revision f6fe897e173f4e4bda72a7dddb091b667066764a
14c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved.
2b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam *
3b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
4b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
5b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * and is available at
6e1142c149e244797ce73b0e7fad40816e447a817Brian Carlstrom *
7b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * $Id:,v 2004/05/09 16:57:55 vlad_r Exp $
8b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam */
9b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallampackage com.vladium.util;
10b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
11b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallamimport java.lang.ref.Reference;
124c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstromimport java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
13b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallamimport java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
14b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallamimport java.util.Collection;
15b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallamimport java.util.Map;
16e1142c149e244797ce73b0e7fad40816e447a817Brian Carlstromimport java.util.Set;
17b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
18b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam/**
20b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * MT-safety: an instance of this class is <I>not</I> safe for access from
21b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * multiple concurrent threads [even if access is done by a single thread at a
22b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * time]. The caller is expected to synchronize externally on an instance [the
23b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * implementation does not do internal synchronization for the sake of efficiency].
24b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * java.util.ConcurrentModificationException is not supported either.
25b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam *
26b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam * @author (C) 2002, Vlad Roubtsov
27b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam */
284c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrompublic
294c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstromfinal class SoftValueMap implements Map
30e1142c149e244797ce73b0e7fad40816e447a817Brian Carlstrom{
314c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom    // public: ................................................................
324c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom
334c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom    // TODO: for caching, does clearing of entries make sense? only to save
344c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom    // entry memory -- which does not make sense if the set of key values is not
354c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom    // growing over time... on the other hand, if the key set is unbounded,
364c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom    // entry clearing is needed so that the hash table does not get polluted with
37b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    // empty-valued entries
38b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    // TODO: provide mode that disables entry clearing
39b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    // TODO: add shrinking rehashes (is it worth it?)
40b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
41b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    /**
42b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * Equivalent to <CODE>SoftValueMap(1, 1)</CODE>.
43b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     */
44b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    public SoftValueMap ()
45b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    {
46b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        this (1, 1);
47b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    }
48b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
49b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    /**
50b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * Equivalent to <CODE>SoftValueMap(11, 0.75F, getClearCheckFrequency, putClearCheckFrequency)</CODE>.
51b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     */
52b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    public SoftValueMap (final int readClearCheckFrequency, final int writeClearCheckFrequency)
53b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    {
54b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        this (11, 0.75F, readClearCheckFrequency, writeClearCheckFrequency);
55b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    }
56b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
57b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    /**
58b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * Constructs a SoftValueMap with specified initial capacity, load factor,
59b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * and cleared value removal frequencies.
60b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     *
61b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * @param initialCapacity initial number of hash buckets in the table
62b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * [may not be negative, 0 is equivalent to 1].
63b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * @param loadFactor the load factor to use to determine rehashing points
64b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * [must be in (0.0, 1.0] range].
65b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * @param readClearCheckFrequency specifies that every readClearCheckFrequency
66b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * {@link #get} should check for and remove all mappings whose soft values
67b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * have been cleared by the garbage collector [may not be less than 1].
68b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * @param writeClearCheckFrequency specifies that every writeClearCheckFrequency
69b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * {@link #put} should check for and remove all mappings whose soft values
70b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * have been cleared by the garbage collector [may not be less than 1].
71b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     */
72b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    public SoftValueMap (int initialCapacity, final float loadFactor, final int readClearCheckFrequency, final int writeClearCheckFrequency)
73b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    {
74b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        if (initialCapacity < 0)
75b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("negative input: initialCapacity [" + initialCapacity + "]");
76b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        if ((loadFactor <= 0.0) || (loadFactor >= 1.0 + 1.0E-6))
77b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("loadFactor not in (0.0, 1.0] range: " + loadFactor);
78b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        if (readClearCheckFrequency < 1)
79b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("readClearCheckFrequency not in [1, +inf) range: " + readClearCheckFrequency);
80b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        if (writeClearCheckFrequency < 1)
812768c2948c0b1931bff087e43a8db8059c183b56William Luh            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("writeClearCheckFrequency not in [1, +inf) range: " + writeClearCheckFrequency);
822768c2948c0b1931bff087e43a8db8059c183b56William Luh
832768c2948c0b1931bff087e43a8db8059c183b56William Luh        if (initialCapacity == 0) initialCapacity = 1;
842768c2948c0b1931bff087e43a8db8059c183b56William Luh
852768c2948c0b1931bff087e43a8db8059c183b56William Luh        m_valueReferenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue ();
862768c2948c0b1931bff087e43a8db8059c183b56William Luh
87b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        m_loadFactor = loadFactor;
88b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        m_sizeThreshold = (int) (initialCapacity * loadFactor);
89b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
90b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        m_readClearCheckFrequency = readClearCheckFrequency;
91b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        m_writeClearCheckFrequency = writeClearCheckFrequency;
92b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
93b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        m_buckets = new SoftEntry [initialCapacity];
94b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    }
95b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
96b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
97b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    // unsupported operations:
98b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
99b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    public boolean equals (final Object rhs)
100b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    {
101b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("not implemented: equals");
102b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    }
103b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
104b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    public int hashCode ()
105b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    {
106b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("not implemented: hashCode");
107b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    }
108b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
1094c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom
110b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    /**
111b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * Overrides Object.toString() for debug purposes.
112b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     */
113b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    public String toString ()
1144c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom    {
115b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        final StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer ();
116b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        debugDump (s);
117b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
118b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        return s.toString ();
119b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    }
120b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
121b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
122b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    /**
123b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. Some of the values
124b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * may have been cleared already but not removed from the table.<P>
125b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     *
126b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * <B>NOTE:</B> in contrast with the java.util.WeakHashMap implementation,
127b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * this is a constant time operation.
128b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     */
129b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    public int size ()
130b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    {
131b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        return m_size;
132b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    }
133b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
134b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    /**
135b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * Returns 'false' is this map contains key-value mappings (even if some of
136b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * the values may have been cleared already but not removed from the table).<P>
137b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     *
138b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * <B>NOTE:</B> in contrast with the java.util.WeakHashMap implementation,
139b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * this is a constant time operation.
140b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     */
141b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    public boolean isEmpty ()
142b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    {
143e1142c149e244797ce73b0e7fad40816e447a817Brian Carlstrom        return m_size == 0;
144b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    }
145b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam
146b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    /**
147b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * Returns the value that is mapped to a given 'key'. Returns
1484c111300c39cb2e27f07fc2ae3b00e23ed4443b2Brian Carlstrom     * null if (a) this key has never been mapped or (b) a previously mapped
149b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * value has been cleared by the garbage collector and removed from the table.
150b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     *
151b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * @param key mapping key [may not be null].
152b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     *
153b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     * @return Object value mapping for 'key' [can be null].
154b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam     */
155b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    public Object get (final Object key)
156b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam    {
157b61a96e7ef1a78acf013bbf08fe537e5b5f129caPeter Hallam        if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: key");
159        if ((++ m_readAccessCount % m_readClearCheckFrequency) == 0) removeClearedValues ();
161        // index into the corresponding hash bucket:
162        final int keyHashCode = key.hashCode ();
163        final SoftEntry [] buckets = m_buckets;
164        final int bucketIndex = (keyHashCode & 0x7FFFFFFF) % buckets.length;
166        Object result = null;
168        // traverse the singly-linked list of entries in the bucket:
169        for (SoftEntry entry = buckets [bucketIndex]; entry != null; entry = entry.m_next)
170        {
171            final Object entryKey = entry.m_key;
173            if (IDENTITY_OPTIMIZATION)
174            {
175                // note: this uses an early identity comparison opimization, making this a bit
176                // faster for table keys that do not override equals() [Thread, etc]
177                if ((key == entryKey) || ((keyHashCode == entryKey.hashCode ()) && key.equals (entryKey)))
178                {
179                    final Reference ref = entry.m_softValue;
180                    result = ref.get (); // may return null to the caller
182                    // [see comment for ENQUEUE_FOUND_CLEARED_ENTRIES]
183                    if (ENQUEUE_FOUND_CLEARED_ENTRIES && (result == null))
184                    {
185                        ref.enqueue ();
186                    }
188                    return result;
189                }
190            }
191            else
192            {
193                if ((keyHashCode == entryKey.hashCode ()) && key.equals (entryKey))
194                {
195                    final Reference ref = entry.m_softValue;
196                    result = ref.get (); // may return null to the caller
198                    // [see comment for ENQUEUE_FOUND_CLEARED_ENTRIES]
199                    if (ENQUEUE_FOUND_CLEARED_ENTRIES && (result == null))
200                    {
201                        ref.enqueue ();
202                    }
204                    return result;
205                }
206            }
207        }
209        return null;
210    }
212    /**
213     * Updates the table to map 'key' to 'value'. Any existing mapping is overwritten.
214     *
215     * @param key mapping key [may not be null].
216     * @param value mapping value [may not be null].
217     *
218     * @return Object previous value mapping for 'key' [null if no previous mapping
219     * existed or its value has been cleared by the garbage collector and removed from the table].
220     */
221    public Object put (final Object key, final Object value)
222    {
223        if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: key");
224        if (value == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: value");
226        if ((++ m_writeAccessCount % m_writeClearCheckFrequency) == 0) removeClearedValues ();
228        SoftEntry currentKeyEntry = null;
230        // detect if 'key' is already in the table [in which case, set 'currentKeyEntry' to point to its entry]:
232        // index into the corresponding hash bucket:
233        final int keyHashCode = key.hashCode ();
234        SoftEntry [] buckets = m_buckets;
235        int bucketIndex = (keyHashCode & 0x7FFFFFFF) % buckets.length;
237        // traverse the singly-linked list of entries in the bucket:
238        for (SoftEntry entry = buckets [bucketIndex]; entry != null; entry = entry.m_next)
239        {
240            final Object entryKey = entry.m_key;
242            if (IDENTITY_OPTIMIZATION)
243            {
244                // note: this uses an early identity comparison opimization, making this a bit
245                // faster for table keys that do not override equals() [Thread, etc]
246                if ((key == entryKey) || ((keyHashCode == entryKey.hashCode ()) && key.equals (entryKey)))
247                {
248                    currentKeyEntry = entry;
249                    break;
250                }
251            }
252            else
253            {
254                if ((keyHashCode == entryKey.hashCode ()) && key.equals (entryKey))
255                {
256                    currentKeyEntry = entry;
257                    break;
258                }
259            }
260        }
262        if (currentKeyEntry != null)
263        {
264            // replace the current value:
266            final IndexedSoftReference ref = currentKeyEntry.m_softValue;
267            final Object currentKeyValue = ref.get (); // can be null already [no need to work around the get() bug, though]
269            if (currentKeyValue == null) ref.m_bucketIndex = -1; // disable removal by removeClearedValues() [need to do this because of the identity comparison there]
270            currentKeyEntry.m_softValue = new IndexedSoftReference (value, m_valueReferenceQueue, bucketIndex);
272            return currentKeyValue; // may return null to the caller
273        }
274        else
275        {
276            // add a new entry:
278            if (m_size >= m_sizeThreshold) rehash ();
280            // recompute the hash bucket index:
281            buckets = m_buckets;
282            bucketIndex = (keyHashCode & 0x7FFFFFFF) % buckets.length;
283            final SoftEntry bucketListHead = buckets [bucketIndex];
284            final SoftEntry newEntry = new SoftEntry (m_valueReferenceQueue, key, value, bucketListHead, bucketIndex);
285            buckets [bucketIndex] = newEntry;
287            ++ m_size;
289            return null;
290        }
291    }
293    public Object remove (final Object key)
294    {
295        if (key == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: key");
297        if ((++ m_writeAccessCount % m_writeClearCheckFrequency) == 0) removeClearedValues ();
299        // index into the corresponding hash bucket:
300        final int keyHashCode = key.hashCode ();
301        final SoftEntry [] buckets = m_buckets;
302        final int bucketIndex = (keyHashCode & 0x7FFFFFFF) % buckets.length;
304        Object result = null;
306        // traverse the singly-linked list of entries in the bucket:
307        for (SoftEntry entry = buckets [bucketIndex], prev = null; entry != null; prev = entry, entry = entry.m_next)
308        {
309            final Object entryKey = entry.m_key;
311            if ((IDENTITY_OPTIMIZATION && (entryKey == key)) || ((keyHashCode == entryKey.hashCode ()) && key.equals (entryKey)))
312            {
313                if (prev == null) // head of the list
314                {
315                    buckets [bucketIndex] = entry.m_next;
316                }
317                else
318                {
319                    prev.m_next = entry.m_next;
320                }
322                final IndexedSoftReference ref = entry.m_softValue;
323                result = ref.get (); // can be null already [however, no need to work around 4485942]
325                // [regardless of whether the value has been enqueued or not, disable its processing by removeClearedValues() since the entire entry is removed here]
326                ref.m_bucketIndex = -1;
328                // help GC:
329                entry.m_softValue = null;
330                entry.m_key = null;
331                entry.m_next = null;
332                entry = null;
334                -- m_size;
335                break;
336            }
337        }
339        return result;
340    }
343    public void clear ()
344    {
345        final SoftEntry [] buckets = m_buckets;
347        for (int b = 0, bLimit = buckets.length; b < bLimit; ++ b)
348        {
349            for (SoftEntry entry = buckets [b]; entry != null; )
350            {
351                final SoftEntry next = entry.m_next; // remember next pointer because we are going to reuse this entry
353                // [regardless of whether the value has been enqueued or not, disable its processing by removeClearedValues()]
354                entry.m_softValue.m_bucketIndex = -1;
356                // help GC:
357                entry.m_softValue = null;
358                entry.m_next = null;
359                entry.m_key = null;
361                entry = next;
362            }
364            buckets [b] = null;
365        }
367        m_size = 0;
368        m_readAccessCount = 0;
369        m_writeAccessCount = 0;
370    }
373    // unsupported operations:
375    public boolean containsKey (final Object key)
376    {
377        throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("not implemented: containsKey");
378    }
380    public boolean containsValue (final Object value)
381    {
382        throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("not implemented: containsValue");
383    }
385    public void putAll (final Map map)
386    {
387        throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("not implemented: putAll");
388    }
390    public Set keySet ()
391    {
392        throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("not implemented: keySet");
393    }
395    public Set entrySet ()
396    {
397        throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("not implemented: entrySet");
398    }
400    public Collection values ()
401    {
402        throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("not implemented: values");
403    }
405    // protected: .............................................................
407    // package: ...............................................................
410    void debugDump (final StringBuffer out)
411    {
412        if (out != null)
413        {
414            out.append (getClass ().getName ().concat ("@").concat (Integer.toHexString (System.identityHashCode (this)))); out.append (EOL);
415            out.append ("size = " + m_size + ", bucket table size = " + m_buckets.length + ", load factor = " + m_loadFactor + EOL);
416            out.append ("size threshold = " + m_sizeThreshold + ", get clear frequency = " + m_readClearCheckFrequency + ", put clear frequency = " + m_writeClearCheckFrequency + EOL);
417            out.append ("get count: " + m_readAccessCount + ", put count: " + m_writeAccessCount + EOL);
418        }
419    }
421    // private: ...............................................................
424    /**
425     * An extension of WeakReference that can store an index of the bucket it
426     * is associated with.
427     */
428    static class IndexedSoftReference extends SoftReference
429    {
430        IndexedSoftReference (final Object referent, ReferenceQueue queue, final int bucketIndex)
431        {
432            super (referent, queue);
434            m_bucketIndex = bucketIndex;
435        }
437        int m_bucketIndex;
439    } // end of nested class
442    /**
443     * The structure used for chaining colliding keys.
444     */
445    static class SoftEntry
446    {
447        SoftEntry (final ReferenceQueue valueReferenceQueue, final Object key, Object value, final SoftEntry next, final int bucketIndex)
448        {
449            m_key = key;
451            m_softValue = new IndexedSoftReference (value, valueReferenceQueue, bucketIndex); // ... do not retain a strong reference to the value
452            value = null;
454            m_next = next;
455        }
457        IndexedSoftReference m_softValue; // soft reference to the value [never null]
458        Object m_key;  // strong reference to the key [never null]
460        SoftEntry m_next; // singly-linked list link
462    } // end of nested class
465    /**
466     * Re-hashes the table into a new array of buckets. During the process
467     * cleared value entries are discarded, making for another efficient cleared
468     * value removal method.
469     */
470    private void rehash ()
471    {
472        // TODO: it is possible to run this method twice, first time using the 2*k+1 prime sequencer for newBucketCount
473        // and then with that value reduced to actually shrink capacity. As it is right now, the bucket table can
474        // only grow in size
476        final SoftEntry [] buckets = m_buckets;
478        final int newBucketCount = (m_buckets.length << 1) + 1;
479        final SoftEntry [] newBuckets = new SoftEntry [newBucketCount];
481        int newSize = 0;
483        // rehash all entry chains in every bucket:
484        for (int b = 0, bLimit = buckets.length; b < bLimit; ++ b)
485        {
486            for (SoftEntry entry = buckets [b]; entry != null; )
487            {
488                final SoftEntry next = entry.m_next; // remember next pointer because we are going to reuse this entry
490                IndexedSoftReference ref = entry.m_softValue; // get the soft value reference
492                Object entryValue = ref.get (); // convert the soft reference to a local strong one
494                // skip entries whose keys have been cleared: this also saves on future removeClearedValues() work
495                if (entryValue != null)
496                {
497                    // [assertion: 'softValue' couldn't have been enqueued already and can't be enqueued until strong reference in 'entryKey' is nulled out]
499                    // index into the corresponding new hash bucket:
500                    final int entryKeyHashCode = entry.m_key.hashCode ();
501                    final int newBucketIndex = (entryKeyHashCode & 0x7FFFFFFF) % newBucketCount;
503                    final SoftEntry bucketListHead = newBuckets [newBucketIndex];
504                    entry.m_next = bucketListHead;
505                    newBuckets [newBucketIndex] = entry;
507                    // adjust bucket index:
508                    ref.m_bucketIndex = newBucketIndex;
510                    ++ newSize;
512                    entryValue = null;
513                }
514                else
515                {
516                    // ['softValue' may or may not have been enqueued already]
518                    // adjust bucket index:
519                    // [regardless of whether 'softValue' has been enqueued or not, disable its removal by removeClearedValues() since the buckets get restructured]
520                    ref.m_bucketIndex = -1;
521                }
523                entry = next;
524            }
525        }
527        if (DEBUG)
528        {
529            if (m_size > newSize) System.out.println ("DEBUG: rehash() cleared " + (m_size - newSize) + " values, new size = " + newSize);
530        }
532        m_size = newSize;
533        m_sizeThreshold = (int) (newBucketCount * m_loadFactor);
534        m_buckets = newBuckets;
535    }
538    /**
539     * Removes all entries whose soft values have been cleared _and_ enqueued.
540     * See comments below for why this is safe wrt to rehash().
541     */
542    private void removeClearedValues ()
543    {
544        int count = 0;
546next:   for (Reference _ref; (_ref = m_valueReferenceQueue.poll ()) != null; )
547        {
548            // remove entry containing '_ref' using its bucket index and identity comparison:
550            // index into the corresponding hash bucket:
551            final int bucketIndex = ((IndexedSoftReference) _ref).m_bucketIndex;
553            if (bucketIndex >= 0) // skip keys that were already removed by rehash()
554            {
555                // [assertion: this reference was not cleared when the last rehash() ran and so its m_bucketIndex is correct]
557                // traverse the singly-linked list of entries in the bucket:
558                for (SoftEntry entry = m_buckets [bucketIndex], prev = null; entry != null; prev = entry, entry = entry.m_next)
559                {
560                    if (entry.m_softValue == _ref)
561                    {
562                        if (prev == null) // head of the list
563                        {
564                            m_buckets [bucketIndex] = entry.m_next;
565                        }
566                        else
567                        {
568                            prev.m_next = entry.m_next;
569                        }
571                        entry.m_softValue = null;
572                        entry.m_key = null;
573                        entry.m_next = null;
574                        entry = null;
576                        -- m_size;
578                        if (DEBUG) ++ count;
579                        continue next;
580                    }
581                }
583                // no match found this can happen if a soft value got replaced by a put
585                final StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer ("removeClearedValues(): soft reference [" + _ref + "] did not match within bucket #" + bucketIndex + EOL);
586                debugDump (msg);
588                throw new Error (msg.toString ());
589            }
590            // else: it has already been removed by rehash() or other methods
591        }
593        if (DEBUG)
594        {
595            if (count > 0) System.out.println ("DEBUG: removeClearedValues() cleared " + count + " keys, new size = " + m_size);
596        }
597    }
600    private final ReferenceQueue m_valueReferenceQueue; // reference queue for all references used by SoftEntry objects used by this table
601    private final float m_loadFactor; // determines the setting of m_sizeThreshold
602    private final int m_readClearCheckFrequency, m_writeClearCheckFrequency; // parameters determining frequency of running removeClearedKeys() by get() and put()/remove(), respectively
604    private SoftEntry [] m_buckets; // table of buckets
605    private int m_size; // number of values in the table, not cleared as of last check
606    private int m_sizeThreshold; // size threshold for rehashing
607    private int m_readAccessCount, m_writeAccessCount;
609    private static final String EOL = System.getProperty ("line.separator", "\n");
611    private static final boolean IDENTITY_OPTIMIZATION          = true;
613    // setting this to 'true' is an optimization and a workaround for bug 4485942:
614    private static final boolean ENQUEUE_FOUND_CLEARED_ENTRIES  = true;
616    private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
618} // end of class
619// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------