/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.Proxy; import java.net.Proxy.Type; import java.net.ProxySelector; import java.net.SocketAddress; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.net.URLStreamHandler; import java.net.URLStreamHandlerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.TestCase; import tests.support.Support_Configuration; import tests.support.resource.Support_Resources; public class URLTest extends TestCase { public static class MyHandler extends URLStreamHandler { protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u) throws IOException { return null; } } URL u; URL u1; URL u2; URL u3; URL u4; URL u5; URL u6; boolean caught = false; static boolean isSelectCalled; /** * @tests java.net.URL#URL(java.lang.String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_String() throws IOException { // Tests for multiple URL instantiation basic parsing test u = new URL( "http://www.yahoo1.com:8080/dir1/dir2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1"); assertEquals("u returns a wrong protocol", "http", u.getProtocol()); assertEquals("u returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo1.com", u.getHost()); assertEquals("u returns a wrong port", 8080, u.getPort()); assertEquals("u returns a wrong file", "/dir1/dir2/test.cgi?point1.html", u.getFile()); assertEquals("u returns a wrong anchor", "anchor1", u.getRef()); // test for no file u1 = new URL("http://www.yahoo2.com:9999"); assertEquals("u1 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertEquals("u1 returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo2.com", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("u1 returns a wrong port", 9999, u1.getPort()); assertTrue("u1 returns a wrong file", u1.getFile().equals("")); assertNull("u1 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); // test for no port u2 = new URL( "http://www.yahoo3.com/dir1/dir2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1"); assertEquals("u2 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u2.getProtocol()); assertEquals("u2 returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo3.com", u2.getHost()); assertEquals("u2 returns a wrong port", -1, u2.getPort()); assertEquals("u2 returns a wrong file", "/dir1/dir2/test.cgi?point1.html", u2.getFile()); assertEquals("u2 returns a wrong anchor", "anchor1", u2.getRef()); // test for no port URL u2a = new URL("file://www.yahoo3.com/dir1/dir2/test.cgi#anchor1"); assertEquals("u2a returns a wrong protocol", "file", u2a.getProtocol()); assertEquals("u2a returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo3.com", u2a .getHost()); assertEquals("u2a returns a wrong port", -1, u2a.getPort()); assertEquals("u2a returns a wrong file", "/dir1/dir2/test.cgi", u2a .getFile()); assertEquals("u2a returns a wrong anchor", "anchor1", u2a.getRef()); // test for no file, no port u3 = new URL("http://www.yahoo4.com/"); assertEquals("u3 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u3.getProtocol()); assertEquals("u3 returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo4.com", u3.getHost()); assertEquals("u3 returns a wrong port", -1, u3.getPort()); assertEquals("u3 returns a wrong file", "/", u3.getFile()); assertNull("u3 returns a wrong anchor", u3.getRef()); // test for no file, no port URL u3a = new URL("file://www.yahoo4.com/"); assertEquals("u3a returns a wrong protocol", "file", u3a.getProtocol()); assertEquals("u3a returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo4.com", u3a .getHost()); assertEquals("u3a returns a wrong port", -1, u3a.getPort()); assertEquals("u3a returns a wrong file", "/", u3a.getFile()); assertNull("u3a returns a wrong anchor", u3a.getRef()); // test for no file, no port URL u3b = new URL("file://www.yahoo4.com"); assertEquals("u3b returns a wrong protocol", "file", u3b.getProtocol()); assertEquals("u3b returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo4.com", u3b .getHost()); assertEquals("u3b returns a wrong port", -1, u3b.getPort()); assertTrue("u3b returns a wrong file", u3b.getFile().equals("")); assertNull("u3b returns a wrong anchor", u3b.getRef()); // test for non-port ":" and wierd characters occurrences u4 = new URL( "http://www.yahoo5.com/di!@$%^&*()_+r1/di:::r2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1"); assertEquals("u4 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u4.getProtocol()); assertEquals("u4 returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo5.com", u4.getHost()); assertEquals("u4 returns a wrong port", -1, u4.getPort()); assertEquals("u4 returns a wrong file", "/di!@$%^&*()_+r1/di:::r2/test.cgi?point1.html", u4.getFile()); assertEquals("u4 returns a wrong anchor", "anchor1", u4.getRef()); u5 = new URL("file:/testing.tst"); assertEquals("u5 returns a wrong protocol", "file", u5.getProtocol()); assertTrue("u5 returns a wrong host", u5.getHost().equals("")); assertEquals("u5 returns a wrong port", -1, u5.getPort()); assertEquals("u5 returns a wrong file", "/testing.tst", u5.getFile()); assertNull("u5 returns a wrong anchor", u5.getRef()); URL u5a = new URL("file:testing.tst"); assertEquals("u5a returns a wrong protocol", "file", u5a.getProtocol()); assertTrue("u5a returns a wrong host", u5a.getHost().equals("")); assertEquals("u5a returns a wrong port", -1, u5a.getPort()); assertEquals("u5a returns a wrong file", "testing.tst", u5a.getFile()); assertNull("u5a returns a wrong anchor", u5a.getRef()); URL u6 = new URL("http://host:/file"); assertEquals("u6 return a wrong port", -1, u6.getPort()); URL u7 = new URL("file:../../file.txt"); assertTrue("u7 returns a wrong file: " + u7.getFile(), u7.getFile() .equals("../../file.txt")); URL u8 = new URL("http://[fec0::1:20d:60ff:fe24:7410]:35/file.txt"); assertTrue("u8 returns a wrong protocol " + u8.getProtocol(), u8 .getProtocol().equals("http")); assertTrue("u8 returns a wrong host " + u8.getHost(), u8.getHost() .equals("[fec0::1:20d:60ff:fe24:7410]")); assertTrue("u8 returns a wrong port " + u8.getPort(), u8.getPort() == 35); assertTrue("u8 returns a wrong file " + u8.getFile(), u8.getFile() .equals("/file.txt")); assertNull("u8 returns a wrong anchor " + u8.getRef(), u8.getRef()); URL u9 = new URL("file://[fec0::1:20d:60ff:fe24:7410]/file.txt#sogood"); assertTrue("u9 returns a wrong protocol " + u9.getProtocol(), u9 .getProtocol().equals("file")); assertTrue("u9 returns a wrong host " + u9.getHost(), u9.getHost() .equals("[fec0::1:20d:60ff:fe24:7410]")); assertTrue("u9 returns a wrong port " + u9.getPort(), u9.getPort() == -1); assertTrue("u9 returns a wrong file " + u9.getFile(), u9.getFile() .equals("/file.txt")); assertTrue("u9 returns a wrong anchor " + u9.getRef(), u9.getRef() .equals("sogood")); URL u10 = new URL("file://[fec0::1:20d:60ff:fe24:7410]"); assertTrue("u10 returns a wrong protocol " + u10.getProtocol(), u10 .getProtocol().equals("file")); assertTrue("u10 returns a wrong host " + u10.getHost(), u10.getHost() .equals("[fec0::1:20d:60ff:fe24:7410]")); assertTrue("u10 returns a wrong port " + u10.getPort(), u10.getPort() == -1); URL u11 = new URL("file:////file.txt"); assertNull("u11 returns a wrong authority " + u11.getAuthority(), u11 .getAuthority()); assertTrue("u11 returns a wrong file " + u11.getFile(), u11.getFile() .equals("////file.txt")); URL u12 = new URL("file:///file.txt"); assertTrue("u12 returns a wrong authority", u12.getAuthority().equals( "")); assertTrue("u12 returns a wrong file " + u12.getFile(), u12.getFile() .equals("/file.txt")); // test for error catching // Bad HTTP format - no "//" u = new URL( "http:www.yahoo5.com::22/dir1/di:::r2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1"); caught = false; try { u = new URL( "http://www.yahoo5.com::22/dir1/di:::r2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { caught = true; } assertTrue("Should have throw MalformedURLException", caught); // unknown protocol try { u = new URL("myProtocol://www.yahoo.com:22"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { caught = true; } assertTrue("3 Failed to throw MalformedURLException", caught); caught = false; // no protocol try { u = new URL("www.yahoo.com"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { caught = true; } assertTrue("4 Failed to throw MalformedURLException", caught); caught = false; URL u1 = null; try { // No leading or trailing spaces. u1 = new URL("file:/some/path"); assertEquals("5 got wrong file length1", 10, u1.getFile().length()); // Leading spaces. u1 = new URL(" file:/some/path"); assertEquals("5 got wrong file length2", 10, u1.getFile().length()); // Trailing spaces. u1 = new URL("file:/some/path "); assertEquals("5 got wrong file length3", 10, u1.getFile().length()); // Leading and trailing. u1 = new URL(" file:/some/path "); assertEquals("5 got wrong file length4", 10, u1.getFile().length()); // in-place spaces. u1 = new URL(" file: /some/path "); assertEquals("5 got wrong file length5", 12, u1.getFile().length()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { fail("5 Did not expect the exception " + e); } // testing jar protocol with relative path // to make sure it's not canonicalized try { String file = "file:/a!/b/../d"; u = new URL("jar:" + file); assertEquals("Wrong file (jar protocol, relative path)", file, u .getFile()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { fail("Unexpected exception (jar protocol, relative path)" + e); } } /** * @tests java.net.URL#URL(java.net.URL, java.lang.String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_net_URLLjava_lang_String() throws Exception { // Test for method java.net.URL(java.net.URL, java.lang.String) u = new URL("http://www.yahoo.com"); URL uf = new URL("file://www.yahoo.com"); // basic ones u1 = new URL(u, "file.java"); assertEquals("1 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertEquals("1 returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo.com", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("1 returns a wrong port", -1, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("1 returns a wrong file", "/file.java", u1.getFile()); assertNull("1 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); URL u1f = new URL(uf, "file.java"); assertEquals("1f returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertEquals("1f returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo.com", u1f.getHost()); assertEquals("1f returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertEquals("1f returns a wrong file", "/file.java", u1f.getFile()); assertNull("1f returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); u1 = new URL(u, "dir1/dir2/../file.java"); assertEquals("3 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertTrue("3 returns a wrong host: " + u1.getHost(), u1.getHost() .equals("www.yahoo.com")); assertEquals("3 returns a wrong port", -1, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("3 returns a wrong file", "/dir1/dir2/../file.java", u1 .getFile()); assertNull("3 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); u1 = new URL(u, "http:dir1/dir2/../file.java"); assertEquals("3a returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertTrue("3a returns a wrong host: " + u1.getHost(), u1.getHost() .equals("")); assertEquals("3a returns a wrong port", -1, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("3a returns a wrong file", "dir1/dir2/../file.java", u1 .getFile()); assertNull("3a returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); u = new URL("http://www.apache.org/testing/"); u1 = new URL(u, "file.java"); assertEquals("4 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertEquals("4 returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("4 returns a wrong port", -1, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("4 returns a wrong file", "/testing/file.java", u1 .getFile()); assertNull("4 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); uf = new URL("file://www.apache.org/testing/"); u1f = new URL(uf, "file.java"); assertEquals("4f returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertEquals("4f returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1f.getHost()); assertEquals("4f returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertEquals("4f returns a wrong file", "/testing/file.java", u1f .getFile()); assertNull("4f returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); uf = new URL("file:/testing/"); u1f = new URL(uf, "file.java"); assertEquals("4fa returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertTrue("4fa returns a wrong host", u1f.getHost().equals("")); assertEquals("4fa returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertEquals("4fa returns a wrong file", "/testing/file.java", u1f .getFile()); assertNull("4fa returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); uf = new URL("file:testing/"); u1f = new URL(uf, "file.java"); assertEquals("4fb returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertTrue("4fb returns a wrong host", u1f.getHost().equals("")); assertEquals("4fb returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertEquals("4fb returns a wrong file", "testing/file.java", u1f .getFile()); assertNull("4fb returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); u1f = new URL(uf, "file:file.java"); assertEquals("4fc returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertTrue("4fc returns a wrong host", u1f.getHost().equals("")); assertEquals("4fc returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertEquals("4fc returns a wrong file", "file.java", u1f.getFile()); assertNull("4fc returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); u1f = new URL(uf, "file:"); assertEquals("4fd returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertTrue("4fd returns a wrong host", u1f.getHost().equals("")); assertEquals("4fd returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertTrue("4fd returns a wrong file", u1f.getFile().equals("")); assertNull("4fd returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); u = new URL("http://www.apache.org/testing"); u1 = new URL(u, "file.java"); assertEquals("5 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertEquals("5 returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("5 returns a wrong port", -1, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("5 returns a wrong file", "/file.java", u1.getFile()); assertNull("5 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); uf = new URL("file://www.apache.org/testing"); u1f = new URL(uf, "file.java"); assertEquals("5f returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertEquals("5f returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1f.getHost()); assertEquals("5f returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertEquals("5f returns a wrong file", "/file.java", u1f.getFile()); assertNull("5f returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); uf = new URL("file:/testing"); u1f = new URL(uf, "file.java"); assertEquals("5fa returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertTrue("5fa returns a wrong host", u1f.getHost().equals("")); assertEquals("5fa returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertEquals("5fa returns a wrong file", "/file.java", u1f.getFile()); assertNull("5fa returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); uf = new URL("file:testing"); u1f = new URL(uf, "file.java"); assertEquals("5fb returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertTrue("5fb returns a wrong host", u1f.getHost().equals("")); assertEquals("5fb returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertEquals("5fb returns a wrong file", "file.java", u1f.getFile()); assertNull("5fb returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); u = new URL("http://www.apache.org/testing/foobaz"); u1 = new URL(u, "/file.java"); assertEquals("6 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertEquals("6 returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("6 returns a wrong port", -1, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("6 returns a wrong file", "/file.java", u1.getFile()); assertNull("6 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); uf = new URL("file://www.apache.org/testing/foobaz"); u1f = new URL(uf, "/file.java"); assertEquals("6f returns a wrong protocol", "file", u1f.getProtocol()); assertEquals("6f returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1f.getHost()); assertEquals("6f returns a wrong port", -1, u1f.getPort()); assertEquals("6f returns a wrong file", "/file.java", u1f.getFile()); assertNull("6f returns a wrong anchor", u1f.getRef()); u = new URL("http://www.apache.org:8000/testing/foobaz"); u1 = new URL(u, "/file.java"); assertEquals("7 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertEquals("7 returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("7 returns a wrong port", 8000, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("7 returns a wrong file", "/file.java", u1.getFile()); assertNull("7 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); u = new URL("http://www.apache.org/index.html"); u1 = new URL(u, "#bar"); assertEquals("8 returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("8 returns a wrong file", "/index.html", u1.getFile()); assertEquals("8 returns a wrong anchor", "bar", u1.getRef()); u = new URL("http://www.apache.org/index.html#foo"); u1 = new URL(u, "http:#bar"); assertEquals("9 returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("9 returns a wrong file", "/index.html", u1.getFile()); assertEquals("9 returns a wrong anchor", "bar", u1.getRef()); u = new URL("http://www.apache.org/index.html"); u1 = new URL(u, ""); assertEquals("10 returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("10 returns a wrong file", "/index.html", u1.getFile()); assertNull("10 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); uf = new URL("file://www.apache.org/index.html"); u1f = new URL(uf, ""); assertEquals("10f returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("10f returns a wrong file", "/index.html", u1.getFile()); assertNull("10f returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); u = new URL("http://www.apache.org/index.html"); u1 = new URL(u, "http://www.apache.org"); assertEquals("11 returns a wrong host", "www.apache.org", u1.getHost()); assertTrue("11 returns a wrong file", u1.getFile().equals("")); assertNull("11 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); // test for question mark processing u = new URL("http://www.foo.com/d0/d1/d2/cgi-bin?foo=bar/baz"); // test for relative file and out of bound "/../" processing u1 = new URL(u, "../dir1/./dir2/../file.java"); assertTrue("A) returns a wrong file: " + u1.getFile(), u1.getFile() .equals("/d0/d1/dir1/file.java")); // test for absolute and relative file processing u1 = new URL(u, "/../dir1/./dir2/../file.java"); assertEquals("B) returns a wrong file", "/../dir1/./dir2/../file.java", u1.getFile()); try { // u should raise a MalFormedURLException because u, the context is // null u = null; u1 = new URL(u, "file.java"); fail("didn't throw the expected MalFormedURLException"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // valid } // Regression test for HARMONY-3258 // testing jar context url with relative file try { // check that relative path with null context is not canonicalized String spec = "jar:file:/a!/b/../d"; URL ctx = null; u = new URL(ctx, spec); assertEquals("1 Wrong file (jar protocol, relative path)", spec, u .toString()); spec = "../d"; ctx = new URL("jar:file:/a!/b"); u = new URL(ctx, spec); assertEquals("2 Wrong file (jar protocol, relative path)", "file:/a!/d", u.getFile()); spec = "../d"; ctx = new URL("jar:file:/a!/b/c"); u = new URL(ctx, spec); assertEquals("3 Wrong file (jar protocol, relative path)", "file:/a!/d", u.getFile()); spec = "../d"; ctx = new URL("jar:file:/a!/b/c/d"); u = new URL(ctx, spec); assertEquals("4 Wrong file (jar protocol, relative path)", "file:/a!/b/d", u.getFile()); // added the real example spec = "../pdf/PDF.settings"; ctx = new URL( "jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/Netbeans-5.5/ide7/modules/org-netbeans-modules-utilities.jar!/org/netbeans/modules/utilities/Layer.xml"); u = new URL(ctx, spec); assertEquals( "5 Wrong file (jar protocol, relative path)", "file:/C:/Program%20Files/Netbeans-5.5/ide7/modules/org-netbeans-modules-utilities.jar!/org/netbeans/modules/pdf/PDF.settings", u.getFile()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { fail("Testing jar protocol, relative path failed: " + e); } } /** * @tests java.net.URL#URL(java.net.URL, java.lang.String, * java.net.URLStreamHandler) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_net_URLLjava_lang_StringLjava_net_URLStreamHandler() throws Exception { // Test for method java.net.URL(java.net.URL, java.lang.String, // java.net.URLStreamHandler) u = new URL("http://www.yahoo.com"); // basic ones u1 = new URL(u, "file.java", new MyHandler()); assertEquals("1 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertEquals("1 returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo.com", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("1 returns a wrong port", -1, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("1 returns a wrong file", "/file.java", u1.getFile()); assertNull("1 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); u1 = new URL(u, "systemresource:/+/FILE0/test.java", new MyHandler()); assertEquals("2 returns a wrong protocol", "systemresource", u1 .getProtocol()); assertTrue("2 returns a wrong host", u1.getHost().equals("")); assertEquals("2 returns a wrong port", -1, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("2 returns a wrong file", "/+/FILE0/test.java", u1 .getFile()); assertNull("2 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); u1 = new URL(u, "dir1/dir2/../file.java", null); assertEquals("3 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u1.getProtocol()); assertEquals("3 returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo.com", u1.getHost()); assertEquals("3 returns a wrong port", -1, u1.getPort()); assertEquals("3 returns a wrong file", "/dir1/dir2/../file.java", u1 .getFile()); assertNull("3 returns a wrong anchor", u1.getRef()); // test for question mark processing u = new URL("http://www.foo.com/d0/d1/d2/cgi-bin?foo=bar/baz"); // test for relative file and out of bound "/../" processing u1 = new URL(u, "../dir1/dir2/../file.java", new MyHandler()); assertTrue("A) returns a wrong file: " + u1.getFile(), u1.getFile() .equals("/d0/d1/dir1/file.java")); // test for absolute and relative file processing u1 = new URL(u, "/../dir1/dir2/../file.java", null); assertEquals("B) returns a wrong file", "/../dir1/dir2/../file.java", u1.getFile()); URL one; try { one = new URL("http://www.ibm.com"); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { // Should not happen. throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage()); } try { new URL(one, (String) null); fail("Specifying null spec on URL constructor should throw MalformedURLException"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // expected } try { // u should raise a MalFormedURLException because u, the context is // null u = null; u1 = new URL(u, "file.java", new MyHandler()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return; } fail("didn't throw expected MalFormedURLException"); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#URL(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, * java.lang.String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String() throws MalformedURLException { u = new URL("http", "www.yahoo.com", "test.html#foo"); assertEquals("http", u.getProtocol()); assertEquals("www.yahoo.com", u.getHost()); assertEquals(-1, u.getPort()); assertEquals("test.html", u.getFile()); assertEquals("foo", u.getRef()); // Strange behavior in reference, the hostname contains a ':' so it gets // wrapped in '[', ']' URL testURL = new URL("http", "www.apache.org:8080", "test.html#anch"); assertEquals("wrong protocol", "http", testURL.getProtocol()); assertEquals("wrong host", "[www.apache.org:8080]", testURL.getHost()); assertEquals("wrong port", -1, testURL.getPort()); assertEquals("wrong file", "test.html", testURL.getFile()); assertEquals("wrong anchor", "anch", testURL.getRef()); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#URL(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, * java.lang.String) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_StringILjava_lang_String() throws MalformedURLException { u = new URL("http", "www.yahoo.com", 8080, "test.html#foo"); assertEquals("SSIS returns a wrong protocol", "http", u.getProtocol()); assertEquals("SSIS returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo.com", u.getHost()); assertEquals("SSIS returns a wrong port", 8080, u.getPort()); assertEquals("SSIS returns a wrong file", "test.html", u.getFile()); assertTrue("SSIS returns a wrong anchor: " + u.getRef(), u.getRef() .equals("foo")); // Regression for HARMONY-83 new URL("http", "apache.org", 123456789, "file"); try { new URL("http", "apache.org", -123, "file"); fail("Assert 0: Negative port should throw exception"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // expected } } /** * @tests java.net.URL#URL(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, * java.lang.String, java.net.URLStreamHandler) */ public void test_ConstructorLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_StringILjava_lang_StringLjava_net_URLStreamHandler() throws Exception { // Test for method java.net.URL(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, // java.lang.String, java.net.URLStreamHandler) u = new URL("http", "www.yahoo.com", 8080, "test.html#foo", null); assertEquals("SSISH1 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u.getProtocol()); assertEquals("SSISH1 returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo.com", u .getHost()); assertEquals("SSISH1 returns a wrong port", 8080, u.getPort()); assertEquals("SSISH1 returns a wrong file", "test.html", u.getFile()); assertTrue("SSISH1 returns a wrong anchor: " + u.getRef(), u.getRef() .equals("foo")); u = new URL("http", "www.yahoo.com", 8080, "test.html#foo", new MyHandler()); assertEquals("SSISH2 returns a wrong protocol", "http", u.getProtocol()); assertEquals("SSISH2 returns a wrong host", "www.yahoo.com", u .getHost()); assertEquals("SSISH2 returns a wrong port", 8080, u.getPort()); assertEquals("SSISH2 returns a wrong file", "test.html", u.getFile()); assertTrue("SSISH2 returns a wrong anchor: " + u.getRef(), u.getRef() .equals("foo")); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#equals(java.lang.Object) */ public void test_equalsLjava_lang_Object() throws MalformedURLException { u = new URL("http://www.apache.org:8080/dir::23??????????test.html"); u1 = new URL("http://www.apache.org:8080/dir::23??????????test.html"); assertTrue("A) equals returns false for two identical URLs", u .equals(u1)); assertTrue("return true for null comparison", !u1.equals(null)); u = new URL("ftp://www.apache.org:8080/dir::23??????????test.html"); assertTrue("Returned true for non-equal URLs", !u.equals(u1)); // Regression for HARMONY-6556 u = new URL("file", null, 0, "/test.txt"); u1 = new URL("file", null, 0, "/test.txt"); assertEquals(u, u1); u = new URL("file", "first.invalid", 0, "/test.txt"); u1 = new URL("file", "second.invalid", 0, "/test.txt"); assertFalse(u.equals(u1)); u = new URL("file", "harmony.apache.org", 0, "/test.txt"); u1 = new URL("file", "www.apache.org", 0, "/test.txt"); assertEquals(u, u1); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#sameFile(java.net.URL) */ public void test_sameFileLjava_net_URL() throws Exception { // Test for method boolean java.net.URL.sameFile(java.net.URL) u = new URL("http://www.yahoo.com"); u1 = new URL("http", "www.yahoo.com", ""); assertTrue("Should be the same1", u.sameFile(u1)); u = new URL("http://www.yahoo.com/dir1/dir2/test.html#anchor1"); u1 = new URL("http://www.yahoo.com/dir1/dir2/test.html#anchor2"); assertTrue("Should be the same ", u.sameFile(u1)); // regression test for Harmony-1040 u = new URL("file", null, -1, "/d:/somedir/"); u1 = new URL("file:/d:/somedir/"); assertFalse(u.sameFile(u1)); // regression test for Harmony-2136 URL url1 = new URL("file:///anyfile"); URL url2 = new URL("file://localhost/anyfile"); assertTrue(url1.sameFile(url2)); url1 = new URL("http:///anyfile"); url2 = new URL("http://localhost/anyfile"); assertFalse(url1.sameFile(url2)); url1 = new URL("ftp:///anyfile"); url2 = new URL("ftp://localhost/anyfile"); assertFalse(url1.sameFile(url2)); url1 = new URL("jar:file:///anyfile.jar!/"); url2 = new URL("jar:file://localhost/anyfile.jar!/"); assertFalse(url1.sameFile(url2)); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#getContent() */ public void test_getContent() { // Test for method java.lang.Object java.net.URL.getContent() byte[] ba; InputStream is; String s; File resources = Support_Resources.createTempFolder(); try { Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, null, "hyts_htmltest.html"); u = new URL("file", "", resources.getAbsolutePath() + "/hyts_htmltest.html"); u.openConnection(); is = (InputStream) u.getContent(); is.read(ba = new byte[4096]); s = new String(ba); assertTrue( "Incorrect content " + u + " does not contain: \" A Seemingly Non Important String \"", s.indexOf("A Seemingly Non Important String") >= 0); } catch (IOException e) { fail("IOException thrown : " + e.getMessage()); } finally { // Support_Resources.deleteTempFolder(resources); } } /** * @tests java.net.URL#getContent(class[]) */ public void test_getContent_LJavaLangClass() throws Exception { byte[] ba; InputStream is; String s; File resources = Support_Resources.createTempFolder(); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, null, "hyts_htmltest.html"); u = new URL("file", "", resources.getAbsolutePath() + "/hyts_htmltest.html"); u.openConnection(); is = (InputStream) u.getContent(new Class[] { Object.class }); is.read(ba = new byte[4096]); s = new String(ba); assertTrue("Incorrect content " + u + " does not contain: \" A Seemingly Non Important String \"", s.indexOf("A Seemingly Non Important String") >= 0); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#openStream() */ public void test_openStream() throws Exception { // Regression test for Harmony-1700 URL BASE = URLTest.class.getClassLoader().getResource( URLTest.class.getPackage().getName().replace('.', File.separatorChar) + "/lf.jar"); URL url = new URL("jar:" + BASE + "!/foo.jar!/Bugs/HelloWorld.class"); try { url.openStream(); fail("should throw FNFE."); } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) { // Expected } // Test for method java.io.InputStream java.net.URL.openStream() File resources = Support_Resources.createTempFolder(); Support_Resources.copyFile(resources, null, "hyts_htmltest.html"); u = new URL("file", "", resources.getAbsolutePath() + "/hyts_htmltest.html"); // HTTP connection InputStream is1 = u.openStream(); assertTrue("Unable to read from stream", is1.read() != 0); is1.close(); boolean exception = false; try { u = new URL("file:///nonexistenttestdir/tstfile"); u.openStream(); } catch (IOException e) { // Correct behaviour exception = true; } assertTrue("openStream succeeded for non existent resource", exception); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#openConnection() */ public void test_openConnection() { // Test for method java.net.URLConnection java.net.URL.openConnection() try { u = new URL("systemresource:/FILE4/+/types.properties"); URLConnection uConn = u.openConnection(); assertNotNull("u.openConnection() returns null", uConn); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * @tests java.net.URL#toString() */ public void test_toString() { // Test for method java.lang.String java.net.URL.toString() try { u1 = new URL("http://www.yahoo2.com:9999"); u = new URL( "http://www.yahoo1.com:8080/dir1/dir2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1"); assertEquals( "a) Does not return the right url string", "http://www.yahoo1.com:8080/dir1/dir2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1", u.toString()); assertEquals("b) Does not return the right url string", "http://www.yahoo2.com:9999", u1.toString()); assertTrue("c) Does not return the right url string", u .equals(new URL(u.toString()))); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * @tests java.net.URL#toExternalForm() */ public void test_toExternalForm() { // Test for method java.lang.String java.net.URL.toExternalForm() try { u1 = new URL("http://www.yahoo2.com:9999"); u = new URL( "http://www.yahoo1.com:8080/dir1/dir2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1"); assertEquals( "a) Does not return the right url string", "http://www.yahoo1.com:8080/dir1/dir2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1", u.toString()); assertEquals("b) Does not return the right url string", "http://www.yahoo2.com:9999", u1.toString()); assertTrue("c) Does not return the right url string", u .equals(new URL(u.toString()))); u = new URL("http:index"); assertEquals("2 wrong external form", "http:index", u .toExternalForm()); u = new URL("http", null, "index"); assertEquals("2 wrong external form", "http:index", u .toExternalForm()); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** * @tests java.net.URL#getFile() */ public void test_getFile() throws Exception { // Test for method java.lang.String java.net.URL.getFile() u = new URL("http", "www.yahoo.com:8080", 1233, "test/!@$%^&*/test.html#foo"); assertEquals("returns a wrong file", "test/!@$%^&*/test.html", u .getFile()); u = new URL("http", "www.yahoo.com:8080", 1233, ""); assertTrue("returns a wrong file", u.getFile().equals("")); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#getHost() */ public void test_getHost() throws MalformedURLException { // Regression for HARMONY-60 String ipv6Host = "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210"; URL url = new URL("http", ipv6Host, -1, "myfile"); assertEquals(("[" + ipv6Host + "]"), url.getHost()); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#getPort() */ public void test_getPort() throws Exception { // Test for method int java.net.URL.getPort() u = new URL("http://member12.c++.com:9999"); assertTrue("return wrong port number " + u.getPort(), u.getPort() == 9999); u = new URL("http://member12.c++.com:9999/"); assertEquals("return wrong port number", 9999, u.getPort()); } /** * @throws MalformedURLException * @tests java.net.URL#getDefaultPort() */ public void test_getDefaultPort() throws MalformedURLException { u = new URL("http://member12.c++.com:9999"); assertEquals(80, u.getDefaultPort()); u = new URL("ftp://member12.c++.com:9999/"); assertEquals(21, u.getDefaultPort()); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#getProtocol() */ public void test_getProtocol() throws Exception { // Test for method java.lang.String java.net.URL.getProtocol() u = new URL("http://www.yahoo2.com:9999"); assertTrue("u returns a wrong protocol: " + u.getProtocol(), u .getProtocol().equals("http")); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#getRef() */ public void test_getRef() { // Test for method java.lang.String java.net.URL.getRef() try { u1 = new URL("http://www.yahoo2.com:9999"); u = new URL( "http://www.yahoo1.com:8080/dir1/dir2/test.cgi?point1.html#anchor1"); assertEquals("returns a wrong anchor1", "anchor1", u.getRef()); assertNull("returns a wrong anchor2", u1.getRef()); u1 = new URL("http://www.yahoo2.com#ref"); assertEquals("returns a wrong anchor3", "ref", u1.getRef()); u1 = new URL("http://www.yahoo2.com/file#ref1#ref2"); assertEquals("returns a wrong anchor4", "ref1#ref2", u1.getRef()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { fail("Incorrect URL format : " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * @tests java.net.URL#getAuthority() */ public void test_getAuthority() throws MalformedURLException { URL testURL = new URL("http", "hostname", 80, "/java?q1#ref"); assertEquals("hostname:80", testURL.getAuthority()); assertEquals("hostname", testURL.getHost()); assertNull(testURL.getUserInfo()); assertEquals("/java?q1", testURL.getFile()); assertEquals("/java", testURL.getPath()); assertEquals("q1", testURL.getQuery()); assertEquals("ref", testURL.getRef()); testURL = new URL("http", "u:p@home", 80, "/java?q1#ref"); assertEquals("[u:p@home]:80", testURL.getAuthority()); assertEquals("[u:p@home]", testURL.getHost()); assertNull(testURL.getUserInfo()); assertEquals("/java?q1", testURL.getFile()); assertEquals("/java", testURL.getPath()); assertEquals("q1", testURL.getQuery()); assertEquals("ref", testURL.getRef()); testURL = new URL("http", "home", -1, "/java"); assertEquals("wrong authority2", "home", testURL.getAuthority()); assertNull("wrong userInfo2", testURL.getUserInfo()); assertEquals("wrong host2", "home", testURL.getHost()); assertEquals("wrong file2", "/java", testURL.getFile()); assertEquals("wrong path2", "/java", testURL.getPath()); assertNull("wrong query2", testURL.getQuery()); assertNull("wrong ref2", testURL.getRef()); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#toURL() */ public void test_toURI() throws Exception { u = new URL("http://www.apache.org"); URI uri = u.toURI(); assertTrue(u.equals(uri.toURL())); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#openConnection() */ public void test_openConnection_SelectorCalled() throws MalformedURLException { URL httpUrl = new URL("http://" + Support_Configuration.ProxyServerTestHost + "/cgi-bin/test.pl"); URL ftpUrl = new URL("ftp://" + Support_Configuration.FTPTestAddress + "/nettest.txt"); URL[] urlList = { httpUrl, ftpUrl }; ProxySelector originalSelector = ProxySelector.getDefault(); ProxySelector.setDefault(new MockProxySelector()); try { for (int i = 0; i < urlList.length; ++i) { try { isSelectCalled = false; URLConnection conn = urlList[i].openConnection(); conn.getInputStream(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } assertTrue( "openConnection should call ProxySelector.select(), url = " + urlList[i], isSelectCalled); } } finally { ProxySelector.setDefault(originalSelector); } } /** * @throws IOException * @tests java.net.URL#openConnection(Proxy) */ public void test_openConnection_proxy_SelectorCalled() throws IOException { URL httpUrl = new URL("http://" + Support_Configuration.ProxyServerTestHost + "/cgi-bin/test.pl"); try { httpUrl.openConnection(null); fail("should throw IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected } URLConnection uc = httpUrl.openConnection(new Proxy(Type.SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), 80))); assertEquals(uc.getURL(), httpUrl); } /** * @tests java.net.URL#openConnection() */ public void test_openConnection_FileProtocal() throws Exception { // Regression test for Harmony-5779 String basedir = new File("temp.java").getAbsolutePath(); String fileUrlString = "file://localhost/" + basedir; URLConnection conn = new URL(fileUrlString).openConnection(); assertEquals("file",conn.getURL().getProtocol()); assertEquals(new File(basedir),new File(conn.getURL().getFile())); String nonLocalUrlString = "file://anything/" + basedir; conn = new URL(nonLocalUrlString).openConnection(); assertEquals("ftp",conn.getURL().getProtocol()); assertEquals(new File(basedir),new File(conn.getURL().getFile())); } /** * URLStreamHandler implementation class necessary for tests. */ private class TestURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler { public URLConnection openConnection(URL arg0) throws IOException { try { return arg0.openConnection(); } catch (Throwable e) { return null; } } public URLConnection openConnection(URL arg0, Proxy proxy) throws IOException { return super.openConnection(u, proxy); } } /** * Check UnsupportedOperationException in openConnection(URL arg0, Proxy * proxy) */ public void test_openConnection_URL_Proxy() throws Exception { // Regression for HARMONY-1131 TestURLStreamHandler lh = new TestURLStreamHandler(); URL httpUrl = new URL("http://" + Support_Configuration.ProxyServerTestHost + "/cgi-bin/test.pl"); Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Type.SOCKS, new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress .getLocalHost(), 80)); try { lh.openConnection(null, null); fail("UnsupportedOperationException expected, but nothing was thrown!"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // Expected } try { lh.openConnection(httpUrl, proxy); fail("UnsupportedOperationException expected, but nothing was thrown!"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { // Expected } } /** * Check NPE throwing in constructor when protocol argument is null and * URLStreamHandler argument is initialized. */ public void test_ConstructorLnullLjava_lang_StringILjava_lang_StringLjava_net_URLStreamHandler() throws Exception { // Regression for HARMONY-1131 TestURLStreamHandler lh = new TestURLStreamHandler(); try { new URL(null, "1", 0, "file", lh); fail("NullPointerException expected, but nothing was thrown!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Expected NullPointerException } } /** * Check NPE throwing in constructor when protocol argument is null and * URLStreamHandler argument is null. */ public void test_ConstructorLnullLjava_lang_StringILjava_lang_StringLnull() throws Exception { // Regression for HARMONY-1131 try { new URL(null, "1", 0, "file", null); fail("NullPointerException expected, but nothing was thrown!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Expected NullPointerException } } /** * Check NPE throwing in constructor with 4 params when protocol argument is * null. */ public void test_ConstructorLnullLjava_lang_StringILjava_lang_String() throws Exception { // Regression for HARMONY-1131 try { new URL(null, "1", 0, "file"); fail("NullPointerException expected, but nothing was thrown!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Expected NullPointerException } } /** * Check NPE throwing in constructor with 3 params when protocol argument is * null. */ public void test_ConstructorLnullLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String() throws Exception { // Regression for HARMONY-1131 try { new URL(null, "1", "file"); fail("NullPointerException expected, but nothing was thrown!"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Expected NullPointerException } } public void test_toExternalForm_Absolute() throws MalformedURLException { String strURL = "http://localhost?name=value"; URL url = new URL(strURL); assertEquals(strURL, url.toExternalForm()); strURL = "http://localhost?name=value/age=12"; url = new URL(strURL); assertEquals(strURL, url.toExternalForm()); } public void test_toExternalForm_Relative() throws MalformedURLException { String strURL = "http://a/b/c/d;p?q"; String ref = "?y"; URL url = new URL(new URL(strURL), ref); assertEquals("http://a/b/c/?y", url.toExternalForm()); } // Regression test for HARMONY-6254 // Bogus handler forces file part of URL to be null static class MyHandler2 extends URLStreamHandler { @Override protected URLConnection openConnection(URL arg0) throws IOException { return null; } @Override protected void setURL(URL u, String protocol, String host, int port, String authority, String userInfo, String file, String query, String ref) { super.setURL(u, protocol, host, port, authority, userInfo, (String) null, query, ref); } } // Test special case of external form with null file part (HARMONY-6254) public void test_toExternalForm_Null() throws IOException { URLStreamHandler myHandler = new MyHandler2(); URL url = new URL(null, "foobar://example.com/foobar", myHandler); String s = url.toExternalForm(); assertEquals("Got wrong URL external form", "foobar://example.com", s); } static class MockProxySelector extends ProxySelector { public void connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe) { System.out.println("connection failed"); } public List select(URI uri) { isSelectCalled = true; ArrayList proxyList = new ArrayList(1); proxyList.add(Proxy.NO_PROXY); return proxyList; } } static class MyURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler { @Override protected URLConnection openConnection(URL arg0) throws IOException { return null; } public void parse(URL url, String spec, int start, int end) { parseURL(url, spec, start, end); } } static class MyURLStreamHandlerFactory implements URLStreamHandlerFactory { public static MyURLStreamHandler handler = new MyURLStreamHandler(); public URLStreamHandler createURLStreamHandler(String arg0) { handler = new MyURLStreamHandler(); return handler; } } // Regression test for harmony-2941 public void test_URLStreamHandler_parseURL() throws MalformedURLException { URL url = new URL("http://localhost"); MyURLStreamHandler handler = MyURLStreamHandlerFactory.handler; try { handler.parse(url, "//", 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE); fail("Should throw SIOOBE."); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected; } try { handler.parse(url, "1234//", 4, Integer.MIN_VALUE); fail("Should throw SIOOBE."); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected; } try { handler.parse(url, "1", -1, 0); fail("Should throw SIOOBE."); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected; } try { handler.parse(url, "1", 3, 2); fail("Should throw SecurityException."); } catch (SecurityException e) { // expected; } try { handler.parse(url, "11", 1, Integer.MIN_VALUE); fail("Should throw SecurityException."); } catch (SecurityException e) { // expected; } // Regression tests for HARMONY-6499 try { handler.parse(url, "any", 10, Integer.MIN_VALUE); fail("Should throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected; } try { handler.parse(url, "any", 10, Integer.MIN_VALUE+1); fail("Should throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected; } try { handler.parse(url, "any", Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE); fail("Should throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected; } try { handler.parse(url, "any", Integer.MIN_VALUE, 2); fail("Should throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected; } try { handler.parse(url, "any", -1, 2); fail("Should throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException"); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // expected; } try { handler.parse(url, "any", -1, -1); fail("Should throw SecurityException"); } catch (SecurityException e) { // expected; } } /** * @tests java.net.URL#URL(String, String, String) */ public void test_java_protocol_handler_pkgs_prop() throws MalformedURLException { // Regression test for Harmony-3094 final String HANDLER_PKGS = "java.protocol.handler.pkgs"; String pkgs = System.getProperty(HANDLER_PKGS); System.setProperty(HANDLER_PKGS, "fake|org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net"); try { new URL("test_protocol", "", "fake.jar"); } finally { if (pkgs == null) { System.clearProperty(HANDLER_PKGS); } else { System.setProperty(HANDLER_PKGS, pkgs); } } } }