// Copyright 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package org.chromium.sync.notifier; import android.accounts.Account; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SyncStatusObserver; import android.os.StrictMode; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import org.chromium.base.ObserverList; import org.chromium.sync.signin.AccountManagerHelper; import org.chromium.sync.signin.ChromeSigninController; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; /** * A helper class to handle the current status of sync for Chrome in Android settings. * * It also provides an observer to be used whenever Android sync settings change. * * To retrieve an instance of this class, call SyncStatusHelper.get(someContext). * * All new public methods MUST call notifyObservers at the end. */ @ThreadSafe public class SyncStatusHelper { /** * In-memory holder of the sync configurations for a given account. On each * access, updates the cache if the account has changed. This lazy-updating * model is appropriate as the account changes rarely but may not be known * when initially constructed. So long as we keep a single account, no * expensive calls to Android are made. */ @NotThreadSafe @VisibleForTesting public static class CachedAccountSyncSettings { private final String mContractAuthority; private final SyncContentResolverDelegate mSyncContentResolverDelegate; private Account mAccount; private boolean mDidUpdate; private boolean mSyncAutomatically; private int mIsSyncable; public CachedAccountSyncSettings(String contractAuthority, SyncContentResolverDelegate contentResolverWrapper) { mContractAuthority = contractAuthority; mSyncContentResolverDelegate = contentResolverWrapper; } private void ensureSettingsAreForAccount(Account account) { assert account != null; if (account.equals(mAccount)) return; updateSyncSettingsForAccount(account); mDidUpdate = true; } public void clearUpdateStatus() { mDidUpdate = false; } public boolean getDidUpdateStatus() { return mDidUpdate; } // Calling this method may have side-effects. public boolean getSyncAutomatically(Account account) { ensureSettingsAreForAccount(account); return mSyncAutomatically; } public void updateSyncSettingsForAccount(Account account) { if (account == null) return; updateSyncSettingsForAccountInternal(account); } public void setIsSyncable(Account account) { ensureSettingsAreForAccount(account); if (mIsSyncable == 1) return; setIsSyncableInternal(account); } public void setSyncAutomatically(Account account, boolean value) { ensureSettingsAreForAccount(account); if (mSyncAutomatically == value) return; setSyncAutomaticallyInternal(account, value); } @VisibleForTesting protected void updateSyncSettingsForAccountInternal(Account account) { // Null check here otherwise Findbugs complains. if (account == null) return; boolean oldSyncAutomatically = mSyncAutomatically; int oldIsSyncable = mIsSyncable; Account oldAccount = mAccount; mAccount = account; StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = temporarilyAllowDiskWritesAndDiskReads(); mSyncAutomatically = mSyncContentResolverDelegate.getSyncAutomatically( account, mContractAuthority); mIsSyncable = mSyncContentResolverDelegate.getIsSyncable(account, mContractAuthority); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(oldPolicy); mDidUpdate = (oldIsSyncable != mIsSyncable) || (oldSyncAutomatically != mSyncAutomatically) || (!account.equals(oldAccount)); } @VisibleForTesting protected void setIsSyncableInternal(Account account) { mIsSyncable = 1; StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = temporarilyAllowDiskWritesAndDiskReads(); mSyncContentResolverDelegate.setIsSyncable(account, mContractAuthority, 1); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(oldPolicy); mDidUpdate = true; } @VisibleForTesting protected void setSyncAutomaticallyInternal(Account account, boolean value) { mSyncAutomatically = value; StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = temporarilyAllowDiskWritesAndDiskReads(); mSyncContentResolverDelegate.setSyncAutomatically(account, mContractAuthority, value); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(oldPolicy); mDidUpdate = true; } } // This should always have the same value as GaiaConstants::kChromeSyncOAuth2Scope. public static final String CHROME_SYNC_OAUTH2_SCOPE = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chromesync"; public static final String TAG = "SyncStatusHelper"; /** * Lock for ensuring singleton instantiation across threads. */ private static final Object INSTANCE_LOCK = new Object(); private static SyncStatusHelper sSyncStatusHelper; private final String mContractAuthority; private final Context mApplicationContext; private final SyncContentResolverDelegate mSyncContentResolverDelegate; private boolean mCachedMasterSyncAutomatically; // Instantiation of SyncStatusHelper is guarded by a lock so volatile is unneeded. private CachedAccountSyncSettings mCachedSettings; private final ObserverList mObservers = new ObserverList(); /** * Provides notifications when Android sync settings have changed. */ public interface SyncSettingsChangedObserver { public void syncSettingsChanged(); } /** * @param context the context * @param syncContentResolverDelegate an implementation of {@link SyncContentResolverDelegate}. */ private SyncStatusHelper(Context context, SyncContentResolverDelegate syncContentResolverDelegate, CachedAccountSyncSettings cachedAccountSettings) { mApplicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); mSyncContentResolverDelegate = syncContentResolverDelegate; mContractAuthority = getContractAuthority(); mCachedSettings = cachedAccountSettings; updateMasterSyncAutomaticallySetting(); mSyncContentResolverDelegate.addStatusChangeListener( ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_SETTINGS, new AndroidSyncSettingsChangedObserver()); } private void updateMasterSyncAutomaticallySetting() { StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = temporarilyAllowDiskWritesAndDiskReads(); synchronized (mCachedSettings) { mCachedMasterSyncAutomatically = mSyncContentResolverDelegate .getMasterSyncAutomatically(); } StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(oldPolicy); } /** * A factory method for the SyncStatusHelper. * * It is possible to override the {@link SyncContentResolverDelegate} to use in tests for the * instance of the SyncStatusHelper by calling overrideSyncStatusHelperForTests(...) with * your {@link SyncContentResolverDelegate}. * * @param context the ApplicationContext is retrieved from the context used as an argument. * @return a singleton instance of the SyncStatusHelper */ public static SyncStatusHelper get(Context context) { synchronized (INSTANCE_LOCK) { if (sSyncStatusHelper == null) { SyncContentResolverDelegate contentResolverDelegate = new SystemSyncContentResolverDelegate(); CachedAccountSyncSettings cache = new CachedAccountSyncSettings( context.getPackageName(), contentResolverDelegate); sSyncStatusHelper = new SyncStatusHelper(context, contentResolverDelegate, cache); } } return sSyncStatusHelper; } /** * Tests might want to consider overriding the context and {@link SyncContentResolverDelegate} * so they do not use the real ContentResolver in Android. * * @param context the context to use * @param syncContentResolverDelegate the {@link SyncContentResolverDelegate} to use */ @VisibleForTesting public static void overrideSyncStatusHelperForTests(Context context, SyncContentResolverDelegate syncContentResolverDelegate, CachedAccountSyncSettings cachedAccountSettings) { synchronized (INSTANCE_LOCK) { if (sSyncStatusHelper != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("SyncStatusHelper already exists"); } sSyncStatusHelper = new SyncStatusHelper(context, syncContentResolverDelegate, cachedAccountSettings); } } @VisibleForTesting public static void overrideSyncStatusHelperForTests(Context context, SyncContentResolverDelegate syncContentResolverDelegate) { CachedAccountSyncSettings cachedAccountSettings = new CachedAccountSyncSettings( context.getPackageName(), syncContentResolverDelegate); overrideSyncStatusHelperForTests(context, syncContentResolverDelegate, cachedAccountSettings); } /** * Returns the contract authority to use when requesting sync. */ public String getContractAuthority() { return mApplicationContext.getPackageName(); } /** * Wrapper method for the ContentResolver.addStatusChangeListener(...) when we are only * interested in the settings type. */ public void registerSyncSettingsChangedObserver(SyncSettingsChangedObserver observer) { mObservers.addObserver(observer); } /** * Wrapper method for the ContentResolver.removeStatusChangeListener(...). */ public void unregisterSyncSettingsChangedObserver(SyncSettingsChangedObserver observer) { mObservers.removeObserver(observer); } /** * Checks whether sync is currently enabled from Chrome for a given account. * * It checks both the master sync for the device, and Chrome sync setting for the given account. * * @param account the account to check if Chrome sync is enabled on. * @return true if sync is on, false otherwise */ public boolean isSyncEnabled(Account account) { if (account == null) return false; boolean returnValue; synchronized (mCachedSettings) { returnValue = mCachedMasterSyncAutomatically && mCachedSettings.getSyncAutomatically(account); } notifyObserversIfAccountSettingsChanged(); return returnValue; } /** * Checks whether sync is currently enabled from Chrome for the currently signed in account. * * It checks both the master sync for the device, and Chrome sync setting for the given account. * If no user is currently signed in it returns false. * * @return true if sync is on, false otherwise */ public boolean isSyncEnabled() { return isSyncEnabled(ChromeSigninController.get(mApplicationContext).getSignedInUser()); } /** * Checks whether sync is currently enabled from Chrome for a given account. * * It checks only Chrome sync setting for the given account, * and ignores the master sync setting. * * @param account the account to check if Chrome sync is enabled on. * @return true if sync is on, false otherwise */ public boolean isSyncEnabledForChrome(Account account) { if (account == null) return false; boolean returnValue; synchronized (mCachedSettings) { returnValue = mCachedSettings.getSyncAutomatically(account); } notifyObserversIfAccountSettingsChanged(); return returnValue; } /** * Checks whether the master sync flag for Android is currently set. * * @return true if the global master sync is on, false otherwise */ public boolean isMasterSyncAutomaticallyEnabled() { synchronized (mCachedSettings) { return mCachedMasterSyncAutomatically; } } /** * Make sure Chrome is syncable, and enable sync. * * @param account the account to enable sync on */ public void enableAndroidSync(Account account) { makeSyncable(account); synchronized (mCachedSettings) { mCachedSettings.setSyncAutomatically(account, true); } notifyObserversIfAccountSettingsChanged(); } /** * Disables Android Chrome sync * * @param account the account to disable Chrome sync on */ public void disableAndroidSync(Account account) { synchronized (mCachedSettings) { mCachedSettings.setSyncAutomatically(account, false); } notifyObserversIfAccountSettingsChanged(); } /** * Register with Android Sync Manager. This is what causes the "Chrome" option to appear in * Settings -> Accounts / Sync . * * @param account the account to enable Chrome sync on */ private void makeSyncable(Account account) { synchronized (mCachedSettings) { mCachedSettings.setIsSyncable(account); } StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = temporarilyAllowDiskWritesAndDiskReads(); // Disable the syncability of Chrome for all other accounts. Don't use // our cache as we're touching many accounts that aren't signed in, so this saves // extra calls to Android sync configuration. Account[] googleAccounts = AccountManagerHelper.get(mApplicationContext). getGoogleAccounts(); for (Account accountToSetNotSyncable : googleAccounts) { if (!accountToSetNotSyncable.equals(account) && mSyncContentResolverDelegate.getIsSyncable( accountToSetNotSyncable, mContractAuthority) > 0) { mSyncContentResolverDelegate.setIsSyncable(accountToSetNotSyncable, mContractAuthority, 0); } } StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(oldPolicy); } /** * Helper class to be used by observers whenever sync settings change. * * To register the observer, call SyncStatusHelper.registerObserver(...). */ private class AndroidSyncSettingsChangedObserver implements SyncStatusObserver { @Override public void onStatusChanged(int which) { if (ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_SETTINGS == which) { // Sync settings have changed; update our in-memory caches synchronized (mCachedSettings) { mCachedSettings.updateSyncSettingsForAccount( ChromeSigninController.get(mApplicationContext).getSignedInUser()); } boolean oldMasterSyncEnabled = isMasterSyncAutomaticallyEnabled(); updateMasterSyncAutomaticallySetting(); boolean didMasterSyncChanged = oldMasterSyncEnabled != isMasterSyncAutomaticallyEnabled(); // Notify observers if MasterSync or account level settings change. if (didMasterSyncChanged || getAndClearDidUpdateStatus()) notifyObservers(); } } } /** * Sets a new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy based on the current one, but allows disk reads * and disk writes. * * The return value is the old policy, which must be applied after the disk access is finished, * by using StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(oldPolicy). * * @return the policy before allowing reads and writes. */ private static StrictMode.ThreadPolicy temporarilyAllowDiskWritesAndDiskReads() { StrictMode.ThreadPolicy oldPolicy = StrictMode.getThreadPolicy(); StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder newPolicy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder(oldPolicy); newPolicy.permitDiskReads(); newPolicy.permitDiskWrites(); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(newPolicy.build()); return oldPolicy; } private boolean getAndClearDidUpdateStatus() { boolean didGetStatusUpdate; synchronized (mCachedSettings) { didGetStatusUpdate = mCachedSettings.getDidUpdateStatus(); mCachedSettings.clearUpdateStatus(); } return didGetStatusUpdate; } private void notifyObserversIfAccountSettingsChanged() { if (getAndClearDidUpdateStatus()) { notifyObservers(); } } private void notifyObservers() { for (SyncSettingsChangedObserver observer : mObservers) { observer.syncSettingsChanged(); } } }