2 * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.app;
19import android.content.ComponentCallbacks2;
20import android.content.ComponentName;
21import android.content.Intent;
22import android.content.ContextWrapper;
23import android.content.Context;
24import android.content.res.Configuration;
25import android.os.Build;
26import android.os.RemoteException;
27import android.os.IBinder;
28import android.util.Log;
30import java.io.FileDescriptor;
31import java.io.PrintWriter;
34 * A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire
35 * to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user
36 * or to supply functionality for other applications to use.  Each service
37 * class must have a corresponding
38 * {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestService <service>}
39 * declaration in its package's <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>.  Services
40 * can be started with
41 * {@link android.content.Context#startService Context.startService()} and
42 * {@link android.content.Context#bindService Context.bindService()}.
43 *
44 * <p>Note that services, like other application objects, run in the main
45 * thread of their hosting process.  This means that, if your service is going
46 * to do any CPU intensive (such as MP3 playback) or blocking (such as
47 * networking) operations, it should spawn its own thread in which to do that
48 * work.  More information on this can be found in
49 * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/processes-and-threads.html">Processes and
50 * Threads</a>.  The {@link IntentService} class is available
51 * as a standard implementation of Service that has its own thread where it
52 * schedules its work to be done.</p>
53 *
54 * <p>Topics covered here:
55 * <ol>
56 * <li><a href="#WhatIsAService">What is a Service?</a>
57 * <li><a href="#ServiceLifecycle">Service Lifecycle</a>
58 * <li><a href="#Permissions">Permissions</a>
59 * <li><a href="#ProcessLifecycle">Process Lifecycle</a>
60 * <li><a href="#LocalServiceSample">Local Service Sample</a>
61 * <li><a href="#RemoteMessengerServiceSample">Remote Messenger Service Sample</a>
62 * </ol>
63 *
64 * <div class="special reference">
65 * <h3>Developer Guides</h3>
66 * <p>For a detailed discussion about how to create services, read the
67 * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/services.html">Services</a> developer guide.</p>
68 * </div>
69 *
70 * <a name="WhatIsAService"></a>
71 * <h3>What is a Service?</h3>
72 *
73 * <p>Most confusion about the Service class actually revolves around what
74 * it is <em>not</em>:</p>
75 *
76 * <ul>
77 * <li> A Service is <b>not</b> a separate process.  The Service object itself
78 * does not imply it is running in its own process; unless otherwise specified,
79 * it runs in the same process as the application it is part of.
80 * <li> A Service is <b>not</b> a thread.  It is not a means itself to do work off
81 * of the main thread (to avoid Application Not Responding errors).
82 * </ul>
83 *
84 * <p>Thus a Service itself is actually very simple, providing two main features:</p>
85 *
86 * <ul>
87 * <li>A facility for the application to tell the system <em>about</em>
88 * something it wants to be doing in the background (even when the user is not
89 * directly interacting with the application).  This corresponds to calls to
90 * {@link android.content.Context#startService Context.startService()}, which
91 * ask the system to schedule work for the service, to be run until the service
92 * or someone else explicitly stop it.
93 * <li>A facility for an application to expose some of its functionality to
94 * other applications.  This corresponds to calls to
95 * {@link android.content.Context#bindService Context.bindService()}, which
96 * allows a long-standing connection to be made to the service in order to
97 * interact with it.
98 * </ul>
99 *
100 * <p>When a Service component is actually created, for either of these reasons,
101 * all that the system actually does is instantiate the component
102 * and call its {@link #onCreate} and any other appropriate callbacks on the
103 * main thread.  It is up to the Service to implement these with the appropriate
104 * behavior, such as creating a secondary thread in which it does its work.</p>
105 *
106 * <p>Note that because Service itself is so simple, you can make your
107 * interaction with it as simple or complicated as you want: from treating it
108 * as a local Java object that you make direct method calls on (as illustrated
109 * by <a href="#LocalServiceSample">Local Service Sample</a>), to providing
110 * a full remoteable interface using AIDL.</p>
111 *
112 * <a name="ServiceLifecycle"></a>
113 * <h3>Service Lifecycle</h3>
114 *
115 * <p>There are two reasons that a service can be run by the system.  If someone
116 * calls {@link android.content.Context#startService Context.startService()} then the system will
117 * retrieve the service (creating it and calling its {@link #onCreate} method
118 * if needed) and then call its {@link #onStartCommand} method with the
119 * arguments supplied by the client.  The service will at this point continue
120 * running until {@link android.content.Context#stopService Context.stopService()} or
121 * {@link #stopSelf()} is called.  Note that multiple calls to
122 * Context.startService() do not nest (though they do result in multiple corresponding
123 * calls to onStartCommand()), so no matter how many times it is started a service
124 * will be stopped once Context.stopService() or stopSelf() is called; however,
125 * services can use their {@link #stopSelf(int)} method to ensure the service is
126 * not stopped until started intents have been processed.
127 *
128 * <p>For started services, there are two additional major modes of operation
129 * they can decide to run in, depending on the value they return from
130 * onStartCommand(): {@link #START_STICKY} is used for services that are
131 * explicitly started and stopped as needed, while {@link #START_NOT_STICKY}
132 * or {@link #START_REDELIVER_INTENT} are used for services that should only
133 * remain running while processing any commands sent to them.  See the linked
134 * documentation for more detail on the semantics.
135 *
136 * <p>Clients can also use {@link android.content.Context#bindService Context.bindService()} to
137 * obtain a persistent connection to a service.  This likewise creates the
138 * service if it is not already running (calling {@link #onCreate} while
139 * doing so), but does not call onStartCommand().  The client will receive the
140 * {@link android.os.IBinder} object that the service returns from its
141 * {@link #onBind} method, allowing the client to then make calls back
142 * to the service.  The service will remain running as long as the connection
143 * is established (whether or not the client retains a reference on the
144 * service's IBinder).  Usually the IBinder returned is for a complex
145 * interface that has been <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/aidl.html">written
146 * in aidl</a>.
147 *
148 * <p>A service can be both started and have connections bound to it.  In such
149 * a case, the system will keep the service running as long as either it is
150 * started <em>or</em> there are one or more connections to it with the
151 * {@link android.content.Context#BIND_AUTO_CREATE Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE}
152 * flag.  Once neither
153 * of these situations hold, the service's {@link #onDestroy} method is called
154 * and the service is effectively terminated.  All cleanup (stopping threads,
155 * unregistering receivers) should be complete upon returning from onDestroy().
156 *
157 * <a name="Permissions"></a>
158 * <h3>Permissions</h3>
159 *
160 * <p>Global access to a service can be enforced when it is declared in its
161 * manifest's {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestService &lt;service&gt;}
162 * tag.  By doing so, other applications will need to declare a corresponding
163 * {@link android.R.styleable#AndroidManifestUsesPermission &lt;uses-permission&gt;}
164 * element in their own manifest to be able to start, stop, or bind to
165 * the service.
166 *
167 * <p>As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#GINGERBREAD}, when using
168 * {@link Context#startService(Intent) Context.startService(Intent)}, you can
169 * also set {@link Intent#FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION
171 * Intent.FLAG_GRANT_WRITE_URI_PERMISSION} on the Intent.  This will grant the
172 * Service temporary access to the specific URIs in the Intent.  Access will
173 * remain until the Service has called {@link #stopSelf(int)} for that start
174 * command or a later one, or until the Service has been completely stopped.
175 * This works for granting access to the other apps that have not requested
176 * the permission protecting the Service, or even when the Service is not
177 * exported at all.
178 *
179 * <p>In addition, a service can protect individual IPC calls into it with
180 * permissions, by calling the
181 * {@link #checkCallingPermission}
182 * method before executing the implementation of that call.
183 *
184 * <p>See the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/security/security.html">Security and Permissions</a>
185 * document for more information on permissions and security in general.
186 *
187 * <a name="ProcessLifecycle"></a>
188 * <h3>Process Lifecycle</h3>
189 *
190 * <p>The Android system will attempt to keep the process hosting a service
191 * around as long as the service has been started or has clients bound to it.
192 * When running low on memory and needing to kill existing processes, the
193 * priority of a process hosting the service will be the higher of the
194 * following possibilities:
195 *
196 * <ul>
197 * <li><p>If the service is currently executing code in its
198 * {@link #onCreate onCreate()}, {@link #onStartCommand onStartCommand()},
199 * or {@link #onDestroy onDestroy()} methods, then the hosting process will
200 * be a foreground process to ensure this code can execute without
201 * being killed.
202 * <li><p>If the service has been started, then its hosting process is considered
203 * to be less important than any processes that are currently visible to the
204 * user on-screen, but more important than any process not visible.  Because
205 * only a few processes are generally visible to the user, this means that
206 * the service should not be killed except in extreme low memory conditions.
207 * <li><p>If there are clients bound to the service, then the service's hosting
208 * process is never less important than the most important client.  That is,
209 * if one of its clients is visible to the user, then the service itself is
210 * considered to be visible.
211 * <li><p>A started service can use the {@link #startForeground(int, Notification)}
212 * API to put the service in a foreground state, where the system considers
213 * it to be something the user is actively aware of and thus not a candidate
214 * for killing when low on memory.  (It is still theoretically possible for
215 * the service to be killed under extreme memory pressure from the current
216 * foreground application, but in practice this should not be a concern.)
217 * </ul>
218 *
219 * <p>Note this means that most of the time your service is running, it may
220 * be killed by the system if it is under heavy memory pressure.  If this
221 * happens, the system will later try to restart the service.  An important
222 * consequence of this is that if you implement {@link #onStartCommand onStartCommand()}
223 * to schedule work to be done asynchronously or in another thread, then you
224 * may want to use {@link #START_FLAG_REDELIVERY} to have the system
225 * re-deliver an Intent for you so that it does not get lost if your service
226 * is killed while processing it.
227 *
228 * <p>Other application components running in the same process as the service
229 * (such as an {@link android.app.Activity}) can, of course, increase the
230 * importance of the overall
231 * process beyond just the importance of the service itself.
232 *
233 * <a name="LocalServiceSample"></a>
234 * <h3>Local Service Sample</h3>
235 *
236 * <p>One of the most common uses of a Service is as a secondary component
237 * running alongside other parts of an application, in the same process as
238 * the rest of the components.  All components of an .apk run in the same
239 * process unless explicitly stated otherwise, so this is a typical situation.
240 *
241 * <p>When used in this way, by assuming the
242 * components are in the same process, you can greatly simplify the interaction
243 * between them: clients of the service can simply cast the IBinder they
244 * receive from it to a concrete class published by the service.
245 *
246 * <p>An example of this use of a Service is shown here.  First is the Service
247 * itself, publishing a custom class when bound:
248 *
249 * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/LocalService.java
250 *      service}
251 *
252 * <p>With that done, one can now write client code that directly accesses the
253 * running service, such as:
254 *
255 * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/LocalServiceActivities.java
256 *      bind}
257 *
258 * <a name="RemoteMessengerServiceSample"></a>
259 * <h3>Remote Messenger Service Sample</h3>
260 *
261 * <p>If you need to be able to write a Service that can perform complicated
262 * communication with clients in remote processes (beyond simply the use of
263 * {@link Context#startService(Intent) Context.startService} to send
264 * commands to it), then you can use the {@link android.os.Messenger} class
265 * instead of writing full AIDL files.
266 *
267 * <p>An example of a Service that uses Messenger as its client interface
268 * is shown here.  First is the Service itself, publishing a Messenger to
269 * an internal Handler when bound:
270 *
271 * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/MessengerService.java
272 *      service}
273 *
274 * <p>If we want to make this service run in a remote process (instead of the
275 * standard one for its .apk), we can use <code>android:process</code> in its
276 * manifest tag to specify one:
277 *
278 * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/AndroidManifest.xml remote_service_declaration}
279 *
280 * <p>Note that the name "remote" chosen here is arbitrary, and you can use
281 * other names if you want additional processes.  The ':' prefix appends the
282 * name to your package's standard process name.
283 *
284 * <p>With that done, clients can now bind to the service and send messages
285 * to it.  Note that this allows clients to register with it to receive
286 * messages back as well:
287 *
288 * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/MessengerServiceActivities.java
289 *      bind}
290 */
291public abstract class Service extends ContextWrapper implements ComponentCallbacks2 {
292    private static final String TAG = "Service";
294    public Service() {
295        super(null);
296    }
298    /** Return the application that owns this service. */
299    public final Application getApplication() {
300        return mApplication;
301    }
303    /**
304     * Called by the system when the service is first created.  Do not call this method directly.
305     */
306    public void onCreate() {
307    }
309    /**
310     * @deprecated Implement {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)} instead.
311     */
312    @Deprecated
313    public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
314    }
316    /**
317     * Bits returned by {@link #onStartCommand} describing how to continue
318     * the service if it is killed.  May be {@link #START_STICKY},
319     * {@link #START_NOT_STICKY}, {@link #START_REDELIVER_INTENT},
320     * or {@link #START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY}.
321     */
322    public static final int START_CONTINUATION_MASK = 0xf;
324    /**
325     * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: compatibility
326     * version of {@link #START_STICKY} that does not guarantee that
327     * {@link #onStartCommand} will be called again after being killed.
328     */
329    public static final int START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY = 0;
331    /**
332     * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: if this service's
333     * process is killed while it is started (after returning from
334     * {@link #onStartCommand}), then leave it in the started state but
335     * don't retain this delivered intent.  Later the system will try to
336     * re-create the service.  Because it is in the started state, it will
337     * guarantee to call {@link #onStartCommand} after creating the new
338     * service instance; if there are not any pending start commands to be
339     * delivered to the service, it will be called with a null intent
340     * object, so you must take care to check for this.
341     *
342     * <p>This mode makes sense for things that will be explicitly started
343     * and stopped to run for arbitrary periods of time, such as a service
344     * performing background music playback.
345     */
346    public static final int START_STICKY = 1;
348    /**
349     * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: if this service's
350     * process is killed while it is started (after returning from
351     * {@link #onStartCommand}), and there are no new start intents to
352     * deliver to it, then take the service out of the started state and
353     * don't recreate until a future explicit call to
354     * {@link Context#startService Context.startService(Intent)}.  The
355     * service will not receive a {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)}
356     * call with a null Intent because it will not be re-started if there
357     * are no pending Intents to deliver.
358     *
359     * <p>This mode makes sense for things that want to do some work as a
360     * result of being started, but can be stopped when under memory pressure
361     * and will explicit start themselves again later to do more work.  An
362     * example of such a service would be one that polls for data from
363     * a server: it could schedule an alarm to poll every N minutes by having
364     * the alarm start its service.  When its {@link #onStartCommand} is
365     * called from the alarm, it schedules a new alarm for N minutes later,
366     * and spawns a thread to do its networking.  If its process is killed
367     * while doing that check, the service will not be restarted until the
368     * alarm goes off.
369     */
370    public static final int START_NOT_STICKY = 2;
372    /**
373     * Constant to return from {@link #onStartCommand}: if this service's
374     * process is killed while it is started (after returning from
375     * {@link #onStartCommand}), then it will be scheduled for a restart
376     * and the last delivered Intent re-delivered to it again via
377     * {@link #onStartCommand}.  This Intent will remain scheduled for
378     * redelivery until the service calls {@link #stopSelf(int)} with the
379     * start ID provided to {@link #onStartCommand}.  The
380     * service will not receive a {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)}
381     * call with a null Intent because it will will only be re-started if
382     * it is not finished processing all Intents sent to it (and any such
383     * pending events will be delivered at the point of restart).
384     */
385    public static final int START_REDELIVER_INTENT = 3;
387    /**
388     * Special constant for reporting that we are done processing
389     * {@link #onTaskRemoved(Intent)}.
390     * @hide
391     */
392    public static final int START_TASK_REMOVED_COMPLETE = 1000;
394    /**
395     * This flag is set in {@link #onStartCommand} if the Intent is a
396     * re-delivery of a previously delivered intent, because the service
397     * had previously returned {@link #START_REDELIVER_INTENT} but had been
398     * killed before calling {@link #stopSelf(int)} for that Intent.
399     */
400    public static final int START_FLAG_REDELIVERY = 0x0001;
402    /**
403     * This flag is set in {@link #onStartCommand} if the Intent is a
404     * a retry because the original attempt never got to or returned from
405     * {@link #onStartCommand(Intent, int, int)}.
406     */
407    public static final int START_FLAG_RETRY = 0x0002;
409    /**
410     * Called by the system every time a client explicitly starts the service by calling
411     * {@link android.content.Context#startService}, providing the arguments it supplied and a
412     * unique integer token representing the start request.  Do not call this method directly.
413     *
414     * <p>For backwards compatibility, the default implementation calls
415     * {@link #onStart} and returns either {@link #START_STICKY}
416     * or {@link #START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY}.
417     *
418     * <p>If you need your application to run on platform versions prior to API
419     * level 5, you can use the following model to handle the older {@link #onStart}
420     * callback in that case.  The <code>handleCommand</code> method is implemented by
421     * you as appropriate:
422     *
423     * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/ForegroundService.java
424     *   start_compatibility}
425     *
426     * <p class="caution">Note that the system calls this on your
427     * service's main thread.  A service's main thread is the same
428     * thread where UI operations take place for Activities running in the
429     * same process.  You should always avoid stalling the main
430     * thread's event loop.  When doing long-running operations,
431     * network calls, or heavy disk I/O, you should kick off a new
432     * thread, or use {@link android.os.AsyncTask}.</p>
433     *
434     * @param intent The Intent supplied to {@link android.content.Context#startService},
435     * as given.  This may be null if the service is being restarted after
436     * its process has gone away, and it had previously returned anything
437     * except {@link #START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY}.
438     * @param flags Additional data about this start request.  Currently either
439     * 0, {@link #START_FLAG_REDELIVERY}, or {@link #START_FLAG_RETRY}.
440     * @param startId A unique integer representing this specific request to
441     * start.  Use with {@link #stopSelfResult(int)}.
442     *
443     * @return The return value indicates what semantics the system should
444     * use for the service's current started state.  It may be one of the
445     * constants associated with the {@link #START_CONTINUATION_MASK} bits.
446     *
447     * @see #stopSelfResult(int)
448     */
449    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
450        onStart(intent, startId);
451        return mStartCompatibility ? START_STICKY_COMPATIBILITY : START_STICKY;
452    }
454    /**
455     * Called by the system to notify a Service that it is no longer used and is being removed.  The
456     * service should clean up any resources it holds (threads, registered
457     * receivers, etc) at this point.  Upon return, there will be no more calls
458     * in to this Service object and it is effectively dead.  Do not call this method directly.
459     */
460    public void onDestroy() {
461    }
463    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
464    }
466    public void onLowMemory() {
467    }
469    public void onTrimMemory(int level) {
470    }
472    /**
473     * Return the communication channel to the service.  May return null if
474     * clients can not bind to the service.  The returned
475     * {@link android.os.IBinder} is usually for a complex interface
476     * that has been <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/aidl.html">described using
477     * aidl</a>.
478     *
479     * <p><em>Note that unlike other application components, calls on to the
480     * IBinder interface returned here may not happen on the main thread
481     * of the process</em>.  More information about the main thread can be found in
482     * <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/processes-and-threads.html">Processes and
483     * Threads</a>.</p>
484     *
485     * @param intent The Intent that was used to bind to this service,
486     * as given to {@link android.content.Context#bindService
487     * Context.bindService}.  Note that any extras that were included with
488     * the Intent at that point will <em>not</em> be seen here.
489     *
490     * @return Return an IBinder through which clients can call on to the
491     *         service.
492     */
493    public abstract IBinder onBind(Intent intent);
495    /**
496     * Called when all clients have disconnected from a particular interface
497     * published by the service.  The default implementation does nothing and
498     * returns false.
499     *
500     * @param intent The Intent that was used to bind to this service,
501     * as given to {@link android.content.Context#bindService
502     * Context.bindService}.  Note that any extras that were included with
503     * the Intent at that point will <em>not</em> be seen here.
504     *
505     * @return Return true if you would like to have the service's
506     * {@link #onRebind} method later called when new clients bind to it.
507     */
508    public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) {
509        return false;
510    }
512    /**
513     * Called when new clients have connected to the service, after it had
514     * previously been notified that all had disconnected in its
515     * {@link #onUnbind}.  This will only be called if the implementation
516     * of {@link #onUnbind} was overridden to return true.
517     *
518     * @param intent The Intent that was used to bind to this service,
519     * as given to {@link android.content.Context#bindService
520     * Context.bindService}.  Note that any extras that were included with
521     * the Intent at that point will <em>not</em> be seen here.
522     */
523    public void onRebind(Intent intent) {
524    }
526    /**
527     * This is called if the service is currently running and the user has
528     * removed a task that comes from the service's application.  If you have
529     * set {@link android.content.pm.ServiceInfo#FLAG_STOP_WITH_TASK ServiceInfo.FLAG_STOP_WITH_TASK}
530     * then you will not receive this callback; instead, the service will simply
531     * be stopped.
532     *
533     * @param rootIntent The original root Intent that was used to launch
534     * the task that is being removed.
535     */
536    public void onTaskRemoved(Intent rootIntent) {
537    }
539    /**
540     * Stop the service, if it was previously started.  This is the same as
541     * calling {@link android.content.Context#stopService} for this particular service.
542     *
543     * @see #stopSelfResult(int)
544     */
545    public final void stopSelf() {
546        stopSelf(-1);
547    }
549    /**
550     * Old version of {@link #stopSelfResult} that doesn't return a result.
551     *
552     * @see #stopSelfResult
553     */
554    public final void stopSelf(int startId) {
555        if (mActivityManager == null) {
556            return;
557        }
558        try {
559            mActivityManager.stopServiceToken(
560                    new ComponentName(this, mClassName), mToken, startId);
561        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
562        }
563    }
565    /**
566     * Stop the service if the most recent time it was started was
567     * <var>startId</var>.  This is the same as calling {@link
568     * android.content.Context#stopService} for this particular service but allows you to
569     * safely avoid stopping if there is a start request from a client that you
570     * haven't yet seen in {@link #onStart}.
571     *
572     * <p><em>Be careful about ordering of your calls to this function.</em>.
573     * If you call this function with the most-recently received ID before
574     * you have called it for previously received IDs, the service will be
575     * immediately stopped anyway.  If you may end up processing IDs out
576     * of order (such as by dispatching them on separate threads), then you
577     * are responsible for stopping them in the same order you received them.</p>
578     *
579     * @param startId The most recent start identifier received in {@link
580     *                #onStart}.
581     * @return Returns true if the startId matches the last start request
582     * and the service will be stopped, else false.
583     *
584     * @see #stopSelf()
585     */
586    public final boolean stopSelfResult(int startId) {
587        if (mActivityManager == null) {
588            return false;
589        }
590        try {
591            return mActivityManager.stopServiceToken(
592                    new ComponentName(this, mClassName), mToken, startId);
593        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
594        }
595        return false;
596    }
598    /**
599     * @deprecated This is a now a no-op, use
600     * {@link #startForeground(int, Notification)} instead.  This method
601     * has been turned into a no-op rather than simply being deprecated
602     * because analysis of numerous poorly behaving devices has shown that
603     * increasingly often the trouble is being caused in part by applications
604     * that are abusing it.  Thus, given a choice between introducing
605     * problems in existing applications using this API (by allowing them to
606     * be killed when they would like to avoid it), vs allowing the performance
607     * of the entire system to be decreased, this method was deemed less
608     * important.
609     *
610     * @hide
611     */
612    @Deprecated
613    public final void setForeground(boolean isForeground) {
614        Log.w(TAG, "setForeground: ignoring old API call on " + getClass().getName());
615    }
617    /**
618     * Make this service run in the foreground, supplying the ongoing
619     * notification to be shown to the user while in this state.
620     * By default services are background, meaning that if the system needs to
621     * kill them to reclaim more memory (such as to display a large page in a
622     * web browser), they can be killed without too much harm.  You can set this
623     * flag if killing your service would be disruptive to the user, such as
624     * if your service is performing background music playback, so the user
625     * would notice if their music stopped playing.
626     *
627     * <p>If you need your application to run on platform versions prior to API
628     * level 5, you can use the following model to call the the older setForeground()
629     * or this modern method as appropriate:
630     *
631     * {@sample development/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/ForegroundService.java
632     *   foreground_compatibility}
633     *
634     * @param id The identifier for this notification as per
635     * {@link NotificationManager#notify(int, Notification)
636     * NotificationManager.notify(int, Notification)}; must not be 0.
637     * @param notification The Notification to be displayed.
638     *
639     * @see #stopForeground(boolean)
640     */
641    public final void startForeground(int id, Notification notification) {
642        try {
643            mActivityManager.setServiceForeground(
644                    new ComponentName(this, mClassName), mToken, id,
645                    notification, true);
646        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
647        }
648    }
650    /**
651     * Remove this service from foreground state, allowing it to be killed if
652     * more memory is needed.
653     * @param removeNotification If true, the notification previously provided
654     * to {@link #startForeground} will be removed.  Otherwise it will remain
655     * until a later call removes it (or the service is destroyed).
656     * @see #startForeground(int, Notification)
657     */
658    public final void stopForeground(boolean removeNotification) {
659        try {
660            mActivityManager.setServiceForeground(
661                    new ComponentName(this, mClassName), mToken, 0, null,
662                    removeNotification);
663        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
664        }
665    }
667    /**
668     * Print the Service's state into the given stream.  This gets invoked if
669     * you run "adb shell dumpsys activity service &lt;yourservicename&gt;"
670     * (note that for this command to work, the service must be running, and
671     * you must specify a fully-qualified service name).
672     * This is distinct from "dumpsys &lt;servicename&gt;", which only works for
673     * named system services and which invokes the {@link IBinder#dump} method
674     * on the {@link IBinder} interface registered with ServiceManager.
675     *
676     * @param fd The raw file descriptor that the dump is being sent to.
677     * @param writer The PrintWriter to which you should dump your state.  This will be
678     * closed for you after you return.
679     * @param args additional arguments to the dump request.
680     */
681    protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) {
682        writer.println("nothing to dump");
683    }
685    // ------------------ Internal API ------------------
687    /**
688     * @hide
689     */
690    public final void attach(
691            Context context,
692            ActivityThread thread, String className, IBinder token,
693            Application application, Object activityManager) {
694        attachBaseContext(context);
695        mThread = thread;           // NOTE:  unused - remove?
696        mClassName = className;
697        mToken = token;
698        mApplication = application;
699        mActivityManager = (IActivityManager)activityManager;
700        mStartCompatibility = getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion
701                < Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR;
702    }
704    final String getClassName() {
705        return mClassName;
706    }
708    // set by the thread after the constructor and before onCreate(Bundle icicle) is called.
709    private ActivityThread mThread = null;
710    private String mClassName = null;
711    private IBinder mToken = null;
712    private Application mApplication = null;
713    private IActivityManager mActivityManager = null;
714    private boolean mStartCompatibility = false;