1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
9#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
10#include "base/platform_file.h"
11#include "base/timer/timer.h"
12#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/Platform.h"
13#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebURLError.h"
14#include "ui/base/layout.h"
15#include "webkit/child/resource_loader_bridge.h"
16#include "webkit/child/webkit_child_export.h"
18namespace base {
19class MessageLoop;
22namespace blink {
23class WebSocketStreamHandle;
26namespace webkit_glue {
28class WebSocketStreamHandleDelegate;
29class WebSocketStreamHandleBridge;
31class WEBKIT_CHILD_EXPORT WebKitPlatformSupportImpl :
32    NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public blink::Platform) {
33 public:
34  WebKitPlatformSupportImpl();
35  virtual ~WebKitPlatformSupportImpl();
37  // Platform methods (partial implementation):
38  virtual base::PlatformFile databaseOpenFile(
39      const blink::WebString& vfs_file_name, int desired_flags);
40  virtual int databaseDeleteFile(const blink::WebString& vfs_file_name,
41                                 bool sync_dir);
42  virtual long databaseGetFileAttributes(
43      const blink::WebString& vfs_file_name);
44  virtual long long databaseGetFileSize(const blink::WebString& vfs_file_name);
45  virtual long long databaseGetSpaceAvailableForOrigin(
46      const blink::WebString& origin_identifier);
47  virtual blink::WebString signedPublicKeyAndChallengeString(
48      unsigned key_size_index, const blink::WebString& challenge,
49      const blink::WebURL& url);
50  virtual size_t memoryUsageMB();
51  virtual size_t actualMemoryUsageMB();
52  virtual size_t physicalMemoryMB();
53  virtual size_t numberOfProcessors();
55  virtual void startHeapProfiling(const blink::WebString& prefix);
56  virtual void stopHeapProfiling() OVERRIDE;
57  virtual void dumpHeapProfiling(const blink::WebString& reason);
58  virtual blink::WebString getHeapProfile() OVERRIDE;
60  virtual bool processMemorySizesInBytes(size_t* private_bytes,
61                                         size_t* shared_bytes);
62  virtual bool memoryAllocatorWasteInBytes(size_t* size);
63  virtual size_t maxDecodedImageBytes() OVERRIDE;
64  virtual blink::WebURLLoader* createURLLoader();
65  virtual blink::WebSocketStreamHandle* createSocketStreamHandle();
66  virtual blink::WebString userAgent(const blink::WebURL& url);
67  virtual blink::WebData parseDataURL(
68      const blink::WebURL& url, blink::WebString& mimetype,
69      blink::WebString& charset);
70  virtual blink::WebURLError cancelledError(const blink::WebURL& url) const;
71  virtual void decrementStatsCounter(const char* name);
72  virtual void incrementStatsCounter(const char* name);
73  virtual void histogramCustomCounts(
74    const char* name, int sample, int min, int max, int bucket_count);
75  virtual void histogramEnumeration(
76    const char* name, int sample, int boundary_value);
77  virtual void histogramSparse(const char* name, int sample);
78  virtual const unsigned char* getTraceCategoryEnabledFlag(
79      const char* category_name);
80  virtual long* getTraceSamplingState(const unsigned thread_bucket);
81  virtual TraceEventHandle addTraceEvent(
82      char phase,
83      const unsigned char* category_group_enabled,
84      const char* name,
85      unsigned long long id,
86      int num_args,
87      const char** arg_names,
88      const unsigned char* arg_types,
89      const unsigned long long* arg_values,
90      unsigned char flags);
91  virtual void updateTraceEventDuration(
92      const unsigned char* category_group_enabled,
93      const char* name,
94      TraceEventHandle);
95  virtual blink::WebData loadResource(const char* name);
96  virtual blink::WebString queryLocalizedString(
97      blink::WebLocalizedString::Name name);
98  virtual blink::WebString queryLocalizedString(
99      blink::WebLocalizedString::Name name, int numeric_value);
100  virtual blink::WebString queryLocalizedString(
101      blink::WebLocalizedString::Name name, const blink::WebString& value);
102  virtual blink::WebString queryLocalizedString(
103      blink::WebLocalizedString::Name name,
104      const blink::WebString& value1, const blink::WebString& value2);
105  virtual void suddenTerminationChanged(bool enabled) { }
106  virtual double currentTime();
107  virtual double monotonicallyIncreasingTime();
108  virtual void cryptographicallyRandomValues(
109      unsigned char* buffer, size_t length);
110  virtual void setSharedTimerFiredFunction(void (*func)());
111  virtual void setSharedTimerFireInterval(double interval_seconds);
112  virtual void stopSharedTimer();
113  virtual void callOnMainThread(void (*func)(void*), void* context);
116  // Embedder functions. The following are not implemented by the glue layer and
117  // need to be specialized by the embedder.
119  // Gets a localized string given a message id.  Returns an empty string if the
120  // message id is not found.
121  virtual base::string16 GetLocalizedString(int message_id) = 0;
123  // Returns the raw data for a resource.  This resource must have been
124  // specified as BINDATA in the relevant .rc file.
125  virtual base::StringPiece GetDataResource(int resource_id,
126                                            ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor) = 0;
128  // Creates a ResourceLoaderBridge.
129  virtual ResourceLoaderBridge* CreateResourceLoader(
130      const ResourceLoaderBridge::RequestInfo& request_info) = 0;
131  // Creates a WebSocketStreamHandleBridge.
132  virtual WebSocketStreamHandleBridge* CreateWebSocketStreamBridge(
133      blink::WebSocketStreamHandle* handle,
134      WebSocketStreamHandleDelegate* delegate) = 0;
136  void SuspendSharedTimer();
137  void ResumeSharedTimer();
138  virtual void OnStartSharedTimer(base::TimeDelta delay) {}
140 private:
141  void DoTimeout() {
142    if (shared_timer_func_ && !shared_timer_suspended_)
143      shared_timer_func_();
144  }
146  base::MessageLoop* main_loop_;
147  base::OneShotTimer<WebKitPlatformSupportImpl> shared_timer_;
148  void (*shared_timer_func_)();
149  double shared_timer_fire_time_;
150  bool shared_timer_fire_time_was_set_while_suspended_;
151  int shared_timer_suspended_;  // counter
154}  // namespace webkit_glue