2 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.launcher3;
19import android.animation.TimeInterpolator;
20import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
21import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener;
22import android.content.ComponentName;
23import android.content.Context;
24import android.content.Intent;
25import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
26import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
27import android.content.res.Configuration;
28import android.content.res.Resources;
29import android.graphics.PointF;
30import android.graphics.Rect;
31import android.graphics.drawable.TransitionDrawable;
32import android.util.AttributeSet;
33import android.view.View;
34import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
35import android.view.ViewGroup;
36import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils;
37import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator;
38import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator;
40import java.util.List;
41import java.util.Set;
43public class DeleteDropTarget extends ButtonDropTarget {
44    private static int DELETE_ANIMATION_DURATION = 285;
45    private static int FLING_DELETE_ANIMATION_DURATION = 350;
46    private static float FLING_TO_DELETE_FRICTION = 0.035f;
47    private static int MODE_FLING_DELETE_TO_TRASH = 0;
48    private static int MODE_FLING_DELETE_ALONG_VECTOR = 1;
50    private final int mFlingDeleteMode = MODE_FLING_DELETE_ALONG_VECTOR;
52    private ColorStateList mOriginalTextColor;
53    private TransitionDrawable mUninstallDrawable;
54    private TransitionDrawable mRemoveDrawable;
55    private TransitionDrawable mCurrentDrawable;
57    private boolean mWaitingForUninstall = false;
59    public DeleteDropTarget(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
60        this(context, attrs, 0);
61    }
63    public DeleteDropTarget(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
64        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
65    }
67    @Override
68    protected void onFinishInflate() {
69        super.onFinishInflate();
71        // Get the drawable
72        mOriginalTextColor = getTextColors();
74        // Get the hover color
75        Resources r = getResources();
76        mHoverColor = r.getColor(R.color.delete_target_hover_tint);
77        mUninstallDrawable = (TransitionDrawable)
78                r.getDrawable(R.drawable.uninstall_target_selector);
79        mRemoveDrawable = (TransitionDrawable) r.getDrawable(R.drawable.remove_target_selector);
81        mRemoveDrawable.setCrossFadeEnabled(true);
82        mUninstallDrawable.setCrossFadeEnabled(true);
84        // The current drawable is set to either the remove drawable or the uninstall drawable
85        // and is initially set to the remove drawable, as set in the layout xml.
86        mCurrentDrawable = (TransitionDrawable) getCurrentDrawable();
88        // Remove the text in the Phone UI in landscape
89        int orientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation;
90        if (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
91            if (!LauncherAppState.getInstance().isScreenLarge()) {
92                setText("");
93            }
94        }
95    }
97    private boolean isAllAppsApplication(DragSource source, Object info) {
98        return (source instanceof AppsCustomizePagedView) && (info instanceof AppInfo);
99    }
100    private boolean isAllAppsWidget(DragSource source, Object info) {
101        if (source instanceof AppsCustomizePagedView) {
102            if (info instanceof PendingAddItemInfo) {
103                PendingAddItemInfo addInfo = (PendingAddItemInfo) info;
104                switch (addInfo.itemType) {
105                    case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT:
106                    case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET:
107                        return true;
108                }
109            }
110        }
111        return false;
112    }
113    private boolean isDragSourceWorkspaceOrFolder(DragObject d) {
114        return (d.dragSource instanceof Workspace) || (d.dragSource instanceof Folder);
115    }
116    private boolean isWorkspaceOrFolderApplication(DragObject d) {
117        return isDragSourceWorkspaceOrFolder(d) && (d.dragInfo instanceof ShortcutInfo);
118    }
119    private boolean isWorkspaceOrFolderWidget(DragObject d) {
120        return isDragSourceWorkspaceOrFolder(d) && (d.dragInfo instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo);
121    }
122    private boolean isWorkspaceFolder(DragObject d) {
123        return (d.dragSource instanceof Workspace) && (d.dragInfo instanceof FolderInfo);
124    }
126    private void setHoverColor() {
127        mCurrentDrawable.startTransition(mTransitionDuration);
128        setTextColor(mHoverColor);
129    }
130    private void resetHoverColor() {
131        mCurrentDrawable.resetTransition();
132        setTextColor(mOriginalTextColor);
133    }
135    @Override
136    public boolean acceptDrop(DragObject d) {
137        return willAcceptDrop(d.dragInfo);
138    }
140    public static boolean willAcceptDrop(Object info) {
141        if (info instanceof ItemInfo) {
142            ItemInfo item = (ItemInfo) info;
143            if (item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET ||
144                    item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT) {
145                return true;
146            }
148            if (!AppsCustomizePagedView.DISABLE_ALL_APPS &&
149                    item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER) {
150                return true;
151            }
153            if (!AppsCustomizePagedView.DISABLE_ALL_APPS &&
154                    item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION &&
155                    item instanceof AppInfo) {
156                AppInfo appInfo = (AppInfo) info;
157                return (appInfo.flags & AppInfo.DOWNLOADED_FLAG) != 0;
158            }
160            if (item.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION &&
161                item instanceof ShortcutInfo) {
162                if (AppsCustomizePagedView.DISABLE_ALL_APPS) {
163                    ShortcutInfo shortcutInfo = (ShortcutInfo) info;
164                    return (shortcutInfo.flags & AppInfo.DOWNLOADED_FLAG) != 0;
165                } else {
166                    return true;
167                }
168            }
169        }
170        return false;
171    }
173    @Override
174    public void onDragStart(DragSource source, Object info, int dragAction) {
175        boolean isVisible = true;
176        boolean useUninstallLabel = !AppsCustomizePagedView.DISABLE_ALL_APPS &&
177                isAllAppsApplication(source, info);
179        // If we are dragging an application from AppsCustomize, only show the control if we can
180        // delete the app (it was downloaded), and rename the string to "uninstall" in such a case.
181        // Hide the delete target if it is a widget from AppsCustomize.
182        if (!willAcceptDrop(info) || isAllAppsWidget(source, info)) {
183            isVisible = false;
184        }
186        if (useUninstallLabel) {
187            setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(mUninstallDrawable, null, null, null);
188        } else {
189            setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(mRemoveDrawable, null, null, null);
190        }
191        mCurrentDrawable = (TransitionDrawable) getCurrentDrawable();
193        mActive = isVisible;
194        resetHoverColor();
195        ((ViewGroup) getParent()).setVisibility(isVisible ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);
196        if (getText().length() > 0) {
197            setText(useUninstallLabel ? R.string.delete_target_uninstall_label
198                : R.string.delete_target_label);
199        }
200    }
202    @Override
203    public void onDragEnd() {
204        super.onDragEnd();
205        mActive = false;
206    }
208    public void onDragEnter(DragObject d) {
209        super.onDragEnter(d);
211        setHoverColor();
212    }
214    public void onDragExit(DragObject d) {
215        super.onDragExit(d);
217        if (!d.dragComplete) {
218            resetHoverColor();
219        } else {
220            // Restore the hover color if we are deleting
221            d.dragView.setColor(mHoverColor);
222        }
223    }
225    private void animateToTrashAndCompleteDrop(final DragObject d) {
226        final DragLayer dragLayer = mLauncher.getDragLayer();
227        final Rect from = new Rect();
228        dragLayer.getViewRectRelativeToSelf(d.dragView, from);
229        final Rect to = getIconRect(d.dragView.getMeasuredWidth(), d.dragView.getMeasuredHeight(),
230                mCurrentDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), mCurrentDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight());
231        final float scale = (float) to.width() / from.width();
233        mSearchDropTargetBar.deferOnDragEnd();
234        deferCompleteDropIfUninstalling(d);
236        Runnable onAnimationEndRunnable = new Runnable() {
237            @Override
238            public void run() {
239                completeDrop(d);
240                mSearchDropTargetBar.onDragEnd();
241                mLauncher.exitSpringLoadedDragMode();
242            }
243        };
244        dragLayer.animateView(d.dragView, from, to, scale, 1f, 1f, 0.1f, 0.1f,
245                DELETE_ANIMATION_DURATION, new DecelerateInterpolator(2),
246                new LinearInterpolator(), onAnimationEndRunnable,
247                DragLayer.ANIMATION_END_DISAPPEAR, null);
248    }
250    private void deferCompleteDropIfUninstalling(DragObject d) {
251        mWaitingForUninstall = false;
252        if (isUninstallFromWorkspace(d)) {
253            if (d.dragSource instanceof Folder) {
254                ((Folder) d.dragSource).deferCompleteDropAfterUninstallActivity();
255            } else if (d.dragSource instanceof Workspace) {
256                ((Workspace) d.dragSource).deferCompleteDropAfterUninstallActivity();
257            }
258            mWaitingForUninstall = true;
259        }
260    }
262    private boolean isUninstallFromWorkspace(DragObject d) {
263        if (AppsCustomizePagedView.DISABLE_ALL_APPS && isWorkspaceOrFolderApplication(d)) {
264            ShortcutInfo shortcut = (ShortcutInfo) d.dragInfo;
265            if (shortcut.intent != null && shortcut.intent.getComponent() != null) {
266                Set<String> categories = shortcut.intent.getCategories();
267                boolean includesLauncherCategory = false;
268                if (categories != null) {
269                    for (String category : categories) {
270                        if (category.equals(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER)) {
271                            includesLauncherCategory = true;
272                            break;
273                        }
274                    }
275                }
276                return includesLauncherCategory;
277            }
278        }
279        return false;
280    }
282    private void completeDrop(DragObject d) {
283        ItemInfo item = (ItemInfo) d.dragInfo;
284        boolean wasWaitingForUninstall = mWaitingForUninstall;
285        mWaitingForUninstall = false;
286        if (isAllAppsApplication(d.dragSource, item)) {
287            // Uninstall the application if it is being dragged from AppsCustomize
288            AppInfo appInfo = (AppInfo) item;
289            mLauncher.startApplicationUninstallActivity(appInfo.componentName, appInfo.flags);
290        } else if (isUninstallFromWorkspace(d)) {
291            ShortcutInfo shortcut = (ShortcutInfo) item;
292            if (shortcut.intent != null && shortcut.intent.getComponent() != null) {
293                final ComponentName componentName = shortcut.intent.getComponent();
294                final DragSource dragSource = d.dragSource;
295                int flags = AppInfo.initFlags(
296                    ShortcutInfo.getPackageInfo(getContext(), componentName.getPackageName()));
297                mWaitingForUninstall =
298                    mLauncher.startApplicationUninstallActivity(componentName, flags);
299                if (mWaitingForUninstall) {
300                    final Runnable checkIfUninstallWasSuccess = new Runnable() {
301                        @Override
302                        public void run() {
303                            mWaitingForUninstall = false;
304                            String packageName = componentName.getPackageName();
305                            List<ResolveInfo> activities =
306                                    AllAppsList.findActivitiesForPackage(getContext(), packageName);
307                            boolean uninstallSuccessful = activities.size() == 0;
308                            if (dragSource instanceof Folder) {
309                                ((Folder) dragSource).
310                                    onUninstallActivityReturned(uninstallSuccessful);
311                            } else if (dragSource instanceof Workspace) {
312                                ((Workspace) dragSource).
313                                    onUninstallActivityReturned(uninstallSuccessful);
314                            }
315                        }
316                    };
317                    mLauncher.addOnResumeCallback(checkIfUninstallWasSuccess);
318                }
319            }
320        } else if (isWorkspaceOrFolderApplication(d)) {
321            LauncherModel.deleteItemFromDatabase(mLauncher, item);
322        } else if (isWorkspaceFolder(d)) {
323            // Remove the folder from the workspace and delete the contents from launcher model
324            FolderInfo folderInfo = (FolderInfo) item;
325            mLauncher.removeFolder(folderInfo);
326            LauncherModel.deleteFolderContentsFromDatabase(mLauncher, folderInfo);
327        } else if (isWorkspaceOrFolderWidget(d)) {
328            // Remove the widget from the workspace
329            mLauncher.removeAppWidget((LauncherAppWidgetInfo) item);
330            LauncherModel.deleteItemFromDatabase(mLauncher, item);
332            final LauncherAppWidgetInfo launcherAppWidgetInfo = (LauncherAppWidgetInfo) item;
333            final LauncherAppWidgetHost appWidgetHost = mLauncher.getAppWidgetHost();
334            if (appWidgetHost != null) {
335                // Deleting an app widget ID is a void call but writes to disk before returning
336                // to the caller...
337                new Thread("deleteAppWidgetId") {
338                    public void run() {
339                        appWidgetHost.deleteAppWidgetId(launcherAppWidgetInfo.appWidgetId);
340                    }
341                }.start();
342            }
343        }
344        if (wasWaitingForUninstall && !mWaitingForUninstall) {
345            if (d.dragSource instanceof Folder) {
346                ((Folder) d.dragSource).onUninstallActivityReturned(false);
347            } else if (d.dragSource instanceof Workspace) {
348                ((Workspace) d.dragSource).onUninstallActivityReturned(false);
349            }
350        }
351    }
353    public void onDrop(DragObject d) {
354        animateToTrashAndCompleteDrop(d);
355    }
357    /**
358     * Creates an animation from the current drag view to the delete trash icon.
359     */
360    private AnimatorUpdateListener createFlingToTrashAnimatorListener(final DragLayer dragLayer,
361            DragObject d, PointF vel, ViewConfiguration config) {
362        final Rect to = getIconRect(d.dragView.getMeasuredWidth(), d.dragView.getMeasuredHeight(),
363                mCurrentDrawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), mCurrentDrawable.getIntrinsicHeight());
364        final Rect from = new Rect();
365        dragLayer.getViewRectRelativeToSelf(d.dragView, from);
367        // Calculate how far along the velocity vector we should put the intermediate point on
368        // the bezier curve
369        float velocity = Math.abs(vel.length());
370        float vp = Math.min(1f, velocity / (config.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity() / 2f));
371        int offsetY = (int) (-from.top * vp);
372        int offsetX = (int) (offsetY / (vel.y / vel.x));
373        final float y2 = from.top + offsetY;                        // intermediate t/l
374        final float x2 = from.left + offsetX;
375        final float x1 = from.left;                                 // drag view t/l
376        final float y1 = from.top;
377        final float x3 = to.left;                                   // delete target t/l
378        final float y3 = to.top;
380        final TimeInterpolator scaleAlphaInterpolator = new TimeInterpolator() {
381            @Override
382            public float getInterpolation(float t) {
383                return t * t * t * t * t * t * t * t;
384            }
385        };
386        return new AnimatorUpdateListener() {
387            @Override
388            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
389                final DragView dragView = (DragView) dragLayer.getAnimatedView();
390                float t = ((Float) animation.getAnimatedValue()).floatValue();
391                float tp = scaleAlphaInterpolator.getInterpolation(t);
392                float initialScale = dragView.getInitialScale();
393                float finalAlpha = 0.5f;
394                float scale = dragView.getScaleX();
395                float x1o = ((1f - scale) * dragView.getMeasuredWidth()) / 2f;
396                float y1o = ((1f - scale) * dragView.getMeasuredHeight()) / 2f;
397                float x = (1f - t) * (1f - t) * (x1 - x1o) + 2 * (1f - t) * t * (x2 - x1o) +
398                        (t * t) * x3;
399                float y = (1f - t) * (1f - t) * (y1 - y1o) + 2 * (1f - t) * t * (y2 - x1o) +
400                        (t * t) * y3;
402                dragView.setTranslationX(x);
403                dragView.setTranslationY(y);
404                dragView.setScaleX(initialScale * (1f - tp));
405                dragView.setScaleY(initialScale * (1f - tp));
406                dragView.setAlpha(finalAlpha + (1f - finalAlpha) * (1f - tp));
407            }
408        };
409    }
411    /**
412     * Creates an animation from the current drag view along its current velocity vector.
413     * For this animation, the alpha runs for a fixed duration and we update the position
414     * progressively.
415     */
416    private static class FlingAlongVectorAnimatorUpdateListener implements AnimatorUpdateListener {
417        private DragLayer mDragLayer;
418        private PointF mVelocity;
419        private Rect mFrom;
420        private long mPrevTime;
421        private boolean mHasOffsetForScale;
422        private float mFriction;
424        private final TimeInterpolator mAlphaInterpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator(0.75f);
426        public FlingAlongVectorAnimatorUpdateListener(DragLayer dragLayer, PointF vel, Rect from,
427                long startTime, float friction) {
428            mDragLayer = dragLayer;
429            mVelocity = vel;
430            mFrom = from;
431            mPrevTime = startTime;
432            mFriction = 1f - (dragLayer.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * friction);
433        }
435        @Override
436        public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
437            final DragView dragView = (DragView) mDragLayer.getAnimatedView();
438            float t = ((Float) animation.getAnimatedValue()).floatValue();
439            long curTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
441            if (!mHasOffsetForScale) {
442                mHasOffsetForScale = true;
443                float scale = dragView.getScaleX();
444                float xOffset = ((scale - 1f) * dragView.getMeasuredWidth()) / 2f;
445                float yOffset = ((scale - 1f) * dragView.getMeasuredHeight()) / 2f;
447                mFrom.left += xOffset;
448                mFrom.top += yOffset;
449            }
451            mFrom.left += (mVelocity.x * (curTime - mPrevTime) / 1000f);
452            mFrom.top += (mVelocity.y * (curTime - mPrevTime) / 1000f);
454            dragView.setTranslationX(mFrom.left);
455            dragView.setTranslationY(mFrom.top);
456            dragView.setAlpha(1f - mAlphaInterpolator.getInterpolation(t));
458            mVelocity.x *= mFriction;
459            mVelocity.y *= mFriction;
460            mPrevTime = curTime;
461        }
462    };
463    private AnimatorUpdateListener createFlingAlongVectorAnimatorListener(final DragLayer dragLayer,
464            DragObject d, PointF vel, final long startTime, final int duration,
465            ViewConfiguration config) {
466        final Rect from = new Rect();
467        dragLayer.getViewRectRelativeToSelf(d.dragView, from);
469        return new FlingAlongVectorAnimatorUpdateListener(dragLayer, vel, from, startTime,
470                FLING_TO_DELETE_FRICTION);
471    }
473    public void onFlingToDelete(final DragObject d, int x, int y, PointF vel) {
474        final boolean isAllApps = d.dragSource instanceof AppsCustomizePagedView;
476        // Don't highlight the icon as it's animating
477        d.dragView.setColor(0);
478        d.dragView.updateInitialScaleToCurrentScale();
479        // Don't highlight the target if we are flinging from AllApps
480        if (isAllApps) {
481            resetHoverColor();
482        }
484        if (mFlingDeleteMode == MODE_FLING_DELETE_TO_TRASH) {
485            // Defer animating out the drop target if we are animating to it
486            mSearchDropTargetBar.deferOnDragEnd();
487            mSearchDropTargetBar.finishAnimations();
488        }
490        final ViewConfiguration config = ViewConfiguration.get(mLauncher);
491        final DragLayer dragLayer = mLauncher.getDragLayer();
492        final int duration = FLING_DELETE_ANIMATION_DURATION;
493        final long startTime = AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis();
495        // NOTE: Because it takes time for the first frame of animation to actually be
496        // called and we expect the animation to be a continuation of the fling, we have
497        // to account for the time that has elapsed since the fling finished.  And since
498        // we don't have a startDelay, we will always get call to update when we call
499        // start() (which we want to ignore).
500        final TimeInterpolator tInterpolator = new TimeInterpolator() {
501            private int mCount = -1;
502            private float mOffset = 0f;
504            @Override
505            public float getInterpolation(float t) {
506                if (mCount < 0) {
507                    mCount++;
508                } else if (mCount == 0) {
509                    mOffset = Math.min(0.5f, (float) (AnimationUtils.currentAnimationTimeMillis() -
510                            startTime) / duration);
511                    mCount++;
512                }
513                return Math.min(1f, mOffset + t);
514            }
515        };
516        AnimatorUpdateListener updateCb = null;
517        if (mFlingDeleteMode == MODE_FLING_DELETE_TO_TRASH) {
518            updateCb = createFlingToTrashAnimatorListener(dragLayer, d, vel, config);
519        } else if (mFlingDeleteMode == MODE_FLING_DELETE_ALONG_VECTOR) {
520            updateCb = createFlingAlongVectorAnimatorListener(dragLayer, d, vel, startTime,
521                    duration, config);
522        }
523        deferCompleteDropIfUninstalling(d);
525        Runnable onAnimationEndRunnable = new Runnable() {
526            @Override
527            public void run() {
528                // If we are dragging from AllApps, then we allow AppsCustomizePagedView to clean up
529                // itself, otherwise, complete the drop to initiate the deletion process
530                if (!isAllApps) {
531                    mLauncher.exitSpringLoadedDragMode();
532                    completeDrop(d);
533                }
534                mLauncher.getDragController().onDeferredEndFling(d);
535            }
536        };
537        dragLayer.animateView(d.dragView, updateCb, duration, tInterpolator, onAnimationEndRunnable,
538                DragLayer.ANIMATION_END_DISAPPEAR, null);
539    }