Lines Matching defs:lu

229   /** \internal performs the LU decomposition in-place of the matrix \a lu
234 * of columns of the matrix \a lu, and an integer \a nb_transpositions
239 static Index unblocked_lu(MatrixType& lu, PivIndex* row_transpositions, PivIndex& nb_transpositions)
241 const Index rows = lu.rows();
242 const Index cols = lu.cols();
253 = lu.col(k).tail(rows-k).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(&row_of_biggest_in_col);
262 lu.row(k).swap(lu.row(row_of_biggest_in_col));
266 // FIXME shall we introduce a safe quotient expression in cas 1/lu.coeff(k,k)
268 lu.col(k).tail(rrows) /= lu.coeff(k,k);
278 lu.bottomRightCorner(rrows,rcols).noalias() -= lu.col(k).tail(rrows) * lu.row(k).tail(rcols);
289 * of columns of the matrix \a lu, and an integer \a nb_transpositions
301 MatrixType lu(lu1,0,0,rows,cols);
308 return unblocked_lu(lu, row_transpositions, nb_transpositions);
330 // lu = A_0 | A_1 | A_2 = A10 | A11 | A12
332 BlockType A_0(lu,0,0,rows,k);
333 BlockType A_2(lu,0,k+bs,rows,tsize);
334 BlockType A11(lu,k,k,bs,bs);
335 BlockType A12(lu,k,k+bs,bs,tsize);
336 BlockType A21(lu,k+bs,k,trows,bs);
337 BlockType A22(lu,k+bs,k+bs,trows,tsize);
342 Index ret = blocked_lu(trows+bs, bs, &lu.coeffRef(k,k), luStride,
374 void partial_lu_inplace(MatrixType& lu, TranspositionType& row_transpositions, typename TranspositionType::Index& nb_transpositions)
376 eigen_assert(lu.cols() == row_transpositions.size());
381 ::blocked_lu(lu.rows(), lu.cols(), &lu.coeffRef(0,0), lu.outerStride(), &row_transpositions.coeffRef(0), nb_transpositions);
490 MatrixBase<Derived>::lu() const