nChannels, 408 const UINT nChannels, 424 if ( (hMetaData->nChannels>MAX_DRC_CHANNELS) || ((-delay)>MAX_DRC_FRAMELEN) ) { 435 if ( resetStates || (hMetaData->nAudioDataDelay!=-delay) || (hMetaData->nChannels!=(INT)nChannels) ) 447 LoadSubmittedMetadata(&hMetaData->submittedMetaData, nChannels, 0, &hMetaData->metaDataBuffer[i]); 460 hMetaData->nChannels = nChannels; 582 hMetaDataEnc->nChannels, 401 FDK_MetadataEnc_Init( HANDLE_FDK_METADATA_ENCODER hMetaData, const INT resetStates, const INT metadataMode, const INT audioDelay, const UINT frameLength, const UINT sampleRate, const UINT nChannels, const CHANNEL_MODE channelMode, const CHANNEL_ORDER channelOrder ) argument 806 LoadSubmittedMetadata( const AACENC_MetaData * const hMetadata, const INT nChannels, const INT metadataMode, AAC_METADATA * const pAacMetaData ) argument [all...] |
H A D | qc_main.cpp | 143 static void FDKaacEnc_crashRecovery(INT nChannels, 158 int nChannels, 243 const INT nChannels, 259 for (i=0; i<nChannels; i++) { 268 } /* nChannels */ 451 INT nChannels = elInfo->nChannelsInEl; local 455 FDKaacEnc_CalcFormFactor(qcOutElement->qcOutChannel, psyOutChannel, nChannels); 458 FDKaacEnc_peCalculation(&qcOutElement->peData, psyOutChannel, qcOutElement->qcOutChannel, &psyOutElement->toolsInfo, adjThrStateElement, nChannels); 640 int nChannels = elInfo.nChannelsInEl; local 652 nChannels, 241 FDKaacEnc_QCOutNew(QC_OUT **phQC, const INT nElements, const INT nChannels, const INT nSubFrames ,UCHAR *dynamic_RAM ) argument 907 INT ch, nChannels = elInfo.nChannelsInEl; local 957 INT ch, nChannels = elInfo.nChannelsInEl; local 1177 FDKaacEnc_reduceBitConsumption(int* iterations, const int maxIterations, int gainAdjustment, int* chConstraintsFulfilled, int* calculateQuant, int nChannels, PSY_OUT_ELEMENT* psyOutElement, QC_OUT* qcOut, QC_OUT_ELEMENT* qcOutElement, ELEMENT_BITS* elBits, AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE aot, UINT syntaxFlags, SCHAR epConfig) argument 1466 FDKaacEnc_crashRecovery(INT nChannels, PSY_OUT_ELEMENT* psyOutElement, QC_OUT* qcOut, QC_OUT_ELEMENT *qcElement, INT bitsToSave, AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE aot, UINT syntaxFlags, SCHAR epConfig) argument [all...] |
H A D | aacenc_lib.cpp | 141 UINT nChannels; /*!< will be set via channelMode. */ member in struct:__anon71 320 cc->noChannels = hAacConfig->nChannels; 418 config->nChannels = hAacConfig->nChannels; 479 const INT nChannels, 501 bitRate = FDKmin(360000*nChannels, bitRate); 502 bitRate = FDKmax(8000*nChannels, bitRate); 506 bitRate = FDKmin(576000*nChannels, bitRate); 507 /*bitRate = FDKmax(0*nChannels, bitRate);*/ 516 nChannels, 475 aacEncoder_LimitBitrate( const HANDLE_TRANSPORTENC hTpEnc, const INT samplingRate, const INT frameLength, const INT nChannels, const CHANNEL_MODE channelMode, INT bitRate, const INT nSubFrames, const INT sbrActive, const AUDIO_OBJECT_TYPE aot ) argument [all...] |
/external/opencv/cvaux/src/ |
H A D | cvbgfg_gaussmix.cpp | 53 //int nChannels; /* OpenCV functions support 1,2,3 or 4 channels */ 82 static int icvMatchTest( double* src_pixel, int nChannels, int* match, 84 /*static int icvMatchTest2( double* src_pixel, int nChannels, int* match, 94 static void icvUpdateFullWindow( double* src_pixel, int nChannels, 102 static void icvUpdatePartialWindow( double* src_pixel, int nChannels, int* match, 104 static void icvUpdatePartialNoMatch( double* src_pixel, int nChannels, 110 static void icvGetSortKey( const int nChannels, double* sort_key, const CvGaussBGPoint* g_point, 112 static void icvBackgroundTest( const int nChannels, int n, int i, int j, int *match, CvGaussBGModel* bg_model ); 182 first_frame->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, first_frame->nChannels)); 198 const int p = i*first_frame->widthStep+j*first_frame->nChannels; 285 const int nChannels = curr_frame->nChannels; local 376 icvMatchTest( double* src_pixel, int nChannels, int* match, const CvGaussBGPoint* g_point, const CvGaussBGStatModelParams *bg_model_params ) argument 436 icvUpdateFullWindow( double* src_pixel, int nChannels, int* match, CvGaussBGPoint* g_point, const CvGaussBGStatModelParams *bg_model_params ) argument 460 icvUpdatePartialWindow( double* src_pixel, int nChannels, int* match, CvGaussBGPoint* g_point, const CvGaussBGStatModelParams *bg_model_params ) argument 525 icvUpdatePartialNoMatch(double *pixel, int nChannels, int* , CvGaussBGPoint* g_point, const CvGaussBGStatModelParams *bg_model_params) argument 553 icvGetSortKey( const int nChannels, double* sort_key, const CvGaussBGPoint* g_point, const CvGaussBGStatModelParams *bg_model_params ) argument 575 icvBackgroundTest( const int nChannels, int n, int i, int j, int *match, CvGaussBGModel* bg_model ) argument [all...] |
H A D | cvlines.cpp | 383 if( img->nChannels != 1 && img->nChannels != 3 ) 388 CV_CALL( icvDeleteMoire8u( img_data, img_step, img_size, img->nChannels )); 421 if( img->nChannels != 3 ) 465 if( img->nChannels != 3 )
/external/sonivox/arm-fm-22k/host_src/ |
H A D | eas_wave.h | 40 EAS_U16 nChannels; member in struct:__anon13226 66 WAVE_FILE *WaveFileCreate (const char *filename, EAS_I32 nChannels, EAS_I32 nSamplesPerSec, EAS_I32 wBitsPerSample);
H A D | eas_wave.c | 111 FlipWord(&p->fc.nChannels); 132 WAVE_FILE *WaveFileCreate (const char *filename, EAS_I32 nChannels, EAS_I32 nSamplesPerSec, EAS_I32 wBitsPerSample) argument 159 wFile->wh.fc.nChannels = (EAS_U16) nChannels; 162 wFile->wh.fc.nBlockAlign = (EAS_U16) (nChannels * (EAS_U16) (wBitsPerSample / 8));
/external/sonivox/arm-hybrid-22k/host_src/ |
H A D | eas_wave.h | 40 EAS_U16 nChannels; member in struct:__anon13276 66 WAVE_FILE *WaveFileCreate (const char *filename, EAS_I32 nChannels, EAS_I32 nSamplesPerSec, EAS_I32 wBitsPerSample);
H A D | eas_wave.c | 111 FlipWord(&p->fc.nChannels); 132 WAVE_FILE *WaveFileCreate (const char *filename, EAS_I32 nChannels, EAS_I32 nSamplesPerSec, EAS_I32 wBitsPerSample) argument 159 wFile->wh.fc.nChannels = (EAS_U16) nChannels; 162 wFile->wh.fc.nBlockAlign = (EAS_U16) (nChannels * (EAS_U16) (wBitsPerSample / 8));
/external/sonivox/arm-wt-22k/host_src/ |
H A D | eas_wave.h | 40 EAS_U16 nChannels; member in struct:__anon13327 66 WAVE_FILE *WaveFileCreate (const char *filename, EAS_I32 nChannels, EAS_I32 nSamplesPerSec, EAS_I32 wBitsPerSample);
H A D | eas_wave.c | 111 FlipWord(&p->fc.nChannels); 132 WAVE_FILE *WaveFileCreate (const char *filename, EAS_I32 nChannels, EAS_I32 nSamplesPerSec, EAS_I32 wBitsPerSample) argument 159 wFile->wh.fc.nChannels = (EAS_U16) nChannels; 162 wFile->wh.fc.nBlockAlign = (EAS_U16) (nChannels * (EAS_U16) (wBitsPerSample / 8));
/external/qemu/audio/ |
H A D | audio_win_int.c | 20 wfx->nChannels = as->nchannels; 69 switch (wfx->nChannels) { 81 wfx->nChannels
/external/aac/libSBRdec/src/ |
H A D | sbr_ram.h | 108 int nChannels; /* Number of elements output channels (=2 in case of PS) */ member in struct:__anon222
/external/aac/libSBRenc/src/ |
H A D | sbr.h | 140 int nChannels; /* Total channel count across all elements. */ member in struct:SBR_ENCODER
H A D | sbr_encoder.cpp | 373 config->codecSettings.nChannels = numChannels; 874 INT nEnvCh = hSbrElement->sbrConfigData.nChannels; 919 for(ch = 0; ch < hSbrElement->sbrConfigData.nChannels; ch++) 1009 } /* hEnvEncoder->sbrConfigData.nChannels */ 1055 int nChannels = hSbrElement->sbrConfigData.nChannels; local 1057 for (ch=0; ch < nChannels; ch++) 1067 hEnvEncoder->nChannels); 1310 INT nChannels, 1351 for (i=0; i<nChannels; 1307 sbrEncoder_Open( HANDLE_SBR_ENCODER *phSbrEncoder, INT nElements, INT nChannels, INT supportPS ) argument [all...] |
/external/aac/libSBRenc/include/ |
H A D | sbr_encoder.h | 107 INT nChannels; member in struct:__anon224 220 INT nChannels; /**< Number of channels. */ member in struct:__anon228 273 INT nChannels,
/external/aac/libPCMutils/include/ |
H A D | pcmutils_lib.h | 255 INT *nChannels,
/external/srec/srec/EventLog/include/ |
H A D | riff.h | 52 unsigned short nChannels; member in struct:__anon13433