/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package jme3tools.navigation; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A collection of String utilities. * * @author Benjamin Jakobus * @version 1.0 */ public class StringUtil { /** * Splits a newline (\n) delimited string into an array of strings * * @param str the string to split up * @param delimiter the delimiter to use in splitting * @returns an array of String objects equivalent to str */ public String[] splitDelimitedStr(String str, String delimiter) { Pattern pttn = Pattern.compile(delimiter); return pttn.split(str); } /** * Right aligns a long number with spaces for printing * * @param num the number to be aligned * @param totalLen the total length of the padded string * @return the padded number */ public String padNum(long num, int totalLen) { String numStr = Long.toString(num); int len = totalLen - numStr.length(); String pads = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pads += " "; } return pads + numStr; } /** * Right aligns a long number with zeros for printing * * @param num the number to be aligned * @param totalLen the total length of the padded string * @return the padded number */ public String padNumZero(long num, int totalLen) { String numStr = Long.toString(num); int len = totalLen - numStr.length(); String pads = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pads += "0"; } return pads + numStr; } /** * Right aligns an integer number with spaces for printing * * @param num the number to be aligned * @param totalLen the total length of the padded string * @return the padded number */ public String padNum(int num, int totalLen) { String numStr = Integer.toString(num); int len = totalLen - numStr.length(); String pads = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pads += " "; } return pads + numStr; } /** * Right aligns an integer number with zeros for printing * * @param num the number to be aligned * @param totalLen the total length of the padded string * @return the padded number */ public String padNumZero(int num, int totalLen) { String numStr = Integer.toString(num); int len = totalLen - numStr.length(); String pads = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pads += "0"; } return pads + numStr; } /** * Right aligns a double number with spaces for printing * * @param num the number to be aligned * @param wholeLen the total length of the padded string * @return the padded number */ public String padNum(double num, int wholeLen, int decimalPlaces) { String numStr = Double.toString(num); int dpLoc = numStr.indexOf("."); int len = wholeLen - dpLoc; String pads = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pads += " "; } numStr = pads + numStr; dpLoc = numStr.indexOf("."); if (dpLoc + 1 + decimalPlaces > numStr.substring(dpLoc).length()) { return numStr; } return numStr.substring(0, dpLoc + 1 + decimalPlaces); } /** * Right aligns a double number with zeros for printing * * @param num the number to be aligned * @param wholeLen the total length of the padded string * @return the padded number */ public String padNumZero(double num, int wholeLen, int decimalPlaces) { String numStr = Double.toString(num); int dpLoc = numStr.indexOf("."); int len = wholeLen - dpLoc; String pads = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pads += "0"; } numStr = pads + numStr; dpLoc = numStr.indexOf("."); if (dpLoc + 1 + decimalPlaces > numStr.substring(dpLoc).length()) { return numStr; } return numStr.substring(0, dpLoc + 1 + decimalPlaces); } /** * Right aligns a float number with spaces for printing * * @param num the number to be aligned * @param wholeLen the total length of the padded string * @return the padded number */ public String padNum(float num, int wholeLen, int decimalPlaces) { String numStr = Float.toString(num); int dpLoc = numStr.indexOf("."); int len = wholeLen - dpLoc; String pads = ""; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pads += " "; } numStr = pads + numStr; dpLoc = numStr.indexOf("."); if (dpLoc + 1 + decimalPlaces > numStr.substring(dpLoc).length()) { return numStr; } return numStr.substring(0, dpLoc + 1 + decimalPlaces); } /** * Right aligns a float number with zeros for printing * * @param num the number to be aligned * @param wholeLen the total length of the padded string * @return the padded number */ public String padNumZero(float num, int wholeLen, int decimalPlaces) { String numStr = Float.toString(num); int dpLoc = numStr.indexOf("."); int len = wholeLen - dpLoc; String pads = ""; if (numStr.charAt(0) == '-') { len += 1; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pads += "0"; } pads = "-" + pads; numStr = pads + numStr.substring(1); } else { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pads += "0"; } numStr = pads + numStr; } dpLoc = numStr.indexOf("."); int length = numStr.substring(dpLoc).length(); while (length < decimalPlaces) { numStr += "0"; } return numStr; } /** * Right aligns a float number with zeros for printing * * @param num the number to be aligned * @param wholeLen the total length of the padded string * @return the padded number */ public String padStringRight(String input, int wholeLen) { for (int i = input.length(); i < wholeLen; i++) { input += " "; } return input; } /** * @param arr a boolean array to be represented as a string * @return the array as a string */ public String boolArrToStr(boolean[] arr) { String output = ""; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i]) { output += "1"; } else { output += "0"; } } return output; } /** * Formats a double nicely for printing: THIS DOES NOT ROUND!!!! * @param num the double to be turned into a pretty string * @return the pretty string */ public String prettyNum(double num) { String numStr = (new Double(num)).toString(); while (numStr.length() < 4) { numStr += "0"; } numStr = numStr.substring(0, numStr.indexOf(".") + 3); return numStr; } }