revision f170f145afa821537b2e97a02a00da96723bb84e
2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
19import android.content.Context;
20import android.util.JsonWriter;
21import android.util.Log;
31import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
32import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
33import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
34import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
35import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
36import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
39 * Logs the use of the LatinIME keyboard.
40 *
41 * This class logs operations on the IME keyboard, including what the user has typed.  Data is
42 * written to a {@link JsonWriter}, which will write to a local file.
43 *
44 * The JsonWriter is created on-demand by calling {@link #getInitializedJsonWriterLocked}.
45 *
46 * This class uses an executor to perform file-writing operations on a separate thread.  It also
47 * tries to avoid creating unnecessary files if there is nothing to write.  It also handles
48 * flushing, making sure it happens, but not too frequently.
49 *
50 * This functionality is off by default. See {@link ProductionFlag#IS_EXPERIMENTAL}.
51 */
52public class ResearchLog {
53    // TODO: Automatically initialize the JsonWriter rather than requiring the caller to manage it.
54    private static final String TAG = ResearchLog.class.getSimpleName();
55    private static final boolean DEBUG = false && ProductionFlag.IS_EXPERIMENTAL_DEBUG;
56    private static final long FLUSH_DELAY_IN_MS = 1000 * 5;
57    private static final int ABORT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS = 1000 * 4;
59    /* package */ final ScheduledExecutorService mExecutor;
60    /* package */ final File mFile;
61    private final Context mContext;
63    private JsonWriter mJsonWriter = NULL_JSON_WRITER;
64    // true if at least one byte of data has been written out to the log file.  This must be
65    // remembered because JsonWriter requires that calls matching calls to beginObject and
66    // endObject, as well as beginArray and endArray, and the file is opened lazily, only when
67    // it is certain that data will be written.  Alternatively, the matching call exceptions
68    // could be caught, but this might suppress other errors.
69    private boolean mHasWrittenData = false;
71    private static final JsonWriter NULL_JSON_WRITER = new JsonWriter(
72            new OutputStreamWriter(new NullOutputStream()));
73    private static class NullOutputStream extends OutputStream {
74        /** {@inheritDoc} */
75        @Override
76        public void write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
77            // nop
78        }
80        /** {@inheritDoc} */
81        @Override
82        public void write(byte[] buffer) {
83            // nop
84        }
86        @Override
87        public void write(int oneByte) {
88        }
89    }
91    public ResearchLog(final File outputFile, final Context context) {
92        mExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
93        mFile = outputFile;
94        mContext = context;
95    }
97    /**
98     * Waits for any publication requests to finish and closes the {@link JsonWriter} used for
99     * output.
100     *
101     * See class comment for details about {@code JsonWriter} construction.
102     */
103    public synchronized void close(final Runnable onClosed) {
104        mExecutor.submit(new Callable<Object>() {
105            @Override
106            public Object call() throws Exception {
107                try {
108                    if (mHasWrittenData) {
109                        mJsonWriter.endArray();
110                        mHasWrittenData = false;
111                    }
112                    mJsonWriter.flush();
113                    mJsonWriter.close();
114                    if (DEBUG) {
115                        Log.d(TAG, "wrote log to " + mFile);
116                    }
117                } catch (Exception e) {
118                    Log.d(TAG, "error when closing ResearchLog:", e);
119                } finally {
120                    if (mFile != null && mFile.exists()) {
121                        mFile.setWritable(false, false);
122                    }
123                    if (onClosed != null) {
124              ;
125                    }
126                }
127                return null;
128            }
129        });
130        removeAnyScheduledFlush();
131        mExecutor.shutdown();
132    }
134    private boolean mIsAbortSuccessful;
136    /**
137     * Waits for publication requests to finish, closes the {@link JsonWriter}, but then deletes the
138     * backing file used for output.
139     *
140     * See class comment for details about {@code JsonWriter} construction.
141     */
142    public synchronized void abort() {
143        mExecutor.submit(new Callable<Object>() {
144            @Override
145            public Object call() throws Exception {
146                try {
147                    if (mHasWrittenData) {
148                        mJsonWriter.endArray();
149                        mJsonWriter.close();
150                        mHasWrittenData = false;
151                    }
152                } finally {
153                    if (mFile != null) {
154                        mIsAbortSuccessful = mFile.delete();
155                    }
156                }
157                return null;
158            }
159        });
160        removeAnyScheduledFlush();
161        mExecutor.shutdown();
162    }
164    public boolean blockingAbort() throws InterruptedException {
165        abort();
166        mExecutor.awaitTermination(ABORT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
167        return mIsAbortSuccessful;
168    }
170    public void awaitTermination(int delay, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws InterruptedException {
171        mExecutor.awaitTermination(delay, timeUnit);
172    }
174    /* package */ synchronized void flush() {
175        removeAnyScheduledFlush();
176        mExecutor.submit(mFlushCallable);
177    }
179    private final Callable<Object> mFlushCallable = new Callable<Object>() {
180        @Override
181        public Object call() throws Exception {
182            mJsonWriter.flush();
183            return null;
184        }
185    };
187    private ScheduledFuture<Object> mFlushFuture;
189    private void removeAnyScheduledFlush() {
190        if (mFlushFuture != null) {
191            mFlushFuture.cancel(false);
192            mFlushFuture = null;
193        }
194    }
196    private void scheduleFlush() {
197        removeAnyScheduledFlush();
198        mFlushFuture = mExecutor.schedule(mFlushCallable, FLUSH_DELAY_IN_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
199    }
201    /**
202     * Queues up {@code logUnit} to be published in the background.
203     *
204     * @param logUnit the {@link LogUnit} to be published
205     * @param canIncludePrivateData whether private data in the LogUnit should be included
206     */
207    public synchronized void publish(final LogUnit logUnit, final boolean canIncludePrivateData) {
208        try {
209            mExecutor.submit(new Callable<Object>() {
210                @Override
211                public Object call() throws Exception {
212                    logUnit.publishTo(ResearchLog.this, canIncludePrivateData);
213                    scheduleFlush();
214                    return null;
215                }
216            });
217        } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
218            // TODO: Add code to record loss of data, and report.
219            if (DEBUG) {
220                Log.d(TAG, "ResearchLog.publish() rejecting scheduled execution");
221            }
222        }
223    }
225    /**
226     * Return a JsonWriter for this ResearchLog.  It is initialized the first time this method is
227     * called.  The cached value is returned in future calls.
228     */
229    public JsonWriter getInitializedJsonWriterLocked() {
230        if (mJsonWriter != NULL_JSON_WRITER || mFile == null) return mJsonWriter;
231        try {
232            final JsonWriter jsonWriter = createJsonWriter(mContext, mFile);
233            if (jsonWriter != null) {
234                jsonWriter.beginArray();
235                mJsonWriter = jsonWriter;
236                mHasWrittenData = true;
237            }
238        } catch (final IOException e) {
239            Log.w(TAG, "Error in JsonWriter; disabling logging", e);
240            try {
241                mJsonWriter.close();
242            } catch (final IllegalStateException e1) {
243                // Assume that this is just the json not being terminated properly.
244                // Ignore
245            } catch (final IOException e1) {
246                Log.w(TAG, "Error in closing JsonWriter; disabling logging", e1);
247            } finally {
248                mJsonWriter = NULL_JSON_WRITER;
249            }
250        }
251        return mJsonWriter;
252    }
254    /**
255     * Create the JsonWriter to write the ResearchLog to.
256     *
257     * This method may be overriden in testing to redirect the output.
258     */
259    /* package for test */ JsonWriter createJsonWriter(final Context context, final File file)
260            throws IOException {
261        return new JsonWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
262                context.openFileOutput(file.getName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE))));
263    }