/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.email.service; import com.android.email.AttachmentInfo; import com.android.email.Controller.ControllerService; import com.android.email.Email; import com.android.email.EmailConnectivityManager; import com.android.email.NotificationController; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Account; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Attachment; import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Message; import com.android.emailcommon.service.EmailServiceProxy; import com.android.emailcommon.service.EmailServiceStatus; import com.android.emailcommon.service.IEmailServiceCallback; import com.android.emailcommon.utility.AttachmentUtilities; import com.android.emailcommon.utility.Utility; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.app.AlarmManager; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.app.Service; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.Log; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class AttachmentDownloadService extends Service implements Runnable { public static final String TAG = "AttachmentService"; // Our idle time, waiting for notifications; this is something of a failsafe private static final int PROCESS_QUEUE_WAIT_TIME = 30 * ((int)DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS); // How often our watchdog checks for callback timeouts private static final int WATCHDOG_CHECK_INTERVAL = 15 * ((int)DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS); // How long we'll wait for a callback before canceling a download and retrying private static final int CALLBACK_TIMEOUT = 30 * ((int)DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS); // Try to download an attachment in the background this many times before giving up private static final int MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES = 5; private static final int PRIORITY_NONE = -1; @SuppressWarnings("unused") // Low priority will be used for opportunistic downloads private static final int PRIORITY_BACKGROUND = 0; // Normal priority is for forwarded downloads in outgoing mail private static final int PRIORITY_SEND_MAIL = 1; // High priority is for user requests private static final int PRIORITY_FOREGROUND = 2; // Minimum free storage in order to perform prefetch (25% of total memory) private static final float PREFETCH_MINIMUM_STORAGE_AVAILABLE = 0.25F; // Maximum prefetch storage (also 25% of total memory) private static final float PREFETCH_MAXIMUM_ATTACHMENT_STORAGE = 0.25F; // We can try various values here; I think 2 is completely reasonable as a first pass private static final int MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS = 2; // Limit on the number of simultaneous downloads per account // Note that a limit of 1 is currently enforced by both Services (MailService and Controller) private static final int MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS_PER_ACCOUNT = 1; // Limit on the number of attachments we'll check for background download private static final int MAX_ATTACHMENTS_TO_CHECK = 25; // sRunningService is only set in the UI thread; it's visibility elsewhere is guaranteed // by the use of "volatile" /*package*/ static volatile AttachmentDownloadService sRunningService = null; /*package*/ Context mContext; /*package*/ EmailConnectivityManager mConnectivityManager; /*package*/ final DownloadSet mDownloadSet = new DownloadSet(new DownloadComparator()); private final HashMap mAccountServiceMap = new HashMap(); // A map of attachment storage used per account // NOTE: This map is not kept current in terms of deletions (i.e. it stores the last calculated // amount plus the size of any new attachments laoded). If and when we reach the per-account // limit, we recalculate the actual usage /*package*/ final HashMap mAttachmentStorageMap = new HashMap(); // A map of attachment ids to the number of failed attempts to download the attachment // NOTE: We do not want to persist this. This allows us to retry background downloading // if any transient network errors are fixed & and the app is restarted /* package */ final HashMap mAttachmentFailureMap = new HashMap(); private final ServiceCallback mServiceCallback = new ServiceCallback(); private final Object mLock = new Object(); private volatile boolean mStop = false; /*package*/ AccountManagerStub mAccountManagerStub; /** * We only use the getAccounts() call from AccountManager, so this class wraps that call and * allows us to build a mock account manager stub in the unit tests */ /*package*/ static class AccountManagerStub { private int mNumberOfAccounts; private final AccountManager mAccountManager; AccountManagerStub(Context context) { if (context != null) { mAccountManager = AccountManager.get(context); } else { mAccountManager = null; } } /*package*/ int getNumberOfAccounts() { if (mAccountManager != null) { return mAccountManager.getAccounts().length; } else { return mNumberOfAccounts; } } /*package*/ void setNumberOfAccounts(int numberOfAccounts) { mNumberOfAccounts = numberOfAccounts; } } /** * Watchdog alarm receiver; responsible for making sure that downloads in progress are not * stalled, as determined by the timing of the most recent service callback */ public static class Watchdog extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(final Context context, Intent intent) { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { watchdogAlarm(); } }, "AttachmentDownloadService Watchdog").start(); } } public static class DownloadRequest { final int priority; final long time; final long attachmentId; final long messageId; final long accountId; boolean inProgress = false; int lastStatusCode; int lastProgress; long lastCallbackTime; long startTime; private DownloadRequest(Context context, Attachment attachment) { attachmentId = attachment.mId; Message msg = Message.restoreMessageWithId(context, attachment.mMessageKey); if (msg != null) { accountId = msg.mAccountKey; messageId = msg.mId; } else { accountId = messageId = -1; } priority = getPriority(attachment); time = System.currentTimeMillis(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int)attachmentId; } /** * Two download requests are equals if their attachment id's are equals */ @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { if (!(object instanceof DownloadRequest)) return false; DownloadRequest req = (DownloadRequest)object; return req.attachmentId == attachmentId; } } /** * Comparator class for the download set; we first compare by priority. Requests with equal * priority are compared by the time the request was created (older requests come first) */ /*protected*/ static class DownloadComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(DownloadRequest req1, DownloadRequest req2) { int res; if (req1.priority != req2.priority) { res = (req1.priority < req2.priority) ? -1 : 1; } else { if (req1.time == req2.time) { res = 0; } else { res = (req1.time > req2.time) ? -1 : 1; } } return res; } } /** * The DownloadSet is a TreeSet sorted by priority class (e.g. low, high, etc.) and the * time of the request. Higher priority requests * are always processed first; among equals, the oldest request is processed first. The * priority key represents this ordering. Note: All methods that change the attachment map are * synchronized on the map itself */ /*package*/ class DownloadSet extends TreeSet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private PendingIntent mWatchdogPendingIntent; private AlarmManager mAlarmManager; /*package*/ DownloadSet(Comparator comparator) { super(comparator); } /** * Maps attachment id to DownloadRequest */ /*package*/ final ConcurrentHashMap mDownloadsInProgress = new ConcurrentHashMap(); /** * onChange is called by the AttachmentReceiver upon receipt of a valid notification from * EmailProvider that an attachment has been inserted or modified. It's not strictly * necessary that we detect a deleted attachment, as the code always checks for the * existence of an attachment before acting on it. */ public synchronized void onChange(Context context, Attachment att) { DownloadRequest req = findDownloadRequest(att.mId); long priority = getPriority(att); if (priority == PRIORITY_NONE) { if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "== Attachment changed: " + att.mId); } // In this case, there is no download priority for this attachment if (req != null) { // If it exists in the map, remove it // NOTE: We don't yet support deleting downloads in progress if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "== Attachment " + att.mId + " was in queue, removing"); } remove(req); } } else { // Ignore changes that occur during download if (mDownloadsInProgress.containsKey(att.mId)) return; // If this is new, add the request to the queue if (req == null) { req = new DownloadRequest(context, att); add(req); } // If the request already existed, we'll update the priority (so that the time is // up-to-date); otherwise, we create a new request if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "== Download queued for attachment " + att.mId + ", class " + req.priority + ", priority time " + req.time); } } // Process the queue if we're in a wait kick(); } /** * Find a queued DownloadRequest, given the attachment's id * @param id the id of the attachment * @return the DownloadRequest for that attachment (or null, if none) */ /*package*/ synchronized DownloadRequest findDownloadRequest(long id) { Iterator iterator = iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { DownloadRequest req = iterator.next(); if (req.attachmentId == id) { return req; } } return null; } /** * Run through the AttachmentMap and find DownloadRequests that can be executed, enforcing * the limit on maximum downloads */ /*package*/ synchronized void processQueue() { if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "== Checking attachment queue, " + mDownloadSet.size() + " entries"); } Iterator iterator = mDownloadSet.descendingIterator(); // First, start up any required downloads, in priority order while (iterator.hasNext() && (mDownloadsInProgress.size() < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS)) { DownloadRequest req = iterator.next(); // Enforce per-account limit here if (downloadsForAccount(req.accountId) >= MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS_PER_ACCOUNT) { if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "== Skip #" + req.attachmentId + "; maxed for acct #" + req.accountId); } continue; } if (!req.inProgress) { mDownloadSet.tryStartDownload(req); } } // Don't prefetch if background downloading is disallowed if (!mConnectivityManager.isBackgroundDataAllowed()) return; // Then, try opportunistic download of appropriate attachments int backgroundDownloads = MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS - mDownloadsInProgress.size(); // Always leave one slot for user requested download if (backgroundDownloads > (MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_DOWNLOADS - 1)) { // We'll load up the newest 25 attachments that aren't loaded or queued Uri lookupUri = EmailContent.uriWithLimit(Attachment.CONTENT_URI, MAX_ATTACHMENTS_TO_CHECK); Cursor c = mContext.getContentResolver().query(lookupUri, AttachmentInfo.PROJECTION, EmailContent.Attachment.EMPTY_URI_INBOX_SELECTION, null, Attachment.RECORD_ID + " DESC"); File cacheDir = mContext.getCacheDir(); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { long accountKey = c.getLong(AttachmentInfo.COLUMN_ACCOUNT_KEY); long id = c.getLong(AttachmentInfo.COLUMN_ID); Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(mContext, accountKey); if (account == null) { // Clean up this orphaned attachment; there's no point in keeping it // around; then try to find another one EmailContent.delete(mContext, Attachment.CONTENT_URI, id); } else if (canPrefetchForAccount(account, cacheDir)) { // Check that the attachment meets system requirements for download AttachmentInfo info = new AttachmentInfo(mContext, c); if (info.isEligibleForDownload()) { Attachment att = Attachment.restoreAttachmentWithId(mContext, id); if (att != null) { Integer tryCount; tryCount = mAttachmentFailureMap.get(att.mId); if (tryCount != null && tryCount > MAX_DOWNLOAD_RETRIES) { // move onto the next attachment continue; } // Start this download and we're done DownloadRequest req = new DownloadRequest(mContext, att); mDownloadSet.tryStartDownload(req); break; } } } } } finally { c.close(); } } } /** * Count the number of running downloads in progress for this account * @param accountId the id of the account * @return the count of running downloads */ /*package*/ synchronized int downloadsForAccount(long accountId) { int count = 0; for (DownloadRequest req: mDownloadsInProgress.values()) { if (req.accountId == accountId) { count++; } } return count; } private void onWatchdogAlarm() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (DownloadRequest req: mDownloadsInProgress.values()) { // Check how long it's been since receiving a callback long timeSinceCallback = now - req.lastCallbackTime; if (timeSinceCallback > CALLBACK_TIMEOUT) { if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "== Download of " + req.attachmentId + " timed out"); } cancelDownload(req); } } // If there are downloads in progress, reset alarm if (mDownloadsInProgress.isEmpty()) { if (mAlarmManager != null && mWatchdogPendingIntent != null) { mAlarmManager.cancel(mWatchdogPendingIntent); } } // Check whether we can start new downloads... if (mConnectivityManager.hasConnectivity()) { processQueue(); } } /** * Attempt to execute the DownloadRequest, enforcing the maximum downloads per account * parameter * @param req the DownloadRequest * @return whether or not the download was started */ /*package*/ synchronized boolean tryStartDownload(DownloadRequest req) { Intent intent = getServiceIntentForAccount(req.accountId); if (intent == null) return false; // Do not download the same attachment multiple times boolean alreadyInProgress = mDownloadsInProgress.get(req.attachmentId) != null; if (alreadyInProgress) return false; try { if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, ">> Starting download for attachment #" + req.attachmentId); } startDownload(intent, req); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO: Consider whether we need to do more in this case... // For now, fix up our data to reflect the failure cancelDownload(req); } return true; } private synchronized DownloadRequest getDownloadInProgress(long attachmentId) { return mDownloadsInProgress.get(attachmentId); } /** * Do the work of starting an attachment download using the EmailService interface, and * set our watchdog alarm * * @param serviceClass the class that will attempt the download * @param req the DownloadRequest * @throws RemoteException */ private void startDownload(Intent intent, DownloadRequest req) throws RemoteException { req.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); req.inProgress = true; mDownloadsInProgress.put(req.attachmentId, req); EmailServiceProxy proxy = new EmailServiceProxy(mContext, intent, mServiceCallback); proxy.loadAttachment(req.attachmentId, req.priority != PRIORITY_FOREGROUND); // Lazily initialize our (reusable) pending intent if (mWatchdogPendingIntent == null) { createWatchdogPendingIntent(mContext); } // Set the alarm mAlarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, System.currentTimeMillis() + WATCHDOG_CHECK_INTERVAL, WATCHDOG_CHECK_INTERVAL, mWatchdogPendingIntent); } /*package*/ void createWatchdogPendingIntent(Context context) { Intent alarmIntent = new Intent(context, Watchdog.class); mWatchdogPendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, alarmIntent, 0); mAlarmManager = (AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); } private void cancelDownload(DownloadRequest req) { mDownloadsInProgress.remove(req.attachmentId); req.inProgress = false; } /** * Called when a download is finished; we get notified of this via our EmailServiceCallback * @param attachmentId the id of the attachment whose download is finished * @param statusCode the EmailServiceStatus code returned by the Service */ /*package*/ synchronized void endDownload(long attachmentId, int statusCode) { // Say we're no longer downloading this mDownloadsInProgress.remove(attachmentId); // TODO: This code is conservative and treats connection issues as failures. // Since we have no mechanism to throttle reconnection attempts, it makes // sense to be cautious here. Once logic is in place to prevent connecting // in a tight loop, we can exclude counting connection issues as "failures". // Update the attachment failure list if needed Integer downloadCount; downloadCount = mAttachmentFailureMap.remove(attachmentId); if (statusCode != EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS) { if (downloadCount == null) { downloadCount = 0; } downloadCount += 1; mAttachmentFailureMap.put(attachmentId, downloadCount); } DownloadRequest req = mDownloadSet.findDownloadRequest(attachmentId); if (statusCode == EmailServiceStatus.CONNECTION_ERROR) { // If this needs to be retried, just process the queue again if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "== The download for attachment #" + attachmentId + " will be retried"); } if (req != null) { req.inProgress = false; } kick(); return; } // If the request is still in the queue, remove it if (req != null) { remove(req); } if (Email.DEBUG) { long secs = 0; if (req != null) { secs = (System.currentTimeMillis() - req.time) / 1000; } String status = (statusCode == EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS) ? "Success" : "Error " + statusCode; Log.d(TAG, "<< Download finished for attachment #" + attachmentId + "; " + secs + " seconds from request, status: " + status); } Attachment attachment = Attachment.restoreAttachmentWithId(mContext, attachmentId); if (attachment != null) { long accountId = attachment.mAccountKey; // Update our attachment storage for this account Long currentStorage = mAttachmentStorageMap.get(accountId); if (currentStorage == null) { currentStorage = 0L; } mAttachmentStorageMap.put(accountId, currentStorage + attachment.mSize); boolean deleted = false; if ((attachment.mFlags & Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_FORWARD) != 0) { if (statusCode == EmailServiceStatus.ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND) { // If this is a forwarding download, and the attachment doesn't exist (or // can't be downloaded) delete it from the outgoing message, lest that // message never get sent EmailContent.delete(mContext, Attachment.CONTENT_URI, attachment.mId); // TODO: Talk to UX about whether this is even worth doing NotificationController nc = NotificationController.getInstance(mContext); nc.showDownloadForwardFailedNotification(attachment); deleted = true; } // If we're an attachment on forwarded mail, and if we're not still blocked, // try to send pending mail now (as mediated by MailService) if ((req != null) && !Utility.hasUnloadedAttachments(mContext, attachment.mMessageKey)) { if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "== Downloads finished for outgoing msg #" + req.messageId); } MailService.actionSendPendingMail(mContext, req.accountId); } } if (statusCode == EmailServiceStatus.MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND) { // If there's no associated message, delete the attachment EmailContent.delete(mContext, Attachment.CONTENT_URI, attachment.mId); } else if (!deleted) { // Clear the download flags, since we're done for now. Note that this happens // only for non-recoverable errors. When these occur for forwarded mail, we can // ignore it and continue; otherwise, it was either 1) a user request, in which // case the user can retry manually or 2) an opportunistic download, in which // case the download wasn't critical ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); int flags = Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_FORWARD | Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_USER_REQUEST; cv.put(Attachment.FLAGS, attachment.mFlags &= ~flags); attachment.update(mContext, cv); } } // Process the queue kick(); } } /** * Calculate the download priority of an Attachment. A priority of zero means that the * attachment is not marked for download. * @param att the Attachment * @return the priority key of the Attachment */ private static int getPriority(Attachment att) { int priorityClass = PRIORITY_NONE; int flags = att.mFlags; if ((flags & Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_FORWARD) != 0) { priorityClass = PRIORITY_SEND_MAIL; } else if ((flags & Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_USER_REQUEST) != 0) { priorityClass = PRIORITY_FOREGROUND; } return priorityClass; } private void kick() { synchronized(mLock) { mLock.notify(); } } /** * We use an EmailServiceCallback to keep track of the progress of downloads. These callbacks * come from either Controller (IMAP) or ExchangeService (EAS). Note that we only implement the * single callback that's defined by the EmailServiceCallback interface. */ private class ServiceCallback extends IEmailServiceCallback.Stub { public void loadAttachmentStatus(long messageId, long attachmentId, int statusCode, int progress) { // Record status and progress DownloadRequest req = mDownloadSet.getDownloadInProgress(attachmentId); if (req != null) { if (Email.DEBUG) { String code; switch(statusCode) { case EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS: code = "Success"; break; case EmailServiceStatus.IN_PROGRESS: code = "In progress"; break; default: code = Integer.toString(statusCode); break; } if (statusCode != EmailServiceStatus.IN_PROGRESS) { Log.d(TAG, ">> Attachment " + attachmentId + ": " + code); } else if (progress >= (req.lastProgress + 15)) { Log.d(TAG, ">> Attachment " + attachmentId + ": " + progress + "%"); } } req.lastStatusCode = statusCode; req.lastProgress = progress; req.lastCallbackTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } switch (statusCode) { case EmailServiceStatus.IN_PROGRESS: break; default: mDownloadSet.endDownload(attachmentId, statusCode); break; } } @Override public void sendMessageStatus(long messageId, String subject, int statusCode, int progress) throws RemoteException { } @Override public void syncMailboxListStatus(long accountId, int statusCode, int progress) throws RemoteException { } @Override public void syncMailboxStatus(long mailboxId, int statusCode, int progress) throws RemoteException { } } /** * Return an Intent to be used used based on the account type of the provided account id. We * cache the results to avoid repeated database access * @param accountId the id of the account * @return the Intent to be used for the account or null (if the account no longer exists) */ private synchronized Intent getServiceIntentForAccount(long accountId) { // TODO: We should have some more data-driven way of determining the service intent. Intent serviceIntent = mAccountServiceMap.get(accountId); if (serviceIntent == null) { String protocol = Account.getProtocol(mContext, accountId); if (protocol == null) return null; serviceIntent = new Intent(mContext, ControllerService.class); if (protocol.equals("eas")) { serviceIntent = new Intent(EmailServiceProxy.EXCHANGE_INTENT); } mAccountServiceMap.put(accountId, serviceIntent); } return serviceIntent; } /*package*/ void addServiceIntentForTest(long accountId, Intent intent) { mAccountServiceMap.put(accountId, intent); } /*package*/ void onChange(Attachment att) { mDownloadSet.onChange(this, att); } /*package*/ boolean isQueued(long attachmentId) { return mDownloadSet.findDownloadRequest(attachmentId) != null; } /*package*/ int getSize() { return mDownloadSet.size(); } /*package*/ boolean dequeue(long attachmentId) { DownloadRequest req = mDownloadSet.findDownloadRequest(attachmentId); if (req != null) { if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "Dequeued attachmentId: " + attachmentId); } mDownloadSet.remove(req); return true; } return false; } /** * Ask the service for the number of items in the download queue * @return the number of items queued for download */ public static int getQueueSize() { AttachmentDownloadService service = sRunningService; if (service != null) { return service.getSize(); } return 0; } /** * Ask the service whether a particular attachment is queued for download * @param attachmentId the id of the Attachment (as stored by EmailProvider) * @return whether or not the attachment is queued for download */ public static boolean isAttachmentQueued(long attachmentId) { AttachmentDownloadService service = sRunningService; if (service != null) { return service.isQueued(attachmentId); } return false; } /** * Ask the service to remove an attachment from the download queue * @param attachmentId the id of the Attachment (as stored by EmailProvider) * @return whether or not the attachment was removed from the queue */ public static boolean cancelQueuedAttachment(long attachmentId) { AttachmentDownloadService service = sRunningService; if (service != null) { return service.dequeue(attachmentId); } return false; } public static void watchdogAlarm() { AttachmentDownloadService service = sRunningService; if (service != null) { service.mDownloadSet.onWatchdogAlarm(); } } /** * Called directly by EmailProvider whenever an attachment is inserted or changed * @param id the attachment's id * @param flags the new flags for the attachment */ public static void attachmentChanged(final long id, final int flags) { final AttachmentDownloadService service = sRunningService; if (service == null) return; Utility.runAsync(new Runnable() { public void run() { final Attachment attachment = Attachment.restoreAttachmentWithId(service, id); if (attachment != null) { // Store the flags we got from EmailProvider; given that all of this // activity is asynchronous, we need to use the newest data from // EmailProvider attachment.mFlags = flags; service.onChange(attachment); } }}); } /** * Determine whether an attachment can be prefetched for the given account * @return true if download is allowed, false otherwise */ public boolean canPrefetchForAccount(Account account, File dir) { // Check account, just in case if (account == null) return false; // First, check preference and quickly return if prefetch isn't allowed if ((account.mFlags & Account.FLAGS_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENTS) == 0) return false; long totalStorage = dir.getTotalSpace(); long usableStorage = dir.getUsableSpace(); long minAvailable = (long)(totalStorage * PREFETCH_MINIMUM_STORAGE_AVAILABLE); // If there's not enough overall storage available, stop now if (usableStorage < minAvailable) { return false; } int numberOfAccounts = mAccountManagerStub.getNumberOfAccounts(); long perAccountMaxStorage = (long)(totalStorage * PREFETCH_MAXIMUM_ATTACHMENT_STORAGE / numberOfAccounts); // Retrieve our idea of currently used attachment storage; since we don't track deletions, // this number is the "worst case". If the number is greater than what's allowed per // account, we walk the directory to determine the actual number Long accountStorage = mAttachmentStorageMap.get(account.mId); if (accountStorage == null || (accountStorage > perAccountMaxStorage)) { // Calculate the exact figure for attachment storage for this account accountStorage = 0L; File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { accountStorage += file.length(); } } // Cache the value mAttachmentStorageMap.put(account.mId, accountStorage); } // Return true if we're using less than the maximum per account if (accountStorage < perAccountMaxStorage) { return true; } else { if (Email.DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, ">> Prefetch not allowed for account " + account.mId + "; used " + accountStorage + ", limit " + perAccountMaxStorage); } return false; } } public void run() { // These fields are only used within the service thread mContext = this; mConnectivityManager = new EmailConnectivityManager(this, TAG); mAccountManagerStub = new AccountManagerStub(this); // Run through all attachments in the database that require download and add them to // the queue int mask = Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_FORWARD | Attachment.FLAG_DOWNLOAD_USER_REQUEST; Cursor c = getContentResolver().query(Attachment.CONTENT_URI, EmailContent.ID_PROJECTION, "(" + Attachment.FLAGS + " & ?) != 0", new String[] {Integer.toString(mask)}, null); try { Log.d(TAG, "Count: " + c.getCount()); while (c.moveToNext()) { Attachment attachment = Attachment.restoreAttachmentWithId( this, c.getLong(EmailContent.ID_PROJECTION_COLUMN)); if (attachment != null) { mDownloadSet.onChange(this, attachment); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { c.close(); } // Loop until stopped, with a 30 minute wait loop while (!mStop) { // Here's where we run our attachment loading logic... mConnectivityManager.waitForConnectivity(); mDownloadSet.processQueue(); synchronized(mLock) { try { mLock.wait(PROCESS_QUEUE_WAIT_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // That's ok; we'll just keep looping } } } // Unregister now that we're done mConnectivityManager.unregister(); } @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { sRunningService = this; return Service.START_STICKY; } /** * The lifecycle of this service is managed by Email.setServicesEnabled(), which is called * throughout the code, in particular 1) after boot and 2) after accounts are added or removed * The goal is that this service should be running at all times when there's at least one * email account present. */ @Override public void onCreate() { // Start up our service thread new Thread(this, "AttachmentDownloadService").start(); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; } @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.d(TAG, "**** ON DESTROY!"); if (sRunningService != null) { mStop = true; kick(); } sRunningService = null; } @Override public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("AttachmentDownloadService"); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized(mDownloadSet) { pw.println(" Queue, " + mDownloadSet.size() + " entries"); Iterator iterator = mDownloadSet.descendingIterator(); // First, start up any required downloads, in priority order while (iterator.hasNext()) { DownloadRequest req = iterator.next(); pw.println(" Account: " + req.accountId + ", Attachment: " + req.attachmentId); pw.println(" Priority: " + req.priority + ", Time: " + req.time + (req.inProgress ? " [In progress]" : "")); Attachment att = Attachment.restoreAttachmentWithId(this, req.attachmentId); if (att == null) { pw.println(" Attachment not in database?"); } else if (att.mFileName != null) { String fileName = att.mFileName; String suffix = "[none]"; int lastDot = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot >= 0) { suffix = fileName.substring(lastDot); } pw.print(" Suffix: " + suffix); if (att.mContentUri != null) { pw.print(" ContentUri: " + att.mContentUri); } pw.print(" Mime: "); if (att.mMimeType != null) { pw.print(att.mMimeType); } else { pw.print(AttachmentUtilities.inferMimeType(fileName, null)); pw.print(" [inferred]"); } pw.println(" Size: " + att.mSize); } if (req.inProgress) { pw.println(" Status: " + req.lastStatusCode + ", Progress: " + req.lastProgress); pw.println(" Started: " + req.startTime + ", Callback: " + req.lastCallbackTime); pw.println(" Elapsed: " + ((time - req.startTime) / 1000L) + "s"); if (req.lastCallbackTime > 0) { pw.println(" CB: " + ((time - req.lastCallbackTime) / 1000L) + "s"); } } } } } }