4*   Copyright (C) 2011-2013 International Business Machines
5*   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
10#ifndef INDEXCHARS_H
11#define INDEXCHARS_H
13#include "unicode/utypes.h"
14#include "unicode/uobject.h"
15#include "unicode/locid.h"
21 * \file
22 * \brief C++ API: Index Characters
23 */
28 * Constants for Alphabetic Index Label Types.
29 * The form of these enum constants anticipates having a plain C API
30 * for Alphabetic Indexes that will also use them.
31 * @stable ICU 4.8
32 */
33typedef enum UAlphabeticIndexLabelType {
34    /**
35     *  Normal Label, typically the starting letter of the names
36     *  in the bucket with this label.
37     * @stable ICU 4.8
38     */
41    /**
42     * Undeflow Label.  The bucket with this label contains names
43     * in scripts that sort before any of the bucket labels in this index.
44     * @stable ICU 4.8
45     */
48    /**
49     * Inflow Label.  The bucket with this label contains names
50     * in scripts that sort between two of the bucket labels in this index.
51     * Inflow labels are created when an index contains normal labels for
52     * multiple scripts, and skips other scripts that sort between some of the
53     * included scripts.
54     * @stable ICU 4.8
55     */
58    /**
59     * Overflow Label. Te bucket with this label contains names in scripts
60     * that sort after all of the bucket labels in this index.
61     * @stable ICU 4.8
62     */
64} UAlphabeticIndexLabelType;
67struct UHashtable;
72// Forward Declarations
74class BucketList;
75class Collator;
76class RuleBasedCollator;
77class StringEnumeration;
78class UnicodeSet;
79class UVector;
82 * AlphabeticIndex supports the creation of a UI index appropriate for a given language.
83 * It can support either direct use, or use with a client that doesn't support localized collation.
84 * The following is an example of what an index might look like in a UI:
85 *
86 * <pre>
87 *  <b>... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  ...</b>
88 *
89 *  <b>A</b>
90 *     Addison
91 *     Albertson
92 *     Azensky
93 *  <b>B</b>
94 *     Baker
95 *  ...
96 * </pre>
97 *
98 * The class can generate a list of labels for use as a UI "index", that is, a list of
99 * clickable characters (or character sequences) that allow the user to see a segment
100 * (bucket) of a larger "target" list. That is, each label corresponds to a bucket in
101 * the target list, where everything in the bucket is greater than or equal to the character
102 * (according to the locale's collation). Strings can be added to the index;
103 * they will be in sorted order in the right bucket.
104 * <p>
105 * The class also supports having buckets for strings before the first (underflow),
106 * after the last (overflow), and between scripts (inflow). For example, if the index
107 * is constructed with labels for Russian and English, Greek characters would fall
108 * into an inflow bucket between the other two scripts.
109 * <p>
110 * The AlphabeticIndex class is not intended for public subclassing.
111 *
112 * <p><em>Note:</em> If you expect to have a lot of ASCII or Latin characters
113 * as well as characters from the user's language,
114 * then it is a good idea to call addLabels(Locale::getEnglish(), status).</p>
115 *
116 * <h2>Direct Use</h2>
117 * <p>The following shows an example of building an index directly.
118 *  The "show..." methods below are just to illustrate usage.
119 *
120 * <pre>
121 * // Create a simple index.  "Item" is assumed to be an application
122 * // defined type that the application's UI and other processing knows about,
123 * //  and that has a name.
124 *
125 * UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
126 * AlphabeticIndex index = new AlphabeticIndex(desiredLocale, status);
127 * index->addLabels(additionalLocale, status);
128 * for (Item *item in some source of Items ) {
129 *     index->addRecord(item->name(), item, status);
130 * }
131 * ...
132 * // Show index at top. We could skip or gray out empty buckets
133 *
134 * while (index->nextBucket(status)) {
135 *     if (showAll || index->getBucketRecordCount() != 0) {
136 *         showLabelAtTop(UI, index->getBucketLabel());
137 *     }
138 * }
139 *  ...
140 * // Show the buckets with their contents, skipping empty buckets
141 *
142 * index->resetBucketIterator(status);
143 * while (index->nextBucket(status)) {
144 *    if (index->getBucketRecordCount() != 0) {
145 *        showLabelInList(UI, index->getBucketLabel());
146 *        while (index->nextRecord(status)) {
147 *            showIndexedItem(UI, static_cast<Item *>(index->getRecordData()))
148 * </pre>
149 *
150 * The caller can build different UIs using this class.
151 * For example, an index character could be omitted or grayed-out
152 * if its bucket is empty. Small buckets could also be combined based on size, such as:
153 *
154 * <pre>
155 * <b>... A-F G-N O-Z ...</b>
156 * </pre>
157 *
158 * <h2>Client Support</h2>
159 * <p>Callers can also use the AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex, or the AlphabeticIndex itself,
160 * to support sorting on a client that doesn't support AlphabeticIndex functionality.
161 *
162 * <p>The ImmutableIndex is both immutable and thread-safe.
163 * The corresponding AlphabeticIndex methods are not thread-safe because
164 * they "lazily" build the index buckets.
165 * <ul>
166 * <li>ImmutableIndex.getBucket(index) provides random access to all
167 *     buckets and their labels and label types.
168 * <li>The AlphabeticIndex bucket iterator or ImmutableIndex.getBucket(0..getBucketCount-1)
169 *     can be used to get a list of the labels,
170 *     such as "...", "A", "B",..., and send that list to the client.
171 * <li>When the client has a new name, it sends that name to the server.
172 * The server needs to call the following methods,
173 * and communicate the bucketIndex and collationKey back to the client.
174 *
175 * <pre>
176 * int32_t bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(name, status);
177 * const UnicodeString &label = immutableIndex.getBucket(bucketIndex)->getLabel();  // optional
178 * int32_t skLength = collator.getSortKey(name, sk, skCapacity);
179 * </pre>
180 *
181 * <li>The client would put the name (and associated information) into its bucket for bucketIndex. The sort key sk is a
182 * sequence of bytes that can be compared with a binary compare, and produce the right localized result.</li>
183 * </ul>
184 *
185 * @stable ICU 4.8
186 */
187class U_I18N_API AlphabeticIndex: public UObject {
189#ifdef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
190    class Bucket;
192     /**
193      * An index "bucket" with a label string and type.
194      * It is referenced by getBucketIndex(),
195      * and returned by ImmutableIndex.getBucket().
196      *
197      * The Bucket class is not intended for public subclassing.
198      * @draft ICU 51
199      */
200     class U_I18N_API Bucket : public UObject {
201     public:
202        /**
203         * Destructor.
204         * @draft ICU 51
205         */
206        virtual ~Bucket();
208        /**
209         * Returns the label string.
210         *
211         * @return the label string for the bucket
212         * @draft ICU 51
213         */
214        const UnicodeString &getLabel() const { return label_; }
215        /**
216         * Returns whether this bucket is a normal, underflow, overflow, or inflow bucket.
217         *
218         * @return the bucket label type
219         * @draft ICU 51
220         */
221        UAlphabeticIndexLabelType getLabelType() const { return labelType_; }
223     private:
224        friend class AlphabeticIndex;
225        friend class BucketList;
227        UnicodeString label_;
228        UnicodeString lowerBoundary_;
229        UAlphabeticIndexLabelType labelType_;
230        Bucket *displayBucket_;
231        int32_t displayIndex_;
232        UVector *records_;  // Records are owned by the inputList_ vector.
234        Bucket(const UnicodeString &label,   // Parameter strings are copied.
235               const UnicodeString &lowerBoundary,
236               UAlphabeticIndexLabelType type);
237     };
239    /**
240     * Immutable, thread-safe version of AlphabeticIndex.
241     * This class provides thread-safe methods for bucketing,
242     * and random access to buckets and their properties,
243     * but does not offer adding records to the index.
244     *
245     * The ImmutableIndex class is not intended for public subclassing.
246     *
247     * @draft ICU 51
248     */
249    class U_I18N_API ImmutableIndex : public UObject {
250    public:
251        /**
252         * Destructor.
253         * @draft ICU 51
254         */
255        virtual ~ImmutableIndex();
257        /**
258         * Returns the number of index buckets and labels, including underflow/inflow/overflow.
259         *
260         * @return the number of index buckets
261         * @draft ICU 51
262         */
263        int32_t getBucketCount() const;
265        /**
266         * Finds the index bucket for the given name and returns the number of that bucket.
267         * Use getBucket() to get the bucket's properties.
268         *
269         * @param name the string to be sorted into an index bucket
270         * @return the bucket number for the name
271         * @draft ICU 51
272         */
273        int32_t getBucketIndex(const UnicodeString &name, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
275        /**
276         * Returns the index-th bucket. Returns NULL if the index is out of range.
277         *
278         * @param index bucket number
279         * @return the index-th bucket
280         * @draft ICU 51
281         */
282        const Bucket *getBucket(int32_t index) const;
284    private:
285        friend class AlphabeticIndex;
287        ImmutableIndex(BucketList *bucketList, Collator *collatorPrimaryOnly)
288                : buckets_(bucketList), collatorPrimaryOnly_(collatorPrimaryOnly) {}
290        BucketList *buckets_;
291        Collator *collatorPrimaryOnly_;
292    };
293#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
295    /**
296     * Construct an AlphabeticIndex object for the specified locale.  If the locale's
297     * data does not include index characters, a set of them will be
298     * synthesized based on the locale's exemplar characters.  The locale
299     * determines the sorting order for both the index characters and the
300     * user item names appearing under each Index character.
301     *
302     * @param locale the desired locale.
303     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the construction
304     *               of the AlphabeticIndex object fails.
305     * @stable ICU 4.8
306     */
307     AlphabeticIndex(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
309#ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
310   /**
311     * Construct an AlphabeticIndex that uses a specific collator.
312     *
313     * The index will be created with no labels; the addLabels() function must be called
314     * after creation to add the desired labels to the index.
315     *
316     * The index adopts the collator, and is responsible for deleting it.
317     * The caller should make no further use of the collator after creating the index.
318     *
319     * @param collator The collator to use to order the contents of this index.
320     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the
321     *               operation fails.
322     * @draft ICU 51
323     */
324    AlphabeticIndex(RuleBasedCollator *collator, UErrorCode &status);
325#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
327    /**
328     * Add Labels to this Index.  The labels are additions to those
329     * that are already in the index; they do not replace the existing
330     * ones.
331     * @param additions The additional characters to add to the index, such as A-Z.
332     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the
333     *               operation fails.
334     * @return this, for chaining
335     * @stable ICU 4.8
336     */
337    virtual AlphabeticIndex &addLabels(const UnicodeSet &additions, UErrorCode &status);
339    /**
340     * Add the index characters from a Locale to the index.  The labels
341     * are added to those that are already in the index; they do not replace the
342     * existing index characters.  The collation order for this index is not
343     * changed; it remains that of the locale that was originally specified
344     * when creating this Index.
345     *
346     * @param locale The locale whose index characters are to be added.
347     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the
348     *               operation fails.
349     * @return this, for chaining
350     * @stable ICU 4.8
351     */
352    virtual AlphabeticIndex &addLabels(const Locale &locale, UErrorCode &status);
354     /**
355      * Destructor
356      * @stable ICU 4.8
357      */
358    virtual ~AlphabeticIndex();
360#ifndef U_HIDE_DRAFT_API
361    /**
362     * Builds an immutable, thread-safe version of this instance, without data records.
363     *
364     * @return an immutable index instance
365     * @draft ICU 51
366     */
367    ImmutableIndex *buildImmutableIndex(UErrorCode &errorCode);
368#endif  /* U_HIDE_DRAFT_API */
370    /**
371     * Get the Collator that establishes the ordering of the items in this index.
372     * Ownership of the collator remains with the AlphabeticIndex instance.
373     *
374     * The returned collator is a reference to the internal collator used by this
375     * index.  It may be safely used to compare the names of items or to get
376     * sort keys for names.  However if any settings need to be changed,
377     * or other non-const methods called, a cloned copy must be made first.
378     *
379     * @return The collator
380     * @stable ICU 4.8
381     */
382    virtual const RuleBasedCollator &getCollator() const;
385   /**
386     * Get the default label used for abbreviated buckets <i>between</i> other index characters.
387     * For example, consider the labels when Latin and Greek are used:
388     *     X Y Z ... &#x0391; &#x0392; &#x0393;.
389     *
390     * @return inflow label
391     * @stable ICU 4.8
392     */
393    virtual const UnicodeString &getInflowLabel() const;
395   /**
396     * Set the default label used for abbreviated buckets <i>between</i> other index characters.
397     * An inflow label will be automatically inserted if two otherwise-adjacent label characters
398     * are from different scripts, e.g. Latin and Cyrillic, and a third script, e.g. Greek,
399     * sorts between the two.  The default inflow character is an ellipsis (...)
400     *
401     * @param inflowLabel the new Inflow label.
402     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
403     * @return this
404     * @stable ICU 4.8
405     */
406    virtual AlphabeticIndex &setInflowLabel(const UnicodeString &inflowLabel, UErrorCode &status);
409   /**
410     * Get the special label used for items that sort after the last normal label,
411     * and that would not otherwise have an appropriate label.
412     *
413     * @return the overflow label
414     * @stable ICU 4.8
415     */
416    virtual const UnicodeString &getOverflowLabel() const;
419   /**
420     * Set the label used for items that sort after the last normal label,
421     * and that would not otherwise have an appropriate label.
422     *
423     * @param overflowLabel the new overflow label.
424     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
425     * @return this
426     * @stable ICU 4.8
427     */
428    virtual AlphabeticIndex &setOverflowLabel(const UnicodeString &overflowLabel, UErrorCode &status);
430   /**
431     * Get the special label used for items that sort before the first normal label,
432     * and that would not otherwise have an appropriate label.
433     *
434     * @return underflow label
435     * @stable ICU 4.8
436     */
437    virtual const UnicodeString &getUnderflowLabel() const;
439   /**
440     * Set the label used for items that sort before the first normal label,
441     * and that would not otherwise have an appropriate label.
442     *
443     * @param underflowLabel the new underflow label.
444     * @param status Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
445     * @return this
446     * @stable ICU 4.8
447     */
448    virtual AlphabeticIndex &setUnderflowLabel(const UnicodeString &underflowLabel, UErrorCode &status);
451    /**
452     * Get the limit on the number of labels permitted in the index.
453     * The number does not include over, under and inflow labels.
454     *
455     * @return maxLabelCount maximum number of labels.
456     * @stable ICU 4.8
457     */
458    virtual int32_t getMaxLabelCount() const;
460    /**
461     * Set a limit on the number of labels permitted in the index.
462     * The number does not include over, under and inflow labels.
463     * Currently, if the number is exceeded, then every
464     * nth item is removed to bring the count down.
465     * A more sophisticated mechanism may be available in the future.
466     *
467     * @param maxLabelCount the maximum number of labels.
468     * @param status error code
469     * @return This, for chaining
470     * @stable ICU 4.8
471     */
472    virtual AlphabeticIndex &setMaxLabelCount(int32_t maxLabelCount, UErrorCode &status);
475    /**
476     * Add a record to the index.  Each record will be associated with an index Bucket
477     *  based on the record's name.  The list of records for each bucket will be sorted
478     *  based on the collation ordering of the names in the index's locale.
479     *  Records with duplicate names are permitted; they will be kept in the order
480     *  that they were added.
481     *
482     * @param name The display name for the Record.  The Record will be placed in
483     *             a bucket based on this name.
484     * @param data An optional pointer to user data associated with this
485     *             item.  When iterating the contents of a bucket, both the
486     *             data pointer the name will be available for each Record.
487     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
488     * @return        This, for chaining.
489     * @stable ICU 4.8
490     */
491    virtual AlphabeticIndex &addRecord(const UnicodeString &name, const void *data, UErrorCode &status);
493    /**
494     * Remove all Records from the Index.  The set of Buckets, which define the headings under
495     * which records are classified, is not altered.
496     *
497     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
498     * @return        This, for chaining.
499     * @stable ICU 4.8
500     */
501    virtual AlphabeticIndex &clearRecords(UErrorCode &status);
504    /**  Get the number of labels in this index.
505     *      Note: may trigger lazy index construction.
506     *
507     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
508     * @return        The number of labels in this index, including any under, over or
509     *                in-flow labels.
510     * @stable ICU 4.8
511     */
512    virtual int32_t  getBucketCount(UErrorCode &status);
515    /**  Get the total number of Records in this index, that is, the number
516     *   of <name, data> pairs added.
517     *
518     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
519     * @return        The number of records in this index, that is, the total number
520     *                of (name, data) items added with addRecord().
521     * @stable ICU 4.8
522     */
523    virtual int32_t  getRecordCount(UErrorCode &status);
527    /**
528     *   Given the name of a record, return the zero-based index of the Bucket
529     *   in which the item should appear.  The name need not be in the index.
530     *   A Record will not be added to the index by this function.
531     *   Bucket numbers are zero-based, in Bucket iteration order.
532     *
533     * @param itemName  The name whose bucket position in the index is to be determined.
534     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
535     * @return The bucket number for this name.
536     * @stable ICU 4.8
537     *
538     */
539    virtual int32_t  getBucketIndex(const UnicodeString &itemName, UErrorCode &status);
542    /**
543     *   Get the zero based index of the current Bucket from an iteration
544     *   over the Buckets of this index.  Return -1 if no iteration is in process.
545     *   @return  the index of the current Bucket
546     *   @stable ICU 4.8
547     */
548    virtual int32_t  getBucketIndex() const;
551    /**
552     *   Advance the iteration over the Buckets of this index.  Return FALSE if
553     *   there are no more Buckets.
554     *
555     *   @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
556     *   U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR will be reported if the index is modified while
557     *   an enumeration of its contents are in process.
558     *
559     *   @return TRUE if success, FALSE if at end of iteration
560     *   @stable ICU 4.8
561     */
562    virtual UBool nextBucket(UErrorCode &status);
564    /**
565     *   Return the name of the Label of the current bucket from an iteration over the buckets.
566     *   If the iteration is before the first Bucket (nextBucket() has not been called),
567     *   or after the last, return an empty string.
568     *
569     *   @return the bucket label.
570     *   @stable ICU 4.8
571     */
572    virtual const UnicodeString &getBucketLabel() const;
574    /**
575     *  Return the type of the label for the current Bucket (selected by the
576     *  iteration over Buckets.)
577     *
578     * @return the label type.
579     * @stable ICU 4.8
580     */
581    virtual UAlphabeticIndexLabelType getBucketLabelType() const;
583    /**
584      * Get the number of <name, data> Records in the current Bucket.
585      * If the current bucket iteration position is before the first label or after the
586      * last, return 0.
587      *
588      *  @return the number of Records.
589      *  @stable ICU 4.8
590      */
591    virtual int32_t getBucketRecordCount() const;
594    /**
595     *  Reset the Bucket iteration for this index.  The next call to nextBucket()
596     *  will restart the iteration at the first label.
597     *
598     * @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
599     * @return        this, for chaining.
600     * @stable ICU 4.8
601     */
602    virtual AlphabeticIndex &resetBucketIterator(UErrorCode &status);
604    /**
605     * Advance to the next record in the current Bucket.
606     * When nextBucket() is called, Record iteration is reset to just before the
607     * first Record in the new Bucket.
608     *
609     *   @param status  Error code, will be set with the reason if the operation fails.
610     *   U_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC_ERROR will be reported if the index is modified while
611     *   an enumeration of its contents are in process.
612     *   @return TRUE if successful, FALSE when the iteration advances past the last item.
613     *   @stable ICU 4.8
614     */
615    virtual UBool nextRecord(UErrorCode &status);
617    /**
618     * Get the name of the current Record.
619     * Return an empty string if the Record iteration position is before first
620     * or after the last.
621     *
622     *  @return The name of the current index item.
623     *  @stable ICU 4.8
624     */
625    virtual const UnicodeString &getRecordName() const;
628    /**
629     * Return the data pointer of the Record currently being iterated over.
630     * Return NULL if the current iteration position before the first item in this Bucket,
631     * or after the last.
632     *
633     *  @return The current Record's data pointer.
634     *  @stable ICU 4.8
635     */
636    virtual const void *getRecordData() const;
639    /**
640     * Reset the Record iterator position to before the first Record in the current Bucket.
641     *
642     *  @return This, for chaining.
643     *  @stable ICU 4.8
644     */
645    virtual AlphabeticIndex &resetRecordIterator();
648     /**
649      * No Copy constructor.
650      * @internal
651      */
652     AlphabeticIndex(const AlphabeticIndex &other);
654     /**
655      *   No assignment.
656      */
657     AlphabeticIndex &operator =(const AlphabeticIndex & /*other*/) { return *this;};
659    /**
660     * No Equality operators.
661     * @internal
662     */
663     virtual UBool operator==(const AlphabeticIndex& other) const;
665    /**
666     * Inequality operator.
667     * @internal
668     */
669     virtual UBool operator!=(const AlphabeticIndex& other) const;
671     // Common initialization, for use from all constructors.
672     void init(const Locale *locale, UErrorCode &status);
674    /**
675     * This method is called to get the index exemplars. Normally these come from the locale directly,
676     * but if they aren't available, we have to synthesize them.
677     */
678    void addIndexExemplars(const Locale *locale, UErrorCode &status);
679    /**
680     * Add Chinese index characters from the tailoring.
681     */
682    UBool addChineseIndexCharacters(UErrorCode &errorCode);
684    UVector *firstStringsInScript(UErrorCode &status);
686    static UnicodeString separated(const UnicodeString &item);
688    /**
689     * Determine the best labels to use.
690     * This is based on the exemplars, but we also process to make sure that they are unique,
691     * and sort differently, and that the overall list is small enough.
692     */
693    void initLabels(UVector &indexCharacters, UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
694    BucketList *createBucketList(UErrorCode &errorCode) const;
695    void initBuckets(UErrorCode &errorCode);
696    void clearBuckets();
697    void internalResetBucketIterator();
701    //  The Record is declared public only to allow access from
702    //  implementation code written in plain C.
703    //  It is not intended for public use.
706    /**
707     * A (name, data) pair, to be sorted by name into one of the index buckets.
708     * The user data is not used by the index implementation.
709     * @internal
710     */
711    struct Record: public UMemory {
712        const UnicodeString  name_;
713        const void           *data_;
714        Record(const UnicodeString &name, const void *data);
715        ~Record();
716    };
717#endif  /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
721    /**
722     * Holds all user records before they are distributed into buckets.
723     * Type of contents is (Record *)
724     * @internal
725     */
726    UVector  *inputList_;
728    int32_t  labelsIterIndex_;        // Index of next item to return.
729    int32_t  itemsIterIndex_;
730    Bucket   *currentBucket_;         // While an iteration of the index in underway,
731                                      //   point to the bucket for the current label.
732                                      // NULL when no iteration underway.
734    int32_t    maxLabelCount_;        // Limit on # of labels permitted in the index.
736    UnicodeSet *initialLabels_;       // Initial (unprocessed) set of Labels.  Union
737                                      //   of those explicitly set by the user plus
738                                      //   those from locales.  Raw values, before
739                                      //   crunching into bucket labels.
741    UVector *firstCharsInScripts_;    // The first character from each script,
742                                      //   in collation order.
744    RuleBasedCollator *collator_;
745    RuleBasedCollator *collatorPrimaryOnly_;
747    // Lazy evaluated: null means that we have not built yet.
748    BucketList *buckets_;
750    UnicodeString  inflowLabel_;
751    UnicodeString  overflowLabel_;
752    UnicodeString  underflowLabel_;
753    UnicodeString  overflowComparisonString_;
755    UnicodeString emptyString_;