1/* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3** This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
4** License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
5** may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
7** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10** GNU General Public License for more details.
15#include "android/utils/ini.h"
16#include "android/avd/hw-config.h"
17#include "android/config/config.h"
19/* An Android Virtual Device (AVD for short) corresponds to a
20 * directory containing all kernel/disk images for a given virtual
21 * device, as well as information about its hardware capabilities,
22 * SDK version number, skin, etc...
23 *
24 * Each AVD has a human-readable name and is backed by a root
25 * configuration file and a content directory. For example, an
26 *  AVD named 'foo' will correspond to the following:
27 *
28 *  - a root configuration file named ~/.android/avd/foo.ini
29 *    describing where the AVD's content can be found
30 *
31 *  - a content directory like ~/.android/avd/foo/ containing all
32 *    disk image and configuration files for the virtual device.
33 *
34 * the 'foo.ini' file should contain at least one line of the form:
35 *
36 *    rootPath=<content-path>
37 *
38 * it may also contain other lines that cache stuff found in the
39 * content directory, like hardware properties or SDK version number.
40 *
41 * it is possible to move the content directory by updating the foo.ini
42 * file to point to the new location. This can be interesting when your
43 * $HOME directory is located on a network share or in a roaming profile
44 * (Windows), given that the content directory of a single virtual device
45 * can easily use more than 100MB of data.
46 *
47 */
50/* a macro used to define the list of disk images managed by the
51 * implementation. This macro will be expanded several times with
52 * varying definitions of _AVD_IMG
53 */
54#define  AVD_IMAGE_LIST \
55    _AVD_IMG(KERNEL,"kernel-qemu","kernel") \
56    _AVD_IMG(RAMDISK,"ramdisk.img","ramdisk") \
57    _AVD_IMG(INITSYSTEM,"system.img","init system") \
58    _AVD_IMG(INITDATA,"userdata.img","init data") \
59    _AVD_IMG(USERSYSTEM,"system-qemu.img","user system") \
60    _AVD_IMG(USERDATA,"userdata-qemu.img", "user data") \
61    _AVD_IMG(CACHE,"cache.img","cache") \
62    _AVD_IMG(SDCARD,"sdcard.img","SD Card") \
63    _AVD_IMG(SNAPSHOTS,"snapshots.img","snapshots") \
65/* define the enumared values corresponding to each AVD image type
66 * examples are: AVD_IMAGE_KERNEL, AVD_IMAGE_SYSTEM, etc..
67 */
68#define _AVD_IMG(x,y,z)   AVD_IMAGE_##x ,
69typedef enum {
71    AVD_IMAGE_MAX /* do not remove */
72} AvdImageType;
73#undef  _AVD_IMG
75/* AvdInfo is an opaque structure used to model the information
76 * corresponding to a given AVD instance
77 */
78typedef struct AvdInfo  AvdInfo;
80/* various flags used when creating an AvdInfo object */
81typedef enum {
82    /* use to force a data wipe */
83    AVDINFO_WIPE_DATA = (1 << 0),
84    /* use to ignore the cache partition */
85    AVDINFO_NO_CACHE  = (1 << 1),
86    /* use to wipe cache partition, ignored if NO_CACHE is set */
87    AVDINFO_WIPE_CACHE = (1 << 2),
88    /* use to ignore ignore SDCard image (default or provided) */
89    AVDINFO_NO_SDCARD = (1 << 3),
90    /* use to wipe the system image with new initial values */
91    AVDINFO_WIPE_SYSTEM = (1 << 4),
92    /* use to ignore ignore state snapshot image (default or provided) */
93    AVDINFO_NO_SNAPSHOTS = (1 << 5),
94} AvdFlags;
96typedef struct {
97    unsigned     flags;
98    const char*  skinName;
99    const char*  skinRootPath;
100    const char*  forcePaths[AVD_IMAGE_MAX];
101} AvdInfoParams;
103/* Creates a new AvdInfo object from a name. Returns NULL if name is NULL
104 * or contains characters that are not part of the following list:
105 * letters, digits, underscores, dashes and periods
106 */
107AvdInfo*  avdInfo_new( const char*  name, AvdInfoParams*  params );
109/* Update the AvdInfo hardware config from a given skin name and path */
110int avdInfo_getSkinHardwareIni( AvdInfo* i, char* skinName, char* skinDirPath);
112/* A special function used to setup an AvdInfo for use when starting
113 * the emulator from the Android build system. In this specific instance
114 * we're going to create temporary files to hold all writable image
115 * files, and activate all hardware features by default
116 *
117 * 'androidBuildRoot' must be the absolute path to the root of the
118 * Android build system (i.e. the 'android' directory)
119 *
120 * 'androidOut' must be the target-specific out directory where
121 * disk images will be looked for.
122 */
123AvdInfo*  avdInfo_newForAndroidBuild( const char*     androidBuildRoot,
124                                      const char*     androidOut,
125                                      AvdInfoParams*  params );
127/* Frees an AvdInfo object and the corresponding strings that may be
128 * returned by its getXXX() methods
129 */
130void        avdInfo_free( AvdInfo*  i );
132/* Return the name of the Android Virtual Device
133 */
134const char*  avdInfo_getName( AvdInfo*  i );
136/* Return the target API level for this AVD.
137 * Note that this will be some ridiculously large
138 * value (e.g. 1000) if this value cannot be properly
139 * determined (e.g. you're using an AVD from a preview SDK)
140 */
141int    avdInfo_getApiLevel( AvdInfo*  i );
143/* Returns the path to various images corresponding to a given AVD.
144 * NULL if the image cannot be found. Returned strings must be freed
145 * by the caller.
146 */
147char*  avdInfo_getKernelPath( AvdInfo*  i );
148char*  avdInfo_getRamdiskPath( AvdInfo*  i );
149char*  avdInfo_getSdCardPath( AvdInfo* i );
150char*  avdInfo_getSnapStoragePath( AvdInfo* i );
152/* This function returns NULL if the cache image file cannot be found.
153 * Use avdInfo_getDefaultCachePath() to retrieve the default path
154 * if you intend to create the partition file there.
155 */
156char*  avdInfo_getCachePath( AvdInfo*  i );
157char*  avdInfo_getDefaultCachePath( AvdInfo*  i );
160/* avdInfo_getSystemImagePath() will return NULL, except if the AVD content
161 * directory contains a file named "system-qemu.img".
162 */
163char*  avdInfo_getSystemImagePath( AvdInfo* i );
165/* avdInfo_getSystemInitImagePath() retrieves the path to the read-only
166 * initialization image for this disk image.
167 */
168char*  avdInfo_getSystemInitImagePath( AvdInfo*  i );
170char*  avdInfo_getDataImagePath( AvdInfo*  i );
171char*  avdInfo_getDefaultDataImagePath( AvdInfo*  i );
172char*  avdInfo_getDataInitImagePath( AvdInfo* i );
174/* Returns the path to a given AVD image file. This will return NULL if
175 * the file cannot be found / does not exist.
176 */
177const char*  avdInfo_getImagePath( AvdInfo*  i, AvdImageType  imageType );
179/* Returns the default path of a given AVD image file. This only makes sense
180 * if avdInfo_getImagePath() returned NULL.
181 */
182const char*  avdInfo_getImageDefaultPath( AvdInfo*  i, AvdImageType  imageType );
185/* Try to find the path of a given image file, returns NULL
186 * if the corresponding file could not be found. the string
187 * belongs to the AvdInfo object.
188 */
189const char*  avdInfo_getImageFile( AvdInfo*  i, AvdImageType  imageType );
191/* Return the size of a given image file. Returns 0 if the file
192 * does not exist or could not be accessed.
193 */
194uint64_t     avdInfo_getImageFileSize( AvdInfo*  i, AvdImageType  imageType );
196/* Returns 1 if the corresponding image file is read-only
197 */
198int          avdInfo_isImageReadOnly( AvdInfo*  i, AvdImageType  imageType );
200/* lock an image file if it is writable. returns 0 on success, or -1
201 * otherwise. note that if the file is read-only, it doesn't need to
202 * be locked and the function will return success.
203 */
204int          avdInfo_lockImageFile( AvdInfo*  i, AvdImageType  imageType, int  abortOnError);
206/* Manually set the path of a given image file. */
207void         avdInfo_setImageFile( AvdInfo*  i, AvdImageType  imageType, const char*  imagePath );
209/* Returns the content path of the virtual device */
210const char*  avdInfo_getContentPath( AvdInfo*  i );
212/* Retrieve the AVD's specific skin information.
213 * On exit:
214 *   '*pSkinName' points to the skin's name.
215 *   '*pSkinDir' points to the skin's directory.
216 *
217 * Note that the skin's content will be under <skinDir>/<skinName>.
218 */
219void         avdInfo_getSkinInfo( AvdInfo*  i, char** pSkinName, char** pSkinDir );
221/* Returns whether the AVD specifies the use of a dynamic skin */
222int          avdInfo_shouldUseDynamicSkin( AvdInfo* i);
224/* Find a charmap file named <charmapName>.kcm for this AVD.
225 * Returns the path of the file on success, or NULL if not found.
226 * The result string must be freed by the caller.
227 */
228char*        avdInfo_getCharmapFile( AvdInfo* i, const char* charmapName );
230/* Returns TRUE iff in the Android build system */
231int          avdInfo_inAndroidBuild( AvdInfo*  i );
233/* Returns the target ABI for the corresponding platform image.
234 * This may return NULL if it cannot be determined. Otherwise this is
235 * a string like "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a" or "x86" that must be freed
236 * by the caller.
237 */
238char*        avdInfo_getTargetAbi( AvdInfo*  i );
240/* Reads the AVD's hardware configuration into 'hw'. returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise */
241int          avdInfo_initHwConfig( AvdInfo*  i, AndroidHwConfig*  hw );
243/* Returns a *copy* of the path used to store trace 'foo'. result must be freed by caller */
244char*        avdInfo_getTracePath( AvdInfo*  i, const char*  traceName );
246/* Returns the path of the hardware.ini where we will write the AVD's
247 * complete hardware configuration before launching the corresponding
248 * core.
249 */
250const char*  avdInfo_getCoreHwIniPath( AvdInfo* i );
252/* Returns mode in which ADB daemon running in the guest communicates with the
253 * emulator
254 * Return:
255 *  0 - ADBD communicates with the emulator via forwarded TCP port 5555 (a
256 *      "legacy" mode).
257 *  1 - ADBD communicates with the emulator via 'adb' QEMUD service.
258 */
259int          avdInfo_getAdbdCommunicationMode( AvdInfo* i );
261/* Returns config.ini snapshot presense status.
262 * This routine checks if snapshots are enabled in AVD config.ini file.
263 * Return:
264 *  1 - Snapshots are enabled in AVD config.ini file.
265 *  0 - Snapshots are disabled in AVD config.ini file, of config.ini file is not
266 *      found.
268int          avdInfo_getSnapshotPresent(AvdInfo* i);
270/* */
272#endif /* ANDROID_AVD_INFO_H */