1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <string>
10#include "base/basictypes.h"
11#include "base/callback.h"
12#include "base/location.h"
13#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
14#include "base/task_runner_util.h"
15#include "base/time/time.h"
16#include "content/common/content_export.h"
18#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
19#include "base/logging.h"
20#endif  // UNIT_TEST
22namespace base {
23class MessageLoop;
24class SequencedWorkerPool;
25class Thread;
28namespace content {
30class BrowserThreadDelegate;
31class BrowserThreadImpl;
34// BrowserThread
36// Utility functions for threads that are known by a browser-wide
37// name.  For example, there is one IO thread for the entire browser
38// process, and various pieces of code find it useful to retrieve a
39// pointer to the IO thread's message loop.
41// Invoke a task by thread ID:
43//   BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, task);
45// The return value is false if the task couldn't be posted because the target
46// thread doesn't exist.  If this could lead to data loss, you need to check the
47// result and restructure the code to ensure it doesn't occur.
49// This class automatically handles the lifetime of different threads.
50// It's always safe to call PostTask on any thread.  If it's not yet created,
51// the task is deleted.  There are no race conditions.  If the thread that the
52// task is posted to is guaranteed to outlive the current thread, then no locks
53// are used.  You should never need to cache pointers to MessageLoops, since
54// they're not thread safe.
55class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserThread {
56 public:
57  // An enumeration of the well-known threads.
58  // NOTE: threads must be listed in the order of their life-time, with each
59  // thread outliving every other thread below it.
60  enum ID {
61    // The main thread in the browser.
62    UI,
64    // This is the thread that interacts with the database.
65    DB,
67    // This is the thread that interacts with the file system.
68    FILE,
70    // Used for file system operations that block user interactions.
71    // Responsiveness of this thread affect users.
74    // Used to launch and terminate Chrome processes.
77    // This is the thread to handle slow HTTP cache operations.
78    CACHE,
80    // This is the thread that processes IPC and network messages.
81    IO,
83    // NOTE: do not add new threads here that are only used by a small number of
84    // files. Instead you should just use a Thread class and pass its
85    // MessageLoopProxy around. Named threads there are only for threads that
86    // are used in many places.
88    // This identifier does not represent a thread.  Instead it counts the
89    // number of well-known threads.  Insert new well-known threads before this
90    // identifier.
91    ID_COUNT
92  };
94  // These are the same methods in message_loop.h, but are guaranteed to either
95  // get posted to the MessageLoop if it's still alive, or be deleted otherwise.
96  // They return true iff the thread existed and the task was posted.  Note that
97  // even if the task is posted, there's no guarantee that it will run, since
98  // the target thread may already have a Quit message in its queue.
99  static bool PostTask(ID identifier,
100                       const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
101                       const base::Closure& task);
102  static bool PostDelayedTask(ID identifier,
103                              const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
104                              const base::Closure& task,
105                              base::TimeDelta delay);
106  static bool PostNonNestableTask(ID identifier,
107                                  const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
108                                  const base::Closure& task);
109  static bool PostNonNestableDelayedTask(
110      ID identifier,
111      const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
112      const base::Closure& task,
113      base::TimeDelta delay);
115  static bool PostTaskAndReply(
116      ID identifier,
117      const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
118      const base::Closure& task,
119      const base::Closure& reply);
121  template <typename ReturnType, typename ReplyArgType>
122  static bool PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
123      ID identifier,
124      const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
125      const base::Callback<ReturnType(void)>& task,
126      const base::Callback<void(ReplyArgType)>& reply) {
127    scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> message_loop_proxy =
128        GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(identifier);
129    return base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
130        message_loop_proxy.get(), from_here, task, reply);
131  }
133  template <class T>
134  static bool DeleteSoon(ID identifier,
135                         const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
136                         const T* object) {
137    return GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(identifier)->DeleteSoon(
138        from_here, object);
139  }
141  template <class T>
142  static bool ReleaseSoon(ID identifier,
143                          const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
144                          const T* object) {
145    return GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(identifier)->ReleaseSoon(
146        from_here, object);
147  }
149  // Simplified wrappers for posting to the blocking thread pool. Use this
150  // for doing things like blocking I/O.
151  //
152  // The first variant will run the task in the pool with no sequencing
153  // semantics, so may get run in parallel with other posted tasks. The second
154  // variant will all post a task with no sequencing semantics, and will post a
155  // reply task to the origin TaskRunner upon completion.  The third variant
156  // provides sequencing between tasks with the same sequence token name.
157  //
158  // These tasks are guaranteed to run before shutdown.
159  //
160  // If you need to provide different shutdown semantics (like you have
161  // something slow and noncritical that doesn't need to block shutdown),
162  // or you want to manually provide a sequence token (which saves a map
163  // lookup and is guaranteed unique without you having to come up with a
164  // unique string), you can access the sequenced worker pool directly via
165  // GetBlockingPool().
166  //
167  // If you need to PostTaskAndReplyWithResult, use
168  // base::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult() with GetBlockingPool() as the task
169  // runner.
170  static bool PostBlockingPoolTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
171                                   const base::Closure& task);
172  static bool PostBlockingPoolTaskAndReply(
173      const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
174      const base::Closure& task,
175      const base::Closure& reply);
176  static bool PostBlockingPoolSequencedTask(
177      const std::string& sequence_token_name,
178      const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
179      const base::Closure& task);
181  // Returns the thread pool used for blocking file I/O. Use this object to
182  // perform random blocking operations such as file writes or querying the
183  // Windows registry.
184  static base::SequencedWorkerPool* GetBlockingPool();
186  // Callable on any thread.  Returns whether the given well-known thread is
187  // initialized.
188  static bool IsThreadInitialized(ID identifier);
190  // Callable on any thread.  Returns whether you're currently on a particular
191  // thread.
192  static bool CurrentlyOn(ID identifier);
194  // Callable on any thread.  Returns whether the threads message loop is valid.
195  // If this returns false it means the thread is in the process of shutting
196  // down.
197  static bool IsMessageLoopValid(ID identifier);
199  // If the current message loop is one of the known threads, returns true and
200  // sets identifier to its ID.  Otherwise returns false.
201  static bool GetCurrentThreadIdentifier(ID* identifier);
203  // Callers can hold on to a refcounted MessageLoopProxy beyond the lifetime
204  // of the thread.
205  static scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(
206      ID identifier);
208  // Returns a pointer to the thread's message loop, which will become
209  // invalid during shutdown, so you probably shouldn't hold onto it.
210  //
211  // This must not be called before the thread is started, or after
212  // the thread is stopped, or it will DCHECK.
213  //
214  // Ownership remains with the BrowserThread implementation, so you
215  // must not delete the pointer.
216  static base::MessageLoop* UnsafeGetMessageLoopForThread(ID identifier);
218  // Sets the delegate for the specified BrowserThread.
219  //
220  // Only one delegate may be registered at a time.  Delegates may be
221  // unregistered by providing a NULL pointer.
222  //
223  // If the caller unregisters a delegate before CleanUp has been
224  // called, it must perform its own locking to ensure the delegate is
225  // not deleted while unregistering.
226  static void SetDelegate(ID identifier, BrowserThreadDelegate* delegate);
228  // Use these templates in conjuction with RefCountedThreadSafe when you want
229  // to ensure that an object is deleted on a specific thread.  This is needed
230  // when an object can hop between threads (i.e. IO -> FILE -> IO), and thread
231  // switching delays can mean that the final IO tasks executes before the FILE
232  // task's stack unwinds.  This would lead to the object destructing on the
233  // FILE thread, which often is not what you want (i.e. to unregister from
234  // NotificationService, to notify other objects on the creating thread etc).
235  template<ID thread>
236  struct DeleteOnThread {
237    template<typename T>
238    static void Destruct(const T* x) {
239      if (CurrentlyOn(thread)) {
240        delete x;
241      } else {
242        if (!DeleteSoon(thread, FROM_HERE, x)) {
243#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
244          // Only logged under unit testing because leaks at shutdown
245          // are acceptable under normal circumstances.
246          LOG(ERROR) << "DeleteSoon failed on thread " << thread;
247#endif  // UNIT_TEST
248        }
249      }
250    }
251  };
253  // Sample usage:
254  // class Foo
255  //     : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<
256  //           Foo, BrowserThread::DeleteOnIOThread> {
257  //
258  // ...
259  //  private:
260  //   friend struct BrowserThread::DeleteOnThread<BrowserThread::IO>;
261  //   friend class base::DeleteHelper<Foo>;
262  //
263  //   ~Foo();
264  struct DeleteOnUIThread : public DeleteOnThread<UI> { };
265  struct DeleteOnIOThread : public DeleteOnThread<IO> { };
266  struct DeleteOnFileThread : public DeleteOnThread<FILE> { };
267  struct DeleteOnDBThread : public DeleteOnThread<DB> { };
269 private:
270  friend class BrowserThreadImpl;
272  BrowserThread() {}
276}  // namespace content