DBHelper.java revision 13ff5b86ac9314bbce09ae9e4ec381b6273a497b
2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.email.provider;
19import android.accounts.AccountManager;
20import android.content.ContentResolver;
21import android.content.ContentValues;
22import android.content.Context;
23import android.database.Cursor;
24import android.database.SQLException;
25import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
26import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
27import android.provider.CalendarContract;
28import android.provider.ContactsContract;
29import android.text.TextUtils;
31import com.android.email.R;
32import com.android.email2.ui.MailActivityEmail;
33import com.android.emailcommon.mail.Address;
34import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Account;
35import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent;
36import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.AccountColumns;
37import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Attachment;
38import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.AttachmentColumns;
39import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Body;
40import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.BodyColumns;
41import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.HostAuthColumns;
42import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.MailboxColumns;
43import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Message;
44import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.MessageColumns;
45import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.PolicyColumns;
46import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.QuickResponseColumns;
47import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.SyncColumns;
48import com.android.emailcommon.provider.HostAuth;
49import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Mailbox;
50import com.android.emailcommon.provider.MessageChangeLogTable;
51import com.android.emailcommon.provider.MessageMove;
52import com.android.emailcommon.provider.MessageStateChange;
53import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Policy;
54import com.android.emailcommon.provider.QuickResponse;
55import com.android.emailcommon.service.LegacyPolicySet;
56import com.android.emailcommon.service.SyncWindow;
57import com.android.mail.providers.UIProvider;
58import com.android.mail.utils.LogUtils;
59import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
60import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
62import java.util.Map;
64public final class DBHelper {
65    private static final String TAG = "EmailProvider";
67    private static final String LEGACY_SCHEME_IMAP = "imap";
68    private static final String LEGACY_SCHEME_POP3 = "pop3";
69    private static final String LEGACY_SCHEME_EAS = "eas";
72    private static final String WHERE_ID = EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=?";
74    private static final String TRIGGER_MAILBOX_DELETE =
75        "create trigger mailbox_delete before delete on " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME +
76        " begin" +
77        " delete from " + Message.TABLE_NAME +
78        "  where " + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + "=old." + EmailContent.RECORD_ID +
79        "; delete from " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME +
80        "  where " + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + "=old." + EmailContent.RECORD_ID +
81        "; delete from " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME +
82        "  where " + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + "=old." + EmailContent.RECORD_ID +
83        "; end";
85    private static final String TRIGGER_ACCOUNT_DELETE =
86        "create trigger account_delete before delete on " + Account.TABLE_NAME +
87        " begin delete from " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME +
88        " where " + MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + "=old." + EmailContent.RECORD_ID +
89        "; delete from " + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME +
90        " where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=old." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV +
91        "; delete from " + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME +
92        " where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=old." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND +
93        "; delete from " + Policy.TABLE_NAME +
94        " where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=old." + AccountColumns.POLICY_KEY +
95        "; end";
97    // Any changes to the database format *must* include update-in-place code.
98    // Original version: 3
99    // Version 4: Database wipe required; changing AccountManager interface w/Exchange
100    // Version 5: Database wipe required; changing AccountManager interface w/Exchange
101    // Version 6: Adding Message.mServerTimeStamp column
102    // Version 7: Replace the mailbox_delete trigger with a version that removes orphaned messages
103    //            from the Message_Deletes and Message_Updates tables
104    // Version 8: Add security flags column to accounts table
105    // Version 9: Add security sync key and signature to accounts table
106    // Version 10: Add meeting info to message table
107    // Version 11: Add content and flags to attachment table
108    // Version 12: Add content_bytes to attachment table. content is deprecated.
109    // Version 13: Add messageCount to Mailbox table.
110    // Version 14: Add snippet to Message table
111    // Version 15: Fix upgrade problem in version 14.
112    // Version 16: Add accountKey to Attachment table
113    // Version 17: Add parentKey to Mailbox table
114    // Version 18: Copy Mailbox.displayName to Mailbox.serverId for all IMAP & POP3 mailboxes.
115    //             Column Mailbox.serverId is used for the server-side pathname of a mailbox.
116    // Version 19: Add Policy table; add policyKey to Account table and trigger to delete an
117    //             Account's policy when the Account is deleted
118    // Version 20: Add new policies to Policy table
119    // Version 21: Add lastSeenMessageKey column to Mailbox table
120    // Version 22: Upgrade path for IMAP/POP accounts to integrate with AccountManager
121    // Version 23: Add column to mailbox table for time of last access
122    // Version 24: Add column to hostauth table for client cert alias
123    // Version 25: Added QuickResponse table
124    // Version 26: Update IMAP accounts to add FLAG_SUPPORTS_SEARCH flag
125    // Version 27: Add protocolSearchInfo to Message table
126    // Version 28: Add notifiedMessageId and notifiedMessageCount to Account
127    // Version 29: Add protocolPoliciesEnforced and protocolPoliciesUnsupported to Policy
128    // Version 30: Use CSV of RFC822 addresses instead of "packed" values
129    // Version 31: Add columns to mailbox for ui status/last result
130    // Version 32: Add columns to mailbox for last notified message key/count; insure not null
131    //             for "notified" columns
132    // Version 33: Add columns to attachment for ui provider columns
133    // Version 34: Add total count to mailbox
134    // Version 35: Set up defaults for lastTouchedCount for drafts and sent
135    // Version 36: mblank intentionally left this space
136    // Version 37: Add flag for settings support in folders
137    // Version 38&39: Add threadTopic to message (for future support)
138    // Version 39 is last Email1 version
139    // Version 100 is first Email2 version
140    // Version 101 SHOULD NOT BE USED
141    // Version 102&103: Add hierarchicalName to Mailbox
142    // Version 104&105: add syncData to Message
143    // Version 106: Add certificate to HostAuth
144    // Version 107: Add a SEEN column to the message table
145    // Version 108: Add a cachedFile column to the attachments table
146    // Version 109: Migrate the account so they have the correct account manager types
147    // Version 110: Stop updating message_count, don't use auto lookback, and don't use
148    //              ping/push_hold sync states. Note that message_count updating is restored in 113.
149    // Version 111: Delete Exchange account mailboxes.
150    // Version 112: Convert Mailbox syncInterval to a boolean (whether or not this mailbox
151    //              syncs along with the account).
152    // Version 113: Restore message_count to being useful.
153    // Version 114: Add lastFullSyncTime column
154    // Version 115: Add pingDuration column
155    // Version 116: Add MessageMove & MessageStateChange tables.
156    // Version 117: Add trigger to delete duplicate messages on sync.
157    // Version 118: Set syncInterval to 0 for all IMAP mailboxes
158    // Version 119: Disable syncing of DRAFTS type folders.
159    // Version 120: Changed duplicateMessage deletion trigger to ignore search mailboxes.
160    // Version 121: Add mainMailboxKey, which will be set for messages that are in the fake
161    //              "search_results" folder to reflect the mailbox that the server considers
162    //              the message to be in. Also, wipe out any stale search_result folders.
163    // Version 122: Need to update Message_Updates and Message_Deletes to match previous.
164    // Version 123: Changed the duplicateMesage deletion trigger to ignore accounts that aren't
165    //              exchange accounts.
166    public static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 123;
168    // Any changes to the database format *must* include update-in-place code.
169    // Original version: 2
170    // Version 3: Add "sourceKey" column
171    // Version 4: Database wipe required; changing AccountManager interface w/Exchange
172    // Version 5: Database wipe required; changing AccountManager interface w/Exchange
173    // Version 6: Adding Body.mIntroText column
174    // Version 7/8: Adding quoted text start pos
175    // Version 8 is last Email1 version
176    public static final int BODY_DATABASE_VERSION = 100;
178    /*
179     * Internal helper method for index creation.
180     * Example:
181     * "create index message_" + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ
182     * + " on " + Message.TABLE_NAME + " (" + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ + ");"
183     */
184    /* package */
185    static String createIndex(String tableName, String columnName) {
186        return "create index " + tableName.toLowerCase() + '_' + columnName
187            + " on " + tableName + " (" + columnName + ");";
188    }
190    static void createMessageCountTriggers(final SQLiteDatabase db) {
191        // Insert a message.
192        db.execSQL("create trigger message_count_message_insert after insert on " +
193                Message.TABLE_NAME +
194                " begin update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT +
195                '=' + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT + "+1" +
196                "  where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=NEW." + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY +
197                "; end");
199        // Delete a message.
200        db.execSQL("create trigger message_count_message_delete after delete on " +
201                Message.TABLE_NAME +
202                " begin update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT +
203                '=' + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT + "-1" +
204                "  where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=OLD." + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY +
205                "; end");
207        // Change a message's mailbox.
208        db.execSQL("create trigger message_count_message_move after update of " +
209                MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + " on " + Message.TABLE_NAME +
210                " begin update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT +
211                '=' + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT + "-1" +
212                "  where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=OLD." + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY +
213                "; update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT +
214                '=' + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT + "+1" +
215                " where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=NEW." + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY +
216                "; end");
217    }
219    static void dropDeleteDuplicateMessagesTrigger(final SQLiteDatabase db) {
220        db.execSQL("drop trigger message_delete_duplicates_on_insert");
221    }
223    /**
224     * Add a trigger to delete duplicate server side messages before insertion.
225     * This should delete any messages older messages that have the same serverId and account as
226     * the new message, if:
227     *    Neither message is in a SEARCH type mailbox, and
228     *    The new message's mailbox's account is an exchange account.
229     *
230     * Here is the plain text of this sql:
231     *   create trigger message_delete_duplicates_on_insert before insert on
232     *   Message for each row when new.syncServerId is not null and
233     *    (select type from Mailbox where _id=new.mailboxKey) != 8 and
234     *    (select HostAuth.protocol from HostAuth, Account where
235     *       new.accountKey=account._id and account.hostAuthKeyRecv=hostAuth._id) = 'gEas'
236     *   begin delete from Message where new.syncServerId=syncSeverId and
237     *   new.accountKey=accountKey and
238     *    (select Mailbox.type from Mailbox where _id=mailboxKey) != 8; end
239     */
240    static void createDeleteDuplicateMessagesTrigger(final Context context,
241            final SQLiteDatabase db) {
242        db.execSQL("create trigger message_delete_duplicates_on_insert before insert on "
243                + Message.TABLE_NAME + " for each row when new." + SyncColumns.SERVER_ID
244                + " is not null and "
245                + "(select " + MailboxColumns.TYPE + " from " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
246                + " where " + MailboxColumns.ID + "=new."
247                + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + ")!=" + Mailbox.TYPE_SEARCH
248                + " and (select "
249                + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + " from "
250                + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "," + Account.TABLE_NAME
251                + " where new." + MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY
252                + "=" + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns.ID
253                + " and " + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV
254                + "=" + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns.ID
255                + ")='" + context.getString(R.string.protocol_eas) + "'"
256                + " begin delete from " + Message.TABLE_NAME + " where new."
257                + SyncColumns.SERVER_ID + "=" + SyncColumns.SERVER_ID + " and new."
258                + MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + "=" + MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY
259                + " and (select " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + "." + MailboxColumns.TYPE + " from "
260                + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " where " + MailboxColumns.ID + "="
261                + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + ")!=" + Mailbox.TYPE_SEARCH +"; end");
262    }
264    static void createMessageTable(Context context, SQLiteDatabase db) {
265        String messageColumns = MessageColumns.DISPLAY_NAME + " text, "
266            + MessageColumns.TIMESTAMP + " integer, "
267            + MessageColumns.SUBJECT + " text, "
268            + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ + " integer, "
269            + MessageColumns.FLAG_LOADED + " integer, "
270            + MessageColumns.FLAG_FAVORITE + " integer, "
271            + MessageColumns.FLAG_ATTACHMENT + " integer, "
272            + MessageColumns.FLAGS + " integer, "
273            + MessageColumns.DRAFT_INFO + " integer, "
274            + MessageColumns.MESSAGE_ID + " text, "
275            + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + " integer, "
276            + MessageColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " integer, "
277            + MessageColumns.FROM_LIST + " text, "
278            + MessageColumns.TO_LIST + " text, "
279            + MessageColumns.CC_LIST + " text, "
280            + MessageColumns.BCC_LIST + " text, "
281            + MessageColumns.REPLY_TO_LIST + " text, "
282            + MessageColumns.MEETING_INFO + " text, "
283            + MessageColumns.SNIPPET + " text, "
284            + MessageColumns.PROTOCOL_SEARCH_INFO + " text, "
285            + MessageColumns.THREAD_TOPIC + " text, "
286            + MessageColumns.SYNC_DATA + " text, "
287            + MessageColumns.FLAG_SEEN + " integer, "
288            + MessageColumns.MAIN_MAILBOX_KEY + " integer"
289            + ");";
291        // This String and the following String MUST have the same columns, except for the type
292        // of those columns!
293        String createString = " (" + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
294            + SyncColumns.SERVER_ID + " text, "
295            + SyncColumns.SERVER_TIMESTAMP + " integer, "
296            + messageColumns;
298        // For the updated and deleted tables, the id is assigned, but we do want to keep track
299        // of the ORDER of updates using an autoincrement primary key.  We use the DATA column
300        // at this point; it has no other function
301        String altCreateString = " (" + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + " integer unique, "
302            + SyncColumns.SERVER_ID + " text, "
303            + SyncColumns.SERVER_TIMESTAMP + " integer, "
304            + messageColumns;
306        // The three tables have the same schema
307        db.execSQL("create table " + Message.TABLE_NAME + createString);
308        db.execSQL("create table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME + altCreateString);
309        db.execSQL("create table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME + altCreateString);
311        String indexColumns[] = {
312            MessageColumns.TIMESTAMP,
313            MessageColumns.FLAG_READ,
314            MessageColumns.FLAG_LOADED,
315            MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY,
316            SyncColumns.SERVER_ID
317        };
319        for (String columnName : indexColumns) {
320            db.execSQL(createIndex(Message.TABLE_NAME, columnName));
321        }
323        // Deleting a Message deletes all associated Attachments
324        // Deleting the associated Body cannot be done in a trigger, because the Body is stored
325        // in a separate database, and trigger cannot operate on attached databases.
326        db.execSQL("create trigger message_delete before delete on " + Message.TABLE_NAME +
327                " begin delete from " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME +
328                "  where " + AttachmentColumns.MESSAGE_KEY + "=old." + EmailContent.RECORD_ID +
329                "; end");
331        // Add triggers to keep unread count accurate per mailbox
333        // NOTE: SQLite's before triggers are not safe when recursive triggers are involved.
334        // Use caution when changing them.
336        // Insert a message; if flagRead is zero, add to the unread count of the message's mailbox
337        db.execSQL("create trigger unread_message_insert before insert on " + Message.TABLE_NAME +
338                " when NEW." + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ + "=0" +
339                " begin update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT +
340                '=' + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT + "+1" +
341                "  where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=NEW." + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY +
342                "; end");
344        // Delete a message; if flagRead is zero, decrement the unread count of the msg's mailbox
345        db.execSQL("create trigger unread_message_delete before delete on " + Message.TABLE_NAME +
346                " when OLD." + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ + "=0" +
347                " begin update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT +
348                '=' + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT + "-1" +
349                "  where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=OLD." + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY +
350                "; end");
352        // Change a message's mailbox
353        db.execSQL("create trigger unread_message_move before update of " +
354                MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + " on " + Message.TABLE_NAME +
355                " when OLD." + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ + "=0" +
356                " begin update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT +
357                '=' + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT + "-1" +
358                "  where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=OLD." + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY +
359                "; update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT +
360                '=' + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT + "+1" +
361                " where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=NEW." + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY +
362                "; end");
364        // Change a message's read state
365        db.execSQL("create trigger unread_message_read before update of " +
366                MessageColumns.FLAG_READ + " on " + Message.TABLE_NAME +
367                " when OLD." + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ + "!=NEW." + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ +
368                " begin update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT +
369                '=' + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT + "+ case OLD." + MessageColumns.FLAG_READ +
370                " when 0 then -1 else 1 end" +
371                "  where " + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=OLD." + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY +
372                "; end");
374        // Add triggers to maintain message_count.
375        createMessageCountTriggers(db);
376        createDeleteDuplicateMessagesTrigger(context, db);
377    }
379    static void resetMessageTable(Context context, SQLiteDatabase db,
380            int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
381        try {
382            db.execSQL("drop table " + Message.TABLE_NAME);
383            db.execSQL("drop table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME);
384            db.execSQL("drop table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME);
385        } catch (SQLException e) {
386        }
387        createMessageTable(context, db);
388    }
390    /**
391     * Common columns for all {@link MessageChangeLogTable} tables.
392     */
393    private static String MESSAGE_CHANGE_LOG_COLUMNS =
394            MessageChangeLogTable.ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
395            + MessageChangeLogTable.MESSAGE_KEY + " integer, "
396            + MessageChangeLogTable.SERVER_ID + " text, "
397            + MessageChangeLogTable.ACCOUNT_KEY + " integer, "
398            + MessageChangeLogTable.STATUS + " integer, ";
400    /**
401     * Create indices common to all {@link MessageChangeLogTable} tables.
402     * @param db The {@link SQLiteDatabase}.
403     * @param tableName The name of this particular table.
404     */
405    private static void createMessageChangeLogTableIndices(final SQLiteDatabase db,
406            final String tableName) {
407        db.execSQL(createIndex(tableName, MessageChangeLogTable.MESSAGE_KEY));
408        db.execSQL(createIndex(tableName, MessageChangeLogTable.ACCOUNT_KEY));
409    }
411    /**
412     * Create triggers common to all {@link MessageChangeLogTable} tables.
413     * @param db The {@link SQLiteDatabase}.
414     * @param tableName The name of this particular table.
415     */
416    private static void createMessageChangeLogTableTriggers(final SQLiteDatabase db,
417            final String tableName) {
418        // Trigger to delete from the change log when a message is deleted.
419        db.execSQL("create trigger " + tableName + "_delete_message before delete on "
420                + Message.TABLE_NAME + " for each row begin delete from " + tableName
421                + " where " + MessageChangeLogTable.MESSAGE_KEY + "=old." + MessageColumns.ID
422                + "; end");
424        // Trigger to delete from the change log when an account is deleted.
425        db.execSQL("create trigger " + tableName + "_delete_account before delete on "
426                + Account.TABLE_NAME + " for each row begin delete from " + tableName
427                + " where " + MessageChangeLogTable.ACCOUNT_KEY + "=old." + AccountColumns.ID
428                + "; end");
429    }
431    /**
432     * Create the MessageMove table.
433     * @param db The {@link SQLiteDatabase}.
434     */
435    private static void createMessageMoveTable(final SQLiteDatabase db) {
436        db.execSQL("create table " + MessageMove.TABLE_NAME + " ("
437                + MESSAGE_CHANGE_LOG_COLUMNS
438                + MessageMove.SRC_FOLDER_KEY + " integer, "
439                + MessageMove.DST_FOLDER_KEY + " integer, "
440                + MessageMove.SRC_FOLDER_SERVER_ID + " text, "
441                + MessageMove.DST_FOLDER_SERVER_ID + " text);");
443        createMessageChangeLogTableIndices(db, MessageMove.TABLE_NAME);
444        createMessageChangeLogTableTriggers(db, MessageMove.TABLE_NAME);
445    }
447    /**
448     * Create the MessageStateChange table.
449     * @param db The {@link SQLiteDatabase}.
450     */
451    private static void createMessageStateChangeTable(final SQLiteDatabase db) {
452        db.execSQL("create table " + MessageStateChange.TABLE_NAME + " ("
453                + MESSAGE_CHANGE_LOG_COLUMNS
454                + MessageStateChange.OLD_FLAG_READ + " integer, "
455                + MessageStateChange.NEW_FLAG_READ + " integer, "
456                + MessageStateChange.OLD_FLAG_FAVORITE + " integer, "
457                + MessageStateChange.NEW_FLAG_FAVORITE + " integer);");
459        createMessageChangeLogTableIndices(db, MessageStateChange.TABLE_NAME);
460        createMessageChangeLogTableTriggers(db, MessageStateChange.TABLE_NAME);
461    }
463    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
464    static void createAccountTable(SQLiteDatabase db) {
465        String s = " (" + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
466            + AccountColumns.DISPLAY_NAME + " text, "
467            + AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS + " text, "
468            + AccountColumns.SYNC_KEY + " text, "
469            + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + " integer, "
470            + AccountColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL + " text, "
471            + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + " integer, "
472            + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_SEND + " integer, "
473            + AccountColumns.FLAGS + " integer, "
474            + AccountColumns.IS_DEFAULT + " integer, "
475            + AccountColumns.COMPATIBILITY_UUID + " text, "
476            + AccountColumns.SENDER_NAME + " text, "
477            + AccountColumns.RINGTONE_URI + " text, "
478            + AccountColumns.PROTOCOL_VERSION + " text, "
479            + AccountColumns.NEW_MESSAGE_COUNT + " integer, "
480            + AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS + " integer, "
481            + AccountColumns.SECURITY_SYNC_KEY + " text, "
482            + AccountColumns.SIGNATURE + " text, "
483            + AccountColumns.POLICY_KEY + " integer, "
484            + AccountColumns.PING_DURATION + " integer"
485            + ");";
486        db.execSQL("create table " + Account.TABLE_NAME + s);
487        // Deleting an account deletes associated Mailboxes and HostAuth's
488        db.execSQL(TRIGGER_ACCOUNT_DELETE);
489    }
491    static void resetAccountTable(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
492        try {
493            db.execSQL("drop table " +  Account.TABLE_NAME);
494        } catch (SQLException e) {
495        }
496        createAccountTable(db);
497    }
499    static void createPolicyTable(SQLiteDatabase db) {
500        String s = " (" + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
501            + PolicyColumns.PASSWORD_MODE + " integer, "
502            + PolicyColumns.PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH + " integer, "
503            + PolicyColumns.PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_DAYS + " integer, "
504            + PolicyColumns.PASSWORD_HISTORY + " integer, "
505            + PolicyColumns.PASSWORD_COMPLEX_CHARS + " integer, "
506            + PolicyColumns.PASSWORD_MAX_FAILS + " integer, "
507            + PolicyColumns.MAX_SCREEN_LOCK_TIME + " integer, "
508            + PolicyColumns.REQUIRE_REMOTE_WIPE + " integer, "
509            + PolicyColumns.REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION + " integer, "
510            + PolicyColumns.REQUIRE_ENCRYPTION_EXTERNAL + " integer, "
511            + PolicyColumns.REQUIRE_MANUAL_SYNC_WHEN_ROAMING + " integer, "
512            + PolicyColumns.DONT_ALLOW_CAMERA + " integer, "
513            + PolicyColumns.DONT_ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS + " integer, "
514            + PolicyColumns.DONT_ALLOW_HTML + " integer, "
515            + PolicyColumns.MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE + " integer, "
516            + PolicyColumns.MAX_TEXT_TRUNCATION_SIZE + " integer, "
517            + PolicyColumns.MAX_HTML_TRUNCATION_SIZE + " integer, "
518            + PolicyColumns.MAX_EMAIL_LOOKBACK + " integer, "
519            + PolicyColumns.MAX_CALENDAR_LOOKBACK + " integer, "
520            + PolicyColumns.PASSWORD_RECOVERY_ENABLED + " integer, "
521            + PolicyColumns.PROTOCOL_POLICIES_ENFORCED + " text, "
522            + PolicyColumns.PROTOCOL_POLICIES_UNSUPPORTED + " text"
523            + ");";
524        db.execSQL("create table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME + s);
525    }
527    static void createHostAuthTable(SQLiteDatabase db) {
528        String s = " (" + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
529            + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + " text, "
530            + HostAuthColumns.ADDRESS + " text, "
531            + HostAuthColumns.PORT + " integer, "
532            + HostAuthColumns.FLAGS + " integer, "
533            + HostAuthColumns.LOGIN + " text, "
534            + HostAuthColumns.PASSWORD + " text, "
535            + HostAuthColumns.DOMAIN + " text, "
536            + HostAuthColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " integer,"
537            + HostAuthColumns.CLIENT_CERT_ALIAS + " text,"
538            + HostAuthColumns.SERVER_CERT + " blob"
539            + ");";
540        db.execSQL("create table " + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + s);
541    }
543    static void resetHostAuthTable(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
544        try {
545            db.execSQL("drop table " + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME);
546        } catch (SQLException e) {
547        }
548        createHostAuthTable(db);
549    }
551    static void createMailboxTable(SQLiteDatabase db) {
552        String s = " (" + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
553            + MailboxColumns.DISPLAY_NAME + " text, "
554            + MailboxColumns.SERVER_ID + " text, "
555            + MailboxColumns.PARENT_SERVER_ID + " text, "
556            + MailboxColumns.PARENT_KEY + " integer, "
557            + MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " integer, "
558            + MailboxColumns.TYPE + " integer, "
559            + MailboxColumns.DELIMITER + " integer, "
560            + MailboxColumns.SYNC_KEY + " text, "
561            + MailboxColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + " integer, "
562            + MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL + " integer, "
563            + MailboxColumns.SYNC_TIME + " integer, "
564            + MailboxColumns.UNREAD_COUNT + " integer, "
565            + MailboxColumns.FLAG_VISIBLE + " integer, "
566            + MailboxColumns.FLAGS + " integer, "
567            + MailboxColumns.VISIBLE_LIMIT + " integer, "
568            + MailboxColumns.SYNC_STATUS + " text, "
569            + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT + " integer not null default 0, "
570            + MailboxColumns.LAST_TOUCHED_TIME + " integer default 0, "
571            + MailboxColumns.UI_SYNC_STATUS + " integer default 0, "
572            + MailboxColumns.UI_LAST_SYNC_RESULT + " integer default 0, "
573            + MailboxColumns.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_KEY + " integer not null default 0, "
574            + MailboxColumns.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT + " integer not null default 0, "
575            + MailboxColumns.TOTAL_COUNT + " integer, "
576            + MailboxColumns.HIERARCHICAL_NAME + " text, "
577            + MailboxColumns.LAST_FULL_SYNC_TIME + " integer"
578            + ");";
579        db.execSQL("create table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + s);
580        db.execSQL("create index mailbox_" + MailboxColumns.SERVER_ID
581                + " on " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " (" + MailboxColumns.SERVER_ID + ")");
582        db.execSQL("create index mailbox_" + MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY
583                + " on " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " (" + MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + ")");
584        // Deleting a Mailbox deletes associated Messages in all three tables
585        db.execSQL(TRIGGER_MAILBOX_DELETE);
586    }
588    static void resetMailboxTable(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
589        try {
590            db.execSQL("drop table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME);
591        } catch (SQLException e) {
592        }
593        createMailboxTable(db);
594    }
596    static void createAttachmentTable(SQLiteDatabase db) {
597        String s = " (" + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
598            + AttachmentColumns.FILENAME + " text, "
599            + AttachmentColumns.MIME_TYPE + " text, "
600            + AttachmentColumns.SIZE + " integer, "
601            + AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_ID + " text, "
602            + AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_URI + " text, "
603            + AttachmentColumns.MESSAGE_KEY + " integer, "
604            + AttachmentColumns.LOCATION + " text, "
605            + AttachmentColumns.ENCODING + " text, "
606            + AttachmentColumns.CONTENT + " text, "
607            + AttachmentColumns.FLAGS + " integer, "
608            + AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_BYTES + " blob, "
609            + AttachmentColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " integer, "
610            + AttachmentColumns.UI_STATE + " integer, "
611            + AttachmentColumns.UI_DESTINATION + " integer, "
612            + AttachmentColumns.UI_DOWNLOADED_SIZE + " integer, "
613            + AttachmentColumns.CACHED_FILE + " text"
614            + ");";
615        db.execSQL("create table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME + s);
616        db.execSQL(createIndex(Attachment.TABLE_NAME, AttachmentColumns.MESSAGE_KEY));
617    }
619    static void resetAttachmentTable(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
620        try {
621            db.execSQL("drop table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME);
622        } catch (SQLException e) {
623        }
624        createAttachmentTable(db);
625    }
627    static void createQuickResponseTable(SQLiteDatabase db) {
628        String s = " (" + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
629                + QuickResponseColumns.TEXT + " text, "
630                + QuickResponseColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " integer"
631                + ");";
632        db.execSQL("create table " + QuickResponse.TABLE_NAME + s);
633    }
635    static void createBodyTable(SQLiteDatabase db) {
636        String s = " (" + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
637            + BodyColumns.MESSAGE_KEY + " integer, "
638            + BodyColumns.HTML_CONTENT + " text, "
639            + BodyColumns.TEXT_CONTENT + " text, "
640            + BodyColumns.HTML_REPLY + " text, "
641            + BodyColumns.TEXT_REPLY + " text, "
642            + BodyColumns.SOURCE_MESSAGE_KEY + " text, "
643            + BodyColumns.INTRO_TEXT + " text, "
644            + BodyColumns.QUOTED_TEXT_START_POS + " integer"
645            + ");";
646        db.execSQL("create table " + Body.TABLE_NAME + s);
647        db.execSQL(createIndex(Body.TABLE_NAME, BodyColumns.MESSAGE_KEY));
648    }
650    static void upgradeBodyTable(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
651        if (oldVersion < 5) {
652            try {
653                db.execSQL("drop table " + Body.TABLE_NAME);
654                createBodyTable(db);
655                oldVersion = 5;
656            } catch (SQLException e) {
657            }
658        }
659        if (oldVersion == 5) {
660            try {
661                db.execSQL("alter table " + Body.TABLE_NAME
662                        + " add " + BodyColumns.INTRO_TEXT + " text");
663            } catch (SQLException e) {
664                // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
665                LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProviderBody.db from v5 to v6", e);
666            }
667            oldVersion = 6;
668        }
669        if (oldVersion == 6 || oldVersion == 7) {
670            try {
671                db.execSQL("alter table " + Body.TABLE_NAME
672                        + " add " + BodyColumns.QUOTED_TEXT_START_POS + " integer");
673            } catch (SQLException e) {
674                // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
675                LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProviderBody.db from v6 to v8", e);
676            }
677            oldVersion = 8;
678        }
679        if (oldVersion == 8) {
680            // Move to Email2 version
681            oldVersion = 100;
682        }
683    }
685    protected static class BodyDatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
686        BodyDatabaseHelper(Context context, String name) {
687            super(context, name, null, BODY_DATABASE_VERSION);
688        }
690        @Override
691        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
692            LogUtils.d(TAG, "Creating EmailProviderBody database");
693            createBodyTable(db);
694        }
696        @Override
697        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
698            upgradeBodyTable(db, oldVersion, newVersion);
699        }
701        @Override
702        public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) {
703        }
704    }
706    /** Counts the number of messages in each mailbox, and updates the message count column. */
707    @VisibleForTesting
708    static void recalculateMessageCount(SQLiteDatabase db) {
709        db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.MESSAGE_COUNT +
710                "= (select count(*) from " + Message.TABLE_NAME +
711                " where " + Message.MAILBOX_KEY + " = " +
712                    Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + "." + EmailContent.RECORD_ID + ")");
713    }
715    protected static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
716        Context mContext;
718        DatabaseHelper(Context context, String name) {
719            super(context, name, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
720            mContext = context;
721        }
723        @Override
724        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
725            LogUtils.d(TAG, "Creating EmailProvider database");
726            // Create all tables here; each class has its own method
727            createMessageTable(mContext, db);
728            createAttachmentTable(db);
729            createMailboxTable(db);
730            createHostAuthTable(db);
731            createAccountTable(db);
732            createMessageMoveTable(db);
733            createMessageStateChangeTable(db);
734            createPolicyTable(db);
735            createQuickResponseTable(db);
736        }
738        @Override
739        public void onDowngrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
740            if (oldVersion == 101 && newVersion == 100) {
741                LogUtils.d(TAG, "Downgrade from v101 to v100");
742            } else {
743                super.onDowngrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion);
744            }
745        }
747        @Override
748        @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
749        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
750            // For versions prior to 5, delete all data
751            // Versions >= 5 require that data be preserved!
752            if (oldVersion < 5) {
753                android.accounts.Account[] accounts = AccountManager.get(mContext)
754                        .getAccountsByType(LEGACY_SCHEME_EAS);
755                for (android.accounts.Account account: accounts) {
756                    AccountManager.get(mContext).removeAccount(account, null, null);
757                }
758                resetMessageTable(mContext, db, oldVersion, newVersion);
759                resetAttachmentTable(db, oldVersion, newVersion);
760                resetMailboxTable(db, oldVersion, newVersion);
761                resetHostAuthTable(db, oldVersion, newVersion);
762                resetAccountTable(db, oldVersion, newVersion);
763                return;
764            }
765            if (oldVersion == 5) {
766                // Message Tables: Add SyncColumns.SERVER_TIMESTAMP
767                try {
768                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.TABLE_NAME
769                            + " add column " + SyncColumns.SERVER_TIMESTAMP + " integer" + ";");
770                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME
771                            + " add column " + SyncColumns.SERVER_TIMESTAMP + " integer" + ";");
772                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME
773                            + " add column " + SyncColumns.SERVER_TIMESTAMP + " integer" + ";");
774                } catch (SQLException e) {
775                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
776                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v5 to v6", e);
777                }
778            }
779            // TODO: Change all these to strict inequalities
780            if (oldVersion <= 6) {
781                // Use the newer mailbox_delete trigger
782                db.execSQL("drop trigger mailbox_delete;");
783                db.execSQL(TRIGGER_MAILBOX_DELETE);
784            }
785            if (oldVersion <= 7) {
786                // add the security (provisioning) column
787                try {
788                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Account.TABLE_NAME
789                            + " add column " + AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS + " integer" + ";");
790                } catch (SQLException e) {
791                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
792                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 7 to 8 " + e);
793                }
794            }
795            if (oldVersion <= 8) {
796                // accounts: add security sync key & user signature columns
797                try {
798                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Account.TABLE_NAME
799                            + " add column " + AccountColumns.SECURITY_SYNC_KEY + " text" + ";");
800                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Account.TABLE_NAME
801                            + " add column " + AccountColumns.SIGNATURE + " text" + ";");
802                } catch (SQLException e) {
803                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
804                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 8 to 9 " + e);
805                }
806            }
807            if (oldVersion <= 9) {
808                // Message: add meeting info column into Message tables
809                try {
810                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.TABLE_NAME
811                            + " add column " + MessageColumns.MEETING_INFO + " text" + ";");
812                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME
813                            + " add column " + MessageColumns.MEETING_INFO + " text" + ";");
814                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME
815                            + " add column " + MessageColumns.MEETING_INFO + " text" + ";");
816                } catch (SQLException e) {
817                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
818                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 9 to 10 " + e);
819                }
820            }
821            if (oldVersion <= 10) {
822                // Attachment: add content and flags columns
823                try {
824                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME
825                            + " add column " + AttachmentColumns.CONTENT + " text" + ";");
826                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME
827                            + " add column " + AttachmentColumns.FLAGS + " integer" + ";");
828                } catch (SQLException e) {
829                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
830                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 10 to 11 " + e);
831                }
832            }
833            if (oldVersion <= 11) {
834                // Attachment: add content_bytes
835                try {
836                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME
837                            + " add column " + AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_BYTES + " blob" + ";");
838                } catch (SQLException e) {
839                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
840                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 11 to 12 " + e);
841                }
842            }
843            if (oldVersion <= 12) {
844                try {
845                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
846                            + " add column " + Mailbox.MESSAGE_COUNT
847                                    +" integer not null default 0" + ";");
848                    recalculateMessageCount(db);
849                } catch (SQLException e) {
850                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
851                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 12 to 13 " + e);
852                }
853            }
854            if (oldVersion <= 13) {
855                try {
856                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.TABLE_NAME
857                            + " add column " + Message.SNIPPET
858                                    +" text" + ";");
859                } catch (SQLException e) {
860                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
861                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 13 to 14 " + e);
862                }
863            }
864            if (oldVersion <= 14) {
865                try {
866                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME
867                            + " add column " + Message.SNIPPET +" text" + ";");
868                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME
869                            + " add column " + Message.SNIPPET +" text" + ";");
870                } catch (SQLException e) {
871                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
872                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 14 to 15 " + e);
873                }
874            }
875            if (oldVersion <= 15) {
876                try {
877                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME
878                            + " add column " + Attachment.ACCOUNT_KEY +" integer" + ";");
879                    // Update all existing attachments to add the accountKey data
880                    db.execSQL("update " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME + " set " +
881                            Attachment.ACCOUNT_KEY + "= (SELECT " + Message.TABLE_NAME + "." +
882                            Message.ACCOUNT_KEY + " from " + Message.TABLE_NAME + " where " +
883                            Message.TABLE_NAME + "." + Message.RECORD_ID + " = " +
884                            Attachment.TABLE_NAME + "." + Attachment.MESSAGE_KEY + ")");
885                } catch (SQLException e) {
886                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
887                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 15 to 16 " + e);
888                }
889            }
890            if (oldVersion <= 16) {
891                try {
892                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
893                            + " add column " + Mailbox.PARENT_KEY + " integer;");
894                } catch (SQLException e) {
895                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
896                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 16 to 17 " + e);
897                }
898            }
899            if (oldVersion <= 17) {
900                upgradeFromVersion17ToVersion18(db);
901            }
902            if (oldVersion <= 18) {
903                try {
904                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Account.TABLE_NAME
905                            + " add column " + Account.POLICY_KEY + " integer;");
906                    db.execSQL("drop trigger account_delete;");
907                    db.execSQL(TRIGGER_ACCOUNT_DELETE);
908                    createPolicyTable(db);
909                    convertPolicyFlagsToPolicyTable(db);
910                } catch (SQLException e) {
911                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
912                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 18 to 19 " + e);
913                }
914            }
915            if (oldVersion <= 19) {
916                try {
917                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
918                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.REQUIRE_MANUAL_SYNC_WHEN_ROAMING +
919                            " integer;");
920                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
921                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.DONT_ALLOW_CAMERA + " integer;");
922                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
923                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.DONT_ALLOW_ATTACHMENTS + " integer;");
924                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
925                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.DONT_ALLOW_HTML + " integer;");
926                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
927                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE + " integer;");
928                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
929                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.MAX_TEXT_TRUNCATION_SIZE +
930                            " integer;");
931                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
932                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.MAX_HTML_TRUNCATION_SIZE +
933                            " integer;");
934                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
935                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.MAX_EMAIL_LOOKBACK + " integer;");
936                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
937                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.MAX_CALENDAR_LOOKBACK + " integer;");
938                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
939                            + " add column " + PolicyColumns.PASSWORD_RECOVERY_ENABLED +
940                            " integer;");
941                } catch (SQLException e) {
942                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
943                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 19 to 20 " + e);
944                }
945            }
946            if (oldVersion <= 21) {
947                upgradeFromVersion21ToVersion22(db, mContext);
948                oldVersion = 22;
949            }
950            if (oldVersion <= 22) {
951                upgradeFromVersion22ToVersion23(db);
952            }
953            if (oldVersion <= 23) {
954                upgradeFromVersion23ToVersion24(db);
955            }
956            if (oldVersion <= 24) {
957                upgradeFromVersion24ToVersion25(db);
958            }
959            if (oldVersion <= 25) {
960                upgradeFromVersion25ToVersion26(db);
961            }
962            if (oldVersion <= 26) {
963                try {
964                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.TABLE_NAME
965                            + " add column " + Message.PROTOCOL_SEARCH_INFO + " text;");
966                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME
967                            + " add column " + Message.PROTOCOL_SEARCH_INFO +" text" + ";");
968                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME
969                            + " add column " + Message.PROTOCOL_SEARCH_INFO +" text" + ";");
970                } catch (SQLException e) {
971                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
972                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 26 to 27 " + e);
973                }
974            }
975            if (oldVersion <= 28) {
976                try {
977                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
978                            + " add column " + Policy.PROTOCOL_POLICIES_ENFORCED + " text;");
979                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Policy.TABLE_NAME
980                            + " add column " + Policy.PROTOCOL_POLICIES_UNSUPPORTED + " text;");
981                } catch (SQLException e) {
982                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
983                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 28 to 29 " + e);
984                }
985            }
986            if (oldVersion <= 29) {
987                upgradeFromVersion29ToVersion30(db);
988            }
989            if (oldVersion <= 30) {
990                try {
991                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
992                            + " add column " + Mailbox.UI_SYNC_STATUS + " integer;");
993                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
994                            + " add column " + Mailbox.UI_LAST_SYNC_RESULT + " integer;");
995                } catch (SQLException e) {
996                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
997                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 30 to 31 " + e);
998                }
999            }
1000            if (oldVersion <= 31) {
1001                try {
1002                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
1003                            + " add column " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_KEY + " integer;");
1004                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
1005                            + " add column " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT + " integer;");
1006                    db.execSQL("update Mailbox set " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_KEY +
1007                            "=0 where " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_KEY + " IS NULL");
1008                    db.execSQL("update Mailbox set " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT +
1009                            "=0 where " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT + " IS NULL");
1010                } catch (SQLException e) {
1011                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1012                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 31 to 32 " + e);
1013                }
1014            }
1015            if (oldVersion <= 32) {
1016                try {
1017                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME
1018                            + " add column " + Attachment.UI_STATE + " integer;");
1019                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME
1020                            + " add column " + Attachment.UI_DESTINATION + " integer;");
1021                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME
1022                            + " add column " + Attachment.UI_DOWNLOADED_SIZE + " integer;");
1023                    // If we have a contentUri then the attachment is saved
1024                    // uiDestination of 0 = "cache", so we don't have to set this
1025                    db.execSQL("update " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME + " set " + Attachment.UI_STATE +
1026                            "=" + UIProvider.AttachmentState.SAVED + " where " +
1027                            AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_URI + " is not null;");
1028                } catch (SQLException e) {
1029                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1030                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 32 to 33 " + e);
1031                }
1032            }
1033            if (oldVersion <= 33) {
1034                try {
1035                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
1036                            + " add column " + MailboxColumns.TOTAL_COUNT + " integer;");
1037                } catch (SQLException e) {
1038                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1039                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 33 to 34 " + e);
1040                }
1041            }
1042            if (oldVersion <= 34) {
1043                try {
1044                    db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " +
1045                            MailboxColumns.LAST_TOUCHED_TIME + " = " +
1046                            Mailbox.DRAFTS_DEFAULT_TOUCH_TIME + " WHERE " + MailboxColumns.TYPE +
1047                            " = " + Mailbox.TYPE_DRAFTS);
1048                    db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " +
1049                            MailboxColumns.LAST_TOUCHED_TIME + " = " +
1050                            Mailbox.SENT_DEFAULT_TOUCH_TIME + " WHERE " + MailboxColumns.TYPE +
1051                            " = " + Mailbox.TYPE_SENT);
1052                } catch (SQLException e) {
1053                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1054                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 34 to 35 " + e);
1055                }
1056            }
1057            if (oldVersion <= 36) {
1058                try {
1059                    // Set "supports settings" for EAS mailboxes
1060                    db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " +
1061                            MailboxColumns.FLAGS + "=" + MailboxColumns.FLAGS + "|" +
1062                            Mailbox.FLAG_SUPPORTS_SETTINGS + " where (" +
1063                            MailboxColumns.FLAGS + "&" + Mailbox.FLAG_HOLDS_MAIL + ")!=0 and " +
1064                            MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " IN (SELECT " + Account.TABLE_NAME +
1065                            "." + AccountColumns.ID + " from " + Account.TABLE_NAME + "," +
1066                            HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + " where " + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." +
1067                            AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + "=" + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." +
1068                            HostAuthColumns.ID + " and " + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='" +
1069                            LEGACY_SCHEME_EAS + "')");
1070                } catch (SQLException e) {
1071                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1072                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 35 to 36 " + e);
1073                }
1074            }
1075            if (oldVersion <= 37) {
1076                try {
1077                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.TABLE_NAME
1078                            + " add column " + MessageColumns.THREAD_TOPIC + " text;");
1079                } catch (SQLException e) {
1080                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1081                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 37 to 38 " + e);
1082                }
1083            }
1084            if (oldVersion <= 38) {
1085                try {
1086                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME
1087                            + " add column " + MessageColumns.THREAD_TOPIC + " text;");
1088                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME
1089                            + " add column " + MessageColumns.THREAD_TOPIC + " text;");
1090                } catch (SQLException e) {
1091                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1092                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 38 to 39 " + e);
1093                }
1094            }
1095            if (oldVersion <= 39) {
1096                upgradeToEmail2(db);
1097            }
1098            if (oldVersion <= 102) {
1099                try {
1100                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
1101                            + " add " + MailboxColumns.HIERARCHICAL_NAME + " text");
1102                } catch (SQLException e) {
1103                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1104                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v10x to v103", e);
1105                }
1106            }
1107            if (oldVersion <= 103) {
1108                try {
1109                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.TABLE_NAME
1110                            + " add " + MessageColumns.SYNC_DATA + " text");
1111                } catch (SQLException e) {
1112                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1113                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v103 to v104", e);
1114                }
1115            }
1116            if (oldVersion <= 104) {
1117                try {
1118                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME
1119                            + " add " + MessageColumns.SYNC_DATA + " text");
1120                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME
1121                            + " add " + MessageColumns.SYNC_DATA + " text");
1122                } catch (SQLException e) {
1123                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1124                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v104 to v105", e);
1125                }
1126            }
1127            if (oldVersion <= 105) {
1128                try {
1129                    db.execSQL("alter table " + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME
1130                            + " add " + HostAuthColumns.SERVER_CERT + " blob");
1131                } catch (SQLException e) {
1132                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1133                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v105 to v106", e);
1134                }
1135            }
1136            if (oldVersion <= 106) {
1137                try {
1138                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.TABLE_NAME
1139                            + " add " + MessageColumns.FLAG_SEEN + " integer");
1140                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME
1141                            + " add " + MessageColumns.FLAG_SEEN + " integer");
1142                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME
1143                            + " add " + MessageColumns.FLAG_SEEN + " integer");
1144                } catch (SQLException e) {
1145                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1146                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v106 to v107", e);
1147                }
1148            }
1149            if (oldVersion <= 107) {
1150                try {
1151                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME
1152                            + " add column " + Attachment.CACHED_FILE +" text" + ";");
1153                } catch (SQLException e) {
1154                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1155                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v107 to v108", e);
1156                }
1157            }
1158            if (oldVersion <= 108) {
1159                // Migrate the accounts with the correct account type
1160                migrateLegacyAccounts(db, mContext);
1161            }
1162            if (oldVersion <= 109) {
1163                // Fix any mailboxes that have ping or push_hold states.
1164                db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL
1165                        + "=" + Mailbox.CHECK_INTERVAL_PUSH + " where "
1166                        + MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL + "<" + Mailbox.CHECK_INTERVAL_PUSH);
1168                // Fix invalid syncLookback values.
1169                db.execSQL("update " + Account.TABLE_NAME + " set " + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK
1170                        + "=" + SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_1_WEEK + " where "
1171                        + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + " is null or "
1172                        + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + "<" + SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_1_DAY + " or "
1173                        + AccountColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + ">" + SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_ALL);
1175                db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK
1176                        + "=" + SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_ACCOUNT + " where "
1177                        + MailboxColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + " is null or "
1178                        + MailboxColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + "<" + SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_1_DAY + " or "
1179                        + MailboxColumns.SYNC_LOOKBACK + ">" + SyncWindow.SYNC_WINDOW_ALL);
1180            }
1181            if (oldVersion <= 110) {
1182                // Delete account mailboxes.
1183                db.execSQL("delete from " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " where " + MailboxColumns.TYPE
1184                        + "=" +Mailbox.TYPE_EAS_ACCOUNT_MAILBOX);
1185            }
1186            if (oldVersion <= 111) {
1187                // Mailbox sync interval now indicates whether this mailbox syncs with the rest
1188                // of the account. Anyone who was syncing at all, plus outboxes, are set to 1,
1189                // everyone else is 0.
1190                db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL
1191                        + "=case when " + MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL + "="
1192                        + Mailbox.CHECK_INTERVAL_NEVER + " then 0 else 1 end");
1193            }
1194            if (oldVersion >= 110 && oldVersion <= 112) {
1195                // v110 had dropped these triggers, but starting with v113 we restored them
1196                // (and altered the 109 -> 110 upgrade code to stop dropping them).
1197                // We therefore only add them back for the versions in between. We also need to
1198                // compute the correct value at this point as well.
1199                recalculateMessageCount(db);
1200                createMessageCountTriggers(db);
1201            }
1203            if (oldVersion <= 113) {
1204                try {
1205                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
1206                            + " add column " + MailboxColumns.LAST_FULL_SYNC_TIME +" integer" + ";");
1207                    final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(1);
1208                    cv.put(MailboxColumns.LAST_FULL_SYNC_TIME, 0);
1209                    db.update(Mailbox.TABLE_NAME, cv, null, null);
1210                } catch (final SQLException e) {
1211                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1212                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v113 to v114", e);
1213                }
1214            }
1216            if (oldVersion <= 114) {
1217                try {
1218                    db.execSQL("alter table " + Account.TABLE_NAME
1219                            + " add column " + AccountColumns.PING_DURATION +" integer" + ";");
1220                    final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(1);
1221                    cv.put(AccountColumns.PING_DURATION, 0);
1222                    db.update(Account.TABLE_NAME, cv, null, null);
1223                } catch (final SQLException e) {
1224                    // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1225                    LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from v113 to v114", e);
1226                }
1227            }
1229            if (oldVersion <= 115) {
1230                createMessageMoveTable(db);
1231                createMessageStateChangeTable(db);
1232            }
1234            /**
1235             * Originally, at 116, we added a trigger to delete duplicate messages.
1236             * But we needed to change that trigger for version 120, so when we get
1237             * there, we'll drop the trigger if it exists and create a new version.
1238             */
1240            /**
1241             * This statement changes the syncInterval column to 0 for all IMAP mailboxes.
1242             * It does this by matching mailboxes against all account IDs whose receive auth is
1243             * either R.string.protocol_legacy_imap, R.string.protocol_imap or "imap"
1244             */
1245            if (oldVersion <= 117) {
1246                db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL
1247                        + "=0 where " + MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " in (select "
1248                        + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns.ID + " from "
1249                        + Account.TABLE_NAME + " join " + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + " where "
1250                        + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuth.ID + "=" + Account.TABLE_NAME + "."
1251                        + Account.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + " and (" + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "."
1252                        + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='"
1253                        + mContext.getString(R.string.protocol_legacy_imap) + "' or "
1254                        + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='"
1255                        + mContext.getString(R.string.protocol_imap) + "' or "
1256                        + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='imap'));");
1257            }
1259            /**
1260             * This statement changes the sync interval column to 0 for all DRAFTS type mailboxes,
1261             * and deletes any messages that are:
1262             *   * synced from the server, and
1263             *   * in an exchange account draft folder
1264             *
1265             * This is primary for Exchange (b/11158759) but we don't sync draft folders for any
1266             * other account type anyway.
1267             * This will only affect people who used intermediate builds between email1 and email2,
1268             * it should be a no-op for most users.
1269             */
1270            if (oldVersion <= 118) {
1271                db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " + MailboxColumns.SYNC_INTERVAL
1272                        + "=0 where " + MailboxColumns.TYPE + "=" + Mailbox.TYPE_DRAFTS);
1274                db.execSQL("delete from " + Message.TABLE_NAME + " where "
1275                        + "(" + SyncColumns.SERVER_ID + " not null and "
1276                        + SyncColumns.SERVER_ID + "!='') and "
1277                        + MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY + " in (select "
1278                        + MailboxColumns.ID + " from " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " where "
1279                        + MailboxColumns.TYPE + "=" + Mailbox.TYPE_DRAFTS + ")");
1280            }
1282            // We originally dropped and recreated the deleteDuplicateMessagesTrigger here at
1283            // version 120. We needed to update it again at version 123, so there's no reason
1284            // to do it twice.
1286            // Add the mainMailboxKey column, and get rid of any messages in the search_results
1287            // folder.
1288            if (oldVersion <= 120) {
1289                db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.TABLE_NAME
1290                        + " add " + MessageColumns.MAIN_MAILBOX_KEY + " integer");
1292                // Delete all TYPE_SEARCH mailboxes. These will be for stale queries anyway, and
1293                // the messages in them will not have the mainMailboxKey column correctly populated.
1294                // We have a trigger (See TRIGGER_MAILBOX_DELETE) that will delete any messages
1295                // in the deleted mailboxes.
1296                db.execSQL("delete from " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " where "
1297                        + Mailbox.TYPE + "=" + Mailbox.TYPE_SEARCH);
1298            }
1300            if (oldVersion <= 121) {
1301                // The previous update omitted making these changes to the Message_Updates and
1302                // Message_Deletes tables. The app will actually crash in between these versions!
1303                db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.UPDATED_TABLE_NAME
1304                        + " add " + MessageColumns.MAIN_MAILBOX_KEY + " integer");
1305                db.execSQL("alter table " + Message.DELETED_TABLE_NAME
1306                        + " add " + MessageColumns.MAIN_MAILBOX_KEY + " integer");
1307            }
1309            if (oldVersion <= 122) {
1310                if (oldVersion >= 117) {
1311                    /**
1312                     * This trigger was originally created at version 117, but we needed to change
1313                     * it for version 122. So if our oldVersion is 117 or more, we know we have that
1314                     * trigger and must drop it before re creating it.
1315                     */
1316                    dropDeleteDuplicateMessagesTrigger(db);
1317                }
1318                createDeleteDuplicateMessagesTrigger(mContext, db);
1319            }
1320        }
1322        @Override
1323        public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) {
1324            try {
1325                // Cleanup some nasty records
1326                db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + Account.TABLE_NAME
1327                        + " WHERE " + AccountColumns.DISPLAY_NAME + " ISNULL;");
1328                db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME
1329                        + " WHERE " + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + " ISNULL;");
1330            } catch (SQLException e) {
1331                // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1332                LogUtils.e(TAG, e, "Exception cleaning EmailProvider.db");
1333            }
1334        }
1335    }
1337    @VisibleForTesting
1338    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
1339    static void convertPolicyFlagsToPolicyTable(SQLiteDatabase db) {
1340        Cursor c = db.query(Account.TABLE_NAME,
1341                new String[] {EmailContent.RECORD_ID /*0*/, AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS /*1*/},
1342                AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS + ">0", null, null, null, null);
1343        try {
1344            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
1345            String[] args = new String[1];
1346            while (c.moveToNext()) {
1347                long securityFlags = c.getLong(1 /*SECURITY_FLAGS*/);
1348                Policy policy = LegacyPolicySet.flagsToPolicy(securityFlags);
1349                long policyId = db.insert(Policy.TABLE_NAME, null, policy.toContentValues());
1350                cv.put(AccountColumns.POLICY_KEY, policyId);
1351                cv.putNull(AccountColumns.SECURITY_FLAGS);
1352                args[0] = Long.toString(c.getLong(0 /*RECORD_ID*/));
1353                db.update(Account.TABLE_NAME, cv, EmailContent.RECORD_ID + "=?", args);
1354            }
1355        } finally {
1356            c.close();
1357        }
1358    }
1360    /** Upgrades the database from v17 to v18 */
1361    @VisibleForTesting
1362    static void upgradeFromVersion17ToVersion18(SQLiteDatabase db) {
1363        // Copy the displayName column to the serverId column. In v18 of the database,
1364        // we use the serverId for IMAP/POP3 mailboxes instead of overloading the
1365        // display name.
1366        //
1367        // For posterity; this is the command we're executing:
1368        //sqlite> UPDATE mailbox SET serverid=displayname WHERE mailbox._id in (
1369        //        ...> SELECT mailbox._id FROM mailbox,account,hostauth WHERE
1370        //        ...> (mailbox.parentkey isnull OR mailbox.parentkey=0) AND
1371        //        ...> mailbox.accountkey=account._id AND
1372        //        ...> account.hostauthkeyrecv=hostauth._id AND
1373        //        ...> (hostauth.protocol='imap' OR hostauth.protocol='pop3'));
1374        try {
1375            db.execSQL(
1376                    "UPDATE " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " SET "
1377                    + MailboxColumns.SERVER_ID + "=" + MailboxColumns.DISPLAY_NAME
1378                    + " WHERE "
1379                    + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + "." + MailboxColumns.ID + " IN ( SELECT "
1380                    + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + "." + MailboxColumns.ID + " FROM "
1381                    + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + "," + Account.TABLE_NAME + ","
1382                    + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE "
1383                    + "("
1384                    + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + "." + MailboxColumns.PARENT_KEY + " isnull OR "
1385                    + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + "." + MailboxColumns.PARENT_KEY + "=0 "
1386                    + ") AND "
1387                    + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + "." + MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + "="
1388                    + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns.ID + " AND "
1389                    + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." + AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + "="
1390                    + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns.ID + " AND ( "
1391                    + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='imap' OR "
1392                    + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='pop3' ) )");
1393        } catch (SQLException e) {
1394            // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1395            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 17 to 18 " + e);
1396        }
1397        ContentCache.invalidateAllCaches();
1398    }
1400    /**
1401     * Upgrade the database from v21 to v22
1402     * This entails creating AccountManager accounts for all pop3 and imap accounts
1403     */
1405    private static final String[] V21_ACCOUNT_PROJECTION =
1406        new String[] {AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV, AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS};
1407    private static final int V21_ACCOUNT_RECV = 0;
1408    private static final int V21_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = 1;
1410    private static final String[] V21_HOSTAUTH_PROJECTION =
1411        new String[] {HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL, HostAuthColumns.PASSWORD};
1412    private static final int V21_HOSTAUTH_PROTOCOL = 0;
1413    private static final int V21_HOSTAUTH_PASSWORD = 1;
1415    private static void createAccountManagerAccount(Context context, String login, String type,
1416            String password) {
1417        final AccountManager accountManager = AccountManager.get(context);
1419        if (isAccountPresent(accountManager, login, type)) {
1420            // The account already exists,just return
1421            return;
1422        }
1423        LogUtils.v("Email", "Creating account %s %s", login, type);
1424        final android.accounts.Account amAccount = new android.accounts.Account(login, type);
1425        accountManager.addAccountExplicitly(amAccount, password, null);
1426        ContentResolver.setIsSyncable(amAccount, EmailContent.AUTHORITY, 1);
1427        ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically(amAccount, EmailContent.AUTHORITY, true);
1428        ContentResolver.setIsSyncable(amAccount, ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, 0);
1429        ContentResolver.setIsSyncable(amAccount, CalendarContract.AUTHORITY, 0);
1430    }
1432    private static boolean isAccountPresent(AccountManager accountManager, String name,
1433            String type) {
1434        final android.accounts.Account[] amAccounts = accountManager.getAccountsByType(type);
1435        if (amAccounts != null) {
1436            for (android.accounts.Account account : amAccounts) {
1437                if (TextUtils.equals(account.name, name) && TextUtils.equals(account.type, type)) {
1438                    return true;
1439                }
1440            }
1441        }
1442        return false;
1443    }
1445    @VisibleForTesting
1446    static void upgradeFromVersion21ToVersion22(SQLiteDatabase db, Context accountManagerContext) {
1447        migrateLegacyAccounts(db, accountManagerContext);
1448    }
1450    private static void migrateLegacyAccounts(SQLiteDatabase db, Context accountManagerContext) {
1451        final Map<String, String> legacyToNewTypeMap = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>()
1452                .put(LEGACY_SCHEME_POP3,
1453                        accountManagerContext.getString(R.string.account_manager_type_pop3))
1454                .put(LEGACY_SCHEME_IMAP,
1455                        accountManagerContext.getString(R.string.account_manager_type_legacy_imap))
1456                .put(LEGACY_SCHEME_EAS,
1457                        accountManagerContext.getString(R.string.account_manager_type_exchange))
1458                .build();
1459        try {
1460            // Loop through accounts, looking for pop/imap accounts
1461            final Cursor accountCursor = db.query(Account.TABLE_NAME, V21_ACCOUNT_PROJECTION, null,
1462                    null, null, null, null);
1463            try {
1464                final String[] hostAuthArgs = new String[1];
1465                while (accountCursor.moveToNext()) {
1466                    hostAuthArgs[0] = accountCursor.getString(V21_ACCOUNT_RECV);
1467                    // Get the "receive" HostAuth for this account
1468                    final Cursor hostAuthCursor = db.query(HostAuth.TABLE_NAME,
1469                            V21_HOSTAUTH_PROJECTION, HostAuth.RECORD_ID + "=?", hostAuthArgs,
1470                            null, null, null);
1471                    try {
1472                        if (hostAuthCursor.moveToFirst()) {
1473                            final String protocol = hostAuthCursor.getString(V21_HOSTAUTH_PROTOCOL);
1474                            // If this is a pop3 or imap account, create the account manager account
1475                            if (LEGACY_SCHEME_IMAP.equals(protocol) ||
1476                                    LEGACY_SCHEME_POP3.equals(protocol)) {
1477                                // If this is a pop3 or imap account, create the account manager
1478                                // account
1479                                if (MailActivityEmail.DEBUG) {
1480                                    LogUtils.d(TAG, "Create AccountManager account for " + protocol
1481                                            + "account: "
1482                                            + accountCursor.getString(V21_ACCOUNT_EMAIL));
1483                                }
1484                                createAccountManagerAccount(accountManagerContext,
1485                                        accountCursor.getString(V21_ACCOUNT_EMAIL),
1486                                        legacyToNewTypeMap.get(protocol),
1487                                        hostAuthCursor.getString(V21_HOSTAUTH_PASSWORD));
1488                            } else if (LEGACY_SCHEME_EAS.equals(protocol)) {
1489                                // If an EAS account, make Email sync automatically (equivalent of
1490                                // checking the "Sync Email" box in settings
1492                                android.accounts.Account amAccount = new android.accounts.Account(
1493                                        accountCursor.getString(V21_ACCOUNT_EMAIL),
1494                                        legacyToNewTypeMap.get(protocol));
1495                                ContentResolver.setIsSyncable(amAccount, EmailContent.AUTHORITY, 1);
1496                                ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically(amAccount,
1497                                        EmailContent.AUTHORITY, true);
1498                            }
1499                        }
1500                    } finally {
1501                        hostAuthCursor.close();
1502                    }
1503                }
1504            } finally {
1505                accountCursor.close();
1506            }
1507        } catch (SQLException e) {
1508            // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1509            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception while migrating accounts " + e);
1510        }
1511    }
1513    /** Upgrades the database from v22 to v23 */
1514    private static void upgradeFromVersion22ToVersion23(SQLiteDatabase db) {
1515        try {
1516            db.execSQL("alter table " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME
1517                    + " add column " + Mailbox.LAST_TOUCHED_TIME + " integer default 0;");
1518        } catch (SQLException e) {
1519            // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1520            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 22 to 23 " + e);
1521        }
1522    }
1524    /** Adds in a column for information about a client certificate to use. */
1525    private static void upgradeFromVersion23ToVersion24(SQLiteDatabase db) {
1526        try {
1527            db.execSQL("alter table " + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME
1528                    + " add column " + HostAuth.CLIENT_CERT_ALIAS + " text;");
1529        } catch (SQLException e) {
1530            // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1531            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 23 to 24 " + e);
1532        }
1533    }
1535    /** Upgrades the database from v24 to v25 by creating table for quick responses */
1536    private static void upgradeFromVersion24ToVersion25(SQLiteDatabase db) {
1537        try {
1538            createQuickResponseTable(db);
1539        } catch (SQLException e) {
1540            // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1541            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 24 to 25 " + e);
1542        }
1543    }
1545    private static final String[] V25_ACCOUNT_PROJECTION =
1546        new String[] {AccountColumns.ID, AccountColumns.FLAGS, AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV};
1547    private static final int V25_ACCOUNT_ID = 0;
1548    private static final int V25_ACCOUNT_FLAGS = 1;
1549    private static final int V25_ACCOUNT_RECV = 2;
1551    private static final String[] V25_HOSTAUTH_PROJECTION = new String[] {HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL};
1552    private static final int V25_HOSTAUTH_PROTOCOL = 0;
1554    /** Upgrades the database from v25 to v26 by adding FLAG_SUPPORTS_SEARCH to IMAP accounts */
1555    private static void upgradeFromVersion25ToVersion26(SQLiteDatabase db) {
1556        try {
1557            // Loop through accounts, looking for imap accounts
1558            Cursor accountCursor = db.query(Account.TABLE_NAME, V25_ACCOUNT_PROJECTION, null,
1559                    null, null, null, null);
1560            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
1561            try {
1562                String[] hostAuthArgs = new String[1];
1563                while (accountCursor.moveToNext()) {
1564                    hostAuthArgs[0] = accountCursor.getString(V25_ACCOUNT_RECV);
1565                    // Get the "receive" HostAuth for this account
1566                    Cursor hostAuthCursor = db.query(HostAuth.TABLE_NAME,
1567                            V25_HOSTAUTH_PROJECTION, HostAuth.RECORD_ID + "=?", hostAuthArgs,
1568                            null, null, null);
1569                    try {
1570                        if (hostAuthCursor.moveToFirst()) {
1571                            String protocol = hostAuthCursor.getString(V25_HOSTAUTH_PROTOCOL);
1572                            // If this is an imap account, add the search flag
1573                            if (LEGACY_SCHEME_IMAP.equals(protocol)) {
1574                                String id = accountCursor.getString(V25_ACCOUNT_ID);
1575                                int flags = accountCursor.getInt(V25_ACCOUNT_FLAGS);
1576                                cv.put(AccountColumns.FLAGS, flags | Account.FLAGS_SUPPORTS_SEARCH);
1577                                db.update(Account.TABLE_NAME, cv, Account.RECORD_ID + "=?",
1578                                        new String[] {id});
1579                            }
1580                        }
1581                    } finally {
1582                        hostAuthCursor.close();
1583                    }
1584                }
1585            } finally {
1586                accountCursor.close();
1587            }
1588        } catch (SQLException e) {
1589            // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1590            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 25 to 26 " + e);
1591        }
1592    }
1594    /** Upgrades the database from v29 to v30 by updating all address fields in Message */
1595    private static final int[] ADDRESS_COLUMN_INDICES = new int[] {
1598        Message.CONTENT_TO_LIST_COLUMN
1599    };
1600    private static final String[] ADDRESS_COLUMN_NAMES = new String[] {
1601        Message.BCC_LIST, Message.CC_LIST, Message.FROM_LIST, Message.REPLY_TO_LIST, Message.TO_LIST
1602    };
1604    private static void upgradeFromVersion29ToVersion30(SQLiteDatabase db) {
1605        try {
1606            // Loop through all messages, updating address columns to new format (CSV, RFC822)
1607            Cursor messageCursor = db.query(Message.TABLE_NAME, Message.CONTENT_PROJECTION, null,
1608                    null, null, null, null);
1609            ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
1610            String[] whereArgs = new String[1];
1611            try {
1612                while (messageCursor.moveToNext()) {
1613                    for (int i = 0; i < ADDRESS_COLUMN_INDICES.length; i++) {
1614                        Address[] addrs =
1615                                Address.unpack(messageCursor.getString(ADDRESS_COLUMN_INDICES[i]));
1616                        cv.put(ADDRESS_COLUMN_NAMES[i], Address.pack(addrs));
1617                    }
1618                    whereArgs[0] = messageCursor.getString(Message.CONTENT_ID_COLUMN);
1619                    db.update(Message.TABLE_NAME, cv, WHERE_ID, whereArgs);
1620                }
1621            } finally {
1622                messageCursor.close();
1623            }
1624        } catch (SQLException e) {
1625            // Shouldn't be needed unless we're debugging and interrupt the process
1626            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 29 to 30 " + e);
1627        }
1628    }
1630    private static void upgradeToEmail2(SQLiteDatabase db) {
1631        // Perform cleanup operations from Email1 to Email2; Email1 will have added new
1632        // data that won't conform to what's expected in Email2
1634        // From 31->32 upgrade
1635        try {
1636            db.execSQL("update Mailbox set " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_KEY +
1637                    "=0 where " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_KEY + " IS NULL");
1638            db.execSQL("update Mailbox set " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT +
1639                    "=0 where " + Mailbox.LAST_NOTIFIED_MESSAGE_COUNT + " IS NULL");
1640        } catch (SQLException e) {
1641            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 31 to 32/100 " + e);
1642        }
1644        // From 32->33 upgrade
1645        try {
1646            db.execSQL("update " + Attachment.TABLE_NAME + " set " + Attachment.UI_STATE +
1647                    "=" + UIProvider.AttachmentState.SAVED + " where " +
1648                    AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_URI + " is not null;");
1649        } catch (SQLException e) {
1650            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 32 to 33/100 " + e);
1651        }
1653        // From 34->35 upgrade
1654        try {
1655            db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " +
1656                    MailboxColumns.LAST_TOUCHED_TIME + " = " +
1657                    Mailbox.DRAFTS_DEFAULT_TOUCH_TIME + " WHERE " + MailboxColumns.TYPE +
1658                    " = " + Mailbox.TYPE_DRAFTS);
1659            db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " +
1660                    MailboxColumns.LAST_TOUCHED_TIME + " = " +
1661                    Mailbox.SENT_DEFAULT_TOUCH_TIME + " WHERE " + MailboxColumns.TYPE +
1662                    " = " + Mailbox.TYPE_SENT);
1663        } catch (SQLException e) {
1664            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 34 to 35/100 " + e);
1665        }
1667        // From 35/36->37
1668        try {
1669            db.execSQL("update " + Mailbox.TABLE_NAME + " set " +
1670                    MailboxColumns.FLAGS + "=" + MailboxColumns.FLAGS + "|" +
1671                    Mailbox.FLAG_SUPPORTS_SETTINGS + " where (" +
1672                    MailboxColumns.FLAGS + "&" + Mailbox.FLAG_HOLDS_MAIL + ")!=0 and " +
1673                    MailboxColumns.ACCOUNT_KEY + " IN (SELECT " + Account.TABLE_NAME +
1674                    "." + AccountColumns.ID + " from " + Account.TABLE_NAME + "," +
1675                    HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + " where " + Account.TABLE_NAME + "." +
1676                    AccountColumns.HOST_AUTH_KEY_RECV + "=" + HostAuth.TABLE_NAME + "." +
1677                    HostAuthColumns.ID + " and " + HostAuthColumns.PROTOCOL + "='" +
1678                    LEGACY_SCHEME_EAS + "')");
1679        } catch (SQLException e) {
1680            LogUtils.w(TAG, "Exception upgrading EmailProvider.db from 35/36 to 37/100 " + e);
1681        }
1682    }