1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_win.h"
7#include <shlobj.h>
9#include "base/command_line.h"
10#include "base/file_util.h"
11#include "base/files/file_enumerator.h"
12#include "base/logging.h"
13#include "base/md5.h"
14#include "base/path_service.h"
15#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
16#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
17#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
18#include "base/win/shortcut.h"
19#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
20#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app.h"
21#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
22#include "chrome/installer/launcher_support/chrome_launcher_support.h"
23#include "chrome/installer/util/util_constants.h"
24#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
25#include "ui/gfx/icon_util.h"
26#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
27#include "ui/gfx/image/image_family.h"
29namespace {
31const base::FilePath::CharType kIconChecksumFileExt[] =
32    FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".ico.md5");
34// Width and height of icons exported to .ico files.
36// Calculates checksum of an icon family using MD5.
37// The checksum is derived from all of the icons in the family.
38void GetImageCheckSum(const gfx::ImageFamily& image, base::MD5Digest* digest) {
39  DCHECK(digest);
40  base::MD5Context md5_context;
41  base::MD5Init(&md5_context);
43  for (gfx::ImageFamily::const_iterator it = image.begin(); it != image.end();
44       ++it) {
45    SkBitmap bitmap = it->AsBitmap();
47    SkAutoLockPixels image_lock(bitmap);
48    base::StringPiece image_data(
49        reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bitmap.getPixels()), bitmap.getSize());
50    base::MD5Update(&md5_context, image_data);
51  }
53  base::MD5Final(digest, &md5_context);
56// Saves |image| as an |icon_file| with the checksum.
57bool SaveIconWithCheckSum(const base::FilePath& icon_file,
58                          const gfx::ImageFamily& image) {
59  if (!IconUtil::CreateIconFileFromImageFamily(image, icon_file))
60    return false;
62  base::MD5Digest digest;
63  GetImageCheckSum(image, &digest);
65  base::FilePath cheksum_file(icon_file.ReplaceExtension(kIconChecksumFileExt));
66  return file_util::WriteFile(cheksum_file,
67                              reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&digest),
68                              sizeof(digest)) == sizeof(digest);
71// Returns true if |icon_file| is missing or different from |image|.
72bool ShouldUpdateIcon(const base::FilePath& icon_file,
73                      const gfx::ImageFamily& image) {
74  base::FilePath checksum_file(
75      icon_file.ReplaceExtension(kIconChecksumFileExt));
77  // Returns true if icon_file or checksum file is missing.
78  if (!base::PathExists(icon_file) ||
79      !base::PathExists(checksum_file))
80    return true;
82  base::MD5Digest persisted_image_checksum;
83  if (sizeof(persisted_image_checksum) != file_util::ReadFile(checksum_file,
84                      reinterpret_cast<char*>(&persisted_image_checksum),
85                      sizeof(persisted_image_checksum)))
86    return true;
88  base::MD5Digest downloaded_image_checksum;
89  GetImageCheckSum(image, &downloaded_image_checksum);
91  // Update icon if checksums are not equal.
92  return memcmp(&persisted_image_checksum, &downloaded_image_checksum,
93                sizeof(base::MD5Digest)) != 0;
96// Returns true if |shortcut_file_name| matches profile |profile_path|, and has
97// an --app-id flag.
98bool IsAppShortcutForProfile(const base::FilePath& shortcut_file_name,
99                             const base::FilePath& profile_path) {
100  string16 cmd_line_string;
101  if (base::win::ResolveShortcut(shortcut_file_name, NULL, &cmd_line_string)) {
102    cmd_line_string = L"program " + cmd_line_string;
103    CommandLine shortcut_cmd_line = CommandLine::FromString(cmd_line_string);
104    return shortcut_cmd_line.HasSwitch(switches::kProfileDirectory) &&
105           shortcut_cmd_line.GetSwitchValuePath(switches::kProfileDirectory) ==
106               profile_path.BaseName() &&
107           shortcut_cmd_line.HasSwitch(switches::kAppId);
108  }
110  return false;
113// Finds shortcuts in |shortcut_path| that match profile for |profile_path| and
114// extension with title |shortcut_name|.
115// If |shortcut_name| is empty, finds all shortcuts matching |profile_path|.
116std::vector<base::FilePath> FindAppShortcutsByProfileAndTitle(
117    const base::FilePath& shortcut_path,
118    const base::FilePath& profile_path,
119    const string16& shortcut_name) {
120  std::vector<base::FilePath> shortcut_paths;
122  if (shortcut_name.empty()) {
123    // Find all shortcuts for this profile.
124    base::FileEnumerator files(shortcut_path, false,
125                               base::FileEnumerator::FILES,
126                               FILE_PATH_LITERAL("*.lnk"));
127    base::FilePath shortcut_file = files.Next();
128    while (!shortcut_file.empty()) {
129      if (IsAppShortcutForProfile(shortcut_file, profile_path))
130        shortcut_paths.push_back(shortcut_file);
131      shortcut_file = files.Next();
132    }
133  } else {
134    // Find all shortcuts matching |shortcut_name|.
135    base::FilePath base_path = shortcut_path.
136        Append(web_app::internals::GetSanitizedFileName(shortcut_name)).
137        AddExtension(FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".lnk"));
139    const int fileNamesToCheck = 10;
140    for (int i = 0; i < fileNamesToCheck; ++i) {
141      base::FilePath shortcut_file = base_path;
142      if (i > 0) {
143        shortcut_file = shortcut_file.InsertBeforeExtensionASCII(
144            base::StringPrintf(" (%d)", i));
145      }
146      if (base::PathExists(shortcut_file) &&
147          IsAppShortcutForProfile(shortcut_file, profile_path)) {
148        shortcut_paths.push_back(shortcut_file);
149      }
150    }
151  }
153  return shortcut_paths;
156// Creates application shortcuts in a given set of paths.
157// |shortcut_paths| is a list of directories in which shortcuts should be
158// created. If |creation_reason| is SHORTCUT_CREATION_AUTOMATED and there is an
159// existing shortcut to this app for this profile, does nothing (succeeding).
160// Returns true on success, false on failure.
161// Must be called on the FILE thread.
162bool CreateShortcutsInPaths(
163    const base::FilePath& web_app_path,
164    const ShellIntegration::ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info,
165    const std::vector<base::FilePath>& shortcut_paths,
166    web_app::ShortcutCreationReason creation_reason,
167    std::vector<base::FilePath>* out_filenames) {
168  // Ensure web_app_path exists.
169  if (!base::PathExists(web_app_path) &&
170      !file_util::CreateDirectory(web_app_path)) {
171    return false;
172  }
174  // Generates file name to use with persisted ico and shortcut file.
175  base::FilePath file_name =
176      web_app::internals::GetSanitizedFileName(shortcut_info.title);
178  // Creates an ico file to use with shortcut.
179  base::FilePath icon_file = web_app_path.Append(file_name).AddExtension(
180      FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".ico"));
181  if (!web_app::internals::CheckAndSaveIcon(icon_file, shortcut_info.favicon)) {
182    return false;
183  }
185  base::FilePath chrome_exe;
186  if (!PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &chrome_exe)) {
187    NOTREACHED();
188    return false;
189  }
191  // Working directory.
192  base::FilePath working_dir(chrome_exe.DirName());
194  CommandLine cmd_line(CommandLine::NO_PROGRAM);
195  cmd_line = ShellIntegration::CommandLineArgsForLauncher(shortcut_info.url,
196      shortcut_info.extension_id, shortcut_info.profile_path);
198  // TODO(evan): we rely on the fact that command_line_string() is
199  // properly quoted for a Windows command line.  The method on
200  // CommandLine should probably be renamed to better reflect that
201  // fact.
202  string16 wide_switches(cmd_line.GetCommandLineString());
204  // Sanitize description
205  string16 description = shortcut_info.description;
206  if (description.length() >= MAX_PATH)
207    description.resize(MAX_PATH - 1);
209  // Generates app id from web app url and profile path.
210  std::string app_name(web_app::GenerateApplicationNameFromInfo(shortcut_info));
211  string16 app_id(ShellIntegration::GetAppModelIdForProfile(
212      UTF8ToUTF16(app_name), shortcut_info.profile_path));
214  bool success = true;
215  for (size_t i = 0; i < shortcut_paths.size(); ++i) {
216    base::FilePath shortcut_file = shortcut_paths[i].Append(file_name).
217        AddExtension(installer::kLnkExt);
218    if (creation_reason == web_app::SHORTCUT_CREATION_AUTOMATED) {
219      // Check whether there is an existing shortcut to this app.
220      std::vector<base::FilePath> shortcut_files =
221          FindAppShortcutsByProfileAndTitle(shortcut_paths[i],
222                                            shortcut_info.profile_path,
223                                            shortcut_info.title);
224      if (!shortcut_files.empty())
225        continue;
226    }
227    if (shortcut_paths[i] != web_app_path) {
228      int unique_number =
229          file_util::GetUniquePathNumber(shortcut_file, FILE_PATH_LITERAL(""));
230      if (unique_number == -1) {
231        success = false;
232        continue;
233      } else if (unique_number > 0) {
234        shortcut_file = shortcut_file.InsertBeforeExtensionASCII(
235            base::StringPrintf(" (%d)", unique_number));
236      }
237    }
238    base::win::ShortcutProperties shortcut_properties;
239    shortcut_properties.set_target(chrome_exe);
240    shortcut_properties.set_working_dir(working_dir);
241    shortcut_properties.set_arguments(wide_switches);
242    shortcut_properties.set_description(description);
243    shortcut_properties.set_icon(icon_file, 0);
244    shortcut_properties.set_app_id(app_id);
245    shortcut_properties.set_dual_mode(false);
246    if (!base::PathExists(shortcut_file.DirName()) &&
247        !file_util::CreateDirectory(shortcut_file.DirName())) {
248      NOTREACHED();
249      return false;
250    }
251    success = base::win::CreateOrUpdateShortcutLink(
252        shortcut_file, shortcut_properties,
253        base::win::SHORTCUT_CREATE_ALWAYS) && success;
254    if (out_filenames)
255      out_filenames->push_back(shortcut_file);
256  }
258  return success;
261// Gets the directories with shortcuts for an app, and deletes the shortcuts.
262// This will search the standard locations for shortcuts named |title| that open
263// in the profile with |profile_path|.
264// |was_pinned_to_taskbar| will be set to true if there was previously a
265// shortcut pinned to the taskbar for this app; false otherwise.
266// If |web_app_path| is empty, this will not delete shortcuts from the web app
267// directory. If |title| is empty, all shortcuts for this profile will be
268// deleted.
269// |shortcut_paths| will be populated with a list of directories where shortcuts
270// for this app were found (and deleted). This will delete duplicate shortcuts,
271// but only return each path once, even if it contained multiple deleted
272// shortcuts. Both of these may be NULL.
273void GetShortcutLocationsAndDeleteShortcuts(
274    const base::FilePath& web_app_path,
275    const base::FilePath& profile_path,
276    const string16& title,
277    bool* was_pinned_to_taskbar,
278    std::vector<base::FilePath>* shortcut_paths) {
279  DCHECK(content::BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(content::BrowserThread::FILE));
281  // Get all possible locations for shortcuts.
282  ShellIntegration::ShortcutLocations all_shortcut_locations;
283  all_shortcut_locations.in_applications_menu = true;
284  all_shortcut_locations.in_quick_launch_bar = true;
285  all_shortcut_locations.on_desktop = true;
286  // Delete shortcuts from the Chrome Apps subdirectory.
287  // This matches the subdir name set by CreateApplicationShortcutView::Accept
288  // for Chrome apps (not URL apps, but this function does not apply for them).
289  all_shortcut_locations.applications_menu_subdir =
290      web_app::GetAppShortcutsSubdirName();
291  std::vector<base::FilePath> all_paths = web_app::internals::GetShortcutPaths(
292      all_shortcut_locations);
293  if (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN7 &&
294      !web_app_path.empty()) {
295    all_paths.push_back(web_app_path);
296  }
298  if (was_pinned_to_taskbar) {
299    // Determine if there is a link to this app in the TaskBar pin directory.
300    base::FilePath taskbar_pin_path;
301    if (PathService::Get(base::DIR_TASKBAR_PINS, &taskbar_pin_path)) {
302      std::vector<base::FilePath> taskbar_pin_files =
303          FindAppShortcutsByProfileAndTitle(taskbar_pin_path, profile_path,
304                                            title);
305      *was_pinned_to_taskbar = !taskbar_pin_files.empty();
306    } else {
307      *was_pinned_to_taskbar = false;
308    }
309  }
311  for (std::vector<base::FilePath>::const_iterator i = all_paths.begin();
312       i != all_paths.end(); ++i) {
313    std::vector<base::FilePath> shortcut_files =
314        FindAppShortcutsByProfileAndTitle(*i, profile_path, title);
315    if (shortcut_paths && !shortcut_files.empty()) {
316      shortcut_paths->push_back(*i);
317    }
318    for (std::vector<base::FilePath>::const_iterator j = shortcut_files.begin();
319         j != shortcut_files.end(); ++j) {
320      // Any shortcut could have been pinned, either by chrome or the user, so
321      // they are all unpinned.
322      base::win::TaskbarUnpinShortcutLink(j->value().c_str());
323      base::DeleteFile(*j, false);
324    }
325  }
328}  // namespace
330namespace web_app {
332base::FilePath CreateShortcutInWebAppDir(
333    const base::FilePath& web_app_dir,
334    const ShellIntegration::ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info) {
335  std::vector<base::FilePath> paths;
336  paths.push_back(web_app_dir);
337  std::vector<base::FilePath> out_filenames;
338  CreateShortcutsInPaths(web_app_dir, shortcut_info, paths,
339                         SHORTCUT_CREATION_BY_USER, &out_filenames);
340  DCHECK_EQ(out_filenames.size(), 1u);
341  return out_filenames[0];
344namespace internals {
346// Saves |image| to |icon_file| if the file is outdated and refresh shell's
347// icon cache to ensure correct icon is displayed. Returns true if icon_file
348// is up to date or successfully updated.
349bool CheckAndSaveIcon(const base::FilePath& icon_file,
350                      const gfx::ImageFamily& image) {
351  if (ShouldUpdateIcon(icon_file, image)) {
352    if (SaveIconWithCheckSum(icon_file, image)) {
353      // Refresh shell's icon cache. This call is quite disruptive as user would
354      // see explorer rebuilding the icon cache. It would be great that we find
355      // a better way to achieve this.
357                     NULL, NULL);
358    } else {
359      return false;
360    }
361  }
363  return true;
366bool CreatePlatformShortcuts(
367    const base::FilePath& web_app_path,
368    const ShellIntegration::ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info,
369    const ShellIntegration::ShortcutLocations& creation_locations,
370    ShortcutCreationReason creation_reason) {
371  DCHECK(content::BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(content::BrowserThread::FILE));
373  // Shortcut paths under which to create shortcuts.
374  std::vector<base::FilePath> shortcut_paths =
375      GetShortcutPaths(creation_locations);
377  bool pin_to_taskbar = creation_locations.in_quick_launch_bar &&
378                        (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN7);
380  // Create/update the shortcut in the web app path for the "Pin To Taskbar"
381  // option in Win7. We use the web app path shortcut because we will overwrite
382  // it rather than appending unique numbers if the shortcut already exists.
383  // This prevents pinned apps from having unique numbers in their names.
384  if (pin_to_taskbar)
385    shortcut_paths.push_back(web_app_path);
387  if (shortcut_paths.empty())
388    return false;
390  if (!CreateShortcutsInPaths(web_app_path, shortcut_info, shortcut_paths,
391                              creation_reason, NULL))
392    return false;
394  if (pin_to_taskbar) {
395    base::FilePath file_name =
396        web_app::internals::GetSanitizedFileName(shortcut_info.title);
397    // Use the web app path shortcut for pinning to avoid having unique numbers
398    // in the application name.
399    base::FilePath shortcut_to_pin = web_app_path.Append(file_name).
400        AddExtension(installer::kLnkExt);
401    if (!base::win::TaskbarPinShortcutLink(shortcut_to_pin.value().c_str()))
402      return false;
403  }
405  return true;
408void UpdatePlatformShortcuts(
409    const base::FilePath& web_app_path,
410    const string16& old_app_title,
411    const ShellIntegration::ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info) {
412  DCHECK(content::BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(content::BrowserThread::FILE));
414  // Generates file name to use with persisted ico and shortcut file.
415  base::FilePath file_name =
416      web_app::internals::GetSanitizedFileName(shortcut_info.title);
418  if (old_app_title != shortcut_info.title) {
419    // The app's title has changed. Delete all existing app shortcuts and
420    // recreate them in any locations they already existed (but do not add them
421    // to locations where they do not currently exist).
422    bool was_pinned_to_taskbar;
423    std::vector<base::FilePath> shortcut_paths;
424    GetShortcutLocationsAndDeleteShortcuts(
425        web_app_path, shortcut_info.profile_path, old_app_title,
426        &was_pinned_to_taskbar, &shortcut_paths);
427    CreateShortcutsInPaths(web_app_path, shortcut_info, shortcut_paths,
428                           SHORTCUT_CREATION_BY_USER, NULL);
429    // If the shortcut was pinned to the taskbar,
430    // GetShortcutLocationsAndDeleteShortcuts will have deleted it. In that
431    // case, re-pin it.
432    if (was_pinned_to_taskbar) {
433      base::FilePath file_name =
434          web_app::internals::GetSanitizedFileName(shortcut_info.title);
435      // Use the web app path shortcut for pinning to avoid having unique
436      // numbers in the application name.
437      base::FilePath shortcut_to_pin = web_app_path.Append(file_name).
438          AddExtension(installer::kLnkExt);
439      base::win::TaskbarPinShortcutLink(shortcut_to_pin.value().c_str());
440    }
441  }
443  // If an icon file exists, and is out of date, replace it with the new icon
444  // and let the shell know the icon has been modified.
445  base::FilePath icon_file = web_app_path.Append(file_name).AddExtension(
446      FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".ico"));
447  if (base::PathExists(icon_file)) {
448    web_app::internals::CheckAndSaveIcon(icon_file, shortcut_info.favicon);
449  }
452void DeletePlatformShortcuts(
453    const base::FilePath& web_app_path,
454    const ShellIntegration::ShortcutInfo& shortcut_info) {
455  GetShortcutLocationsAndDeleteShortcuts(
456      web_app_path, shortcut_info.profile_path, shortcut_info.title, NULL,
457      NULL);
459  // If there are no more shortcuts in the Chrome Apps subdirectory, remove it.
460  base::FilePath chrome_apps_dir;
461  if (PathService::Get(base::DIR_START_MENU, &chrome_apps_dir)) {
462    chrome_apps_dir = chrome_apps_dir.Append(GetAppShortcutsSubdirName());
463    if (file_util::IsDirectoryEmpty(chrome_apps_dir))
464      base::DeleteFile(chrome_apps_dir, false);
465  }
468void DeleteAllShortcutsForProfile(const base::FilePath& profile_path) {
469  GetShortcutLocationsAndDeleteShortcuts(base::FilePath(), profile_path, L"",
470                                         NULL, NULL);
472  // If there are no more shortcuts in the Chrome Apps subdirectory, remove it.
473  base::FilePath chrome_apps_dir;
474  if (PathService::Get(base::DIR_START_MENU, &chrome_apps_dir)) {
475    chrome_apps_dir = chrome_apps_dir.Append(GetAppShortcutsSubdirName());
476    if (file_util::IsDirectoryEmpty(chrome_apps_dir))
477      base::DeleteFile(chrome_apps_dir, false);
478  }
481std::vector<base::FilePath> GetShortcutPaths(
482    const ShellIntegration::ShortcutLocations& creation_locations) {
483  // Shortcut paths under which to create shortcuts.
484  std::vector<base::FilePath> shortcut_paths;
485  // Locations to add to shortcut_paths.
486  struct {
487    bool use_this_location;
488    int location_id;
489    const wchar_t* subdir;
490  } locations[] = {
491    {
492      creation_locations.on_desktop,
493      base::DIR_USER_DESKTOP,
494      NULL
495    }, {
496      creation_locations.in_applications_menu,
497      base::DIR_START_MENU,
498      creation_locations.applications_menu_subdir.empty() ? NULL :
499          creation_locations.applications_menu_subdir.c_str()
500    }, {
501      creation_locations.in_quick_launch_bar,
502      // For Win7, in_quick_launch_bar means pinning to taskbar. Use
503      // base::PATH_START as a flag for this case.
504      (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN7) ?
505          base::PATH_START : base::DIR_APP_DATA,
506      (base::win::GetVersion() >= base::win::VERSION_WIN7) ?
507          NULL : L"Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch"
508    }
509  };
510  // Populate shortcut_paths.
511  for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(locations); ++i) {
512    if (locations[i].use_this_location) {
513      base::FilePath path;
515      // Skip the Win7 case.
516      if (locations[i].location_id == base::PATH_START)
517        continue;
519      if (!PathService::Get(locations[i].location_id, &path)) {
520        continue;
521      }
523      if (locations[i].subdir != NULL)
524        path = path.Append(locations[i].subdir);
525      shortcut_paths.push_back(path);
526    }
527  }
528  return shortcut_paths;
531}  // namespace internals
533}  // namespace web_app