2 * A JavaScript implementation of the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message
3 * Digest Algorithm, as defined in RFC 1321.
4 * Version 2.1 Copyright (C) Paul Johnston 1999 - 2002.
5 * Other contributors: Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet
6 * Distributed under the BSD License
7 * See http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5 for more info.
8 */
11 * Configurable variables. You may need to tweak these to be compatible with
12 * the server-side, but the defaults work in most cases.
13 */
14var hexcase = 0;  /* hex output format. 0 - lowercase; 1 - uppercase        */
15var b64pad  = ""; /* base-64 pad character. "=" for strict RFC compliance   */
16var chrsz   = 8;  /* bits per input character. 8 - ASCII; 16 - Unicode      */
19 * These are the functions you'll usually want to call
20 * They take string arguments and return either hex or base-64 encoded strings
21 */
22function hex_md5(s){ return binl2hex(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz));}
23function b64_md5(s){ return binl2b64(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz));}
24function str_md5(s){ return binl2str(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz));}
25function hex_hmac_md5(key, data) { return binl2hex(core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }
26function b64_hmac_md5(key, data) { return binl2b64(core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }
27function str_hmac_md5(key, data) { return binl2str(core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }
30 * Perform a simple self-test to see if the VM is working
31 */
32function md5_vm_test()
34  return hex_md5("abc") == "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72";
38 * Calculate the MD5 of an array of little-endian words, and a bit length
39 */
40function core_md5(x, len)
42  /* append padding */
43  x[len >> 5] |= 0x80 << ((len) % 32);
44  x[(((len + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14] = len;
46  var a =  1732584193;
47  var b = -271733879;
48  var c = -1732584194;
49  var d =  271733878;
51  for(var i = 0; i < x.length; i += 16)
52  {
53    var olda = a;
54    var oldb = b;
55    var oldc = c;
56    var oldd = d;
58    a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 7 , -680876936);
59    d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 1], 12, -389564586);
60    c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 17,  606105819);
61    b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 3], 22, -1044525330);
62    a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 7 , -176418897);
63    d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 5], 12,  1200080426);
64    c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 17, -1473231341);
65    b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 7], 22, -45705983);
66    a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 7 ,  1770035416);
67    d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 9], 12, -1958414417);
68    c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 17, -42063);
69    b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+11], 22, -1990404162);
70    a = md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 7 ,  1804603682);
71    d = md5_ff(d, a, b, c, x[i+13], 12, -40341101);
72    c = md5_ff(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 17, -1502002290);
73    b = md5_ff(b, c, d, a, x[i+15], 22,  1236535329);
75    a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 5 , -165796510);
76    d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 6], 9 , -1069501632);
77    c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 14,  643717713);
78    b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 0], 20, -373897302);
79    a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 5 , -701558691);
80    d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+10], 9 ,  38016083);
81    c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 14, -660478335);
82    b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 4], 20, -405537848);
83    a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 5 ,  568446438);
84    d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+14], 9 , -1019803690);
85    c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 14, -187363961);
86    b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 8], 20,  1163531501);
87    a = md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 5 , -1444681467);
88    d = md5_gg(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 2], 9 , -51403784);
89    c = md5_gg(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 14,  1735328473);
90    b = md5_gg(b, c, d, a, x[i+12], 20, -1926607734);
92    a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 5], 4 , -378558);
93    d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 8], 11, -2022574463);
94    c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+11], 16,  1839030562);
95    b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+14], 23, -35309556);
96    a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 1], 4 , -1530992060);
97    d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 4], 11,  1272893353);
98    c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 7], 16, -155497632);
99    b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+10], 23, -1094730640);
100    a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+13], 4 ,  681279174);
101    d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 0], 11, -358537222);
102    c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 3], 16, -722521979);
103    b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 6], 23,  76029189);
104    a = md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 9], 4 , -640364487);
105    d = md5_hh(d, a, b, c, x[i+12], 11, -421815835);
106    c = md5_hh(c, d, a, b, x[i+15], 16,  530742520);
107    b = md5_hh(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 2], 23, -995338651);
109    a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 0], 6 , -198630844);
110    d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 7], 10,  1126891415);
111    c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+14], 15, -1416354905);
112    b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 5], 21, -57434055);
113    a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+12], 6 ,  1700485571);
114    d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+ 3], 10, -1894986606);
115    c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+10], 15, -1051523);
116    b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 1], 21, -2054922799);
117    a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 8], 6 ,  1873313359);
118    d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+15], 10, -30611744);
119    c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 6], 15, -1560198380);
120    b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+13], 21,  1309151649);
121    a = md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x[i+ 4], 6 , -145523070);
122    d = md5_ii(d, a, b, c, x[i+11], 10, -1120210379);
123    c = md5_ii(c, d, a, b, x[i+ 2], 15,  718787259);
124    b = md5_ii(b, c, d, a, x[i+ 9], 21, -343485551);
126    a = safe_add(a, olda);
127    b = safe_add(b, oldb);
128    c = safe_add(c, oldc);
129    d = safe_add(d, oldd);
130  }
131  return Array(a, b, c, d);
136 * These functions implement the four basic operations the algorithm uses.
137 */
138function md5_cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t)
140  return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a, q), safe_add(x, t)), s),b);
142function md5_ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t)
144  return md5_cmn((b & c) | ((~b) & d), a, b, x, s, t);
146function md5_gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t)
148  return md5_cmn((b & d) | (c & (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);
150function md5_hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t)
152  return md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t);
154function md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t)
156  return md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);
160 * Calculate the HMAC-MD5, of a key and some data
161 */
162function core_hmac_md5(key, data)
164  var bkey = str2binl(key);
165  if(bkey.length > 16) bkey = core_md5(bkey, key.length * chrsz);
167  var ipad = Array(16), opad = Array(16);
168  for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
169  {
170    ipad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x36363636;
171    opad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x5C5C5C5C;
172  }
174  var hash = core_md5(ipad.concat(str2binl(data)), 512 + data.length * chrsz);
175  return core_md5(opad.concat(hash), 512 + 128);
179 * Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally
180 * to work around bugs in some JS interpreters.
181 */
182function safe_add(x, y)
184  var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF);
185  var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16);
186  return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF);
190 * Bitwise rotate a 32-bit number to the left.
191 */
192function bit_rol(num, cnt)
194  return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt));
198 * Convert a string to an array of little-endian words
199 * If chrsz is ASCII, characters >255 have their hi-byte silently ignored.
200 */
201function str2binl(str)
203  var bin = Array();
204  var mask = (1 << chrsz) - 1;
205  for(var i = 0; i < str.length * chrsz; i += chrsz)
206    bin[i>>5] |= (str.charCodeAt(i / chrsz) & mask) << (i%32);
207  return bin;
211 * Convert an array of little-endian words to a string
212 */
213function binl2str(bin)
215  var str = "";
216  var mask = (1 << chrsz) - 1;
217  for(var i = 0; i < bin.length * 32; i += chrsz)
218    str += String.fromCharCode((bin[i>>5] >>> (i % 32)) & mask);
219  return str;
223 * Convert an array of little-endian words to a hex string.
224 */
225function binl2hex(binarray)
227  var hex_tab = hexcase ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef";
228  var str = "";
229  for(var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i++)
230  {
231    str += hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2] >> ((i%4)*8+4)) & 0xF) +
232           hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2] >> ((i%4)*8  )) & 0xF);
233  }
234  return str;
238 * Convert an array of little-endian words to a base-64 string
239 */
240function binl2b64(binarray)
242  var tab = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
243  var str = "";
244  for(var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i += 3)
245  {
246    var triplet = (((binarray[i   >> 2] >> 8 * ( i   %4)) & 0xFF) << 16)
247                | (((binarray[i+1 >> 2] >> 8 * ((i+1)%4)) & 0xFF) << 8 )
248                |  ((binarray[i+2 >> 2] >> 8 * ((i+2)%4)) & 0xFF);
249    for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
250    {
251      if(i * 8 + j * 6 > binarray.length * 32) str += b64pad;
252      else str += tab.charAt((triplet >> 6*(3-j)) & 0x3F);
253    }
254  }
255  return str;
258var plainText = "Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace,\n\
259Profaners of this neighbour-stained steel,--\n\
260Will they not hear? What, ho! you men, you beasts,\n\
261That quench the fire of your pernicious rage\n\
262With purple fountains issuing from your veins,\n\
263On pain of torture, from those bloody hands\n\
264Throw your mistemper'd weapons to the ground,\n\
265And hear the sentence of your moved prince.\n\
266Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word,\n\
267By thee, old Capulet, and Montague,\n\
268Have thrice disturb'd the quiet of our streets,\n\
269And made Verona's ancient citizens\n\
270Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments,\n\
271To wield old partisans, in hands as old,\n\
272Canker'd with peace, to part your canker'd hate:\n\
273If ever you disturb our streets again,\n\
274Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.\n\
275For this time, all the rest depart away:\n\
276You Capulet; shall go along with me:\n\
277And, Montague, come you this afternoon,\n\
278To know our further pleasure in this case,\n\
279To old Free-town, our common judgment-place.\n\
280Once more, on pain of death, all men depart."
282for (var i = 0; i <4; i++) {
283    plainText += plainText;
286var md5Output = hex_md5(plainText);