1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/browser/history/snippet.h"
7#include <algorithm>
9#include "base/logging.h"
10#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
11#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
12#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
13#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
14#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/brkiter.h"
15#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/utext.h"
16#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/utf8.h"
18namespace {
20bool PairFirstLessThan(const Snippet::MatchPosition& a,
21                       const Snippet::MatchPosition& b) {
22  return a.first < b.first;
25// Combines all pairs after offset in match_positions that are contained
26// or touch the pair at offset.
27void CoalescePositionsFrom(size_t offset,
28                           Snippet::MatchPositions* match_positions) {
29  DCHECK(offset < match_positions->size());
30  Snippet::MatchPosition& pair((*match_positions)[offset]);
31  ++offset;
32  while (offset < match_positions->size() &&
33         pair.second >= (*match_positions)[offset].first) {
34    pair.second = std::max(pair.second, (*match_positions)[offset].second);
35    match_positions->erase(match_positions->begin() + offset);
36  }
39// Makes sure there is a pair in match_positions that contains the specified
40// range. This keeps the pairs ordered in match_positions by first, and makes
41// sure none of the pairs in match_positions touch each other.
42void AddMatch(size_t start,
43              size_t end,
44              Snippet::MatchPositions* match_positions) {
45  DCHECK(start < end);
46  DCHECK(match_positions);
47  Snippet::MatchPosition pair(start, end);
48  if (match_positions->empty()) {
49    match_positions->push_back(pair);
50    return;
51  }
52  // There's at least one match. Find the position of the new match,
53  // potentially extending pairs around it.
54  Snippet::MatchPositions::iterator i =
55      std::lower_bound(match_positions->begin(), match_positions->end(),
56                       pair, &PairFirstLessThan);
57  if (i != match_positions->end() && i->first == start) {
58    // Match not at the end and there is already a pair with the same
59    // start.
60    if (end > i->second) {
61      // New pair extends beyond existing pair. Extend existing pair and
62      // coalesce matches after it.
63      i->second = end;
64      CoalescePositionsFrom(i - match_positions->begin(), match_positions);
65    }  // else case, new pair completely contained in existing pair, nothing
66       // to do.
67  } else if (i == match_positions->begin()) {
68    // Match at the beginning and the first pair doesn't have the same
69    // start. Insert new pair and coalesce matches after it.
70    match_positions->insert(i, pair);
71    CoalescePositionsFrom(0, match_positions);
72  } else {
73    // Not at the beginning (but may be at the end).
74    --i;
75    if (start <= i->second && end > i->second) {
76      // Previous element contains match. Extend it and coalesce.
77      i->second = end;
78      CoalescePositionsFrom(i - match_positions->begin(), match_positions);
79    } else if (end > i->second) {
80      // Region doesn't touch previous element. See if region touches current
81      // element.
82      ++i;
83      if (i == match_positions->end() || end < i->first) {
84        match_positions->insert(i, pair);
85      } else {
86        i->first = start;
87        i->second = end;
88        CoalescePositionsFrom(i - match_positions->begin(), match_positions);
89      }
90    }
91  }
94// Converts an index in a utf8 string into the index in the corresponding utf16
95// string and returns the utf16 index. This is intended to be called in a loop
96// iterating through a utf8 string.
98// utf8_string: the utf8 string.
99// utf8_length: length of the utf8 string.
100// offset: the utf8 offset to convert.
101// utf8_pos: current offset in the utf8 string. This is modified and on return
102//           matches offset.
103// wide_pos: current index in the wide string. This is the same as the return
104//           value.
105size_t AdvanceAndReturnUTF16Pos(const char* utf8_string,
106                                int32_t utf8_length,
107                                int32_t offset,
108                                int32_t* utf8_pos,
109                                size_t* utf16_pos) {
110  DCHECK(offset >= *utf8_pos && offset <= utf8_length);
112  UChar32 wide_char;
113  while (*utf8_pos < offset) {
114    U8_NEXT(utf8_string, *utf8_pos, utf8_length, wide_char);
115    *utf16_pos += (wide_char <= 0xFFFF) ? 1 : 2;
116  }
117  return *utf16_pos;
120// Given a character break iterator over a UTF-8 string, set the iterator
121// position to |*utf8_pos| and move by |count| characters. |count| can
122// be either positive or negative.
123void MoveByNGraphemes(icu::BreakIterator* bi, int count, size_t* utf8_pos) {
124  // Ignore the return value. A side effect of the current position
125  // being set at or following |*utf8_pos| is exploited here.
126  // It's simpler than calling following(n) and then previous().
127  // isBoundary() is not very fast, but should be good enough for the
128  // snippet generation. If not, revisit the way we scan in ComputeSnippet.
129  bi->isBoundary(*utf8_pos);
130  bi->next(count);
131  *utf8_pos = static_cast<size_t>(bi->current());
134// The amount of context to include for a given hit. Note that it's counted
135// in terms of graphemes rather than bytes.
136const int kSnippetContext = 50;
138// Returns true if next match falls within a snippet window
139// from the previous match. The window size is counted in terms
140// of graphemes rather than bytes in UTF-8.
141bool IsNextMatchWithinSnippetWindow(icu::BreakIterator* bi,
142                                    size_t previous_match_end,
143                                    size_t next_match_start) {
144  // If it's within a window in terms of bytes, it's certain
145  // that it's within a window in terms of graphemes as well.
146  if (next_match_start < previous_match_end + kSnippetContext)
147    return true;
148  bi->isBoundary(previous_match_end);
149  // An alternative to this is to call |bi->next()| at most
150  // kSnippetContext times, compare |bi->current()| with |next_match_start|
151  // after each call and return early if possible. There are other
152  // heuristics to speed things up if necessary, but it's not likely that
153  // we need to bother.
154  bi->next(kSnippetContext);
155  int64 current = bi->current();
156  return (next_match_start < static_cast<uint64>(current) ||
157          current == icu::BreakIterator::DONE);
160}  // namespace
162// static
163void Snippet::ExtractMatchPositions(const std::string& offsets_str,
164                                    const std::string& column_num,
165                                    MatchPositions* match_positions) {
166  DCHECK(match_positions);
167  if (offsets_str.empty())
168    return;
169  std::vector<std::string> offsets;
170  base::SplitString(offsets_str, ' ', &offsets);
171  // SQLite offsets are sets of four integers:
172  //   column, query term, match offset, match length
173  // Matches within a string are marked by (start, end) pairs.
174  for (size_t i = 0; i < offsets.size() - 3; i += 4) {
175    if (offsets[i] != column_num)
176      continue;
177    const size_t start = atoi(offsets[i + 2].c_str());
178    const size_t end = start + atoi(offsets[i + 3].c_str());
179    // Switch to DCHECK after debugging http://crbug.com/15261.
180    CHECK(end >= start);
181    AddMatch(start, end, match_positions);
182  }
185// static
186void Snippet::ConvertMatchPositionsToWide(
187    const std::string& utf8_string,
188    Snippet::MatchPositions* match_positions) {
189  DCHECK(match_positions);
190  int32_t utf8_pos = 0;
191  size_t utf16_pos = 0;
192  const char* utf8_cstring = utf8_string.c_str();
193  const int32_t utf8_length = static_cast<int32_t>(utf8_string.size());
194  for (Snippet::MatchPositions::iterator i = match_positions->begin();
195       i != match_positions->end(); ++i) {
196    i->first = AdvanceAndReturnUTF16Pos(utf8_cstring, utf8_length,
197                                        i->first, &utf8_pos, &utf16_pos);
198    i->second = AdvanceAndReturnUTF16Pos(utf8_cstring, utf8_length,
199                                         i->second, &utf8_pos, &utf16_pos);
200  }
203Snippet::Snippet() {
206Snippet::~Snippet() {
209void Snippet::ComputeSnippet(const MatchPositions& match_positions,
210                             const std::string& document) {
211  // The length of snippets we try to produce.
212  // We can generate longer snippets but stop once we cross kSnippetMaxLength.
213  const size_t kSnippetMaxLength = 200;
214  const base::string16 kEllipsis = ASCIIToUTF16(" ... ");
216  UText* document_utext = NULL;
217  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
218  document_utext = utext_openUTF8(document_utext, document.data(),
219                                  document.size(), &status);
220  // Locale does not matter because there's no per-locale customization
221  // for character iterator.
222  scoped_ptr<icu::BreakIterator> bi(icu::BreakIterator::createCharacterInstance(
223      icu::Locale::getDefault(), status));
224  bi->setText(document_utext, status);
225  DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
227  // We build the snippet by iterating through the matches and then grabbing
228  // context around each match.  If matches are near enough each other (within
229  // kSnippetContext), we skip the "..." between them.
230  base::string16 snippet;
231  size_t start = 0;
232  for (size_t i = 0; i < match_positions.size(); ++i) {
233    // Some shorter names for the current match.
234    const size_t match_start = match_positions[i].first;
235    const size_t match_end = match_positions[i].second;
237    // Switch to DCHECK after debugging http://crbug.com/15261.
238    CHECK(match_end > match_start);
239    CHECK(match_end <= document.size());
241    // Add the context, if any, to show before the match.
242    size_t context_start = match_start;
243    MoveByNGraphemes(bi.get(), -kSnippetContext, &context_start);
244    start = std::max(start, context_start);
245    if (start < match_start) {
246      if (start > 0)
247        snippet += kEllipsis;
248      // Switch to DCHECK after debugging http://crbug.com/15261.
249      CHECK(start < document.size());
250      snippet += UTF8ToUTF16(document.substr(start, match_start - start));
251    }
253    // Add the match.
254    const size_t first = snippet.size();
255    snippet += UTF8ToUTF16(document.substr(match_start,
256                                          match_end - match_start));
257    matches_.push_back(std::make_pair(first, snippet.size()));
259    // Compute the context, if any, to show after the match.
260    size_t end;
261    // Check if the next match falls within our snippet window.
262    if (i + 1 < match_positions.size() &&
263        IsNextMatchWithinSnippetWindow(bi.get(), match_end,
264            match_positions[i + 1].first)) {
265      // Yes, it's within the window.  Make the end context extend just up
266      // to the next match.
267      end = match_positions[i + 1].first;
268      // Switch to DCHECK after debugging http://crbug.com/15261.
269      CHECK(end >= match_end);
270      CHECK(end <= document.size());
271      snippet += UTF8ToUTF16(document.substr(match_end, end - match_end));
272    } else {
273      // No, there's either no next match or the next match is too far away.
274      end = match_end;
275      MoveByNGraphemes(bi.get(), kSnippetContext, &end);
276      // Switch to DCHECK after debugging http://crbug.com/15261.
277      CHECK(end >= match_end);
278      CHECK(end <= document.size());
279      snippet += UTF8ToUTF16(document.substr(match_end, end - match_end));
280      if (end < document.size())
281        snippet += kEllipsis;
282    }
283    start = end;
285    // Stop here if we have enough snippet computed.
286    if (snippet.size() >= kSnippetMaxLength)
287      break;
288  }
290  utext_close(document_utext);
291  swap(text_, snippet);
294void Snippet::Swap(Snippet* other) {
295  text_.swap(other->text_);
296  matches_.swap(other->matches_);