Lines Matching defs:KURL

29 #include "platform/weborigin/KURL.h"
131 String KURL::strippedForUseAsReferrer() const
136 KURL referrer(*this);
143 bool KURL::isLocalFile() const
157 const KURL& blankURL()
159 DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(KURL, staticBlankURL, (ParsedURLString, "about:blank"));
163 bool KURL::isBlankURL() const
168 String KURL::elidedString() const
177 // information is specified. This generally happens when a KURL is converted
181 KURL::KURL(ParsedURLStringTag, const String& url)
184 init(KURL(), url, 0);
194 KURL KURL::createIsolated(ParsedURLStringTag, const String& url)
197 // isolated KURL more efficiently.
198 return KURL(ParsedURLString, url).copy();
203 KURL::KURL(const KURL& base, const String& relative)
210 KURL::KURL(const KURL& base, const String& relative, const WTF::TextEncoding& encoding)
215 KURL::KURL(const AtomicString& canonicalString, const url_parse::Parsed& parsed, bool isValid)
225 KURL::KURL(WTF::HashTableDeletedValueType)
232 KURL::KURL(const KURL& other)
239 m_innerURL = adoptPtr(new KURL(other.m_innerURL->copy()));
242 KURL& KURL::operator=(const KURL& other)
249 m_innerURL = adoptPtr(new KURL(other.m_innerURL->copy()));
255 KURL KURL::copy() const
257 KURL result;
263 result.m_innerURL = adoptPtr(new KURL(m_innerURL->copy()));
267 bool KURL::isNull() const
272 bool KURL::isEmpty() const
277 bool KURL::isValid() const
282 bool KURL::hasPort() const
287 bool KURL::protocolIsInHTTPFamily() const
292 bool KURL::hasPath() const
299 // We handle "parameters" separated by a semicolon, while KURL.cpp does not,
301 String KURL::lastPathComponent() const
327 String KURL::protocol() const
332 String KURL::host() const
340 // be rejected by the canonicalizer. KURL.cpp will allow them in parsing, but
342 unsigned short KURL::port() const
352 if (port == url_parse::PORT_INVALID || port > maximumValidPortNumber) // Mimic KURL::port()
358 String KURL::pass() const
367 String KURL::user() const
372 String KURL::fragmentIdentifier() const
382 bool KURL::hasFragmentIdentifier() const
387 String KURL::baseAsString() const
393 String KURL::query() const
407 String KURL::path() const
412 bool KURL::setProtocol(const String& protocol)
419 // If KURL is given an invalid scheme, it returns failure without modifying
441 void KURL::setHost(const String& host)
467 void KURL::setHostAndPort(const String& hostAndPort)
493 void KURL::removePort()
502 void KURL::setPort(const String& port)
508 void KURL::setPort(unsigned short port)
523 void KURL::setUser(const String& user)
538 void KURL::setPass(const String& pass)
553 void KURL::setFragmentIdentifier(const String& fragment)
570 void KURL::removeFragmentIdentifier()
577 void KURL::setQuery(const String& query)
582 // KURL.cpp sets to null to clear any query.
590 // a question mark, KURL.cpp will add a question mark for you. The only
592 // string. KURL.cpp will leave a '?' with nothing following it in the
600 void KURL::setPath(const String& path)
615 // In KURL.cpp's implementation, this is called by every component getter.
623 // FIXME These should be merged to the KURL.cpp implementation.
626 // FIXME We can probably use KURL.cpp's version of this function
658 bool KURL::isHierarchical() const
668 void KURL::print() const
674 bool equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(const KURL& a, const KURL& b)
700 unsigned KURL::hostStart() const
705 unsigned KURL::hostEnd() const
710 unsigned KURL::pathStart() const
715 unsigned KURL::pathEnd() const
720 unsigned KURL::pathAfterLastSlash() const
744 void KURL::init(const KURL& base, const String& relative, const WTF::TextEncoding* queryEncoding)
756 void KURL::init(const KURL& base, const CHAR* relative, int relativeLength, const WTF::TextEncoding* queryEncoding)
779 void KURL::initInnerURL()
786 m_innerURL = adoptPtr(new KURL(ParsedURLString, m_string.substring(innerParsed->scheme.begin, innerParsed->Length() - innerParsed->scheme.begin)));
818 void KURL::initProtocolIsInHTTPFamily()
831 bool KURL::protocolIs(const char* protocol) const
835 // JavaScript URLs are "valid" and should be executed even if KURL decides they are invalid.
847 String KURL::stringForInvalidComponent() const
854 String KURL::componentString(const url_parse::Component& component) const
870 void KURL::replaceComponents(const url_canon::Replacements<CHAR>& replacements)
882 bool KURL::isSafeToSendToAnotherThread() const