/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mail.adapter; import com.android.mail.R; import com.android.mail.providers.Account; import com.android.mail.providers.Folder; import com.android.mail.ui.AccountItemView; import com.android.mail.ui.ControllableActivity; import com.android.mail.ui.FolderItemView; import com.android.mail.utils.FolderUri; import com.android.mail.utils.LogTag; import com.android.mail.utils.LogUtils; import android.support.v4.text.BidiFormatter; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.TextView; /** * An element that is shown in the {@link com.android.mail.ui.FolderListFragment}. This class is * only used for elements that are shown in the {@link com.android.mail.ui.DrawerFragment}. * This class is an enumeration of a few element types: Account, a folder, a recent folder, * or a header (a resource string). A {@link DrawerItem} can only be one type and can never * switch types. Items are created using methods like * {@link DrawerItem#ofAccount(com.android.mail.ui.ControllableActivity, com.android.mail.providers.Account, int, boolean, BidiFormatter)}, * {@link DrawerItem#ofWaitView(com.android.mail.ui.ControllableActivity, BidiFormatter)}, etc. * * Once created, the item can create a view using * {@link #getView(android.view.View, android.view.ViewGroup)}. */ public class DrawerItem { private static final String LOG_TAG = LogTag.getLogTag(); public final Folder mFolder; public final Account mAccount; public final int mResource; /** True if the drawer item represents the current account, false otherwise */ public boolean mIsSelected; /** Either {@link #VIEW_ACCOUNT}, {@link #VIEW_FOLDER} or {@link #VIEW_HEADER} */ public final int mType; /** A normal folder, also a child, if a parent is specified. */ public static final int VIEW_FOLDER = 0; /** A text-label which serves as a header in sectioned lists. */ public static final int VIEW_HEADER = 1; /** An account object, which allows switching accounts rather than folders. */ public static final int VIEW_ACCOUNT = 2; /** An expandable object for expanding/collapsing more of the list */ public static final int VIEW_WAITING_FOR_SYNC = 3; /** The value (1-indexed) of the last View type. Useful when returning the number of types. */ private static final int LAST_FIELD = VIEW_WAITING_FOR_SYNC + 1; /** TODO: On adding another type, be sure to change getViewTypes() */ /** The parent activity */ private final ControllableActivity mActivity; private final LayoutInflater mInflater; private final BidiFormatter mBidiFormatter; // TODO(viki): Put all these constants in an interface. /** * Either {@link #FOLDER_INBOX}, {@link #FOLDER_RECENT} or {@link #FOLDER_OTHER} when * {@link #mType} is {@link #VIEW_FOLDER}, or an {@link #ACCOUNT} in the case of * accounts, and {@link #INERT_HEADER} otherwise. */ public final int mFolderType; /** Non existent item or folder type not yet set */ public static final int UNSET = 0; /** An unclickable text-header visually separating the different types. */ public static final int INERT_HEADER = 0; /** An inbox folder: Inbox, ...*/ public static final int FOLDER_INBOX = 1; /** A folder from whom a conversation was recently viewed */ public static final int FOLDER_RECENT = 2; /** A non-inbox folder that is shown in the "everything else" group. */ public static final int FOLDER_OTHER = 3; /** An entry for the accounts the user has on the device. */ public static final int ACCOUNT = 4; /** True if this view is enabled, false otherwise. */ private final boolean mIsEnabled; @Override public String toString() { switch(mType) { case VIEW_FOLDER: return folderToString(); case VIEW_HEADER: return headerToString(); case VIEW_ACCOUNT: return accountToString(); case VIEW_WAITING_FOR_SYNC: return waitToString(); } // Should never come here. return null; } /** * Creates a drawer item with every instance variable specified. * * @param type the type of the item. This must be a VIEW_* element * @param activity the underlying activity * @param folder a non-null folder, if this is a folder type * @param folderType the type of the folder. For folders this is: * {@link #FOLDER_INBOX}, {@link #FOLDER_RECENT}, * {@link #FOLDER_OTHER}, or for non-folders this is * {@link #ACCOUNT}, or {@link #INERT_HEADER} * @param account the account object, for an account drawer element * @param resource either the string resource for a header, or the unread * count for an account. * @param isCurrentAccount true if this item is the current account */ private DrawerItem(int type, ControllableActivity activity, Folder folder, int folderType, Account account, int resource, boolean isCurrentAccount, BidiFormatter bidiFormatter) { mActivity = activity; mFolder = folder; mFolderType = folderType; mAccount = account; mResource = resource; mIsSelected = isCurrentAccount; mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(activity.getActivityContext()); mType = type; mIsEnabled = calculateEnabled(); mBidiFormatter = bidiFormatter; } /** * Create a folder item with the given type. * * @param activity the underlying activity * @param folder a folder that this item represents * @param folderType one of {@link #FOLDER_INBOX}, {@link #FOLDER_RECENT} or * {@link #FOLDER_OTHER} * @return a drawer item for the folder. */ public static DrawerItem ofFolder(ControllableActivity activity, Folder folder, int folderType, BidiFormatter bidiFormatter) { return new DrawerItem(VIEW_FOLDER, activity, folder, folderType, null, -1, false, bidiFormatter); } private String folderToString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[DrawerItem "); sb.append(" VIEW_FOLDER "); sb.append(", mFolder="); sb.append(mFolder); sb.append(", mFolderType="); sb.append(mFolderType); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Creates an item from an account. * @param activity the underlying activity * @param account the account to create a drawer item for * @param unreadCount the unread count of the account, pass zero if * @param isCurrentAccount true if the account is the current account, false otherwise * @return a drawer item for the account. */ public static DrawerItem ofAccount(ControllableActivity activity, Account account, int unreadCount, boolean isCurrentAccount, BidiFormatter bidiFormatter) { return new DrawerItem(VIEW_ACCOUNT, activity, null, ACCOUNT, account, unreadCount, isCurrentAccount, bidiFormatter); } private String accountToString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[DrawerItem "); sb.append(" VIEW_ACCOUNT "); sb.append(", mAccount="); sb.append(mAccount); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Create a header item with a string resource. * * @param activity the underlying activity * @param resource the string resource: R.string.all_folders_heading * @return a drawer item for the header. */ public static DrawerItem ofHeader(ControllableActivity activity, int resource, BidiFormatter bidiFormatter) { return new DrawerItem(VIEW_HEADER, activity, null, INERT_HEADER, null, resource, false, bidiFormatter); } private String headerToString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[DrawerItem "); sb.append(" VIEW_HEADER "); sb.append(", mResource="); sb.append(mResource); sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Create a "waiting for initialization" item. * * @param activity the underlying activity * @return a drawer item with an indeterminate progress indicator. */ public static DrawerItem ofWaitView(ControllableActivity activity, BidiFormatter bidiFormatter) { return new DrawerItem(VIEW_WAITING_FOR_SYNC, activity, null, INERT_HEADER, null, -1, false, bidiFormatter); } private static String waitToString() { return "[DrawerItem VIEW_WAITING_FOR_SYNC ]"; } /** * Returns a view for the given item. The method signature is identical to that required by a * {@link android.widget.ListAdapter#getView(int, android.view.View, android.view.ViewGroup)}. */ public View getView(View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { final View result; switch (mType) { case VIEW_FOLDER: result = getFolderView(convertView, parent); break; case VIEW_HEADER: result = getHeaderView(convertView, parent); break; case VIEW_ACCOUNT: result = getAccountView(convertView, parent); break; case VIEW_WAITING_FOR_SYNC: result = getEmptyView(convertView, parent); break; default: LogUtils.wtf(LOG_TAG, "DrawerItem.getView(%d) for an invalid type!", mType); result = null; } return result; } /** * Book-keeping for how many different view types there are. Be sure to * increment this appropriately once adding more types as drawer items * @return number of different types of view items */ public static int getViewTypes() { return LAST_FIELD; } /** * Returns whether this view is enabled or not. An enabled view is one that accepts user taps * and acts upon them. * @return true if this view is enabled, false otherwise. */ public boolean isItemEnabled() { return mIsEnabled; } /** Calculate whether the item is enabled */ private boolean calculateEnabled() { switch (mType) { case VIEW_HEADER : // Headers are never enabled. return false; case VIEW_FOLDER : // Folders are always enabled. return true; case VIEW_ACCOUNT: // Accounts are always enabled. return true; case VIEW_WAITING_FOR_SYNC: // Waiting for sync cannot be tapped, so never enabled. return false; default: LogUtils.wtf(LOG_TAG, "DrawerItem.isItemEnabled() for invalid type %d", mType); return false; } } /** * Returns whether this view is highlighted or not. * * * @param currentFolder The current folder, according to the * {@link com.android.mail.ui.FolderListFragment} * @param currentType The type of the current folder. We want to only highlight a folder once. * A folder might be in two places at once: in "All Folders", and in * "Recent Folder". Valid types of selected folders are : * {@link DrawerItem#FOLDER_INBOX}, {@link DrawerItem#FOLDER_RECENT} or * {@link DrawerItem#FOLDER_OTHER}, or {@link DrawerItem#UNSET}. * @return true if this DrawerItem results in a view that is highlighted (this DrawerItem is * the current folder. */ public boolean isHighlighted(FolderUri currentFolder, int currentType) { switch (mType) { case VIEW_HEADER : // Headers are never highlighted return false; case VIEW_FOLDER: // True if folder types and URIs are the same if (currentFolder != null && mFolder != null && mFolder.folderUri != null) { return (mFolderType == currentType) && mFolder.folderUri.equals(currentFolder); } return false; case VIEW_ACCOUNT: // Accounts are never highlighted return false; case VIEW_WAITING_FOR_SYNC: // Waiting for sync cannot be tapped, so never highlighted. return false; default: LogUtils.wtf(LOG_TAG, "DrawerItem.isHighlighted() for invalid type %d", mType); return false; } } /** * Return a view for an account object. * * @param convertView a view, possibly null, to be recycled. * @param parent the parent viewgroup to attach to. * @return a view to display at this position. */ private View getAccountView(View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { final AccountItemView accountItemView; if (convertView != null) { accountItemView = (AccountItemView) convertView; } else { accountItemView = (AccountItemView) mInflater.inflate(R.layout.account_item, null, false); } accountItemView.bind(mAccount, mIsSelected, mResource); View v = accountItemView.findViewById(R.id.account_graphic); v.setBackgroundColor(mAccount.color); return accountItemView; } /** * Returns a text divider between divisions. * * @param convertView a previous view, perhaps null * @param parent the parent of this view * @return a text header at the given position. */ private View getHeaderView(View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { final TextView headerView; if (convertView != null) { headerView = (TextView) convertView; } else { headerView = (TextView) mInflater.inflate( R.layout.folder_list_header, parent, false); } headerView.setText(mResource); return headerView; } /** * Return a folder: either a parent folder or a normal (child or flat) * folder. * * @param convertView a view, possibly null, to be recycled. * @return a view showing a folder at the given position. */ private View getFolderView(View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { final FolderItemView folderItemView; if (convertView != null) { folderItemView = (FolderItemView) convertView; } else { folderItemView = (FolderItemView) mInflater.inflate(R.layout.folder_item, null, false); } folderItemView.bind(mFolder, mActivity, mBidiFormatter); Folder.setFolderBlockColor(mFolder, folderItemView.findViewById(R.id.color_block)); folderItemView.setIcon(mFolder); return folderItemView; } /** * Return a view for the 'Waiting for sync' item with the indeterminate progress indicator. * * @param convertView a view, possibly null, to be recycled. * @param parent the parent hosting this view. * @return a view for "Waiting for sync..." at given position. */ private View getEmptyView(View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { final ViewGroup emptyView; if (convertView != null) { emptyView = (ViewGroup) convertView; } else { emptyView = (ViewGroup) mInflater.inflate(R.layout.drawer_empty_view, parent, false); } return emptyView; } }